Vbscript - Read ini or text file for specific section - vbscript

I want to store some addresses in a text file and then read specific portions of the file, based on group membership. I've done all of the group membership stuff so I don't need any help for that.
But I'm not sure if I should use a plain text file or an INI file?
The thing is, the post addresses are in two or three lines and I need line break.
I tried using a plain text file, but I couldn't manage to get a line break correctly.
So INI files would be preferable?
The INI file could look like this:
Address 1
Postbox 3245
58348 London
Address 2
Postbox 2455
5478347 Copenhagen
I'm not quite sure if this is possible in an INI file though, perhaps I need to name each line as well. OR, I could possibly use a plain text file and search for the word [london] and then read each line until there's a line break. Then store all of those lines in a variable that I'll pass along?
How would you guys solve this?

I have written a small VBScript Class that handles "real' ini files written with such format:
key1 = value1
key2 = value2
The code for the class is:
Class IniFileObject
Private m_Data
Private Sub Class_Initialize
Set m_Data = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate
Dim key
If IsObject(m_Data) Then
For Each key In m_Data
Set m_Data(key) = Nothing
Set m_Data = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Public Function Init(sFilePath)
Dim arrLines, sLine, x
Dim sCurSection, oSectionDict
Set Init = Me
arrLines = GetFileLines(sFilePath)
If Not(IsArray(arrLines)) Then Exit Function
sCurSection = ""
For x = 0 To UBound(arrLines)
sLine = Trim(arrLines(x))
If Len(sLine)>0 Then
If Left(sLine, 1)="[" Then
If Not(HandleSectionLine(sLine, sCurSection)) Then Exit Function
If Len(sCurSection)=0 Then
Err.Raise 1005, "IniFileObject init", "Found value outside any section (" & Server.HTMLEncode(sLine) & ")"
Exit Function
End If
Set oSectionDict = m_Data(sCurSection)
If Not(ParseOneLine(sLine, oSectionDict)) Then Exit Function
Set m_Data(sCurSection) = oSectionDict
End If
End If
End Function
Public Property Get ReadValue(section, key)
Dim oSectionDict
ReadValue = ""
If m_Data.Exists(section) Then
Set oSectionDict = m_Data(section)
If oSectionDict.Exists(key) Then ReadValue = oSectionDict(key)
End If
End Property
Private Function ParseOneLine(ByVal sLine, ByRef oSectionDict)
Dim arrTemp, sErrorMsg, sKey
sErrorMsg = ""
ParseOneLine = True
If Left(sLine, 2)="//" Or Left(sLine, 1)="'" Or Left(sLine, 1)="{" Then Exit Function
arrTemp = Split(sLine, "=")
If UBound(arrTemp)=1 Then
sKey = Trim(arrTemp(0))
If (Len(sKey)>0) And (Len(arrTemp(1))>0) Then
If Not(oSectionDict.Exists(sKey)) Then
oSectionDict.Add sKey, Trim(arrTemp(1))
sErrorMsg = "Key already exists"
End If
sErrorMsg = "Empty key or value"
End If
sErrorMsg = "Missing or too much '=' characters"
End If
Erase arrTemp
If Len(sErrorMsg)>0 Then
ParseOneLine = False
Err.Raise 1006, "IniFileObject Init", "Failed to parse single line (" & Server.HTMLEncode(sLine) & "): " & sErrorMsg
End If
End Function
Private Function HandleSectionLine(ByVal sLine, ByRef sCurSection)
HandleSectionLine = False
If (Len(sLine)<3) Or (Right(sLine, 1)<>"]") Then
Err.Raise 1002, "IniFileObject init", "Invalid line found: " & Server.HTMLEncode(sLine)
Exit Function
End If
sCurSection = Mid(sLine, 2, Len(sLine) - 2)
If m_Data.Exists(sCurSection) Then
Err.Raise 1003, "IniFileObject init", "Section exists more than once: " & Server.HTMLEncode(sCurSection)
Exit Function
End If
m_Data.Add sCurSection, Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
HandleSectionLine = True
End Function
Private Function GetFileLines(sFilePath)
Dim objFSO, oFile
Set objFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If Not(objFSO.FileExists(sFilePath)) Then
Set objFSO = Nothing
Err.Raise 1001, "IniFileObject init", "file path '" & Server.HTMLEncode(sFilePath) & "' does not exist, check permissions"
Exit Function
End If
Set oFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(sFilePath)
GetFileLines = Split(oFile.ReadAll, VBCrLf)
Set oFile = Nothing
Set objFSO = Nothing
End Function
End Class
Usage example:
Dim filePath, ini
filePath = Server.MapPath("config.ini")
Set ini = New IniFileObject.Init(filePath)
Response.Write("Value for 'Key001': " & ini.ReadValue("MySection", "Key001") & "<br />")
Set ini = Nothing
The code throw various errors when the file does not exist or contains invalid lines, the errors are pretty much clear. It's possible to "suppress" the errors and not display error page by using such code when consuming:
On Error Resume Next
Set ini = New IniFileObject.Init(filePath)
If Err.Number<>0 Then
Response.Write("Error reading ini file")
End If
On Error Goto 0
If IsObject(ini) Then
Response.Write("Value for 'IP001': " & ini.ReadValue("IPaddress", "IP001") & "<br />")
Set ini = Nothing
End If

