Simply Pseudocode Question - pseudocode

I'm new to psuedocode, and I'm having trouble putting all the pieces together:
Here is the definition of a function named foo whose inputs are two integers and an array of integers a[1] ... a[n].
1 Foo(k,m, a[1],...,a[n])
2 if (k < 1 or m > n or k > m) return 0
3 else return a[k] + Foo(k+1,m,a[1],...,a[n])
Suppose that the input integers are k=2 and m=5 and the input array contains [5, 6, 2, 3, 4, 8, 2]. What value does Foo return? Using summation notation, give a general formula for what Foo computes.
This one is making my head hurt. Here's what I did so far:
Line 2 has three conditional statements:
If k<1 // if 2<1..this is false
If m>n // if 5 is greater than the amount of values in the array, which is 7, so this is false
If k>m // if 2>5, this is false
So this function will display line 3. Line 3 says:
return a[k] which is a[2] which is the second value of the array, which is 6. So take 6 and add it to (2+1, 5, a[1].....,a[n])
Is what I have done correct up there? If so, how would I know what a[n] is? Am I supposed to be finding that? What would be the final result of all this?

Simple answer: that function returns the sum of all the numbers a[k], a[k+1], ... a[m].
What you're doing is correct so far. The "n" is just a placeholder meaning the last element of the array. So if your input array is {5,6,2,3,4,8,2}, n = 7 (cause your have seven elements), and a[n] = 2.
But why it returns the sum of all numbers a[k], a[k+1], ... a[m], you should find out for yourself. Just continue with your analysis. :)

So take 6 and add it to (2+1, 5,
Take 6 and add it to Foo(2+1, 5, a[1].....,a[n]). It's a recursive function. You have to evaluate the function again with k=3 and m=5.

I think you are confused because your pseudocode looks like real code to me. I may be wrong, but we are taught to write pseudocode differently, using plain English phrases.


How do I properly use a for loop in Ruby?

I'm trying to improve my Ruby skills using the Project Euler series of questions and I'm wondering why this code does not work for this question: "Even Fibonacci numbers, Problem 2"
Each new term in the Fibonacci sequence is generated by adding the previous two terms. By starting with 1 and 2, the first 10 terms will be:
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ...
By considering the terms in the Fibonacci sequence whose values do not exceed four million, find the sum of the even-valued terms.
My code:
def fibo(n)
first, second, sequence = 0,1,[]
for e in n
first, second = second, first + second
sequence << e if e%2 == 0
puts fibo(4000000)
Any help would be appreciated!
In the line:
for e in n
4,000,000 is being substituted for n, so you are saying:
for e in 4000000
which is not a valid statement - you cannot iterate on an integer.
If you would like to iterate through all the values from 0 to n, try:
for e in (0..n)
This iterates through the values in the range 0 to n.
However, there is a deeper problem here. It looks as though you want to iterate up to the value 4000000, but instead your code would iterate through the first 4000000 Fibonacci numbers, which is much more than you want. You may want to consider saying:
while second <= 4000000
I suggest you check out Ruby Koans if you're starting out with Ruby. It's a fun way of getting used to the ways of the language.
That said your code is not calculating Fibonacci correctly, it's not summing the Fibonacci numbers and also has some other errors (for e in n is not valid because n is not an Enumerator type). Fix it like this:
def fibo(n)
first, second, sum = 0, 1, 0
loop do
first, second = second, first + second
sum += second if second%2 == 0
break if second >= n

