Using the boost random number generator with OpenMP - boost

I would like to parallelize my boost random number generator code in C++ with OpenMP. I'd like to do it in way that is both efficient and thread safe. Can someone give me pointers on how this is done? I am currently enclosing what I have below; this is clearly not thread safe since the static variable in the sampleNormal function is likely to give
a race condition. The number of samples (nsamples) is much bigger than n.
#pragma omp parallel for private(i,j)
for (i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
randomMatrix[i + nsamples*j] = SampleNormal(0.0, 1.0);
double SampleNormal (double mean, double sigma)
// Create a Mersenne twister random number generator
static mt19937 rng(static_cast<unsigned> (std::time(0)));
// select Gaussian probability distribution
normal_distribution<double> norm_dist(mean, sigma);
// bind random number generator to distribution
variate_generator<mt19937&, normal_distribution<double> > normal_sampler(rng, norm_dist);
// sample from the distribution
return normal_sampler();

Do you just need something that's thread-safe or something that scales well? If you don't need very high performance in your PRNG, you can just wrap a lock around uses of the rng object. For higher performance, you need to find or write a parallel pseudorandom number generator -- has a tutorial on them. One option would be to put your mt19937 objects in thread-local storage, making sure to seed different threads with different seeds; that makes reproducing the same results in different runs difficult, if that's important to you.

"find or write a parallel pseudorandom number generator" use TRNG "TINAS random number generator". Its a parallel random number generator library designed to be run on multicore clusters. Much better than Boost. There's an introduction here


Using a hash function as a random number generator?

I'm trying to figure out if a cryptographic hash can be used as a random number generator, by simply hashing the random seed and a monotonically incrementing counter together. I went ahead and implemented this concept, and ran the output through fourmilab's random number test suite. The results seem fine. But am I missing any pitfalls? My implementation looks a little like this:
static struct {
uint64_t seed;
uint64_t counter;
} random_state;
uint64_t random() {
random_state.counter += 1;
return sha256(&random_state, sizeof(random_state));
void srandom(uint64_t seed) {
random_state.seed = seed;
random_state.counter = 0;
You're handicapping the hash function. Even if your hash function has a 64 bit output like SipHash, high quality hash functions and indeed tailor made random number generation algorithms often have the capacity to have / have periods (before repetition) that greatly exceed the size of their output. This is of course achieved by having an internal state which is larger than the output. It's unlikely you'll call your random number generator more than 2^64 times, but it's entirely possible, and there's a fix for this that decreases the computational complexity to boot. You don't have to bother creating something like a 128 bit integer class for the counter. Instead, you can just pass the output back in as input each iteration maintaining the hash function's internal state like you're hashing a giant list of numbers.

Is there a random number generator which can skip/drop N draws in O(1)?

Is there any (non-cryptographic) pseudo random number generator that can skip/drop N draws in O(1), or maybe O(log N) but smaller than O(N).
Especially for parallel applications it would be of advantage to have a generator of the above type. Image you want to generate an array of random numbers. One could write a parallel program for this task and seed the random number generator for each thread independently. However, the numbers in the array would then not be the same as for the sequential case (except for the first half maybe).
If a random number generator of the above type would exist, the first thread could seed with the seed used for the sequential implementation. The second thread could also seed with this seed and then drop/skip N/2 samples which are generated by the first thread. The output array would then be identical to the serial case (easy testing) but still generated in less time.
Below is some pseudo code.
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <omp.h>
void rand_r_skip(unsigned int *p_seed, int N)
/* Stupid O(N) Implementation */
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
int main()
int N = 1000000;
unsigned int seed = 1234;
int *arr = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int) * N);
#pragma omp parallel firstprivate(N, seed, arr) num_threads(2)
if (omp_get_thread_num() == 1)
// skip the samples, obviously doesn't exist
rand_r_skip(&seed, N / 2);
#pragma omp for schedule(static)
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
arr[i] = rand_r(&seed);
return 0;
Thank you all very much for your help. I do know that there might be a proof that such a generator cannot exist and be "pseudo-random" at the same time. I am very grateful for any hints on where to find further information.
Sure. Linear Conguential Generator and its descendants could skip generation of N numbers in O(log(N)) time. It is based on paper of F.Brown, link.
Here is an implementation of the idea, C++11.
As kindly indicated by Severin Pappadeux, the C, C++ and Haskell implementations of a PCG variant developed by M.E. O'Neill provides an interface to such jump-ahead/jump-back functionality: herein.
Function names are: advance and backstep, which were briefly documented hereat and hereat, respectively
Quoting from the webpage (accessed at the time of writing):
... a random number generator is like a book that lists page after page of statistically random numbers. The seed gives us a starting point, but sometimes it is useful to be able to move forward or backwards in the sequence, and to be able to do so efficiently.
The C++ implementation of the PCG generation scheme provides advance to efficiently jump forwards and backstep to efficiently jump backwards.
Chris Dodd wrote the following:
Obvious candidate would be any symmetric crypto cipher in counter mode.