I would probably use CSV file instead where each row will represent a country.
London,Address 1,Postbox 3245,58348 London
Copenhagen,Address 2,Postbox 2455,5478347,Copenhagen
If you can easily identify your data then you could probably have more descriptive column names (i.e. Street1, Street2, Town, Postcode, etc.).
This file format is also easy to read since you only read one line of the input file at a time and split it using something like
aAddress = split(sLine, ",")
To make it even easier to work with you could use dictionary object and use country as a key and array as a value
'sLine should be read from input file'
sLine = "Copenhagen,Address 2,Postbox 2455,5478347,Copenhagen"
'Create dictionary for addresses'
Set dic = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
'Split line into array'
aAddressParts = Split(sLine, ",")
'Remove the first element of the array'
sValues = Mid(sLine, InStr(sLine, ",")+1)
aValues = Split(sValues, ",")
'Add new entry into dictionary'
dic.Add aAddressParts(0), aValues
MsgBox "Address for Copenhagen: " & vbNewLine & _
Join(dic("Copenhagen"), "," & vbNewLine)

You could store the addresses in one line and use a special character, for example an underscore, to indicate a line break. When you read the address, you just need to replace the special character with a line break.
Address = "Postbox 3245_58348
Address = "Postbox
2455_5478347 Copenhagen"
That allows you to store addresses with more lines or without a postbox line, as well. In my experience, information like "our addresses always have exactly two lines and the first one is always a postbox" is very often incorrect...

I use a small executable that launches native api for that: GetPrivateProfileString and WritePrivateProfileString.
The executable is called like that:
Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set exec = sh.Exec("ini.exe get %APPDATA%\sth\file.ini ""Section name"" key")
sFirma1 = exec.StdOut.ReadLine
Call sh.Run("ini.exe set %APPDATA%\sth\file.ini ""Section name"" key set_value", 0)
See also Running command line silently with VbScript and getting output?.
This is the code of the executable:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
void usage()
puts("ini <get>/<set> <file> <section> <key> <value>");
int main(int cArg, char **aszArg)
int iFile = 2;
int iSection = 3;
int iKey = 4;
int iValue = 5;
if (cArg < 5) usage();
if (strcmp(aszArg[1], "get") != 0 && strcmp(aszArg[1], "set") != 0) usage();
if (strcmp(aszArg[1], "set") == 0 && cArg < iValue + 1) usage();
if (strcmp(aszArg[1], "set") == 0) {
if (!WritePrivateProfileString(aszArg[iSection], aszArg[iKey],
aszArg[iValue], aszArg[iFile]))
puts("Failure in WriteProfileString.");
} else {
char buf[1000];
buf[0] = 0;
aszArg[iSection], aszArg[iKey], "", buf, 999, aszArg[iFile]);
return 0;
You need to compile it using a c compiler for Windows. I did it with gcc, but a free compiler from ms should also work. If this page with a 32-bit executable is still available, you may give it a try, but on your own responsibility. Hackers already visited my site once.


