Problems migrating from XCode 3.2.2 to 3.2.3 - xcode

After upgrading my copy of xcode from 3.2.2 to 3.2.3, I am getting over 10000 compilation errors. I have switched all frameworks to the iOS 4.0.x versions, and have set the new sdk to 4.0, with iOS 3.1 as compilation target. What could be causing 10000 errors, and how do I resolve them? (These errors appear everywhere, and even in sdk files and system headers)

Well, without knowing what those errors are, it is difficult to say.
I might suggest uninstalling Xcode 3.2.3 and installing the latest version which is 3.2.5.
To uninstall properly, you need to enter:
sudo (xcode
in the terminal and then install 3.2.5.

I solved the problem by deleting and recompiling the project using a new compilation target. Turns out some of the project settings in xcode can be rather funky, and will cause GCC to mistake objective c code as plain c code.


Flipper React Native Xcode iOS Simulator Version Mismatch

I'm getting the following error about mismatched Xcode versions. However, it doesn't seem to make sense. The UUID is the "Indentifier" of the simulator that is running, not any folder I can switch to. I've found a similar bug, but since it is closed, and old, I don't think I'll get much of a response over there:
I've tried running all the suggested commands with and without sudo and nothing helps. This looks like it might be an Xcode workspace configuration issue since I've not had these problems with other React Native applications.
Xcode version mismatch
Xcode version mismatch: Simulator is running from "286DC512-9354-4D32-A0F3-B354C61BD6B7/Contents/Developer" while Xcode CLI is "/Applications/". Running "xcode-select --switch 286DC512-9354-4D32-A0F3-B354C61BD6B7/Contents/Developer" can fix this. For example: "sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/"
Xcode version 13.2.1
Flipper version 0.132.0 (50.0.0)
iOS version 15.2
iPhone 11
I've believe that is related with this version 0.132. I've downgrade my version from 0.132 to 0.113 (version that I was using). And everything is working fine.
You can find more releases here
I'm still looking for a solution to this on version 0.132.
i had the same issue and the error was gone once i upgraded to flipper 0.135.0

Compiler update for Carthage project

I got a project, which is built with Carthage and uses swift2.0. I am trying to run the project, but encountered this issue:
Module file was created by a newer version of the compiler.
After struggling for about 1 hour, I found that this error occurs when I trying to build Carthage project in newer version of Xcode. My version is 7.2 and the project was built using a newer compiler version.
How can I build this project in Xcode 7.2? I don't want revert my xcode version.
Any help would be appreciated.
After upgrading my xcode version to 7.3, the problem has fixed.

xcode 4.3.2 fails to launch

I installed the most recent Monodevelop (3.0.1) I could find and installed Monodevelop but when I double click on an xlb file I see the following error:
error updating Objective-C type information. operation is not supported
This is a bug that was fixed in MonoDevelop 3.0.2, please update.
3.0.2 seems to have the same problem once you install but the problem seems to go away after MonoDevelop and XCode relaunched again.

Can't install XCode 4.0 - 4.1 on MacOSX Lion

At first I was installed XCode 4.3. Then, I needed to install an older version of XCode, such as 4.1, to be able to test applications on the simulator iOS 4.1. The operating system MacOSX Lion.
At first I just tried to install XCode 4.1 in the folder Developer, like I did before. But as was to begin the installation I got an error message.
Then, I tried to uninstall XCode 4.3 Application of the folder by moving it to the Trash, and clearing. After rebooting, I tried again to install XCode 4.1 and got this problem again.
I tested it on another computer, which also was installed XCode 4.3, and encountered the same problem.
Maybe you know where to XCode 4.3 leaves their roots? I also cleaned the temp files using CleanMyMac.
Thank you.

Installing ode using Macports

I am trying to install ode via Macports, but get this error:
On Mac OS X 10.5, ode 0.11.1 requires Xcode 3.1 or later but you have Xcode 3.0.
Error: Target org.macports.extract returned: incompatible Xcode version
Is there any way to install ode without xcode 3.1?
I think you can download XCode 3.1.x for Leopard # (registration required).
That might be the easiest way, or are you staying on 3.0 for a specific reason?
You could always try to alter / remove minimum_xcodeversion in the portfile itself, although chances are your compilation will then probably fail (somebody had a reason for adding it).
Xcode includes gcc and all the other developer command line tools - the minimum requirement for Xcode 3.1 is probably because a minimmum version of gcc is required. You should really just bit the bullet and get the latest Xcode (3.2.2) from - it only takes a few minutes to download and install (depending on how fast your broadband connection is).
According to the change log for the ode Portfile, the minimum Xcode version was set to remove a libGL workaround. I suppose you could check out the patch and undo that change on the local copy of your Portfile, and see if that works.