set RNG state with openMP and Rcpp

I have a clarification question.
It is my understanding, that sourceCpp automatically passes on the RNG state, so that set.seed(123) gives me reproducible random numbers when calling Rcpp code. When compiling a package, I have to add a set RNG statement.
Now how does this all work with openMP either in sourceCpp or within a package?
Consider the following Rcpp code
#include <Rcpp.h>
#include <omp.h>
// [[Rcpp::depends("RcppArmadillo")]]
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector rnormrcpp1(int n, double mu, double sigma ){
Rcpp::NumericVector out(n);
for (int i=0; i < n; i++) {
out(i) =R::rnorm(mu,sigma);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::NumericVector rnormrcpp2(int n, double mu, double sigma, int cores=1 ){
Rcpp::NumericVector out(n);
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic)
for (int i=0; i < n; i++) {
out(i) =R::rnorm(mu,sigma);
And then run
While a1 and a2 are identical, a3 and a4 are not. How can I adjust the RNG state with the openMP loop? Can I?
To expand on what Dirk Eddelbuettel has already said, it is next to impossible to both generate the same PRN sequence in parallel and have the desired speed-up. The root of this is that generation of PRN sequences is essentially a sequential process where each state depends on the previous one and this creates a backward dependence chain that reaches back as far as the initial seeding state.
There are two basic solutions to this problem. One of them requires a lot of memory and the other one requires a lot of CPU time and both are actually more like workarounds than true solutions:
pregenerated PRN sequence: One thread generates sequentially a huge array of PRNs and then all threads access this array in a manner that would be consistent with the sequential case. This method requires lots of memory in order to store the sequence. Another option would be to have the sequence stored into a disk file that is later memory-mapped. The latter method has the advantage that it saves some compute time, but generally I/O operations are slow, so it only makes sense on machines with limited processing power or with small amounts of RAM.
prewound PRNGs: This one works well in cases when work is being statically distributed among the threads, e.g. with schedule(static). Each thread has its own PRNG and all PRNGs are seeded with the same initial seed. Then each thread draws as many dummy PRNs as its starting iteration, essentially prewinding its PRNG to the correct position. For example:
thread 0: draws 0 dummy PRNs, then draws 100 PRNs and fills out(0:99)
thread 1: draws 100 dummy PRNs, then draws 100 PRNs and fills out(100:199)
thread 2: draws 200 dummy PRNs, then draws 100 PRNs and fills out(200:299)
and so on. This method works well when each thread does a lot of computations besides drawing the PRNs since the time to prewind the PRNG could be substantial in some cases (e.g. with many iterations).
A third option exists for the case when there is a lot of data processing besides drawing a PRN. This one uses OpenMP ordered loops (note that the iteration chunk size is set to 1):
#pragma omp parallel for ordered schedule(static,1)
for (int i=0; i < n; i++) {
#pragma omp ordered
rnum = R::rnorm(mu,sigma);
out(i) = lots of processing on rnum
Although loop ordering essentially serialises the computation, it still allows for lots of processing on rnum to execute in parallel and hence parallel speed-up would be observed. See this answer for a better explanation as to why so.
Yes, sourceCpp() etc and an instantiation of RNGScope so the RNGs are left in a proper state.
And yes one can do OpenMP. But inside of OpenMP segment you cannot control in which order the threads are executed -- so you longer the same sequence. I have the same problem with a package under development where I would like to have reproducible draws yet use OpenMP. But it seems you can't.

