create a .cur file on mac os x - cocoa

I'm looking for a way to create a .cur file on Mac OS X
I saw that there is a support for .cur file in the NSImage documentation but as far as I tested it I could not produce this file format.
Anny ideas ?
Works on macs and converts images into .cur files.


How to make Windows font looks like Mac OS X?

I have IntelliJ IDEA on my PC for java programming language.
There is a font (Consolas) and I want to make it looks like Mac font but I don't know how
My font
Mac OS X font (I want the same)
I believe this issue occurs due to Windows rendering truetype differently and not up to the standard of Linux and Mac OS X.
Take a look at these 2 applications to adjust your fonts in Windows it should make a difference -
You can also change the Anti-aliasing settings within IntelliJ IDE. Lists the top 10 programming fonts - Inconsolata would be a font that would give a similar feel to Mac OS X/Linux.

Cannot get custom font to work in Corona

I've read the tutorials and related questions here but still no luck using a custom font.
I'm on a Windows 7 machine and I've performed the following steps:
Installed the Font (Print Clearly OT.otf)
Copied the otf file to the project directory (same directory as the main.lua)
Restarted the Corona simulator
Used this code to find the font name (Print Clearly OT) and add the build settings:
Trying to use the font like:
lettertext = display.newText( "a", 40, 20, "Print Clearly OT", 24 )
Start up the simulator for ipad and I get "could not load font" message.
There was a comment on the link tutorial above, about otf files not working on windows but i assumed that was on a windows mobile device not in the ipad simulator on a windows system.
OTF fonts are not supported in Windows (like you can read at the link you provided) but you could use a ttf version of "Print Clearly OT" font, ttf fonts are supported in all systems.
The other solution is develop with a mac machine, Corona simulator will work better in this case but this solution is really expensive.
Corona SDK also uses the "Internal Font Name". The internal name could be different than the file name and the display name. It might be PrintClearly-Regular or something like that.
But likely it's the OTF's don't work on Windows.

NSImage is not displayed on some computer

Did anyone get the same problem? I load a png image using NSImage initWithCotentsFile and display it in a view using drawInRect:fromRect:operation:fraction:. In a very rare case, some of users using mac os x 10.9.2 complain the image is not displayed.

"Combine High Resolution Artwork" in XCode 4?

In XCode 4 when working on an iOS project (maybe it was in XCode 3 too and I just hadn't noticed it) there is field under build settings called "Combine High Resolution Artwork", which can be set to yes or no.
What exactly does this setting do?
From Xcode's quick help:
Combine High Resolution Artwork COMBINE_HIDPI_IMAGES
Combines image files at different resolutions into one multi-page TIFF file that is HiDPI compliant for Mac OS X 10.7 and later. Only image files in the same directory and with the same base name and extension are combined. The file names must conform to the naming convention used in HiDPI. [COMBINE_HIDPI_IMAGES]
In other words, the setting probably has no effect under iOS at the moment. It would combine abc.png and abc#2x.png into one multi-page TIFF file, which would be convenient under OS X because NSImage can handle such files and use the image representation that is best suited for the desired output size and device. If future Apple hardware will have higher screen resolutions, this setting will probably play an important role in how developers deal with it.

Add background image/color to DMG using hdiutil or other tool? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How do I create a nice-looking DMG for Mac OS X using command-line tools?
It seems like using Finder UX or some sort of UI tool (Create drag-drop graphic when installing OS X application from dmg) the only way to customize how a DMG looks when opened up. That doesn't scale too well and isn't automatable enough.
Anyone know of way to achieve the same thing but using tools such as hdiutil on Mac or mkfs.hfsplus on Linux?
The OS X Finder stores data about the window size, type, position, background image and icon arrangement (per directory) in a hidden file called .DS_Store. If you follow the general idea from the other question, you should then be able to copy the .DS_Store file from the resulting disk image into new images generated by a deployment script.
