In Mathematica, how can I define an arbitrary probability distribution? - wolfram-mathematica

I want an arbitrary function p[x] that integrates to 1 and for all x, 0 <= p[x] <= 1. Some kind of transformation rule?

You could use ProbabilityDistribution for this together with an undefined function of x:
dist = ProbabilityDistribution[p[x], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}];
It now knows a few rules to apply:
continuous probability density: probability of a single value is zero
In[26]:= Probability[x == 0, x \[Distributed] dist]
Out[26]= 0
the probability of having a value at all
In[28]:= Probability[x > 0 || x <= 0, x \[Distributed] dist]
Out[28]= 1
The CDF at - infinity
In[29]:= CDF[dist][-\[Infinity]]
Out[29]= 0
The CDF at + infinity
In[30]:= CDF[dist][\[Infinity]]
Out[30]= 1
In[32]:= PDF[dist][x]
Out[32]= p[x]
However, it doesn't assume the PDF of the distribution is normalized:
In[33]:= Integrate[PDF[dist][x], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}]
Out[33]= Integrate[p[x], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}]
The latter can be taught, defining an UpValue for p:
p /: Integrate[p[x], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}] = 1;
Now it can integrate the PDF:
In[4]:= Integrate[PDF[dist][x], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}]
Out[4]= 1
You know that your second requirement, i.e. 0 <= p[x] <= 1, is not generally true for probability density functions, do you?

In case you're just asking for examples of density functions (PDFs) that match your criteria, here are two (out of uncountably many):
p(x) = 1 if 0 < x < 1
0 otherwise
p(x) = x/2 if 0 < x < 2
0 otherwise
We could even generalize those slightly:
p(x) = 1/k if 0 < x < k
0 otherwise
p(x) = 2x/k^2 if 0 < x < k
0 otherwise
The latter works for k >= 2.
We can even generalize that with another parameter to get a class of such functions with arbitrary exponent
p(x) = (a+1)/k^(a+1)*x^a if 0 < x < k
0 otherwise
which works for all a > 1 and k > a+1.
For more interesting examples I think you'll need to give more criteria.
You mention a transformation rule so perhaps you'd like to take an arbitrary bounded function on R1 and translate/scale it so that it's always between 0 and 1 and integrates to 1.
That will have a straightforward answer as long as you can get the min, max, and integral of the given function.
Go ahead and edit the question to ask that if that's indeed what you're looking for.


Give Matematica Solve function only references to equations instead of whole equations?

How do I supply the Matematica Solve function with only references to equations, instead of whole equations?
I.e. let's say I have multiple equations, like:
eq1 = {x + y == 0}
eq2 = {x y - 2 == 0}
However, when I try to put them in Solve, Matematica throws an error:
Solve[{eq1 && eq2}, {x, y}]
Solve::naqs: {x+y==0}&&{-2+x y==0} is not a quantified system of equations and inequalities.
At the same time, re-writing whole equations works
Solve[x + y == 0 && x y - 1 == 0, {x, y}]
but can quickly become cumbersome when the number and complexity of equations increases.

