How to select array elements in a given range in Ruby? - ruby

I have an array with let's say, 500 elements. I know I can select the first 100 by doing .first(100), my question is how do I select elements from 100 to 200?

You can use ranges in the array subscript:

You can do it like this:
array[100..200] # returns the elements in range 100..200
# or
array[100,100] # returns 100 elements from position 100
More Information

dvcolgan’s answer is right, but it sounds like you might be trying to break your array into groups of 100. If that’s the case, there’s a convenient built-in method for that:
nums = (1..500).to_a
nums.each_slice(100) do |slice|
puts slice.size
# => 100, 100, 100, 100, 100

sample_array = (1..500).to_a
elements_100_to_200 = sample_array[100..200]
You can pass a range as index to an array and get a subarray with the queried elements from that subrange.

new_array = old_array.first(200) - old_array.first(100)


Finding the sum,highest,lowest in a Hash/Array. Ruby

I am fairly new to this so I apologize in advance of my newbieness. I have been working on a project that I want to get the sum, highest,lowest out of a hash/array. I have tried numerous times to get this right but I typically will get an error such as, fixNum cannot convert int to string and undefined method. I will attempt to fix these issues and then run into another issue so I am at a loss. For the record in my text file I have 1,Foo,22 2,Smith,30 my output looks like this {1=>["Foo",22], 2=>["Smith",30]} I would like the highest number to show 30, lowest to be 22 and total to be 52 for different outputs.
You can do as below suppose lets say a variable a = {a: [a,1],b: [b,1] } then
values = //Gives the last element of each array
max= a.max
min = a.min
sum = a.sum
Okay, this is very ugly and someone will probably improve upon it but it works. Assuming I understand the output you would like.
elements ={ |element| element[1] }.map { |element| element[1]}
# sum
# highest
# lowest
Convert to hash and calculate min max based on values
data = "1,Foo,22 2,Smith,30"
people =
.map {|slice| [slice[0], [slice[1], slice[2]]] }
values = {|person| person[1] }
min = values.min
max = values.max
sum = values.sum

Passing array of integers to loop, modify the array, and store results in new array. Project Euler #8 in Ruby

I'm working through problem 8 on project Euler and have looked through a bunch of resources. Here is the problem:
"#8 - Find the greatest product of five consecutive digits in the 1000-digit number."
I split the 1000-digt number into an array of strings and converted that to an array of integers.
number = "73167176531330624919225119674426574742355349194934
digits = number.split('').reject!{|i| (i=="\n")}
integer_digits = {|i| i.to_i}
From here, I want to take the first five values, multiple them, and take the resulting value and add it to a new array named "products". I'm trying to remove the first value of the integer_digit array with the .shift method, start the loop over with the second value of the array, and storing the next product of values [1..5] in the integer_digits array...and so on...
loop do
products << integer_digits[0..4].map {|x| (getproduct*=x) }.max
break if integer_digits.length < 5
puts products.max
Once the loop went through all the digits, I hoped that I could display the greatest value using the .max method. The code I have returns an empty array...
My question: How do I keep adding the resulting value of the loop to the product array until there are less than five integer_digit values left? And will the .max method work once this is done?
This line:
products << integer_digits[0..4].map {|x| (getproduct*=x) }.max
makes very little sense. What you need is:
products << integer_digits.first(5).inject(:*)
However you shouldn't store all the results, you only need the biggest one:
max = 0
while integer_digits.length >= 5
product = integer_digits.first(5).inject(:*)
max = product if product > max
puts max #=> 40824
The reason why you are getting an empty string is most likely caused by running the loop twice without regenerating integer_digits array (which has 4 elements after the loop)
Also as suggested by #MarkThomas, you can use each_cons method:
integer_digits.each_cons(5).inject(0) {|max, ary| [max, ary.inject(:*)].max }
This has this advantage that it will not modify integer_digits, so you can run it mutliple times over the same set of digits.