random permutation

I would like to genrate a random permutation as fast as possible.
The problem: The knuth shuffle which is O(n) involves generating n random numbers.
Since generating random numbers is quite expensive.
I would like to find an O(n) function involving a fixed O(1) amount of random numbers.
I realize that this question has been asked before, but I did not see any relevant answers.
Just to stress a point: I am not looking for anything less than O(n), just an algorithm involving less generation of random numbers.
Create a 1-1 mapping of each permutation to a number from 1 to n! (n factorial). Generate a random number in 1 to n!, use the mapping, get the permutation.
For the mapping, perhaps this will be useful:
Of course, this would get out of hand quickly, as n! can become really large soon.
Generating a random number takes long time you say? The implementation of Javas Random.nextInt is roughly
oldseed = seed;
nextseed = (oldseed * multiplier + addend) & mask;
return (int)(nextseed >>> (48 - bits));
Is that too much work to do for each element?
See for a careful analysis of the number of random bits required to generate a random permutation. (It's open-access, but it's not easy reading! Bottom line: if carefully implemented, all of the usual methods for generating random permutations are efficient in their use of random bits.)
And... if your goal is to generate a random permutation rapidly for large N, I'd suggest you try the MergeShuffle algorithm. An article published in 2015 claimed a factor-of-two speedup over Fisher-Yates in both parallel and sequential implementations, and a significant speedup in sequential computations over the other standard algorithm they tested (Rao-Sandelius).
An implementation of MergeShuffle (and of the usual Fisher-Yates and Rao-Sandelius algorithms) is available at But caveat emptor! The authors are theoreticians, not software engineers. They have published their experimental code to github but aren't maintaining it. Someday, I imagine someone (perhaps you!) will add MergeShuffle to GSL. At present gsl_ran_shuffle() is an implementation of Fisher-Yates, see
Not what you asked exactly, but if provided random number generator doesn't satisfy you, may be you should try something different. Generally, pseudorandom number generation can be very simple.
Probably, best-known algorithm
As other answers suggest, you can make a random integer in the range 0 to N! and use it to produce a shuffle. Although theoretically correct, this won't be faster in general since N! grows fast and you'll spend all your time doing bigint arithmetic.
If you want speed and you don't mind trading off some randomness, you will be much better off using a less good random number generator. A linear congruential generator (see will give you a random number in a few cycles.
Usually there is no need in full-range of next random value, so to use exactly the same amount of randomness you can use next approach (which is almost like random(0,N!), I guess):
// ...
m = 1; // range of random buffer (single variant)
r = 0; // random buffer (number zero)
// ...
for(/* ... */) {
while (m < n) { // range of our buffer is too narrow for "n"
r = r*RAND_MAX + random(); // add another random to our random-buffer
m *= RAND_MAX; // update range of random-buffer
x = r % n; // pull-out next random with range "n"
r /= n; // remove it from random-buffer
m /= n; // fix range of random-buffer
// ...
P.S. of course there will be some errors related with division by value different from 2^n, but they will be distributed among resulted samples.
Generate N numbers (N < of the number of random number you need) before to do the computation, or store them in an array as data, with your slow but good random generator; then pick up a number simply incrementing an index into the array inside your computing loop; if you need different seeds, create multiple tables.
Are you sure that your mathematical and algorithmical approach to the problem is correct?
I hit exactly same problem where Fisher–Yates shuffle will be bottleneck in corner cases. But for me the real problem is brute force algorithm that doesn't scale well to all problems. Following story explains the problem and optimizations that I have come up with so far.
Dealing cards for 4 players