Solve function not solving simultaneous equations

How do I solve a problem with 3 simultaneous equations? My code shown below is not giving the correct results.
I am attempting to find the maximum area (A) whilst both lengths x and y follow the following property: 2x + y = 960.
I have already looked at the documentation, and it seems that the format of my arguments is correct.
Solve[{2 x + y == 960, A == x*y, D[A] == 0}, {x, y}]
I am unsure of this, however it might be too complex for the Solve function to work, as it is getting the derivative of one of the variables (D[A]).
However I am able to do this question by hand:
Rearrange 1st equation so that y = 960 - 2x
Substitute y into 2nd equation so that A = x(960 - 2x) = 2x^2 + 960x
Get the derivative: 4x + 960 and solve for 4x + 960 = 0
x = 240
Substitute x = 240 into y = 960 - 2x
y = 960 - 2(240) = 960 - 480 = 480
Therefore dimensions are 240 x 480.
I expect the output to be {240, 480}. Thanks :)
EDIT: Here is what I have typed into mathematica:
Clear[x, y, A]
Solve[{2 x + y == 960, A == x*y, D[A, x] == 0}, {x, y}]
OUT: {{x -> 1/2 (480 - Sqrt[2] Sqrt[115200 - A]),
y -> 480 + Sqrt[2] Sqrt[115200 - A]}, {x ->
1/2 (480 + Sqrt[2] Sqrt[115200 - A]),
y -> 480 - Sqrt[2] Sqrt[115200 - A]}
NMaximize[{x*y, 2 x + y == 960}, {x, y}]
OUT: {115200., {x -> 240., y -> 480.}}
Try this
which is maximizing the area with your constraint expression and that instantly returns x->240, y->480
The difficulty you were having was with the use of D[A] when Mathematica needs to know what variable you are differentiating with respect to.
Perhaps something in this will help you understand what is happening with your derivative.
Look at what Solve is going to be given:
A == x*y;
D[A, x]
which gives 0. Why is that? You are taking the derivative of A with respect to x, but A has never been assigned any value, you have only declared that A and x*y are equal. Thus
{2 x + y == 960, A == x*y, D[A, x] == 0}
is handing
{2*x + y == 960, A == x*y, True}
to Solve and that is perhaps less puzzling when Solve returns something with A in it.
When some function in Mathematica isn't giving you the result that you expect or that makes sense then checking exactly what is being given to that function as arguments is always a good first step.
There are always several ways of doing anything in Mathematica and some of those seem to make no sense at all

How to define a function by intervals in Mathematica?

How can I define a function f(x) in Mathematica that gives 1 if x is in [-5, -4] or [1, 3] and 0 otherwise? It's probably something simple but I just can't figure it out!
The basic construction you want is Piecewise, in particular the function you were asking for can be written as
f[x_] := Piecewise[{{1, -5 <= x <= -3}, {1, 1 <= x <= 3}}, 0]
f[x_] := Piecewise[{{1, -5 <= x <= -3 || 1 <= x <= 3}}, 0]
Note that the final argument, 0 defines the default (or "else") value is not needed because the default default is 0.
Also note that although Piecewise and Which are very similar in form, Piecewise is for constructing functions, while Which is for programming. Piecewise will play nicer with integration, simplification etc..., it also has the proper left-brace mathematical notation, see the examples in the documentation.
Since the piecewise function you want is quite simple, it could also be constructed from step functions like Boole, UnitStep and UnitBox, e.g.
UnitBox[(x + 4)/2] + UnitBox[(x - 2)/2]
These are just special cases of Piecewise, as shown by PiecewiseExpand
In[19]:= f[x] == UnitBox[(x+4)/2] + UnitBox[(x-2)/2]//PiecewiseExpand//Simplify
Out[19]= True
Alternatively, you can use switching functions like HeavisideTheta or HeavisidePi, e.g.
HeavisidePi[(x + 4)/2] + HeavisidePi[(x - 2)/2]
which are nice, because if treating the function as a distribution, then its derivative will return the correct combination of Dirac delta functions.
For more discussion see the tutorial Piecewise Functions.
Although Simon's answer is the canonical and correct one, here are another two options:
f[x_] := 1 /; IntervalMemberQ[Interval[{-5, -3}, {1, 3}], x]
f[x_?NumericQ] := 0
f[x_] := If[-5 <= x <= -3 || 1 <= x <= 3, 1, 0]
Note that the first option depends on the order that the definitions were entered (thanks Sjoerd for pointing this out). A similar solution that does not have this problem and will also work correctly when supplied an Interval as input is
f[x_] := 0 /; !IntervalMemberQ[Interval[{-5, -3}, {1, 3}], x]
f[x_] := 1 /; IntervalMemberQ[Interval[{-5, -3}, {1, 3}], x]
All is good and well but as a general rule of the thumb one should try always the simplest approach and keep away as possible from the sophisticated high level programming. In this particular situation I mean the following:
f[x_ /; -5 <= x <= -3] = 0 etc ... etc

