C# - Any clever way to get an int array from an object collection? - linq

How can I create an easy helper method to get an int array from a collection of objects?
The idea would be have a method which receive a collection of "User" class:
public class User {
public int UserId {get;set;}
public string UserName {get;set;}
And filter this collection to get an int array of unique UserIds.
List<int> repeatedUserIds = (from item in list
select item.UserId).ToList();
List<int> uniqueUserIds = ((from n in repeatedUserIds
select n).Distinct()).ToList();
Is there a way to create a clever method for this purpose?

You could create an extension method:
public int[] GetUniqueIds<T>(this IEnumerable<T> items, Func<T, int> idSelector)
return items.Select(idSelector).Distinct().ToArray();
And use it like this:
int[] uniqueUserIds = list.GetUniqueIds(u => u.UserId);

Well, I wouldn't bother with a query expression, personally - but the rest is fine:
List<int> repeatedUserIds = list.Select(item => item.UserId)
List<int> uniqueUserIds = repeatedUserIds.Distinct()
If you don't need repeatedUserIds for anything else, don't bother with the intermediate call to ToList():
List<int> uniqueUserIds = list.Select(item => item.UserId)
(I generally like putting each operation on a separate line, but of course you don't have to.)
Note that your text asks for an array, but your code has been in terms of List<int>. If you genuinely want an int[] instead of a List<int>, just change the ToList() calls to ToArray().

List<int> uniqueUserIds = (from n in list
select item.UserId).Distinct().ToList();


Distinct by Attribute inside the item on my collection

I have an IEnumerable<MyObject> collection, with N MyObject elements.
MyObject is a class with a Title, a Description and an ID (as string).
I'd like to have my collection with distinct list of MyObject, due to the ID field.
So if 2 MyObject have got the same ID, one should be deleted (don't care which, I need unique ID).
How can I do it with LINQ?
Tried :
myList = myList.GroupBy(o => o.ID);
but seems I need a cast?
You can implement a custom IEqualityComparer<MyObject>. Then you can use Enumerable.Distinct to filter out duplicates.
class DistinctIdComparer : IEqualityComparer<MyObject> {
public bool Equals(MyObject x, MyObject y) {
return x.Id == y.Id;
public int GetHashCode(MyObject obj) {
return obj.Id.GetHashCode();
Now it's simple:
IEnumerable<MyObject> distinct = myObjects.Distinct(new DistinctIdComparer());
Or you can use Enumerable.GroupBy what is even simpler:
distinct = myObjects.GroupBy(o => o.ID)
.Select(g => g.First());
If you wants only unique id then you can try.
var uniqueIds = myObjects.Select(x=>x.ID).Distinct();
Or for Unique ID Objects
List<MyObject> objs = new List<MyObject> ();
if(objs.Find(y=>y.ID == x.ID)== null)

How to select objects from a list that has a property that matches an item in another list?

Hard question to understand perhaps, but let me explain. I have a List of Channel-objects, that all have a ChannelId property (int). I also have a different List (int) - SelectedChannelIds, that contains a subset of the ChannelId-s.
I want to select (through LINQ?) all the Channel-objects that has a ChannelId-property matching one in the second List.
in other words, I have the following structure:
public class Lists
public List<Channel> AllChannels = ChannelController.GetAllChannels();
public List<int> SelectedChannelIds = ChannelController.GetSelectedChannels();
public List<Channel> SelectedChannels; // = ?????
public class Channel
// ...
public int ChannelId { get; set; }
// ...
Any ideas on what that LINQ query would look like? Or is there a more effective way? I'm coding for the Windows Phone 7, fyi.
You can use List.Contains in a Where clause:
public Lists()
SelectedChannels = AllChannels
.Where(channel => SelectedChannelIds.Contains(channel.ChannelId))
Note that it would be more efficient if you used a HashSet<int> instead of a List<int> for the SelectedChannelIds. Changing to a HashSet will improve the performance from O(n2) to O(n), though if your list is always quite small this may not be a significant issue.
SelectedChannels = new List<Channel>(AllChannels.Where(c => SelectedChannelIds.Contains(c.ChannelId)));

LINQ (Dynamic): OrderBy within a GroupBy using dynamic linq?