Read a file's data within a specified range using VB script. Is it possible?

This is the middle of the code I'm trying to work with. Is there a way to make the file it's reading open and read from line 2 to line 97? Where I need the correction is starred (****). What I'm trying to do is get the data from lines 2 through 97 to compare to another file I'll have to open from the same lines. The beginning and ends of each file are different but the middle information should match thus I need these specific lines.
' Build Aliquot file name
strFile = aBarcodeExportDir & "A-" & yearStr & "-" & splitStr2(0) & ".csv"
'msgbox("open file: " & strFile)
If (objFS.FileExists(strFile)) Then
' Open A file
Set objFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFile)
' Build string with file name minus extension - used later to determine EOF
strFileNameNoExtension = "A-" & yearStr & "-" & splitStr2(0)
' Create dictionary to hold key/value pairs - key = position; value = barcode
Set dictA = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
' Begin processing A file
Do Until objFile.AtEndOfStream(*****)
' Read a line
strLine = objFile.ReadLine(*****)
' Split on semi-colons
splitStr = Split(strLine, ";")
' If splitStr array contains more than 1 element then continue
If(UBound(splitStr) > 0) Then
' If barcode field is equal to file name then EOF
If(splitStr(6) = strFileNameNoExtension) Then
' End of file - exit loop
Exit Do
' Add to dictionary
' To calculate position
' A = element(2) = position in row (1-16)
compA = splitStr(2)
' B = element(4) = row
compB = splitStr(4)
' C = element(5.1) = number of max positions in row
splitElement5 = Split(splitStr(5), "/")
compC = splitElement5(0)
' position = C * (B - 1) + A
position = compC * (compB - 1) + compA
barcode = splitStr(6) & ";" & splitStr(0) & ";" & splitStr(1) & ";" & splitStr(2)
'msgbox(position & ":" & barcode)
' Add to dictionary
dictA.Add CStr(position), barcode
End If
End If
' Close A file
To give the exact answer, we may have to look at your text files(I mean with all the split functions you are using). But, If you just want to compare lines 2-97 of two text files, you can get a hint from the following piece of code:
strPath1 = "C:\Users\gr.singh\Desktop\abc\file1.txt" 'Replace with your File1 Path
strPath2 = "C:\Users\gr.singh\Desktop\abc\file2.txt" 'Replace with your File2 Path
Set objFso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set objFile1 = objFso.OpenTextFile(strPath1,1)
Set objFile2 = objFso.OpenTextFile(strPath2,1)
blnMatchFailed = False
Do Until objFile1.AtEndOfStream
If objFile1.Line=1 Then
objFile1.SkipLine() 'Skips the 1st line of both the files
ElseIf objFile1.Line>=2 And objFile1.Line<=97 Then
strFile1 = objFile1.ReadLine()
strFile2 = objFile2.ReadLine()
If StrComp(strFile1,strFile2,1)<>0 Then 'textual comparison. Change 1 to 0, if you want binary comparison of both lines
blnMatchFailed = True
intFailedLine = objFile1.Line
Exit Do 'As soon as match fails, exit the Do while Loop
blnMatchFailed = False
End If
Exit Do
End If
If blnMatchFailed Then
MsgBox "Comparison Failed at line "&intFailedLine
MsgBox "Comparison Passed"
End If
Set objFile1 = Nothing
Set objFile2 = Nothing
Set objFso = Nothing