Number of possible deals is 96 bit number. That puts quite a stress for random number generator to avoid statical anomalies when selecting play plan from generated sample set of deals. I choose to use 2xmt19937_64 seeded from /dev/random because of the long period and heavy advertisement in web that it is good for scientific simulations.
Simple approach is to use Fisher–Yates shuffle to generate deals and filter out deals that don't match already collected information. Knuth shuffle takes ~1400 CPU cycles per deal mostly because I have to generate 51 random numbers and swap 51 times entries in the table.
That doesn't matter for normal cases where I would only need to generate 10000-100000 deals in 7 minutes. But there is extreme cases when filters may select only very small subset of hands requiring huge number of deals to be generated.
Using single number for multiple cards
When profiling with callgrind (valgrind) I noticed that main slow down was C++ random number generator (after switching away from std::uniform_int_distribution that was first bottleneck).
Then I came up with idea that I can use single random number for multiple cards. The idea is to use least significant information from the number first and then erase that information.
int number = uniform_rng(0, 52*51*50*49);
int card1 = number % 52;
number /= 52;
int cards2 = number % 51;
number /= 51;
Of course that is only minor optimization because generation is still O(N).
Generation using bit permutations
Next idea was exactly solution asked in here but I ended up still with O(N) but with larger cost than original shuffle. But lets look into solution and why it fails so miserably.
I decided to use idea Dealing All the Deals by John Christman
void Deal::generate()
// 52:26 split, 52!/(26!)**2 = 495,918,532,948,1041
max = 495918532948104LU;
partner = uniform_rng(eng1, max);
// 2x 26:13 splits, (26!)**2/(13!)**2 = 10,400,600**2
max = 10400600LU*10400600LU;
hands = uniform_rng(eng2, max);
// Create 104 bit presentation of deal (2 bits per card)
select_deal(id, partner, hands);
So far good and pretty good looking but select_deal implementation is PITA.
void select_deal(Id &new_id, uint64_t partner, uint64_t hands)
unsigned idx;
unsigned e, n, ns = 26;
e = n = 13;
// Figure out partnership who owns which card
for (idx = CARDS_IN_SUIT*NUM_SUITS; idx > 0; ) {
uint64_t cut = ncr(idx - 1, ns);
if (partner >= cut) {
partner -= cut;
// Figure out if N or S holds the card
cut = ncr(ns, n) * 10400600LU;
if (hands > cut) {
hands -= cut;
} else
new_id[idx%NUM_SUITS] |= 1 << (idx/NUM_SUITS);
} else
new_id[idx%NUM_SUITS + NUM_SUITS] |= 1 << (idx/NUM_SUITS);
unsigned ew = 26;
// Figure out if E or W holds a card
for (idx = CARDS_IN_SUIT*NUM_SUITS; idx-- > 0; ) {
if (new_id[idx%NUM_SUITS + NUM_SUITS] & (1 << (idx/NUM_SUITS))) {
uint64_t cut = ncr(--ew, e);
if (hands >= cut) {
hands -= cut;
} else
new_id[idx%NUM_SUITS] |= 1 << (idx/NUM_SUITS);
Now that I had the O(N) permutation solution done to prove algorithm could work I started searching for O(1) mapping from random number to bit permutation. Too bad it looks like only solution would be using huge lookup tables that would kill CPU caches. That doesn't sound good idea for AI that will be using very large amount of caches for double dummy analyzer.
Mathematical solution
After all hard work to figure out how to generate random bit permutations I decided go back to maths. It is entirely possible to apply filters before dealing cards. That requires splitting deals to manageable number of layered sets and selecting between sets based on their relative probabilities after filtering out impossible sets.
I don't yet have code ready for that to tests how much cycles I'm wasting in common case where filter is selecting major part of deal. But I believe this approach gives the most stable generation performance keeping the cost less than 0.1%.
Generate a 32 bit integer. For each index i (maybe only up to half the number of elements in the array), if bit i % 32 is 1, swap i with n - i - 1.
Of course, this might not be random enough for your purposes. You could probably improve this by not swapping with n - i - 1, but rather by another function applied to n and i that gives better distribution. You could even use two functions: one for when the bit is 0 and another for when it's 1.