FindRoot vs Solve, NSolve and Reduce

First some non-essential context for fun. My real question is far below. Please don't touch the dial.
I'm playing with the new probabilistic functions of Mathematica 8. Goal is to do a simple power analysis. The power of an experiment is 1 minus the probability of a type II error (i.e., anouncing 'no effect', whereas there is an effect in reality).
As an example I chose an experiment to determine whether a coin is fair. Suppose the probability to throw tails is given by b (a fair coin has b=0.5), then the power to determine that the coin is biased for an experiment with n coin flips is given by
1 - Probability[-in <= x - n/2 <= in, x \[Distributed] BinomialDistribution[n, b]]
with in the size of the deviation from the expected mean for a fair coin that I an willing to call not suspicious (in is chosen so that for a fair coin flipped n times the number of tails will be about 95% of the time within mean +/- in ; this, BTW, determines the size of the type I error, the probability to incorrectly claim the existence of an effect).
Mathematica nicely draws a plot of the calculated power:
n = 40;
in = 6;
Plot[1-Probability[-in<=x-n/2<=in,x \[Distributed] BinomialDistribution[n, b]], {b, 0, 1},
Epilog -> Line[{{0, 0.85}, {1, 0.85}}], Frame -> True,
FrameLabel -> {"P(tail)", "Power", "", ""},
BaseStyle -> {FontFamily -> "Arial", FontSize -> 16,
FontWeight -> Bold}, ImageSize -> 500]
I drew a line at a power of 85%, which is generally considered to be a reasonable amount of power. Now, all I want is the points where the power curve intersects with this line. This tells me the minimum bias the coin must have so that I have a reasonable expectation to find it in an experiment with 40 flips.
So, I tried:
In[47]:= Solve[ Probability[-in <= x - n/2 <= in,
x \[Distributed] BinomialDistribution[n, b]] == 0.15 &&
0 <= b <= 1, b]
Out[47]= {{b -> 0.75}}
This fails miserably, because for b = 0.75 the power is:
In[54]:= 1 - Probability[-in <= x - n/2 <= in, x \[Distributed] BinomialDistribution[n, 0.75]]
Out[54]= 0.896768
NSolve finds the same result. Reducedoes the following:
In[55]:= res = Reduce[Probability[-in <= x - n/2 <= in,
x \[Distributed] BinomialDistribution[n, b]] == 0.15 &&
0 <= b <= 1, b, Reals]
Out[55]= b == 0.265122 || b == 0.73635 || b == 0.801548 ||
b == 0.825269 || b == 0.844398 || b == 0.894066 || b == 0.932018 ||
b == 0.957616 || b == 0.987099
In[56]:= 1 -Probability[-in <= x - n/2 <= in,
x \[Distributed] BinomialDistribution[n, b]] /. {ToRules[res]}
Out[56]= {0.85, 0.855032, 0.981807, 0.994014, 0.99799, 0.999965, 1., 1., 1.}
So, Reduce manages to find the two solutions, but it finds quite a few others that are dead wrong.
FindRoot works best here:
In[57]:= FindRoot[{Probability[-in <= x - n/2 <= in,
x \[Distributed] BinomialDistribution[n, b]] - 0.15`}, {b, 0.2, 0, 0.5}]
FindRoot[{Probability[-in <= x - n/2 <= in,
x \[Distributed] BinomialDistribution[n, b]] - 0.15`}, {b, 0.8, 0.5, 1}]
Out[57]= {b -> 0.265122}
Out[58]= {b -> 0.734878}
OK, long introduction. My question is: why do Solve, NSolve, and Reduce fail so miserably (and silently!) here? IMHO, it can't be numerical accuracy since the power values found for the various solutions seem to be correct (they lie perfectly on the power curve) and are considerably removed from the real solution.
For the mma8-deprived Mr.Wizard: The expression for the power is a heavy one:
In[42]:= Probability[-in <= x - n/2 <= in,
x \[Distributed] BinomialDistribution[n, b]]
Out[42]= 23206929840 (1 - b)^26 b^14 + 40225345056 (1 - b)^25 b^15 +
62852101650 (1 - b)^24 b^16 + 88732378800 (1 - b)^23 b^17 +