Symbol already defined differently VB

I'm trying to compile the following code, and I keep getting an error. I got this erro before multiple times so I was forced to use workaround functions. This time I'm really tired of this issue and I need to know what's wrong here.
sub SQL_AddTestResults (byval sData as string, byval testID as integer)
dim i as integer
dim dataChain as string
dim aData (Split(sData, ";").length) as string
aData = Split(sData, ";")
for i = 0 to aData.Length
if(i = 4) then
goto skip
elseif (i = 68) then
goto skip
elseif (i = 72) then
goto skip
end if
if(i = aData.length) then
dataChain = dataChain & aData(i)
dataChain = dataChain & aData(i) & ", "
end if
MsgBox (dataChain)
SQL_statement = "INSERT INTO ""TestData"" VALUES (" & dataChain & ");"
Stmt = connection.createStatement()
end sub
Compiling this code gives me the following error on "for i = 0 to aData.Length" line:
Basic syntax error.
Symbol aData already defined differently.
Have no idea why. Apologies if that's a trivial problem, but I'm completely new to VB. C++ didn't prepare me for this.
Arrays in classic VB don't have a "length" property. I'm not sure where you got that from.
The way to get the bounds of an array in classic VB is with the LBound and UBound functions.
for i = LBound(aData) to UBound(aData)
This way you can even handle arrays that don't have 0 as the starting index, as yes, one of VB's wonderful quirks is that it lets you use any range of numbers for your indexes.
VB6 isn't a language I'd recommend for new development. If you're trying to learn something new, there are plenty of other options. As you've no doubt noticed, it's harder and harder to find documentation on how classic VB does things, and how it differs from VBScript and VB.NET. If you need to be maintaining an older VB6 code base, I'd recommend finding a used book somewhere that goes over VB6 syntax and usage.
Try this code corrected code:
sub SQL_AddTestResults (byval sData as string, byval testID as integer)
dim i as integer
dim dataChain as string
dim aData as variant
aData = Split(sData, ";")
for i = 0 to ubound(aData)
if(i = 4) then
goto skip
elseif (i = 68) then
goto skip
elseif (i = 72) then
goto skip
end if
if(i = ubound(aData)) then
dataChain = dataChain & aData(i)
dataChain = dataChain & aData(i) & ", "
end if
MsgBox (dataChain)
SQL_statement = "INSERT INTO ""TestData"" VALUES (" & dataChain & ");"
Stmt = connection.createStatement()
end sub
What I could gather, you are defining aData twice but in different ways -
dim aData (Split(sData, ";").length) as string
aData = Split(sData, ";")
aData length will return an integer of the actual length whilst you are asking it to return a string, and you are using it in your integer loop for i as counter.
Immediately after that you are telling it to return just some data causing the crash. Rather use another nominator to hold the two different kinds of returned information you need -
dim aData (Split(sData, ";").length) as Long ''Rather use long as the length might exceed the integer type. Use the same for i, change integer to long
Dim bData = Split(sData, ";") as String
for i = 0 to aData.Length
if(i = 4) then
goto skip
elseif (i = 68) then
goto skip
elseif (i = 72) then
goto skip
end if
if(i = aData.length) then
dataChain = dataChain & bData(i)
dataChain = dataChain & bData(i) & ", "
end if