I had the following query using normal linq and it was working great (using anonymous type),
var result = from s in Items
group s by s.StartTime into groupedItems
select new {groupedItems.Key, Items= groupedItems.OrderBy(x => x.Name) };
But using Dynamic Linq I cannot get it to order by within the groupby.
result = Items.GroupBy("StartTime", "it").OrderBy("Name");
It states the Name isn't available. It is worth noting that if I take my OrderBy off, everything works great but items inside each "Key" are not ordered.
This is a good question!
I simulated your situation by creating a class called Item.
public class Item
public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
and then created a basic list of items to do the groupby.
List<Item> Items = new List<Item>()
new Item() { StartTime = DateTime.Today, Name = "item2"},
new Item() { StartTime = DateTime.Today, Name = "item1"},
new Item() { StartTime = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-1), Name = "item3"},
Now the big difference in the 2 queries is where the order by is being performed. In the first query, when you perform groupedItems.OrderBy(x => x.Name) its being performed on a IGrouping<DateTime,Item> or a single entry as it iterates through all the groupings.
In the second query, the orderby is being performed after the fact. This means you're doing an orderby on a IEnumerable<IGrouping<DateTime,Item>> because the iterations have already happened.
Since Microsoft was nice they added something to help deal with this for expressions. This overload allows you to specify the item returned as it iterates through the collection. Here's an example of the code:
var expressionResult = Items.GroupBy(x => x.StartTime,
(key, grpItems) => new { key, Items = grpItems.OrderBy(y => y.Name) });
The second part of the GroupBy you can specify a lambda expression that takes a key and a grouping of items under that key and return an entry that you specify, which is the same as you're doing in the original query.
Hope this helps!

How to easly convert linq result to Business Object Collection <T>

I have Business Object Collection
I'd like to filter rows using linq, but noticed it returns IEnumerable what can not be cast then to my BOC
E.g I cannot do that
BOC <Client> bocCLients = (BOC <Client>)
from C in ClientsColl where C.ClientId == 100 select C
I've resolved that by looping by linq results and adding returned object to my original collection.
I wonder if there is simpler way?
var bocCLients = ClientsColl.Where(c => c.ClientId == 100).ToList();
var bocCLients = new BOC<Client>(ClientsColl.Where(c => c.ClientId == 100));
Or maybe an AddRange extension
public static void AddRange<T>(this ICollection<T> colSource, IEnumerable<T> collection)
if (colSource is List<T>)
((List<T>)colSource).AddRange(collection); //If List use build in optimized AddRange function
foreach (var item in collection)
This looks like a perfect opportunity to create an extension method. From looking at your question, it appears that ClientsColl already contains objects of type Client. In this case, your solution of a foreach loop is ideal. However, you can encapsulate that solution into an extension method and make it reusable and easy to read.
Here's an example of how it would look like:
public static BOC<T> ToBOC<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sourceCollection)
var boc = new BOC<T>();
foreach (T item in sourceCollection)
return boc;
Using this extension method, you would just write your query as follows:
BOC<Client> bocClients =
from C in ClientsColl
where C.ClientID == 100
select C
To follow up on the idea of the more generic extension method to ICollection, but keeping in line the original question which was to perform a sort of Cast to a specific type of collection, and now having the new information that BOC implements ICollection, here is a more generic extension method and usage to perform the job:
public static TCollection ToICollection<T, TCollection>(this IEnumerable<T> sourceCollection)
where TCollection : ICollection<T>, new()
TCollection col = new TCollection();
foreach (T item in sourceCollection)
return col;
And usage:
BOC<Client> bocClients2 =
from C in ClientsColl
where C.ClientID == 100
select C
).ToICollection<Client, BOC<Client>>();
Does this look more useful? Let me know what you think.

Using LINQ query on Dictionary and List

I have a Dictionary<int, int> idsAndTypes = new Dictionary<int, int>(); and i have a
List<Product> products = new List<Product>()
as list of products , the product class is as below
class Product
public int Id {get;set;}
public int Type{get;set;}
the dictionary idsAndTypes contains id's and types , now i want to use a linq query on the list to update the type of products based on id's in the dictionary....
i know the other way can be like following :
foreach (int item in idsAndTypes.Keys)
Product.Where(product => product.Id == item).
Select(product => product).ToList()[0].
Type = idsAndTypes[item];
but i want to do it with a linq query to avoid the foreach loop, is there a way to do it ?
Please suggest...
Well, LINQ is really for querying not for updating.
There may be a way of doing it without the loop, but I think the loop is the cleanest way. However, I wouldn't use that loop. You've got something which is very quick to look up, and you're just iterating through it... but then doing a lookup (effectively) on a slow data structure in terms of lookup. I'd do this:
foreach (Product p in products)
int type;
if (idsAndTypes.TryGetValue(product.Id, out type))
p.LinkedProductType = type;
One difference here - that will update all the products in the list with values in the dictionary; your current code will only do the first product in the list with the given ID. I hope that isn't a problem.
Your sample code is quite confusing. But I think what you want is:
products = products.Select(p =>
p.LinkedProductType = idAndTypes[p.ID];
return p;
While this should achieve the goal, I would considered it an abuse of LINQ.
