XP Embedded attempts to start application as service - windows

I'm having a lot of problems trying to start an application as administrator on an application I'm writing when running it on XP Embedded.
The application runs as the shell for a limited user account and is touch-screen and keyboard-less with one user command being to run the touch screen vendor's calibration tool. This must be run as administrator.
No problem I thought, add user and password information to the ProcessStartInfo and all should be fine. No. The error I get is:
System.ComponentMode.Win32Exception: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
From some investigation, I've found that:
My Process starting code is correct:
any application can be started successfully on XP Embedded when run as the limited user
any application can be run as Administrator on my own laptop
on XP Embedded, any application is regarded as being a service in the same way, including notepad
if I attempt to start a program from within process explorer, I simply get "Unable to execute process: Access is Denied"
I'm not an XP Embedded expert in anyways so I'd very much appreciate some help. I suspect that there's a configuration setting that has been set when building the XP image that specifically denies access to process creation and that the errors I'm being reported are actually mis-reports from software that's not assuming XP Embedded error codes.
Unfortunately, the people who make the base image aren't around right now so I can't get the current settings.
Thanks in advance if anyone's ever seen this before!

For the record, it turned out that the "Secondary Logon" service wasn't installed in the image.
The code I had reached down eventually into either CreateProcessWithLogonW or CreateProcessAsUser which ultimately depend on this service running. The "specified service" error was spot on, but not about what I thought it was about. No idea why I got that particular error from Process Explorer.


Delphi XE 5 Application Not Starting up from startup Directory Windows 8.1

I am trying to get my application to start at startup. So far i have tested it on windows xp and windows 7 and it works like a charm. But in windows 8.1 the shortcut is in the startup directory C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup but it does not start.
If i check with the task manager under the start up tab the application is there and is enabled. But it just doesn't start on start up.
Can anybody please assist?
Update 1:
I have found the problem. I marked the application to run as administrator. When i removed that privileges the application started at start up. Why would this interfere? i ran it as administrator in windows 7. and since have tested it on windows 8 and also had to set it to run as administrator, even then it worked. Only in 8.1 did it cause the software not to start up.
Does anybody know why?
OK to be clearer on the above mentioned update. and comments.
The program works fine. Nothing is wrong with it.
When it is checked to run as administrator it does not auto start. When the admin rights are removed. It does auto start.
I have done a simple test to see if the software even launches and it does not so logging wont help. I set a message to appear if the application launches so before anything is processed i get notified. Before there can be any errors in code it will tell me.
SO the problem is not the coding in the program. The problem clearly is windows 8.1 which does not let my application auto launch on start up when it has admin rights.
It transpires that the issue is that you wish the program to run elevated which results in a UAC dialog being shown. Windows blocks autostart programs that requested elevation. You report a difference between Windows 7 and Windows 8 but I suspect that the real difference is your UAC settings on the two machines.
This is discussed in more detail in these links:
In all cases, the recommendation is to use the task scheduler to cache admin credentials and so avoid facing the UAC dialog.

Running a "rundll32.exe" process at Win7 Logon, Lock, & Switch User screens?

Before I start, another post for something similar to this request for help is located at Running a process at the Windows 7 Welcome Screen, but the responses were not quite what I believe I am looking for, and the post is over a year old so I thought it best to start a new thread for my needs.
In Windows 7 Ultimate, I am trying to create a script or task scheduler event that will run a Windows "rundll32.exe" process with arguments at the logon, lock, and switch user screens (basically any screen that is waiting for user to log into the machine).
I have tried using the startup script controls in group policy editor as well as creating a task scheduler event, but so far I am unable to get the process to display on the logon screens.
The command line I am using does work while logged into any account at any user level via the "Run.." dialog as well as via CMD prompt, and is only creating a popup that already exists in the Windows OEM Environment.
The hardest part is this: My friend just bought a new laptop. The new laptop came with this specific feature already enabled, but I have no idea what is making it happen and do not have access to the computer to check out gpedit.msc and task scheduler for possible solutions.
There are two reasons why I need this info: 1) I want the feature to work on my own laptop, and 2) my friend would like help disabling it on his as he doesn't like it.
I have been all over Google, posted at Microsoft Answers, and also posted on the laptop manufacturer's user forums. I have found very few pages that refer to the same question as I have, but none have answers that work, and since I have seen and know that this is possible, I am compelled to continue looking.
The laptop that this is currently working on was purchased with a fresh install of Win 7 Ultimate and no manufacturer bloatware/additional software added, so we know that the feature was made to happen by whomever it was that installed the OS and configured it for sale. Therefore I am certain it is just a matter of the right task or script in Windows itself before I see the results I need and then know how to direct my friend to disable his via phone.
The specific call is "rundll32.exe van.dll,RunVAN". In task scheduler I have set this to run as "SYSTEM" and set the triggers for startup, workstation lock, and local disconnect. I have tried using full path to rundll32.exe as well as the bare command. In gpedit startup scripts I have tried full path and bare command. Neither of which for either case is making this popup show on the logon screens.
Any and all help and/or advice on this would be greatly appreciated by both myself and my friend.
dynamic display of images for the credential provider