Populate GPO from Text File using VBScript or other

Ok, so we need to create a GPO that allows our users to only use specific programs.
GPO Location:
User Configuration
Administrative Templates [...]
Run only specified Windows applications
Then setting the GPO to enabled and clicking on List of allowed applications --> Show...
I have created an excel spreadsheet containing the names of all the programs and their associated executable files with other pertinent information so that we can easily organize, add, delete, etc. the executable files that we need to allow our users access to.
This spreadsheet then dumps all the executable files into a text file.
Here is an example of what the text file looks like:
There are a lot of entries and these are likely subject to change. What I am trying to do is create a script that will take that text file and populate the GPO automatically. I don't care if we have to open the window and then run it, it does not need to run from the task scheduler (although that would be amazing if someone has that code ready). We just need it to populate this ridiculous amount of executable filenames into the fields.
Here is code I found (VBScript) that when run, should populate the fields automatically, however I cannot get it to run in the Group Policy Management Editor (it runs in the windows explorer window instead and ends up searching for some of the files)
' Open the text file, located in the same path as the script
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
strPath = Mid(Wscript.ScriptFullName, 1, InStrRev(Wscript.ScriptFullName, wscript.ScriptName) -1)
Set objFile = objFSO.OpenTextFile(strPath & "appList.txt")
' Activate the "Show Contents" window with the "List of allowed applications".
' Note the window must be opened already and we should have selected where in
' the list we want to enter the data before running the script
set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
WScript.Sleep 1000
WshShell.AppActivate "Show Contents"
' Read the file line by line
Do While objFile.AtEndOfStream <> True
' Each line contains one EXE name
exeName = objFile.ReadLine
' Escape forbidden chars { } [ ] ( ) + ^ % ~
exeName = Replace(exeName, "[", "{[}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, "]", "{]}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, "(", "{(}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, ")", "{)}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, "+", "{+}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, "^", "{^}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, "%", "{%}")
exeName = Replace(exeName, "~", "{~}")
' Send the EXE name to the window
WScript.Sleep 100
WshShell.SendKeys exeName
' Move to the next one
WshShell.SendKeys "{TAB}"
from: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/alejacma/archive/2011/03/24/how-to-update-quot-run-only-specified-windows-applications-quot-gpo-programmatically-vbscript.aspx
Is where my policies are stored. It's a semi text file. Try writing to that file.
Ok, so I tried it many different ways. If anyone is looking for an answer to do this, this is the way I've figured it out and the way I've decided to proceed. I will post all relevant code below.
In Excel, the format of my table is as follows:
(With obviously WAY more entries)
Here is the VBA code I used to turn the data from this file into the proper format for the registry key:
VBA - In Excel
Public Sub ExportToTextFile(FName As String, _
Sep As String, SelectionOnly As Boolean, _
AppendData As Boolean)
Dim WholeLine As String
Dim FNum As Integer
Dim RowNdx As Long
Dim ColNdx As Integer
Dim StartRow As Long
Dim EndRow As Long
Dim StartCol As Integer
Dim EndCol As Integer
Dim CellValue As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error GoTo EndMacro:
FNum = FreeFile
StartRow = 2
If SelectionOnly = True Then
With Selection
StartCol = .Cells(2).Column
EndRow = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Row
EndCol = .Cells(2).Column
End With
With ActiveSheet.UsedRange
StartCol = .Cells(2).Column
EndRow = .Cells(.Cells.Count).Row
EndCol = .Cells(2).Column
End With
End If
If AppendData = True Then
Open FName For Append Access Write As #FNum
Open FName For Output Access Write As #FNum
End If
For RowNdx = StartRow To EndRow
WholeLine = ""
For ColNdx = StartCol To EndCol
If Cells(RowNdx, ColNdx).Value = "" Then
CellValue = ""
CellValue = Cells(RowNdx, ColNdx).Value
End If
WholeLine = WholeLine & Chr(34) & CellValue & ".exe" & Chr(34) & "=" & Chr(34) & CellValue & ".exe" & Chr(34) & Sep
Next ColNdx
WholeLine = Left(WholeLine, Len(WholeLine) - Len(Sep))
Print #FNum, WholeLine; ""
Next RowNdx
On Error GoTo 0
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Close #FNum
End Sub
Sub PipeExport()
Dim FileName As Variant
Dim Sep As String
FileName = Application.GetSaveAsFilename(InitialFileName:="appList", filefilter:="Text (*.txt),*.txt")
If FileName = False Then
' user cancelled, get out
Exit Sub
End If
Sep = "|"
If Sep = vbNullString Then
' user cancelled, get out
Exit Sub
End If
Debug.Print "FileName: " & FileName, "Extension: " & Sep
ExportToTextFile FName:=CStr(FileName), Sep:=CStr(Sep), _
SelectionOnly:=False, AppendData:=False
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)
End Sub
The file that is created is appList.txt and its format is the same format as the registry key:
Now in your GPO, add a unique program name to the allowed applications list (say test1234.exe) and in your registry editor, go to Edit > Find test1234.exe.
Export that registry key under File > Export. Remove the test1234.exe line and paste in your text file. Then reimport that file and you're done!

