Developing an automated software deployment program through Samba or Active Directory - windows

I'm a web developer that needs to build a piece of software for my local office of about 20-30 Windows computers. It needs to automatically and silently run software updates and deployments on all computers.
The Windows computers run on a local network. I'm not sure where to start putting my hands on with something like this... I'm an experienced programmer, just need the right direction on what to read.
I know each Windows client has a Samba server, and also we're using Active Directory, but I'm not sure how that works.
How would I go about starting developing this? I'm sure there's Windows APIs for samba file transfers, but I also need to know about documentation on silently installing the .exe or whatever, and also I need APIs to know the applications running on the client to understand if they need to be updated.
Where's all these APIs?

Have a look at It's license is GPL. It runs on Samba in an Active Directory. See also their feature overview.
I mentioned Samba only because you also did so. Though your exact words read: 'I know each Windows client has a Samba server [....] though I'm not sure how that works.'
In case you meant that each Windows client has access to a Samba server, my answer may be contributing to help you.
In case you thought your Windows clients are running Samba themselves, this is impossible (but my answer may help to clarify a few things nevertheless).
Here's why:
Samba is an implementation of the Microsoft SMB stack of networking protocols for Unix-oid operating systems.
SMB is what all Windows computers use natively.

why exactly you want do develop this application
there is a Microsoft product responsible for this thing . it is called SUS server


Is it possible to run programs locally from a terminal services remote app?

First, I guess I'd have to figure out if I'm running remotely and second I'd have to figure out whether my remote connection is a standalone remote app or an app running on a terminal server (that may be tricky).
But, once I've figured out all those awful things, is there a way to run a windows function like ShellExecute locally instead of remotely?
The reason I'd want to do this is because I launch a web browser to view rather high bandwidth things that require javascript and flash and certain sysadmins who administer our product aren't too keen on having to make unnecessary and insecure modifications to their terminal server farm.
Yes, if the clients are running Windows and you can install software on them.
See Remote Desktop Services Virtual Channels in MSDN.
There is a free tool that does exactly what you want. I got reference from TechNet forums, it's named Remote Executer from
Good luck

forwarding windows applications to linux

I'm looking to implement a solution to forward Windows applications to a Linux box.
XMing will let me do the reverse - ie: forward Linux applications to a Windows box.
The wikipedia article for RDP claims that something like this is supported but I couldn't find anything in the API.
To avoid confusion, I am not looking to share the entire desktop. If you have 2 applications running on a Windows host, I'd like the Linux client to be able to see and interact with both applications irrespective of whether they are minimized or overlapping on the Windows host.
Any pointers to existing open source software would also be much appreciated!
I think you should check out seamlessRDP ( and rdesktop (
Guide on how to use them together
I think this should go to the superuser side too.

Cross-platform File sync tool

I am developing a webapp that will be used on LAN mostly. I have different locations where I deployed this app. Some of the locations run windows and some run linux (no x-window system). I need to know if there is a software out there that could easily synchronize my files stored somehere in the cloud (the clouding service can be provided by the app developers or to use different clouds) on both linux and windows machines. My english is a bit rusty so i'm going to explain this in simple words.
I will work on my local machine. I want to upload the files somewhere on the cloud and the clients installed on the LAN servers should synchronize the files. The client must be available for linux under console (as a daemon if possible) while on windows it can be something like dropbox or ubuntu one.
Does somebody know of such an app?
Dropbox is available for Linux.
You could also investigate unison.
I think "Git" is the best solution to develop your project in different machine.
You can sync your code with easy command through this app, and it will record all the version of your code.
Just google "Git tutorial", and you will find many useful introductions.
I think there is a great tool called Syncthing should be considered after 8 years.
Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program. It synchronizes files between two or more computers and replaces proprietary sync and cloud services with something open, trustworthy and decentralized. Your data is your data alone and you deserve to choose where it is stored, if it is shared with some third party and how it's transmitted over the internet.
Check the list of Syncthing's goals for more details.