How to sort K sorted arrays, with MERGE SORT

I know that this question has been asked, and there is a very nice elegant solution using a min heap.
MY question is how would one do this using the merge function of merge sort.
You already have an array of sorted arrays. So you should be able to merge all of them into one array in O(nlog K) time, correct?
I just can't figure out how to do this!
Say I have
[ [5,6], [3,4], [1,2], [0] ]
Step 1: [ [3,4,5,6], [0,1,2] ]
Step2: [ [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] ]
Is there a simple way to do this? Is O(nlog K) theoretically achievable with mergesort?
As others have said, using the min heap to hold the next items is the optimal way. It's called an N-way merge. Its complexity is O(n log k).
You can use a 2-way merge algorithm to sort k arrays. Perhaps the easiest way is to modify the standard merge sort so that it uses non-constant partition sizes. For example, imagine that you have 4 arrays with lengths 10, 8, 12, and 33. Each array is sorted. If you concatenated the arrays into one, you would have these partitions (the numbers are indexes into the array, not values):
The first pass of your merge sort would have starting indexes of 0 and 10. You would merge that into a new array, just as you would with the standard merge sort. The next pass would start at positions 18 and 30 in the second array. When you're done with the second pass, your output array contains:
Now your partitions start at 0 and 18. You merge those two into a single array and you're done.
The only real difference is that rather than starting with a partition size of 2 and doubling, you have non-constant partition sizes. As you make each pass, the new partition size is the sum of the sizes of the two partitions you used in the previous pass. This really is just a slight modification of the standard merge sort.
It will take log(k) passes to do the sort, and at each pass you look at all n items. The algorithm is O(n log k), but with a much higher constant than the N-way merge.
For implementation, build an array of integers that contains the starting indexes of each of your sub arrays. So in the example above you would have:
int[] partitions = [0, 10, 18, 30];
int numPartitions = 4;
Now you do your standard merge sort. But you select your partitions from the partitions array. So your merge would start with:
merge (inputArray, outputArray, part1Index, part2Index, outputStart)
part1Start = partitions[part1Index];
part2Start = partitions[part2Index];
part1Length = part2Start - part1Start;
part2Length = partitions[part2Index-1] - part2Start;
// now merge part1 and part2 into the output array,
// starting at outputStart
And your main loop would look something like:
while (numPartitions > 1)
for (int p = 0; p < numPartitions; p += 2)
outputStart = partitions[p];
merge(inputArray, outputArray, p, p+1, outputStart);
// update partitions table
partitions[p/2] = partitions[p] + partitions[p+1];
numPartitions /= 2;
That's the basic idea. You'll have to do some work to handle the dangling partition when the number is odd, but in general that's how it's done.
You can also do it by maintaining an array of arrays, and merging each two arrays into a new array, adding that to an output array of arrays. Lather, rinse, repeat.
You should note that when we say complexity is O(n log k), we assume that n means TOTAL number of elements in ALL of k arrays, i.e. number of elements in a final merged array.
For example, if you want to merge k arrays that contain n elements each, total number of elements in final array will be nk. So complexity will be O(nk log k).
There different ways to merge arrays. To accoplish that task in N*Log(K) time you can use a structure called Heap (it is good structure to implement priority queue). I suppose that you already have it, if you don’t then pick up any available implementation:
Then you can do that like this:
1. We have A[1..K] array of arrays to sort, Head[1..K] - current pointer for every array and Count[1..K] - number of items for every array.
2. We have Heap of pairs (Value: int; NumberOfArray: int) - empty at start.
3. We put to the heap first item of every array - initialization phase.
4. Then we organize cycle:
5. Get pair (Value, NumberOfArray) from the heap.
6. Value is next value to output.
7. NumberOfArray – is number of array where we need to take next item (if any) and place to the heap.
8. If heap is not empty, then repeat from step 5
So for every item we operate only with heap built from K items as maximum. It mean that we will have N*Log(K) complexity as you asked.
I implemented it in python. The main idea is similar to mergesort. There are k arrays in lists. In function mainMerageK, just divide lists (k) into left (k/2) and right (k/2). Therefore, the total count of partition is log(k). Regarding function merge, it is easy to know the runtime is O(n). Finally, we get O(nlog k)
By the way, it also can be implemented in min heap, and there is a link: Merging K- Sorted Lists using Priority Queue
def mainMergeK(*lists):
# implemented by k-way partition
k = len(lists)
if k > 1:
mid = int(k / 2)
B = mainMergeK(*lists[0: mid])
C = mainMergeK(*lists[mid:])
A = merge(B, C)
print B, ' + ', C, ' = ', A
return A
return lists[0]
def merge(B, C):
A = []
p = len(B)
q = len(C)
i = 0
j = 0
while i < p and j < q:
if B[i] <= C[j]:
i += 1
j += 1
if i == p:
for c in C[j:]:
for b in B[i:]:
return A
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = mainMergeK([1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6], [7, 8, 10], [9])
print x
The output likes below:
[1, 3, 5] + [2, 4, 6] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
[7, 8, 10] + [9] = [7, 8, 9, 10]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] + [7, 8, 9, 10] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
Just do it like a 2-way merge except with K items. Will result in O(NK). If you want O(N logK) you will need to use a min-heap to keep track of the K pointers(with source array as a metadata) in the algorithm below:
Keep an array of K elements - i.e K pointers showing position in each array.
Mark all K elements are valid.
Compare values in K pointers that are valid. if the value is minimum, select least index pointer and increment it into the next value in the array. If incremented value has crossed it's array, mark it invalid.
Add the least value into the result.
Repeat till all K elements are invalid.
For example,:
Positions Arrays
p1:0 Array 1: 0 5 10
p2:3 Array 2: 3 6 9
p3:2 Array 3: 2 4 6
Output (min of 0,3,2)=> 0. So output is {0}
p1:5 0 5 10
p2:3 3 6 9
p3:2 2 4 6
Output (min of 5,3,2)=> 2. So {0,2}
p1:5 0 5 10
p2:3 3 6 9
p3:4 2 4 6
Output (min of 5,3,4)=>3. So {0,2,3}
..and so on..until you come to a state where output is {0,2,3,4,5,6}
p1:5 0 5 10
p2:9 3 6 9
p3:6 2 4 6
Output (min of 5,9,6)=>6. So {0,2,3,4,5,6}+{6} when you mark p3 as "invalid" as you have exhausted the array. (or if you are using a min-heap you will simply remove the min-item, get it's source array metadata: in this case array 3, see that it's done so you will not add anything new to the min-heap)