Dir function in VB6 - Error 5

I have an issue with the Dir function.
Private Sub InitFileElvt()
Dim fileName As String
Dim find As Boolean
Dim trouve As Boolean
trouve = False
fileName = Dir(THEORIQUE & "\" & LibPie & CftMot & _
Mid(NoPlan, 13, 1) & Mid(VERPIE, 1, 1) & "\") 'It works here
Do While fileName > "" And Not trouve
If IsElvtFile(fileName) Then
trouve = True
pathFileElvt = THEORIQUE & "\" & fileName
End If
fileName = Dir() 'An error here
If Not trouve Then
pathFileElvt = "empty"
End If
End Sub
Private Function IsElvtFile(ByVal fileName As String) As Boolean
Dim lengthDeb As Integer
lengthDeb = Len(LibPie) + Len(CftMot) + 1
IsElvtFile = Left(fileName, lengthDeb) = LibPie + CftMot + Mid(NoPlan, 13, 1) And _
Right(fileName, 4) = ".ELV"
End Function
The first call to Dir give me a file from the folder. Good. But the second call give me Run-Time Error '5': Invalid Procedure Call or Argument
What i'm missing about the Dir Function? Apparently, that's how it have to be used.
When i'm in debug mode, in the line Do While fileName > "" And Not trouve, my watch on dir returns the next file. After this line is executed, my watch shows the error.
There was other watch in Dir(otherPath)...
I've removed them and now it works

VB6 categorize search function

If I have a text file that contains the below information, what is the best way to search for the version, for example on system1 only? (in vb6 code, can I use InStr?)
The sample file looks like a standard INI file. You can read these using the GetPrivateProfileString() and related functions. You can also enumerate the sections and values using GetPrivateProfileSectionNames() and GetPrivateProfileSection().
Supposing there is a space after the version and before date (str would be your text):
Dim version As String
version = Mid(str, InStr(str, "version") + 8)
version = Mid(version, 1, InStr(version, " "))
But there are a bunch of functions to parse .ini files out there.
I created a text file "C:\MYFILE.TXT" and this is the content of the file:
As you can see, I made all possible situation, ie. a system with version info, a system with no version info, etc. Then I wrote this code:
Here is one way to look for a value under a categorized list:
Dim mySystem As String
Dim myVersion As String
mySystem = "[system2]" 'Replace this with the system you are looking for
Dim strTmp As String
Dim SystemFound As Boolean
Dim VersionFound As Boolean
Open "c:\myfilename.txt" For Input As #1
Do While Not EOF(1)
Line Input #1, strTmp
If InStr(UCase(strTmp), UCase(mySystem)) > 0 Then
SystemFound = True
strTmp = ""
Do While Not EOF(1) And InStr(strTmp, "[") = 0
Line Input #1, strTmp
If InStr(UCase(strTmp), "VERSION") > 0 Then
VersionFound = True
myVersion = Mid(strTmp, InStr(strTmp, "=") + 1, Len(strTmp))
End If
Exit Do
End If
Close #1
If SystemFound And VersionFound Then
MsgBox "The Version of " & mySystem & " is " & myVersion
ElseIf SystemFound And Not VersionFound Then
MsgBox "The system " & mySystem & " has no version definition"
ElseIf SystemFound = False Then
MsgBox "The system " & mySystem & " is not found in file"
End If
