Some problems with MapperExtension of sqlalchemy - insert

There are two classes: User and Question
A user may have many questions, and it also contains a question_count
to record the the count of questions belong to him.
So, when I add a new question, I want update the question_count of the
user. At first, I do as:
question = Question(title='aaa', content='bbb')
user = question.user
### user is not None
user.question_count += 1
Everything goes well.
But I wan't to use event callback to do the same thing. As following:
from sqlalchemy.orm.interfaces import MapperExtension
class Callback(MapperExtension):
def after_insert(self, mapper, connection, instance):
user = instance.user
### user is None !!!
user.question_count += 1
class Question(Base):
__tablename__ = "questions"
__mapper_args__ = {'extension':Callback()}
Note in the "after_insert" method:
instance.user # -> Get None!!!
If I change that line to:
I can get the user successfully, But: the user can't be updated!
Look I have modified the user:
user.question_count += 1
But there is no 'update' sql printed in the console, and the
question_count are not updated.
I try to add Session.flush() or Session.commit() in the
after_insert() method, but both cause errors.
Is there any important thing I'm missing? Please help me, thank you

The author of sqlalchemy gave me an useful answer in a forum, I copy it here:
Additionally, a key concept of the
unit of work pattern is that it
organizes a full list of all
INSERT,UPDATE, and DELETE statements
which will be emitted, as well as the
order in which they are emitted,
before anything happens. When the
before_insert() and after_insert()
event hooks are called, this structure
has been determined, and cannot be
changed in any way. The
documentation for before_insert() and
before_update() mentions that the
flush plan cannot be affected at this
point - only individual attributes on
the object at hand, and those which
have not been inserted or updated yet,
can be affected here. Any scheme
which would like to change the flush
plan must use
However, there are several ways of
accomplishing what you want here
without modifiying the flush plan.
The simplest is what I already
suggested. Use
MapperExtension.before_insert() on the
"User" class, and set
user.question_count =
len(user.questions). This assumes
that you are mutating the
user.questions collection, rather than
working with Question.user to
establish the relationship. If you
happened to be using a "dynamic"
relationship (which is not the case
here), you'd pull the history for
user.questions and count up what's
been appended and removed.
The next way, is to do pretty much
what you think you want here, that is
implement after_insert on Question,
but emit the UPDATE statement
yourself. That's why "connection" is
one of the arguments to the mapper
extension methods:
def after_insert(self, mapper, connection, instance):
values(question_count=users_table.c.question_count +1).\
I wouldn't prefer that approach since
it's quite wasteful for many new
Questions being added to a single
User. So yet another option, if
User.questions cannot be relied upon
and you'd like to avoid many ad-hoc
UPDATE statements, is to actually
affect the flush plan by using
def before_flush(self, session, flush_context):
for obj in
if isinstance(obj, Question):
obj.user.question_count +=1
for obj in session.deleted:
if isinstance(obj, Question):
obj.user.question_count -= 1
To combine the "aggregate" approach of
the "before_flush" method with the
"emit the SQL yourself" approach of
the after_insert() method, you can
also use SessionExtension.after_flush,
to count everything up and emit a
single mass UPDATE statement with many
parameters. We're likely well in the
realm of overkill for this particular
situation, but I presented an example
of such a scheme at Pycon last year,
which you can see at
And, as I tried, I found we should update the user.question_count in after_flush

user, being I assume a RelationshipProperty, is only populated after the flush (as it is only this point the ORM knows how to relate the two rows).
It looks like question_count is actually a derived property, being the number of Question rows for that user. If performance is not a concern, you could use a read-only property and let the mapper do the work:
def question_count(self):
return len(self.questions)
Otherwise you're looking at implementing a trigger, either at the database-level or in python (which modifies the flush plan so is more complicated).