113380261800 (1 - b)^22 b^18 + 131282408400 (1 - b)^21 b^19 +
137846528820 (1 - b)^20 b^20 + 131282408400 (1 - b)^19 b^21 +
113380261800 (1 - b)^18 b^22 + 88732378800 (1 - b)^17 b^23 +
62852101650 (1 - b)^16 b^24 + 40225345056 (1 - b)^15 b^25 +
23206929840 (1 - b)^14 b^26
and I wouldn't have expected Solve to handle this, but I had high hopes for NSolve and Reduce. Note that for n=30, in=5 Solve, NSolve, Reduce and FindRoot all find the same, correct solutions (of course, the polynomial order is lower there).
I think the problem is just the numeric instablitity of finding roots to high order polynomials:
In[1]:= n=40; in=6;
p[b_]:= Probability[-in<=x-n/2<=in,
In[3]:= Solve[p[b]==0.15 && 0<=b<=1, b, MaxExtraConditions->0]
Out[3]= {{b->0.75}}
Out[4]= {0.896768}
In[5]:= Solve[p[b]==0.15 && 0<=b<=1, b, MaxExtraConditions->1]
Out[5]= {{b->0.265122},{b->0.736383},{b->0.801116},{b->0.825711},{b->0.845658},{b->0.889992},{b->0.931526},{b->0.958879},{b->0.986398}}
Out[6]= {0.85,0.855143,0.981474,0.994151,0.998143,0.999946,1.,1.,1.}
In[7]:= Solve[p[b]==3/20 && 0<=b<=1, b, MaxExtraConditions->0]//Short
Out[7]//Short= {{b->Root[-1+<<39>>+108299005920 #1^40&,2]},{b->Root[<<1>>&,3]}}
Out[8]= {0.85,0.85}
In[9]:= Solve[p[b]==0.15`100 && 0<=b<=1, b, MaxExtraConditions->0]//N
Out[9]= {{b->0.265122},{b->0.734878}}
Out[10]= {0.85,0.85}
(n.b. MaxExtraConditions->0 is actually the default option, so it could have been left out of the above.)
Both Solve and Reduce are simply generating Root objects
and when given inexact coefficients, they are automatically numerically evaluated.
If you look at the (shortened) output Out[7] then you'll see the Root of the full 40th order polynomial:
In[12]:= Expand#(20/3 p[b] - 1)
Out[12]= -1 + 154712865600 b^14 - 3754365538560 b^15 + 43996471155000 b^16 -
331267547520000 b^17 + 1798966820560000 b^18 -
7498851167808000 b^19 + 24933680132961600 b^20 -
67846748661120000 b^21 + 153811663157880000 b^22 -
294248399084640000 b^23 + 479379683508726000 b^24 -
669388358063093760 b^25 + 804553314979680000 b^26 -
834351666126339200 b^27 + 747086226686186400 b^28 -
577064755104364800 b^29 + 383524395817442880 b^30 -
218363285636496000 b^31 + 105832631433929400 b^32 -
43287834659596800 b^33 + 14776188957129600 b^34 -
4150451102878080 b^35 + 942502182076000 b^36 -
168946449235200 b^37 + 22970789150400 b^38 -
2165980118400 b^39 + 108299005920 b^40
In[13]:= Plot[%, {b, -1/10, 11/10}, WorkingPrecision -> 100]
From this graph you can confirm that the zeros are at (approx)
{{b -> 0.265122}, {b -> 0.734878}}.
But, to get the flat parts on the right hand side of the bump requires lots of numerical cancellations. Here's what it looks like without the explicit WorkingPrecision option:
This graph makes it clear why Reduce (or Solve with MaxConditions->1, see In[5] above) finds (from left to right) the first solution properly and the second solution almost correctly, followed by a whole load of crud.
Different numeric methods will fare differently when handling this.
(1) The ones that find all polynomial roots have the most difficult job, in that they may need to deal with deflated polynomials. FindRoot is off the hook there.
(2) The polynomial is a perturbation of one with substantial multiplicity. I would expect numeric methods to have trouble.
(3) The roots are all within 1-2 orders of magnitude in size. SO this is not so far from generally "bad" polynomials with roots around the unit circle.
(4) Most difficult is handling Solve[numeric eqn and ineq]. This must combine inequality solving methods (i.e. cylindrical decomposition) with machine arithmetic. Expect little mercy. Okay, this is univariate, so it amounts to Sturm sequences or Descartes' Rule of Signs. Still not numerically well behaved.
