jqgrid - change column header name automatically according to the width - jquery-plugins

in my site , i have a jqgrid table.
by default, the names of the columns (header) is longer than the width for column, because that i set the name with an ellipsis.
however, when resizing the column, the short name with ellipsis stays.
how can i get it work automatic ,
like the ellipsis should disappear and change to the full name when there is enough space, when the user is expanding the column.

You can add an event handler after the resizing finishes to reset the names. How are you storing / changing the names? If they're in an array, you can add a function like:
var columnNames = ['first', 'second', 'third'];
resizeStop: function(newwidth, index){


How to apply a common dropdown value on multiple selected rows in a Webix datatable

I need a help on applying common drop down values to multiple selected rows in a Webix datatable. Let's say I want to select all the rows of my datatable (by Ctrl+click) for which the 'Name' column has value as 'Mark' and then want to apply a common color for them (for example : green) by clicking so that it gets applied on all the rows at one go.
The snippet is here : https://webix.com/snippet/1162ccd1
Any help on how can this be achieved would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Further to this post, I am including a re-phrased and a half-way solution below for the experts to dispel any confusion about the requirement :
It does not necessarily have to be those rows which have 'Name' as 'Mark'. I put it that way to give an example. Basically, it could be any randomly selected row either consecutive or haphazard and selecting a common value for them from the drop down of the 'color' column (it could be any color in that drop down ) so that its value gets assigned to those cells of those selected rows. Note, selecting a color should not change the color of the row, so there is no css effect I want here.
I have so far written the code like below, which is able to fetch the selected rows.
rows = $$("mytable").getSelectedId(true);
for (i in rows) {
id = rows[i];
item = $$("mytable").getItem(id);
/* below effect has to happen from the drop down of data table gui */
item.id2 = "green"; //for example, it could be any value
Can anybody please help me in:
i) how can I apply the value selected from the drop down of data table to all the selected rows ?
ii) Secondly, how can I trigger this code ( through which event ?) once they are selected in the data table and the value is chosen from the drop down ?
You can do something like this by adding the onBeforeFilter event, and track only color filter ("id2" in your snippet):
onBeforeFilter: function(id, value, config) {
if (id === "id2") {
const selected = this.getSelectedId(true);
const color = this.getFilter("id2").value;
for (let row in selected) {
const item = this.getItem(selected[row]);
item["id2"] = color;
this.updateItem(item.id, item);
Sample is here https://webix.com/snippet/538e1ca0
But I think this is not the best way.
You can also create a context menu that is displayed by right-clicking on the table and making a choice of values in it.

Hiding columns of handsontable from javascript

Is there any way i can hide HOT columns from javascript?
The requirement is such that the column to hide will come as a parameter in javascript and based on that the respective column will show hide accordingly.
The HOT has rowHeaders and colHeaders and the data with 20 columns.
Please advise.
Ok I founnd a possible solution. I tested it out on my own system but it's actually quite simple.
You should be using a customRenderer in your columns option. Read up about this if you aren't already. The idea is that you're giving each cell its own renderer. In this custom function, you can do something like this:
var colsToHide = [3,4,6]; // hide the fourth, fifth, and seventh columns
function getCustomRenderer() {
return function(instance, td, row, col, prop, value, cellProperties) {
if (colsToHide.indexOf(col) > -1) {
td.hidden = true;
} else {
td.hidden = false;
What this renderer does is hide the cells that the var colsToHide specify. All you do now is add a DOM element that lets the user pick which and so every time the table gets rendered (which happens basically after any change, or manually triggered need be), the cells in the columns specified will be hidden, keeping the data array intact like you described. And when not in colsToHide they are re-rendered so make sure you get that working as well.
Here I implemented it with very basic functionality. Just enter the index of a column into the input fields and watch the magic happen.
Better Solution: handsontable: hide some columns without changing data array/object

Webgrid MVC 3 conditional row style

I am using a WebGrid to display a list of items,
I like to set the background color of the rows based on a condition. I want to set the background color of the entire row, not just one cell.
Any example?
thank you
This is an old question, but I just stumbled upon it and have an answer that I don't think is too hacky. The previous answer supplied only works if the value you're using to conditionally change the background color is the value of a table cell.
If that's not the case, you can set a data- attribute for the first cell in your table rows using the Format property of a WebGridColumn. Here, the first column of my table contains hyperlinked IDs. I'm defining it in my code-behind (controller action in MVC) and I've added a data-in-error attribute from the IsInError property of my object. You can set the value of this attribute in whatever way makes sense for your application.
new WebGridColumn
ColumnName = "Id",
Header = "ID",
Format = (x) => new HtmlString(String.Format("{1}", x.Value.IsInError, x.Value.Id))
Then, using jQuery, I find all of the rows in my table that have an anchor in the first cell of the row, and set the class of that row to 'error'.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('table tbody tr td:first-child a[data-in-error="True"]').each(function () {
Hope this helps.
Is jQuery an option? If so, check out: http://devpinoy.org/blogs/keithrull/archive/2010/06/09/how-to-change-table-cell-color-depending-on-its-value-using-jquery.aspx

Hover on Jqgrid Column shows a tool-tip

I want to add a custom tooltip on jqgrid column headers.i hover over the column name and i get the tooltip(describes content related to that col)
I don't think there is any built-in way to add custom headers. If you use the headertitles option, it will just use the text as the title attribute.
You'll probably have to set them manually doing something like this:
$("th[role='columnheader']").attr("title", "some description");
You can add that code to one of the callbacks such as gridComplete.
Thanks David for your answer.
we can do one more thing as shown in the code below :
var thd = jQuery("thead:first", grid[0].grid.hDiv)[0];
jQuery("tr.ui-jqgrid-labels th:eq(" + columnnumber + ")", thd).attr("title","This column tells you about people who attended the training but missed the test");
if you want to show custome tooltip for all column you can probably add a loop from first column to last column and have the "text" in an array
var arr=["hello","bla bla","a ","b","c"];
and use this array in the loop

Change value of drop down of specific row in jqGrid

I have created at a table using jqGrid. In that I have a comboBox. I want the values of the combobox such that It is not used in the previous row.
But, once my first row displayed, then I am unable to change the values of comboBoc in the second row.
Ex: In my combobox, there are three values .. one, two, three. I have selected value "two" in the first row. Then the combo box of the second must have two values: one and three.
I have tried the following code:
getDenominationList('addOperation') will return a String "1:one;3:three"
But this is not working.
I hope I understand correct your question and you want to change the value parameter of editoptions every time depend on the current row id or other grid contain. You can do this inside your custom dataInit event handler (see editoptions):
dataInit: function (elem) {
var v = $(elem).val();
var rowId = $(e.target).closest('tr.jqgrow').attr('id');
var newValue = getDenominationList('addOperation').toString();
$("#listData").setColProp('denomination', { editoptions: { value:newValue} });
The function getDenominationList used in your question don't has the rowid parameter which you probably will need. To simplified it I included in the code above the line which show how the id of the row can be got.
I recommend you to look inside the another answer which I recently answered. It showed how the initial values of value property can be reseted in case of inline editing. It you use form editing you should do this inside of onClose event handler. Moreover in case of form editing you must use recreateForm:true which will force that dataInit event handler will be called not once, but on every row editing.