Modifying the range of a uniform random number generator

I am given a function rand5() that generates, with a uniform distribution, a random integer in the closed interval [1,5]. How can I use rand5(), and nothing else, to create a function rand7(), which generates integers in [1,7] (again, uniformly distributed) ?
I searched stackoverflow, and found many similar questions, but not exactly like this one.
My initial attempt was rand5() + 0.5*rand5() + 0.5*rand5(). But this won't generate integers from 1 to 7 with uniform probability. Any answers, or links to answers, are very welcome.
Note that a prefect uniform distribution cannot be achieved with a bounded number of draw5() invocations, because for every k: 5^k % 7 != 0 - so you will always have some "spare" elements.
Here is a solution with unbounded number of draw5() uses:
Draw two numbers, x1,x2. There are 5*5=25 possible outcomes for this.
Note that 25/7 ~= 3.57. Chose 3*7=21 combinations, such that each combination will be mapped to one number in [1,7], for all other 4 numbers - redraw.
For example:
(1,1),(1,2),(2,1) : 1
(3,1),(1,3),(3,2): 2
(3,3),(1,4),(4,1): 3
(2,4),(4,2)(3,4): 4
(4,3), (4,4), (1,5): 5
(5,1), (2,5), (5,2) : 6
(5,3), (3,5), (4,5) : 7
(5,4),(5,5),(2,3), (2,2) : redraw
Here's a simple way:
Use rand5() to generate a sequence of three random integers from the set { 1, 2, 4, 5 } (i.e., throw away any 3 that is generated).
If all three numbers are in the set { 1, 2 }, discard the sequence and return to step 1.
For each number in the sequence, map { 1, 2} to 0 and { 4, 5 } to 1. Use these as the three bit values for a 3-bit number. Because the bits cannot all be 0, the number will be in the range [1, 7]. Because each bit is 0 or 1 with equal probability, the distribution over [1, 7] should be uniform.
ok I had to think about it for a while but it is actually not that hard. Imagine instead of rand5 you had rand2 which either outputs 0 or 1. You can make rand2 our of rand5 by simply doing
rand2() {
if(rand5() > 2.5) return 1
else return 0
now using rand2 multiple times do a tree to get rand7. For example if you start rand7 can be in [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] after a throw of rand2 which gives 0 you now subset to [1,2,3,4] and after another throw or rand2 which is 1 you subset to [3,4] and a final throw of 1 gives the output of rand7 to be 4. In general this tree trick can work to take a rand2 and map to randx where x is any integer.
Here's one meta-trick which comes in handy for lots of these problems: the bias is introduced when we treat the terms differently in some fashion, so if we treat them all the same at each step and perform operations only on the set, we'll stay out of trouble.
We have to call rand5() at least once (obviously!), but if we branch on that bad things happen unless we're clever. So instead let's call it once for each of the 7 possibilities:
In [126]: import random
In [127]: def r5():
.....: return random.randint(1, 5)
In [128]: [r5() for i in range(7)]
Out[128]: [3, 1, 3, 4, 1, 1, 2]
Clearly each of these terms was equally likely to be any of these numbers.. but only one of them happened to be 2, so if our rule had been "choose whichever term rand5() returns 2 for" then it would have worked. Or 4, or whatever, and if we simply looped long enough that would happen. So there are lots of way to come up with something that works. Here (in pseudocode -- this is terrible Python) is one way:
import random, collections
def r5():
return random.randint(1, 5)
def r7():
left = range(1, 8)
while True:
if len(left) == 1:
return left[0]
rs = [r5() for n in left]
m = max(rs)
how_many_at_max = rs.count(m)
if how_many_at_max == len(rs):
# all the same: try again
elif how_many_at_max == 1:
# hooray!
return left[rs.index(m)]
# keep only the non-maximals
left = [l for l,r in zip(left, rs) if r != m]
which gives
In [189]: collections.Counter(r7() for _ in xrange(10**6))
Out[189]: Counter({7: 143570, 5: 143206, 4: 142827, 2: 142673, 6: 142604, 1: 142573, 3: 142547})

