What's the nohup on Windows? - windows

I want to run a Java jar file like this:
java -jar spider.jar
How to run it on the background on Windows?
Like this on Linux:
nohup java -jar spider.jar > /var/tmp/spider.log 2>&1 &

You could use the Windows start command:
start /min java -jar spider.jar
This command is not really the same as nohup; but it might be suitable if you're happy with the Java process running in a separate minimised window. See http://www.microsoft.com/resources/documentation/windows/xp/all/proddocs/en-us/ntcmds.mspx

On Windows it's not normal that a process terminates once its parent was killed (like Unix-likes do it normally). Therefore there is no direct necessity for something like nohup. If you want to avoid the console window associated with it, you can use javaw but redirection won't work, then.

The only way to get the nohup behavior, where the process still runs after logging off (like for micro-services, analytic tools, server batch jobs etc.), is to run the .bat file with the start javaw -jar ... contents as either a service or a scheduled task.

save the following code to nohup.vbs, and add the directory to PATH.
Set args=Wscript.Arguments
Set ws=CreateObject("wscript.shell")
ws.Run args(0),0,true
then, run:
nohup "java -jar spider.jar > /var/tmp/spider.log"
Note that you should quote the full commands and the redirects.

For windows run following mentioned command in Command Prompt or in Terminal
nohup (file need to run) > (File you need to save the log) 2>&1
nohup ./bin/windows/kafka-server-start.bat config/server.properties > ./MyKafka.log 2>&1


Start jobs in background from sh file in gitbash

I need to start a couple of processes locally in multiple command-prompt windows, to make it simple, I have written a shell script say abc.sh to run in git-bash which has below commands:
cd "<target_dir1>"
<my_command1> &>> output.log &
cd "<target_dir2>"
<my_command2> &>> output.log &
when I run these commands in git bash I get jobs running in the background, which can be seen using jobs and kill command, however when I run them through abc.sh, I get my processes running in the background, but the git-bash instance disowns them, now I can no longer see them using jobs.
how can I get them run through the abc.sh file and also able to see them in jobs list?

How to run shell script on VM indefinitely?

I have a VM that I want running indefinitely. The server is always running but I want the script to keep running after I log out. How would I go about doing so? Creating a cron job?
In general the following steps are sufficient to convince most Unix shells that the process you're launching should not depend on the continued existence of the shell:
run the command under nohup
run the command in the background
redirect all file descriptors that normally point to the terminal to other locations
So, if you want to run command-name, you should do it like so:
nohup command-name >/dev/null 2>/dev/null </dev/null &
This tells the process that will execute command-name to send all stdout and stderr to nowhere (instead of to your terminal) and also to read stdin from nowhere (instead of from your terminal). Of course if you actually have locations to write to/read from, you can certainly use those instead -- anything except the terminal is fine:
nohup command-name >outputFile 2>errorFile <inputFile &
See also the answer in Petur's comment, which discusses this issue a fair bit.

nohup is not recognized as internal or external command

I am trying to run an python script using nohup
I have used the following command
nohup python filename.py &
it shows the following error
nohup is not recognized as internal or external command
can anyone tell me why?
On Windows OS, use:
start /min python filename.py &
On Windows, killing a parent process does not dictate that a child process be terminated. Therefore there is no direct nohup equallent.

How to prevent PuTTY shell from auto-exit after executing command from batch file in Windows?

I have written a batch file like this:
Start putty.exe -ssh -l root -m dummy.txt
Then in dummy.text I have written this command:
avahi-daemon --no-drop-root -D
export XVHMI_USERCONFIG_PATH=/home/UserProfileConfig
export XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/tmp
cd /opt/bosch/airis/bin
When I run the .bat file, PuTTY starts, commands execute (hopefully, not sure) and it exits.
How to keep that window open?
I have googled for the same, but no solid help. I read on stack overflow itself that we need to define something in txt file, but what and most importantly how?
The SSH session closes (and PuTTY with it) as soon as the command finishes. Normally the "command" is shell. As you have overridden this default "command" and yet you want to run the shell nevertheless, you have to explicitly execute the shell yourself:
avahi-daemon ... ; /bin/bash
Also as use of -m switch implies a non-interactive terminal, you probably want to force an interactive terminal back using -t switch.
Though, I'm not really sure if you want to execute shell or if you just want to see your command output. If the latter, did you consider using plink? It's console terminal client from PuTTY package. Being console application, it inherits console of parent batch file, and you can pause the batch console from closing using pause command, if needed.
Another option (both for PuTTY and plink) is to pause on remote side. E.g. Using read command.
avahi-daemon ... ; read
As suggested by Martin I tried this step:
putty.exe -ssh -l root -m dummy.txt -t
added /bin/bash at the end of commands in dummy.txt
It worked for me. Please note, you have to follow both the steps as mentioned above.
This way you can keep the session alive and can manually execute further commands.

Running one command at a time in a shell script

I am using Mac OS and zsh. I am running a shell script that launches several Java programs. They terminate once they have created their output (they are essentially scripts). However, it seems that my current script starts all the Java programs at once, which is very resource-intensive.
Currently my shell script looks like this:
java -Xmx2048M -jar gha.jar params1.yaml
java -Xmx2048M -jar gha.jar params2.yaml
java -Xmx2048M -jar gha.jar params3.yaml
When I run it, I run out of memory. How can I modify my script so that it only launches the next Java program once the first one has terminated, so that memory is refreshed in between?
You are mistaken. The shell will run these one-at-a-time. The only possible explanation is if these programs launch background processes, in which case the shell cannot know how to wait for them to complete.
As #bmargulies mentioned above your command as you have show it should run one command at a time.
Try modifying your shell script as as shown below. Using the construction below a command is run only if the previous command completes successfully (in theory at least).
java -Xmx2048M -jar gha.jar params1.yaml && java -Xmx2048M -jar gha.jar params2.yaml && java -Xmx2048M -jar gha.jar params3.yaml
If this does not work, run the script in the background and list out the currently running processes. Hopefully that'll give you an idea of what's running on your system.
