How can I test an iPhone application on device without the key - xcode

How can I run my XCode SDK application on my iPad without key and without jailbreak?
(I found a description yesterday, but cant find it back).
This can be with the device connected to my development machine.
(I can afford the $99, but I cant wait for it to arrive)

Without program membership and without jailbreak? You can't.


Xcode cant recognise iPhone when the VirtualBox MacOS can

so sorry if this has been answered before but I've seen several similar issues but they had fixes that didn't work for me and I don't know what else to do. I have made an app for my Uni work that I'm wanting to get tested by friends via Testflight. I am at the point where I am trying to archive it and I get the errors about no devices or provisioning profiles. Everywhere I looked says if I just connect my IPhone with "Automatically Manage Signing" active this will all be solved. But I just cannot for the life of me get Xcode to recognise phone.
In Virtualbox I have USB 2.0 selected and added the IPhone filter. I have also tried when it was set to 3.0...
In the MacOS the Iphone is detected as a connected USB2.0/3 device. The phone also stops charging as it connects which I assume is good since its connected to a non pyhical machine so cant charge from it if that makes sense...
However the Iphone isn't detected as a device in Xcode
I just don't know why. Is there something I've missed to fix it or a way to manually do the signing as I need to archive the app so I can get started with testflight. Id appreciate any help.

MacOS Product Name Bundle Identifier Problem during application testing

I have a problem when trying to test an application on macOS. For reference, this was created in Unity.
The BundleID has been changed as a previous developer had used a very odd naming format, codesign and notarization works on the new app.
However, when I try to run the app it starts complaining about the app being purchased on another computer (which is correct, we still use the old version for testing) but it has been removed on this device and hidden in the App Store.
Anyone know anything else I can try to get past the problem of macOS knowing about the old app version.
If you log in it then just says the app is corrupt as I am guessing it is comparing it to the downloaded App Store version.
Solved it myself, apologies for taking up bandwidth. In Unity untick Mac App Store Validation in Player Settings-> Other Settings

Can deploy to Windows phone on one machine but not another?

I have been developing a Windows phone app on my lunch breaks at work and spare time at home. The project is stored in my Dropbox so it's the same on both pcs. At work when I debug/deploy to the device everything is fine and dandy. At home however I get the following.
Error : DEP6100 : The following unexpected error occurred during boostrapping stage 'Connecting to the device':
SmartDeviceException - Deployment failed because no Windows Phone was detected. Make sure a phone is connected and powered on.
Error : DEP6200 : Boostrapping 'Device' failed. Device cannot be found. Deployment failed because no Windows Phone was detected. Make sure a phone is connected and powered on.
Now in both cases I'm using the same version of the SDK and of VS on the same Microsoft account on the same phone on the same project. But it doesn't work.
I have reinstall the SDK twice now to no avail.
When I run the device registration I get the following message.
Unable to connect to a phone. Make sure the Windows Phone IP over USB transport service is running
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, has anyone run into this before? Any ideas of a fix for the issue?
I have uninstalled 2013 r4 and installed 2015. I have done a hard reset on my phone. I have run Windows Update and I'm up to date. I have tried making brand new projects as some of the posts suggest, to no avail. Same issue occurs, except now my emulators get:
The following unexpected error occurred during bootstrapping stage 'Connecting to the device '184901A8-DC44-4CED-869E-DC7733D048D6'
I'm guessing the next step is reinstalling Windows, I think I'll just wait till Windows 10 comes out.
Possible Fixes:
1.Try reconnecting your phone.
2. try re registering your phone as developer device
3. try this fix
Testing apps on windows phones can be frustrating. One common problem I get is the need to reinstall drivers for the phone. I think this may be your problem.
The other problem similar to this I've encountered, was when registering for windows phone not using the correct version on that pc for 8.0 or 8.1.
Aside from this, there is a list with links provided that may help you. Let us know how you get on.
This link Problems and fixes when registering a Windows Phone 8 device to deploy/debug applications covers the major issues, some mentioned by Akash.
The following is a summary of the points discussed in the above link:
Windows Phone IP Over USB Transport(IpOverUsbSvc) service is running
Phone name is already in use by this account
Too many phones have already been registered with your account
Device lockscreen has to be unlocked (and it is unlocked)
Can’t find any devices
Point 5 is also addressed in this answer
Update after comment
The other thing that you may need to do is:
1. make sure you have all your updates in Windows.
2. Make sure you have all VS updates.
3. reinstall VS.
4. Reinstall any .net framework packages for VS.
The first two are the most likely things.
If worse comes to worse, to reinstall windows.
I have needed to do all of the above at one time or another to fix various issues. Painful, yes.
And don't forget to reboot your machine.
Let me know if this works. There MUST be a solution.
I know what you mean about the phone appearing in explorer, update anyway, won't hurt to reinstall them.

CBCentral fails to find peripheral's service unless bluetooth is restarted

I have two apps talking through CoreBluetooth, iOS and Today Extension (peripheral) and OSX (central).
1 - Setup process (iOS app x OSX app): They connect, exchange data that is stored and disconnect.
2 - App's main feature usage (iOS Today Extension x OSX app): They connect, exchange data and disconnect.
Unless I turn my iPhone's bluetooth off and on again between step 1 and 2, OSX app, finds iPhone, connects, but finds 0 services from Today Extension after peripheral.discoverServices is called in OSX app.
If I do turn bluetooth off and on, everything goes as expected. What could it be? Any help is very welcome. Thanks!
UPDATE: After using LightBlue on OSX I was able to confirm that, unless I restart bluetooth, the UUID service used in step 1 continues to be advertised, only when I restart bluetooth, UUID used in step 2 shows up.
I got the same problem, first thought it might be my fault, but later it turns out to be really weird.
I wrote similar program, using iPhone to connect to a BLE beacon, and use [CBPeripheral readRSSI] to get the signal strength. Everything goes smooth when the BLE beacon is connected to my iPhone for the first time. But if it got disconnected, and reconnect again, the method readRSSI won't get called any more.
Only after I restart the bluetooth on my iPhone, the issue will be resolved.
I run the program in debug mode, step by step, to my surprise, I found no problem at all. Even I disconnect for so many times and reconnect again, the method readRSSI can still be called properly.
Hope this may help. I am also waiting for an answer for this strange thing.

Xcode 4.3.2 and iOS 5.1.1 + jailbreak: App installs but crash on launch

I don't have the Apple 79€/year account. In iOS 5.0 and Xcode 4.2.1 I changed SDKSettings.plist ecc... And it works. In iOS 5.1.1 and Xcode 4.3.2 no, I already changed settings ecc but don't work, the app installs on device but crash on launch... How can I run my app on device without crashes? Thanks, and sorry for my english.
I have had this issue before on a jailbroken device. You have a few solutions depending on the exact issue. First you can install app sync in order to allow unsigned code to work on your device if you are not using a valid code signing identity. The second option is to actually get a valid code signing identity along with the provision profile so you can run the application correctly. This involves paying for the developer program so this may not be the best option.
Last is a very common issue with jailbroken devices. Which is that you will receive an error such as "failed to get the task for process xxxxx". This tends to happen a lot with jailbroken devices. This is because Xcode notices you are not using a provision profile that is required to report error logs. All you have to do is launch the application again on the device and everything should work.
This is just Xcode not being able to fully launch your application because of the missing provision profile so it results in a crash. If none of these solutions solve your problem please post a more detailed explanation of the issue you are having.