Combinations of numbers with weight

I have an array / list of numbers. Each number has a certain priority / importance.
I need an algorithm that generate all combinations of numbers, but begin form numbers with the most importance.
e.g. [number, priority]: [1,1], [2,3], [3,2]. Highest priority is 1.
1, 3, 2, 1 1, 1 3, 3 3, 3 1, 1 2, 3 2, 2 1, 2 2, 1 1 1, 1 1 3, 1 3 1...
Any idea how to do this?
Of course, I want to generate a certain number of combinations.
I changed my answer to an example code, this way you don't even need a recursion. You have to sort first the elements by the priority. The example is in Perl, which is not so far from Pseudocode
#numbers = (1, 3, 2, 4);
push(#result, #numbers);
push(#working_list, #numbers);
for ($i = 1; $i < #numbers; $i++) { # We loop exactly for the length of the array (-1 because the first iteration is already inside)
my #result_list;
for $result (#working_list) { # get the result of the last iteration of $i
for $number (#numbers) { # iterate the numbers
push (#result_list, "$result $number"); # adding the numbers
push(#result, #result_list); # push the last result to final result list
undef #working_list;
push(#working_list, #result_list); # use the last result as a start point for next $i iteration
print join(', ', #result);
It seems you are looking for all combinations not for all permutations(I do not see any set of numbers repeated so you only care about the set of numbers but not of the order within that set).
Here is a tip for you - first write down the code that will produce all the possible combinations of the numbers 1 to n and then do a simple bijection between those number and the ones you are given taking into account the weights.

find elements summing to s in an array

given an array of elements (all elements are unique ) , given a sum
s find all the subsets having sum s.
for ex array {5,9,1,3,4,2,6,7,11,10}
sum is 10
possible subsets are {10}, {6,4}, {7,3}, {5,3,2}, {6,3,1} etc.
there can be many more.
also find the total number of these subsets.
please help me to solve this problem..
It is a famous backtracking problem which can be solved by recursion. Basically its a brute force approach in which every possible combination is tried but 3 boundary conditions given at least prune the search.
Here is algorithm:
s variable for the sum of elements selected till now.
r variable for the overall sum of the remaining array.
M is the sum required.
k is index starting with 0
w is array of given integers
x[k]:=1; //select the current element
if(s<=M & r>=M-s & w[k]<=M-s)
then output all i [1..k] that x[i]=1
x[k]:=0 //don't select the current element
if(s<=M) & (r>=M-s) & (w[k]<=M-s)
if (M==s)
then output all i [1..k] that x[i]=1
I am using an array "x" to mark the candidate numbers selected for solution. At each step 3 boundary conditions are checked:
1. Sum of selected elements in "x" from "w" shouldn't exceed M. s<M.
2. Remaining numbers in array should be able to complete M. r>=M-s.
3. Single remaining value in w shouldn't overflow M. w[k]<=M-s.
If any of the condition is failed, that branch is terminated.
Here's some python code doing what you want. It makes extensive use of itertools so to understand it you might want to have a look at the itertools docs.
>>> import itertools
>>> vals = (5,9,1,3,4,2,6,7,11,10)
>>> combos = itertools.chain(*((x for x in itertools.combinations(vals, i) if sum(x) == 10) for i in xrange(len(vals)+1)))
>>> for c in combos: print c
(9, 1)
(3, 7)
(4, 6)
(5, 1, 4)
(5, 3, 2)
(1, 3, 6)
(1, 2, 7)
(1, 3, 4, 2)
What it does is basically this:
For all possible subset sizes - for i in xrange(len(vals)+1), do:
Iterate over all subsets with this size - for x in itertools.combinations(vals, i)
Test if the sum of the subset's values is 10 - if sum(x) == 10
In this case yield the subset
For each subset size another generator is yielded, so I'm using itertools.chain to chain them together so there's a single generator yielding all solutions.
Since you have only a generator and not a list, you need to count the elements while iterating over it - or you could use list(combos) to put all values from the generator into a list (this consumes the generator, so don't try iterating over it before/after that).
Since you don't say if it's homework or not, I give only some hints:
let nums be the array of numbers that you can use (in your example nums = {5,9,1,3,4,2,6,7,11,10})
let targetSum be the sum value you're given (in your example targetSum = 10)
sort nums: you don't want to search for solutions using elements of nums that are bigger of your targetSum
let S_s be a set of integers taken from nums whose sum is equal to s
let R_s be the set of all S_s
you want to find R_s (in your example R_10)
now, assume that you have a function find(i, s) which returns R_s using the the sub-array of nums starting from position i
if nums[i] > s you can stop (remember that you have previously sorted nums)
if nums[i] == s you have found R_s = { { nums[i] } }, so return it
for every j in [1 .. nums.length - 1] you want to compute R_s' = find(i + j, targetSum - nums[i]), then add nums[i] to every set in R_s', and add them to your result R_s
solve your problem by implementing find, and calling find(0, 10)
I hope this helps
