NSAppleScript Leaking TONS of Memory - cocoa

I have the following class method to execute an AppleScript:
+ (NSString *) executeAppleScript:(NSString *) scriptToRun{
NSAutoreleasePool *thePool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
NSAppleScript *appleScriptObject = [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:scriptToRun];
NSAppleEventDescriptor *objectReturned = [appleScriptObject executeAndReturnError:nil];
[appleScriptObject release];
appleScriptObject = nil;
NSString *charToReturn = [objectReturned stringValue];
if (charToReturn == nil ){
charToReturn = [NSString stringWithString:#"error"];
[charToReturn retain];
[thePool drain];
[charToReturn autorelease];
return charToReturn;
The problem is, this is leaking tons of memory. I admit fully that I do not completely understand memory allocations in Cocoa, so I was hoping someone might be able to explain to me why this is so leaky even with the autorelease pool.
Any help is greatly appreciated.

NSAppleEventDescriptor *objectReturned = [appleScriptObject executeAndReturnError:nil];
Don't ever do this. If you use this method wrong (unlikely) or give it a bad script (quite possible) or something doesn't work on the other application's end (very likely), you will be unable to find out what the problem is. Let the framework tell you what's wrong.
Plus, nil is the wrong constant here. nil is the null pointer for object pointer types; Nil is for Class values, and NULL is for everything else.
charToReturn = [NSString stringWithString:#"error"];
This is already a string. You don't need to create another string with it.
The problem is, this is leaking tons of memory.
Have you verified with Instruments that you are actually leaking AppleScript-related objects that originate in this method?
I can't see anything in the method that looks wrong. The pool should be unnecessary, but your use of it is valid and correct.
You might try using the OSAKit, particularly its OSAScript class, instead. It's not documented, but the two classes' interfaces are pretty much the same.


initWithContentsOfURL often returns nil

NSError *error;
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc]
When I test this on my iPhone it always works when I have wifi turned on. However when I'm on 3G I often get nil. If I try perhaps 15 times in a row (I have an update button for this) I finally get the desired result.
My question is, is this problem located at the server side or is my code unstable? Should I use a different approach to get a more secure fetch of data?
You haven't provided enough information to give anything but a vague answer, but you do have some options here.
Most importantly, you have an "error" parameter that you should be printing out the results of. There's also a slightly better API you could be using in the NSString class.
Change your code to something like this:
NSError *error = NULL;
NSStringEncoding actualEncoding;
// variable names in Objective-C should usually start with lower case letters, so change
// URL in your code to "url", or even something more descriptive, like "urlOfOurString"
NSString *string = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:urlOfOurString usedEncoding:&actualEncoding error:&error];
NSLog( #"hey, I actually got a result of %#", string);
if(actualEncoding != NSUTF8StringEncoding)
// I also suspect the string you're trying to load really isn't UTF8
NSLog( #"and look at that, the actual encoding wasn't NSUTF8StringEncoding");
} else {
NSLog( #"error when trying to fetch from URL %# - %#", [urlOfOurString absoluteString], [error localizedDescription]);
I'm now using STHTTPRequest instead. I recommend this library very much, easy to use yet powerful.

Is there a more memory efficient way to search through a Core Data database?

I need to see if an object that I have obtained from a CSV file with a unique identifier exists in my Core Data Database, and this is the code I deemed suitable for this task:
NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
NSEntityDescription *entity;
entity =
[NSEntityDescription entityForName:#"ICD9"
[fetchRequest setEntity:entity];
NSPredicate *pred = [NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"uniqueID like %#", uniqueIdentifier];
[fetchRequest setPredicate:pred];
NSError *err;
NSArray* icd9s = [passedContext executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&err];
[fetchRequest release];
if ([icd9s count] > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < [icd9s count]; i++) {
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc]init];
NSString *name = [[icd9s objectAtIndex:i] valueForKey:#"uniqueID"];
if ([name caseInsensitiveCompare:uniqueIdentifier] == NSOrderedSame && name != nil)
[pool release];
return [icd9s objectAtIndex:i];
[pool release];
return nil;
After more thorough testing it appears that this code is responsible for a huge amount of leaking in the app I'm writing (it crashes on a 3GS before making it 20 percent through the 1459 items). I feel like this isn't the most efficient way to do this, any suggestions for a more memory efficient way? Thanks in advance!
Don't use the like operator in your request predicate. Use =. That should be much faster.
You can specify the case insensitivity of the search via the predicate, using the [c] modifier.
It's not necessary to create and destroy an NSAutoreleasePool on each iteration of your loop. In fact, it's probably not needed at all.
You don't need to do any of the checking inside the for() loop. You're duplicating the work of your predicate.
So I would change your code to be:
NSFetchRequest *fetchRequest = [[NSFetchRequest alloc] init];
[fetchRequest setEntity:...];
[fetchRequest setPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:#"uniqueID =[c] %#", uniqueIdentifier]];
NSError *err = nil;
NSArray *icd9s = [passedContext executeFetchRequest:fetchRequest error:&err];
[fetchRequest release];
if (error == nil && [icd9s count] > 0) {
return [icd9s objectAtIndex:0]; //we know the uniqueID matches, because of the predicate
return nil;
Use the Leaks template in Instruments to hunt down the leak(s). Your current code may be just fine once you fix them. The leak(s) may even be somewhere other than code.
Other problems:
Using fast enumeration will make the loop over the array (1) faster and (2) much easier to read.
Don't send release to an autorelease pool. If you ever port the code to garbage-collected Cocoa, the pool will not do anything. Instead, send it drain; in retain-release Cocoa and in Cocoa Touch, this works the same as release, and in garbage-collected Cocoa, it pokes the garbage collector, which is the closest equivalent in GC-land to draining the pool.
Don't repeat yourself. You currently have two [pool release]; lines for one pool, which gets every experienced Cocoa and Cocoa Touch programmer really worried. Store the result of your tests upon the name in a Boolean variable, then drain the pool before the condition, then conditionally return the object.
Be careful with variable types. -[NSArray count] returns and -[NSArray objectAtIndex:] takes an NSUInteger, not an int. Try to keep all your types matching at all times. (Switching to fast enumeration will, of course, solve this instance of this problem in a different way.)
Don't hide releases. I almost accused you of leaking the fetch request, then noticed that you'd buried it in the middle of the code. Make your releases prominent so that you're less likely to accidentally add redundant (i.e., crash-inducing) ones.

componentsJoinedByString gives me EXC_BAD_ACCESS

I have an NSMutableArray i am trying to convert into a string.
Declaring my NSMutableArray...
NSMutableArray *listData;
And later inside a method...
NSString *foo = [listData componentsJoinedByString:#"|"];
It seems no matter what i try i keep getting EXC_BAD_ACCESS.
To make sure each element in my array was an NSString i also tried this...
NSMutableArray *mArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (id ln in listData) {
NSString *boo = [NSString stringWithFormat: #"%#",ln];
[mArray addObject:boo];
NSString *foo = [mArray componentsJoinedByString:#"|"];
I can manipulate my NSMutableArray by adding/deleting objects in the same method or other methods inside my class. But when i try "componentsJoinedByString" the error pops up. Does anyone have any advice or another way i can combine this array into a single NSString?
In the code you've given, there will never be an NSMutableArray for listData. At some point in your code, you'll need to create one, and presumably populate it.
Okay, so you may get into memory management problems here, so let's be a bit clearer:
You're synthesizing getters and setters for the instance variable, so it's good practice to use those to access it, they'll take care of retain and releasing appropriately.
To set listData you can simply use
self.listData = [listManage getList:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:#"list_name"] list:#"LIST"];
[self setListData:[listManage getList:[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] stringForKey:#"list_name"] list:#"LIST"]];
if you prefer.

What is the better way of handling temporary strings?

I have a situation where I need to use some strings temporarily but I've read so many conflicting things that I'm a bit confused as to what the best way to proceed is.
I need to assign some strings inside an if structure but use them outside the if structure so they need to be created outside the if, I was thinking something like:
NSString *arbString = [[NSString alloc] init];
arbString = #"Whatever"
arbString = #"SomethingElse"
myLabel.text = arbString;
[arbString release];
I have seen examples where people just used:
NSString *arbString;
to create the string variable
Google's Objective C guide says it's preferred to autorelease at creation time:
"When creating new temporary objects, autorelease them on the same line as you create them rather than a separate release later in the same method":
// AVOID (unless you have a compelling performance reason)
MyController* controller = [[MyController alloc] init];
// ... code here that might return ...
[controller release];
MyController* controller = [[[MyController alloc] init] autorelease];
So I have no idea, which is the best practice?
In the example you posted, you actually lose the reference to the NSString you created when you assign it in arbString = #"Whatever". You then release the string constant (which is unreleasable, by the way).
So there's a memory leak, since you never release the NSString you created.
Remember that all these types are pointers, so = only reassigns them.
As for the question, in this example, you don't need the [[NSString alloc] init]. You don't need to copy the string into a local variable anyway, you can just set myLabel.text to the string constant #"Whatever".
(edit: that's not to say that you can't use your pointer arbString, arbString = #"Whatever"; myLabel.text = arbString is fine. But this is just pointer assignment, not copying)
If you needed to manipulate the string before you returned it, you would create an NSMutableString, and either release or auto-release it. Personally, create autoreleased objects using class methods, so in this example, I'd use [NSString string], or [NSString stringWithString:], which return autoreleased objects.

NSArrayController initialization

I am having trouble getting an core-data backed NSArrayController to work properly in my code. Below is my code:
pageArrayController = [[NSArrayController alloc] initWithContent:nil];
[pageArrayController setManagedObjectContext:[self managedObjectContext]];
[pageArrayController setEntityName:#"Page"];
[pageArrayController setAvoidsEmptySelection:YES];
[pageArrayController setPreservesSelection:YES];
[pageArrayController setSelectsInsertedObjects:YES];
[pageArrayController setClearsFilterPredicateOnInsertion:YES];
[pageArrayController setEditable:YES];
[pageArrayController setAutomaticallyPreparesContent:YES];
[pageArrayController setSortDescriptors:[NSArray arrayWithObject:[NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:#"index" ascending:YES]]];
BOOL result = [pageArrayController setSelectionIndex:0];
When I attempt to call setSelectionIndex:, it returns YES, indicating that the selection has been successfully changed. However, any subsequent getSelectionIndex calls to the pageArrayController object returns NSNotFound.
What I don't understand is that if I put the NSArrayController into a NIB, and allow the NIB file to perform the initialization (with all of the same attributes in Interface Builder), the NSArrayController works correctly.
Why is there a difference in behavior? Does the NIB file initialize these types of objects in a special way? Is my initialization of the NSArrayController incorrect?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Yes, nibs do initialize objects in a special way and sometimes it can be hard to figure out how to replicate that. I struggled with this too and finally found the answer in Apple's Core Data Programming Guide >> Core Data and Cooca Bindings >> Automatically Prepares Content Flag (thanks to Dave Fernandes on the Cocoa Dev list). The answer is that if you initialize an arraycontroller with nil content, you need to perform a fetch as well.
BOOL result;
NSArrayController *pageArrayController = [[NSArrayController alloc] initWithContent:nil];
[pageArrayController setManagedObjectContext:[self managedObjectContext]];
[pageArrayController setEntityName:#"Page"];
NSError *error;
if ([pageArrayController fetchWithRequest:nil merge:YES error:&error] == NO)
result = NO;
//do all that other pageArrayController configuration stuff
result = [pageArrayController setSelectionIndex:0];
BTW, [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:#"index" ascending:YES]] raises a warning.
As far as why there may be a difference in behavior:
Nib files store serialized objects using NSCoder.
You are probably using binding on the IB side of things, where in your code you are setting the managed object context directly using a set method.
Maybe you could try something like the following in your code:
[pageArrayController bind:#"managedObjectContext"
I don't have Xcode near by otherwise I would try somethings. Hopefully this gives you some clues to get you going in the right direction.
From where are you creating/configuring your array controller? The Core Data stack may not be ready yet, therefore your call to [self managedObjectContext] may be returning nil.
Also, why are you creating it programmatically if you can do it just fine with Interface Builder? The tool is there and works well (and eliminates many possible coding errors), so unless you have a good reason not to use it, you're not doing yourself any favors.