Is it possible to easily compile and run code in another machine in Visual Studio/Eclipse?

Let's say I am developing a program that needs a bit more power than a netbook can provide and I have a good computer at home connected to the internet.
Is there any easy way to code in the netbook while I'm not at home and then when building, making it go and run on the computer at home?
I know running programs on other computers isn't a problem, but I'd like to know if it is possible to have an easy experience (it's still possible to debug, etc).
It is definitely possible for Java code and Eclipse. But there are issues as well.
It helps a great deal if you have a fixed IP.
You need to open up ports on your firewall to be able to
copy your code into your PC
remote debug and upload your application
The last step will create issues with security that you need to address. I use ssh and public/private key to secure my connections.
In general, what you are asking is not much different to releasing a code to a server and debugging it. And normally servers sit somewhere on the internet or cloud.

In what OS should I host subversion?

I have decided to go with Subversion for a source control repository for my personal and side projects and I'm now trying to decide what OS to use. Currently my file server for my home network is Windows 7 beta. I'm wondering if I should wipe it and install Windows Server 2008 instead? Basically I'd like to know if there are things I could take advantage with a server OS that I can't with Windows 7. First thing that comes to mind is accessing subversion remotely with a VPN connection.
I'm a .net developer, but have dabbled in Linux a bit so I'm not completely turned off to the idea of an ubuntu or debian server...
I imagine the installation and configuration process might go off with fewer hitches if installed on Linux, just because of the package management, but that's assuming some experience with the package system of $whatever_distro. If you're comfortable with Windows, Subversion works perfectly well on there. I've set it up on both, but prefer the Linux installation process (easier Apache integration, in my view), but I had pre-existing Linux experience.
If you're familiar with Windows, I bet you'll find the installation and configuration process easier there. As others have said, many of the tools are cross-platform.
You can run a Subversion server on Windows or Linux (or whatever) so it really doesn't matter. Pick whichever one you already have and feel most comfortable with. Since you are a Windows developer I see no real reason to toss Linux into the mix though.
If your goal is to minimize the amount of work you put into the maintenance of subversion, go with the OS you are most comfortable with. Many maintenance scripts, and subversion hooks are written and available in perl and python which are available for both windows and linux.
One advantage to the Windows server OSes over their client counterparts is that the client OSes are limited as to the number of inbound connections. If you are going to be the only person working on the repo, this may not make a difference. However, if there are multiple people, then this would be an issue. XP Pro/Vista Ultimate are limited by Microsoft to 10 inbound connections. I cannot speak for Windows 7.
To make life easy, try VisualSVN Server. For personal projects there's no reason to setup a separate server just for SVN.
Windows 7 will be able to host Subversion with no problems whatsoever..
If your file-server is already setup and working under Windows 7, I'd say stick with that.. Adding SVN is no reason to install a new OS
You don't need a server at all to use subversion.
If you've already got a file server on your home network, and you're doing this only for you and your personal projects, just use a subversion client such as TortoiseSVN and create your repository (or repositories) on your file server via network share (or mapped network drive, etc).
I wouldn't recommend this for multi-user setups (unless each has their own repository), but for a single user this is the simplest option. And using this approach, to answer your question, you wouldn't gain anything by switching to a server OS such as Windows Server 2008.
I'd actually recommend going with a hosted Subversion provider instead of setting up Subversion on Windows or getting a second server for that purpose. I work for ProjectLocker, but if you Google "subversion hosting", you'll see there are a number of providers that offer free or reasonably priced solutions. The advantages:
It's a hosting provider's primary job to keep your code safe, secure, and accessible, so they focus on uptime, backups, and security monitoring so you don't have to
You don't have to learn how to be a system administrator or Subversion administrator; several providers have user interfaces that make it easy to manage users and permissions.
Hosting instead of DIY lets you focus on what you actually care about: writing great software
I suggest you take a look at ProjectLocker and some of the other providers and decide which one is right for you. You may decide that doing it yourself is the best option for you, but for many people in your situation, a hosted solution has met their needs.