Running GUI application in the Windows service mode

I'm writing a server running as a Windows service that by request invokes Firefox to generate a pdf snapshot of a webpage.
I know it is a bad idea to run a GUI program in service mode, but the server nature of my program restricts from running it in the user mode. Running a user-level 'proxy' also is not an option, since there might be no interactive user logged-in on the machine with the server running.
In my experiments Firefox successfully produced pdf when the service was running under a user account that was already logged-in. Obviously it didn't work in other cases: for Local System and user accounts that weren't logged-in. Under LocalSystem with 'Allow service to interact with desktop' option enabled I could see the Firefox started that reports that it's unable to find a printer.
Since it wouldn't be practical to require an opened user session for the pdf server to run, is there any workaround for this except running the whole thing from a virtual machine?
UPDATE: I figured that the problem wasn't really with account permissions, but with an invisible modal dialog that FF was waiting on while running in the service mode.
However it's still unable to create a pdf when FF is running under the LocalSystem account. FF says it can't find a printer and I'm wondering if this is a permission that could be somehow enabled?
You might want to try a different approach where you'd include some .NET PDF library (PDFsharp is a good, open source, choice) in your project and than use that in conjuction with WebBrowser control you'd also include in your project to render the PDF.
Don't forget to use STAThread attribute if you try this.
I've been through a similar conundrum with the MS Word running unattended. What you need to do is to login as the user you set up to be used to run firefox process and go through the process of setting up printers.
It is possible that just logging in as that user will be enough - there is some stuff performed during the first logon.
I apologize I was not clear enough - I mean you have to logon interactively using that account, configure the default printer, logout, and then run your service
Can you run the program as a Scheduled Task instead? The task can be assigned to a given user account which should work around the service limitations.
A couple of year ago I had a related issue: Shared Network Printer on pseudo-device starting up Ghostscript for PS->PCL translation and printing to real printer. The print-spooler service ran as Local System and the pseudo-device driver hat troubles executing Ghostscript from the service-mode. I was able to solve the problem by copying a couple of registry keys from the HKCU-hive to HKLM.

VB6 app not executing as scheduled task unless user is logged on

I would greatly appreciate some help on this one! It may be a tricky one. :)
I have an VB6 application which is set up as scheduled task. It starts every time, but when executing CreateObject() it fails if a user is not logged on to computer.
I am looking for information on what could cause this. My primary suspicion is that some Windows API fails.
Key points
Behaviour confirmed on Windows 2000, 2003, 2008 and Vista.
The application executes as user X at scheduled time, executed by Windows Task Scheduler.
It executes every time. Application does start!
If user X is logged on via RDP it runs perfectly. (Note that user doesn't need to be connected, only logged on)
If user X is not logged on to computer the application fails.
Failure point
Application fails when using CreateObject() to instantiate a DCOM object which is also part of the application.
The DCOM objects declare .dll-references at startup (globally/on top of .bas-file) and run a small startup function. Failure must be during startup, possibly in one of the .dll-declarations.
After some Googling my initial suspicion was directed at MAPI. From what I could see MAPI required user to be logged on. The application has MAPI references. But even with all MAPI references removed it still does not work.
What is the difference if an user is logged on? Registry mapping? Environment? Explorer.exe is running.
Isn't the user logged on when application executes as the user?
What info would help?
A definitive answer would be truly great.
Any information regarding any VB6 feature/Windows API that could act differently depending on whether user is logged on or not would definitively help.
Similar experiences may lead me in the right direction.
Tips on debugging this.
The VB application possibly needs to get hold on to running services that are only running when a user is logged on.
What is the "Identity" setting of the DCOM component.
Component Services
My Computer
DCOM Config
The DCOM Object, right click properties
Identity tab
Set it to "This User" and set a user with the required permissions, and then run the app as your self to see if the DCOM component can still work, then try again from the scheduler.
We never found out what caused this.
Instead I made a RDP client which I put in Scheduled Tasks. It logged on a user which had the required app in startup. After some time the RDP client forcefully logged out the user (to prevent runaway apps hanging the system).
Not the perfect solution, but a solution nevertheless.
has your VB6 forms?
because when you run scheduled, it run "as a service", so it can't have forms, or if it have forms an enviroment where to show them.
I don't remember what I have used, but exists generic "run as a service" converter exe to run windowed VB6 projects.
Also perhaps you can easy convert your code to run as a VBScript, and schedule it.

windows help: Application failed to Initialize Properly (0x80000003)

I am trying to build a windows service that includes a Lua component, and links with Lua's shared libraries. I am building the code in Eclipse/CDT with MinGW. It builds fine, but when I run it, I get "Application failed to Initialize Properly (0x80000003). Click OK to terminate".
I am looking for clues as to what might be going on. A Hello World program compiles and runs fine, so there are no basic environment issues (I hope!). BTW, I am running on XP Home.
OK, I have figured out, by some guesswork, what was going on, and thought I'd post this for the benefit of others who might run into a similar problem - I think the lua DLL I was linking to, at runtime, was a different version than the one I built with. This caused the app initialization to fail I guess. When I made them to be the same file, things started working. I have not looked into why this would cause app init to fail, but I guess some symbol being at a different address or something? Or could it be that the DLLs were built with different tool chains?
This might be caused by not having permissions to access the DLLs required by the application. Are you logged in as an Administrator or member of the Administrator group?
Try logging in as Administrator to see if the problem goes away. This will help determine if it's a permissions issue, and then you can explore that further.
You could also try using the Dependency Walker (depends.exe) to see if this highlights any problems.
Cause of this problem is to try to run DOS programs, or 16-bit programs in Windows XP
To run DOS programs, or 16-bit environment in windows xp
To do so go to Start , Run and type gpedit.msc
And there go to:
User Configuration
Administrative Templates
Start Menu and Taskbar
And double-click on
Add "Run in Separate Memory Space" check box to Run dialog box
Select Enabled and then OK.
If the problem is not resolved, we will have to disable the Dr Watson , Do the following:
Go to the Start
System Tools
System Information
Then go to:
Dr Watson
Or go to Start , Run and type drwtsn32
And disable:
Dump All Thread Contexts
Create Crash Dump File
And press:
And then restart your computer .......
And then you will be able to run any game or program is running Dos or 16-bit, within Windows xp.