Here are some experiments using various method settings.
n = 40; in = 6;
p[b_] := Probability[-in <= x - n/2 <= in,
x \[Distributed] BinomialDistribution[n, b]]
r1 = NRoots[p[b] == .15, b, Method -> "JenkinsTraub"];
r2 = NRoots[p[b] == .15, b, Method -> "Aberth"];
r3 = NRoots[p[b] == .15, b, Method -> "CompanionMatrix"];
r4 = NSolve[p[b] == .15, b];
r5 = Solve[p[b] == 0.15, b];
r6 = Solve[p[b] == 0.15 && Element[b, Reals], b];
r7 = N[Solve[p[b] == 15/100 && Element[b, Reals], b]];
r8 = N[Solve[p[b] == 15/100, b]];
Sort[Cases[b /. {ToRules[r1]}, _Real]]
Sort[Cases[b /. {ToRules[r2]}, _Real]]
Sort[Cases[b /. {ToRules[r3]}, _Real]]
Sort[Cases[b /. r4, _Real]]
Sort[Cases[b /. r5, _Real]]
Sort[Cases[b /. r6, _Real]]
Sort[Cases[b /. r7, _Real]]
Sort[Cases[b /. r8, _Real]]
{-0.128504, 0.265122, 0.728, 1.1807, 1.20794, 1.22063}
{-0.128504, 0.265122, 0.736383, 0.801116, 0.825711, 0.845658, \
0.889992, 0.931526, 0.958879, 0.986398, 1.06506, 1.08208, 1.18361, \
1.19648, 1.24659, 1.25157}
{-0.128504, 0.265122, 0.733751, 0.834331, 0.834331, 0.879148, \
0.879148, 0.910323, 0.97317, 0.97317, 1.08099, 1.08099, 1.17529, \
1.17529, 1.23052, 1.23052}
{-0.128504, 0.265122, 0.736383, 0.801116, 0.825711, 0.845658, \
0.889992, 0.931526, 0.958879, 0.986398, 1.06506, 1.08208, 1.18361, \
1.19648, 1.24659, 1.25157}
{-0.128504, 0.265122, 0.736383, 0.801116, 0.825711, 0.845658, \
0.889992, 0.931526, 0.958879, 0.986398, 1.06506, 1.08208, 1.18361, \
1.19648, 1.24659, 1.25157}
{-0.128504, 0.75}
{-0.128504, 0.265122, 0.734878, 1.1285}
{-0.128504, 0.265122, 0.734878, 1.1285}
It looks like NSolve is using NRoots with Aberth's method, and Solve might just be calling NSolve.
The distinct solution sets seem to be all over the map. Actually many of the numeric ones that claim to be real (but aren't) might not be so bad. I'll compare magnitudes of one such set vs a set formed from numericizing exact root objects (a generally safe process).
mags4 = Sort[Abs[b /. r4]]
Out[77]= {0.128504, 0.129867, 0.129867, 0.13413, 0.13413, 0.141881, \
0.141881, 0.154398, 0.154398, 0.174443, 0.174443, 0.209069, 0.209069, \
0.265122, 0.543986, 0.543986, 0.575831, 0.575831, 0.685011, 0.685011, \
0.736383, 0.801116, 0.825711, 0.845658, 0.889992, 0.902725, 0.902725, \
0.931526, 0.958879, 0.986398, 1.06506, 1.08208, 1.18361, 1.19648, \
1.24659, 1.25157, 1.44617, 1.44617, 4.25448, 4.25448}
mags8 = Sort[Abs[b /. r8]]
Out[78]= {0.128504, 0.129867, 0.129867, 0.13413, 0.13413, 0.141881, \
0.141881, 0.154398, 0.154398, 0.174443, 0.174443, 0.209069, 0.209069, \
0.265122, 0.543985, 0.543985, 0.575831, 0.575831, 0.685011, 0.685011, \
0.734878, 0.854255, 0.854255, 0.902725, 0.902725, 0.94963, 0.94963, \
1.01802, 1.01802, 1.06769, 1.06769, 1.10183, 1.10183, 1.12188, \
1.12188, 1.1285, 1.44617, 1.44617, 4.25448, 4.25448}
Chop[mags4 - mags8, 10^(-6)]
Out[82]= {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, \
0.00150522, -0.0531384, -0.0285437, -0.0570674, -0.0127339, \
-0.0469044, -0.0469044, -0.0864986, -0.0591449, -0.0812974, \
-0.00263812, -0.0197501, 0.0817724, 0.0745959, 0.124706, 0.123065, 0, \
0, 0, 0}
Daniel Lichtblau
Well, not a proper answer, but an interesting observation. Solve[ ] has the same behavior than Reduce[ ] when the magic (aka MaxExtraConditions) option is used:
x\[Distributed]BinomialDistribution[n,b]]==0.15 &&
0<=b<=1,b, MaxExtraConditions->1]
{{b -> 0.265122}, {b -> 0.736488}, {b -> 0.80151}, {b -> 0.825884},
{b -> 0.84573}, {b -> 0.890444}, {b -> 0.931972}, {b -> 0.960252},
{b -> 0.985554}}

find minimum of a function defined by integration in Mathematica

I need to find the minimum of a function f(t) = int g(t,x) dx over [0,1]. What I did in mathematica is as follows:
f[t_] = NIntegrate[g[t,x],{x,-1,1}]
However mathematica halts at the first try, because NIntegrate does not work with the symbolic t. It needs a specific value to evaluate. Although Plot[f[t],{t,0,1}] works perferctly, FindMinimum stops at the initial point.
I cannot replace NIntegrate by Integrate, because the function g is a bit complicated and if you type Integrate, mathematica just keep running...
Any way to get around it? Thanks!
Try this:
In[58]:= g[t_, x_] := t^3 - t + x^2
In[59]:= f[t_?NumericQ] := NIntegrate[g[t, x], {x, -1, 1}]
In[60]:= FindMinimum[f[t], {t, 1}]
Out[60]= {-0.103134, {t -> 0.57735}}
In[61]:= Plot[f[t], {t, 0, 1}]
Two relevant changes I made to your code:
Define f with := instead of with =. This effectively gives a definition for f "later", when the user of f has supplied the values of the arguments. See SetDelayed.
Define f with t_?NumericQ instead of t_. This says, t can be anything numeric (Pi, 7, 0, etc). But not anything non-numeric (t, x, "foo", etc).
An ounce of analysis...
You can get an exact answer and completely avoid the heavy lifting of the numerical integration, as long as Mathematica can do symbolic integration of g[t,x] w.r.t x and then symbolic differentiation w.r.t. t. A less trivial example with a more complicated g[t,x] including polynomial products in x and t:
g[t_, x_] := t^2 + (7*t*x - (x^3)/13)^2;
xMax = 1; xMin = -1; f[t_?NumericQ] := NIntegrate[g[t, x], {x, xMin, xMax}];
tMin = 0; tMax = 1;Plot[f[t], {t, tMin, tMax}];
tNumericAtMin = t /. FindMinimum[f[t], {t, tMax}][[2]];
dig[t_, x_] := D[Integrate[g[t, x], x], t];
Print["Differentiated integral is ", dig[t, x]];
digAtXMax = dig[t, x] /. x -> xMax; digAtXMin = dig[t, x] /. x -> xMin;
tSymbolicAtMin = Resolve[digAtXMax - digAtXMin == 0 && tMin ≤ t ≤ tMax, {t}];
Print["Exact: ", tSymbolicAtMin[[2]]];
Print["Numeric: ", tNumericAtMin];
Print["Difference: ", tSymbolicAtMin [[2]] - tNumericAtMin // N];
with the result:
Differentiated integral is 2 t x + 98 t x^3 / 3 - 14 x^5 / 65
Exact: 21/3380
Numeric: 0.00621302
Difference: -3.01143 x 10^-9
Minimum of the function can be only at zero-points of it's derivate, so why to integrate in the first place?
You can use FindRoot or Solve to find roots of g
Then you can verify that points are really local minimums by checking derivates of g (it should be positive at that point).
Then you can NIntegrate to find minimum value of f - only one numerical integration!