ruby return fixed number of elements in a certain order

This might be a dumb question.
I know sample returns random number of elements from an array.
For example,
[1,2,3].sample.times do
Is there a way to return a fixed number of elements in a certain order always?
I dont know how to do this in ruby.
Lets say I always want to return penalty_name, severity and name only from the second and last array here always.:
offenses = PERSON_SUMMARY[:offenses].map do |offense|
offense[:penalties].map do |penalty|
penalty.merge(name: offense[:offense_name])
=> [{:penalty_name=>"Prison", :severity=>"Medium", :name=>"Speeding"}, {:penalty_name=>"Ticket", :severity=>"Low", :name=>"Speeding"}, {:penalty_name=>"Prison", :severity=>"Medium", :name=>"Shoplifting"}, {:penalty_name=>"Fine", :severity=>"Low", :name=>"Shoplifting"}]
right now I am doing:
offenses.each do |hash|
I think you want something like:
It will take 4 random number from the array and order it...
edit - after your comment:
[5,4,3,2,1].values_at(1,-1).sort #second element(1) and last one(-1)
=>[1, 4]
You can specify which ones you want with values_at (negative numbers count from the back.)
ar=[{:penalty_name=>"Prison", :severity=>"Medium", :name=>"Speeding"}, {:penalty_name=>"Ticket", :severity=>"Low", :name=>"Speeding"}, {:penalty_name=>"Prison", :severity=>"Medium", :name=>"Shoplifting"}, {:penalty_name=>"Fine", :severity=>"Low", :name=>"Shoplifting"}]
p ar.values_at(1,-1).map{|h|h.values}
#=> [["Ticket", "Low", "Speeding"], ["Fine", "Low", "Shoplifting"]]

Apply function to each element in array and store result in an array

I have a function toWords which converts a integer into a word
e.g. toWords(500, tableWords) gives fivehundred
I have an array of numbers h = (1..999).to_a, and I want to go through this array and convert each number into a word and store it in a new array. My current attempt to do this is:
h = (1..999).to_a
Lh = h.each do |i| toWords(i, tableWords) end
However, the contents of Lh is simply the integers from 1 to 999 and not the output of my toWords function. How do I do this? I'm thinking of something along the lines of sapply in R.
Even better is if my new array Lh can have two columns, the first column containing the integers in number format, and the second column would be the corresponding number in words.
Thank you!
To get your two columns, you can do the following
(1..999).map {|x| [x, toWords(x, tableWords)]}
As per Cicada's comment, the answer is:
Lh ={|x| toWords(x, tableWords)}

Is there an equivalent to `Array::sample` for hashes?

I'm looking to extract n random key-value pairs from a hash.
For Ruby 2.1,
I don't know of such method. Still you can do something like:
If you need to sample more than one element the code will have to be a bit more complicated.
EDIT: to get key value pairs instead of only the value you can do something like:
keys_sample = h.keys.sample(n){|k| h[k])
Reading the top ranked answers, I'd go with it depends:
If you want to sample only one element from the hash, #Ivaylo Strandjev's solution only relies on hash lookup and Array#sample:
To sample multiple hash elements, #sawa's answer leverages Array#to_h:
Note that, as #cadlac mentions, hsh.to_a.sample.to_h won't work as expected. It will raise
TypeError: wrong element type String at 0 (expected array)
because Array#sample in this case returns just the element array, and not the array containing the element array.
A workaround is his solution, providing an n = 1 as an argument:
PS: not looking for upvotes, only adding it as an explanation for people newer to Ruby.
If your sample has only one element, you could use this:
sample = h.keys.sample { |k,v| k == sample }
Or if your sample contains more than one element, use this:
n = 2
sample = h.keys.sample(n) { |k,v| sample.include?(k) }
One way to accomplish this:
rank_hash = {"Listen" => 1, "Download" => 60, "Share" => 150, "Purchase" => 700 }
rank_array = rank_hash.to_a
Than call this to get random array sample of the k/v pair:
or this to not hard-code the arrays length:
rank_array[rand(0..(rank_array.length) -1)]
["Download", 60]