Random Number Generator in CUDA

I've struggled with this all day, I am trying to get a random number generator for threads in my CUDA code. I have looked through all forums and yes this topic comes up a fair bit but I've spent hours trying to unravel all sorts of codes to no avail. If anyone knows of a simple method, probably a device kernel that can be called to returns a random float between 0 and 1, or an integer that I can transform I would be most grateful.
Again, I hope to use the random number in the kernel, just like rand() for instance.
Thanks in advance
For anyone interested, you can now do it via cuRAND.
I'm not sure I understand why you need anything special. Any traditional PRNG should port more or less directly. A linear congruential should work fine. Do you have some special properties you're trying to establish?
The best way for this is writing your own device function , here is the one
void RNG()
unsigned int m_w = 150;
unsigned int m_z = 40;
for(int i=0; i < 100; i++)
m_z = 36969 * (m_z & 65535) + (m_z >> 16);
m_w = 18000 * (m_w & 65535) + (m_w >> 16);
cout <<(m_z << 16) + m_w << endl; /* 32-bit result */
It'll give you 100 random numbers with 32 bit result.
If you want some random numbers between 1 and 1000, you can also take the result%1000, either at the point of consumption, or at the point of generation:
((m_z << 16) + m_w)%1000
Changing m_w and m_z starting values (in the example, 150 and 40) allows you to get a different results each time. You can use threadIdx.x as one of them, which should give you different pseudorandom series each time.
I wanted to add that it works 2 time faster than rand() function, and works great ;)
I think any discussion of this question needs to answer Zenna's orginal request and that is for a thread level implementation. Specifically a device function that can be called from within a kernel or thread. Sorry if I overdid the "in bold" phrases but I really think the answers so far are not quite addressing what is being sought here.
The cuRAND library is your best bet. I appreciate that people are wanting to reinvent the wheel (it makes one appreciate and more properly use 3rd party libraries) but high performance high quality number generators are plentiful and well tested. The best info I can recommend is on the documentation for the GSL library on the different generators here:
For any serious code it is best to use one of the main algorithms that mathematicians/computer-scientists have into the ground over and over looking for systemic weaknesses. The "mersenne twister" is something with a period (repeat loop) on the order of 10^6000 (MT19997 algorithm means "Mersenne Twister 2^19997") that has been especially adapted for Nvidia to use at a thread level within threads of the same warp using thread id calls as seeds. See paper here: I am actually working to implement somehting using this library and IF I get it to work properly I will post my code. Nvidia has some examples at their documentation site for the current CUDA toolkit.
NOTE: Just for the record I do not work for Nvidia, but I will admit their documentation and abstraction design for CUDA is something I have so far been impressed with.
Depending on your application you should be wary of using LCGs without considering whether the streams (one stream per thread) will overlap. You could implement a leapfrog with LCG, but then you would need to have a sufficiently long period LCG to ensure that the sequence doesn't repeat.
An example leapfrog could be:
template <typename ValueType>
__device__ void leapfrog(unsigned long &a, unsigned long &c, int leap)
unsigned long an = a;
for (int i = 1 ; i < leap ; i++)
an *= a;
c = c * ((an - 1) / (a - 1));
a = an;
template <typename ValueType>
__device__ ValueType quickrand(unsigned long &seed, const unsigned long a, const unsigned long c)
seed = seed * a;
return seed;
template <typename ValueType>
__global__ void mykernel(
unsigned long *d_seeds)
// RNG parameters
unsigned long a = 1664525L;
unsigned long c = 1013904223L;
unsigned long ainit = a;
unsigned long cinit = c;
unsigned long seed;
// Generate local seed
seed = d_seeds[bid];
leapfrog<ValueType>(ainit, cinit, tid);
quickrand<ValueType>(seed, ainit, cinit);
leapfrog<ValueType>(a, c, blockDim.x);
But then the period of that generator is probably insufficient in most cases.
To be honest, I'd look at using a third party library such as NAG. There are some batch generators in the SDK too, but that's probably not what you're looking for in this case.
Since this just got up-voted, I figure it's worth updating to mention that cuRAND, as mentioned by more recent answers to this question, is available and provides a number of generators and distributions. That's definitely the easiest place to start.
There's an MDGPU package (GPL) which includes an implementation of the GNU rand48() function for CUDA here.
I found it (quite easily, using Google, which I assume you tried :-) on the NVidia forums here.
I haven't found a good parallel number generator for CUDA, however I did find a parallel random number generator based on academic research here:
You could try out Mersenne Twister for GPUs
It is based on SIMD-oriented Fast Mersenne Twister (SFMT) which is a quite fast and reliable random number generator. It passes Marsaglias DIEHARD tests for Random Number Generators.
In case you're using cuda.jit in Numba for Python, this Random number generator is useful.