User has_many posts. Get all users that have at least 1 post

Users have_many posts.
In a view, I want to get an alphabetized list of all users that have at least 1 post. Here is how I currently do it. Is there a way to make this all one line / using better Rails ActiveRecord conventions?
#users.order("name ASC").each do |user|
if user.posts > 0
Your current solution isn't bad (it's a single query) but it can be improved.
You can use ActiveRecord's built-in counter cache functionality to store the number of associated objects on the parent (in this case, the number of posts associated with a user). Then you can craft a query like this:
User.where('posts_count > 0').order('name ASC')
Here are the docs on :counter_cache (taken from here):
Caches the number of belonging objects on the associate class through the use of increment_counter and decrement_counter. The counter cache is incremented when an object of this class is created and decremented when it's destroyed. This requires that a column named #{table_name}_count (such as comments_count for a belonging Comment class) is used on the associate class (such as a Post class) - that is the migration for #{table_name}_count is created on the associate class (such that Post.comments_count will return the count cached, see note below). You can also specify a custom counter cache column by providing a column name instead of a true/false value to this option (e.g., counter_cache: :my_custom_counter.) Note: Specifying a counter cache will add it to that model's list of readonly attributes using attr_readonly.
We can get all the user ids which have atleast one post using this.
And then we can fetch all the user as follows.
User.joins(:posts).order(' asc') will perform an inner join, as described in the documentation here. A counter cache isn't a bad solution either.

DataMapper use only certain columns

I have a code section like the following:
users = User.all(:fname => "Paul")
This of course results in getting all users called "Paul". Now I only need some of the columns available for each user which leads to replacing the above line by something like this:
users = User.all(:name => "Paul", :fields => [:id, :fname, :lname, :email])
Until now everything works as expected. Unfortunately now I want to work with users but as soon as I use something like users.to_json, also the other columns available will be lazy-loaded even due the fact, that I don't need those. What's the correct or at least a good way to end up with users only containing the attributes for each user that I need?
An intermediate object like suggested in How to stop DataMapper from double query when limiting columns/fields? is not a very good option as I have a lot of places where would need to define at least twice which fields I need and also I would loose the speed improvement gained by loading only the needed data from the DB. In addition such an intermediate object also seems to be quite ugly to build when having multiple rows of the DB selected (=> multiple objects in a collection) instead of just one.
If you usually works with the collection using json I suggest overriding the as_json method in your model:
def as_json(options = nil)
# this example ignores the user's options
super({:only => [:fname]}.merge(options || {}))
You are able to find more detailed explanation here

Can you data-bind a composite id in Grails such that it (or parts of it) becomes updateable?

I am trying to read through the dataBind documentation, but it's not all that clear:
I have a composite id composed of 4 columns, and I need to update one of those. It refuses to .save() and doesn't even throw an error. Is there some configuration that will allow me to change these values and save the model?
If I delete it and create a new record, it will bump the rowid, which I was using on the browser side with datatables/jeditable, and it's not really an option. However, even if I include all the parameters with an empty list:
def a = WaiverExemption.find("from WaiverExemption as e where e.exemptionRowId = ?", [params.rowid]) = params
bindData(a, params, [include: []]) true, failOnError: true)
This does not seem to work. I've also tried naming the columns/properties explicitly both by themselves and also with "id".
I was confused on what bindData() actually does. Still confused on that.
If you have a composite id in Grails and wish to change one or more of the column values, save() will never ever execute as suggested in the question. Instead, you'll want to use .executeUpdate(). You can pass in HQL that updates (though most of the examples on the web are for delete) the table in question, with syntax that is nearly identical to proper SQL. Something along the lines of "update domain d set d.propertyName = ?" should work.
I do not know if this is a wise thing to do, or if it violates some philosophical rule of how a Grails app should work, but it will actually do the update. I advise caution and plenty of testing. This crap's all voodoo to me.

Using invariant with Dexterity form and fieldsets

I have a content type derived from plone.directives.form.Schema; it has several dozen fields across four fieldsets. I'm trying to create a zope.interface.invariant that looks at fields from two different fieldsets.
From tracing the behaviour, it looks like the invariant is called once for each fieldset, but not for the entire form.
I'm aware I can provide my own handler and perform all the checks I need there, but that feels chunky compared to distinctly defined invariants. While the obvious solution is to move related fields onto the same fieldset, the current setup reflects a layout that is logical the end user.
Is there an existing hook where I could perform validation on multiple fields across fieldsets?
The answer seems to be no: calls z3c.form.form.BaseForm.extractData once for each group/fieldset, and this call already includes invariant validation.
Instead of registering your own handler, you could also overwrite extractData:
from plone.directives import form, dexterity
from z3c.form.interfaces import ActionExecutionError,WidgetActionExecutionError
# ...
class EditForm(dexterity.EditForm):
def extractData(self, setErrors=True):
data, errors = super(EditForm, self).extractData(setErrors)
if not None in(data['start'], data['end']):
if data['end'] < data['start']:
raise WidgetActionExecutionError('end', Invalid(_(u"End date should not lie before the start date.")))
if data['end'] - data['start'] > datetime.timedelta(days=7):
raise WidgetActionExecutionError('end', Invalid(_(u"Duration of convention should be shorter than seven (7) days.")))
return data, errors
Please note that this class derives from dexterity.EditForm, which includes Dexterity's default handlers, instead of form.SchemaForm.
WidgetActionExecutionError does not work reliably, though. For some fields, it produces a 'KeyError'.

'Maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000' error with Grails and Oracle

I'm using Grails with an Oracle database. Most of the data in my application is part of a hierarchy that goes something like this (each item containing the following one):
Building site
Data visible to a user is filtered according to his accesses which can be at the Direction, Group or Building Site level depending on user role.
We easily accomplished this by creating a listWithSecurity method for the BuildingSite domain class which we use instead of list across most of the system. We created another listWithSecurity method for Contract. It basically does a Contract.findAllByContractIn(BuildingSite.listWithSecurity). And so on with the other classes. This has the advantage of keeping all the actual access logic in BuildingSite.listWithsecurity.
The problem came when we started getting real data in the system. We quickly hit the "ora-01795 maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000" error. Fair enough, passing a list of over 1000 literals is not the most efficient thing to do so I tried other ways even though it meant I would have to deport the security logic to each controller.
The obvious way seemed to use a criteria such as this (I only put the Direction level access here for simplicity):
def c = NonConformity.createCriteria()
def listToReturn = c.list(max:params.max, offset: params.offset?.toInteger() ?: 0)
inspection {
contract {
buildingSite {
group {
I was expecting Grails to generate a single query with joins that would avoid the ora-01795 error but it seems to be calling a separate query for each level and passing the result back to Oracle as literal in an 'in' to query the other level. In other words, it does exactly what I was doing so I get the same error.
Actually, it might be optimising a bit. It seems to be solving the problem but only for one level. In the previous example, I wouldn't get an error for 1001 inspections but I would get it for 1001 contracts or building sites.
I also tried to do basically the same thing with findAll and a single HQL where statement to which I passed a single direction to get the nonConformities in one query. Same thing. It solves the first levels but I get the same error for other levels.
I did manage to patch it by splitting my 'in' criteria into many 'in' inside an 'or' so no single list of literals is more than 1000 long but that's profoundly ugly code. A single findAllBy[…]In becomes over 10 lines of code. And in the long run, it will probably cause performance problems since we're stuck doing queries with a very large amount of parameters.
Has anyone encountered and solved this problem in a more elegant and efficient way?
This won't win any efficiency awards but I thought I'd post it as an option if you just plainly need to query a list of more than 1000 items none of the more efficient options are available/appropriate. (This stackoverflow question is at the top of Google search results for "grails oracle 1000")
In a grails criteria you can make use of Groovy's collate() method to break up your list...
Instead of this:
def result = MyDomain.createCriteria().list {
'in'('id', idList)
...which throws this exception:
could not execute query
org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query
at grails.orm.HibernateCriteriaBuilder.invokeMethod(
at 1000 expression max in a list(TempIntegrationSpec.groovy:21)
Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CTTIoer.processError(
You'll end up with something like this:
def result = MyDomain.createCriteria().list {
or { idList.collate(1000).each { 'in'('id', it) } }
It's unfortunate that Hibernate or Grails doesn't do this for you behind the scenes when you try to do an inList of > 1000 items and you're using an Oracle dialect.
I agree with the many discussions on this topic of refactoring your design to not end up with 1000+ item lists but regardless, the above code will do the job.
Along the same lines as Juergen's comment, I've approached a similar problem by creating a DB view that flattens out user/role access rules at their most granular level (Building Site in your case?) At a minimum, this view might contain just two columns: a Building Site ID and a user/group name. So, in the case where a user has Direction-level access, he/she would have many rows in the security view - one row for each child Building Site of the Direction(s) that the user is permitted to access.
Then, it would be a matter of creating a read-only GORM class that maps to your security view, joining this to your other domain classes, and filtering using the view's user/role field. With any luck, you'll be able to do this entirely in GORM (a few tips here:
You might, however, need to have some fun with Hibernate:
