How are GUIs drawn? - user-interface

How do people make GUIs? I mean the basic building block or principle they used to draw visual components on the screen like KDE, Gnome, etc. Are there any simple examples about how to draw something like a rectangle on the screen by directly dealing with the hardware?
I am using a PC for those who are asking about my platform.

Well okay, let's start at the bottom. You have a monitor that displays an image. This image is a matrix of pixels, say, 1600x1200 pixels with 24 bits depth.
The monitor knows what to display from the video adapter. The video adapter knows what to display through the "frame buffer", which is a big block of memory that - in this example - contains 1600 * 1200 pixels, usually with 32 bits per pixel in contemporary cards.
The frame buffer is often accessible to the CPU as a big block and memory that it can poke into directly, and some adapters have GPUs that allow for things like rendering stuff into the frame buffer, like shaded textured triangles, so the CPU just sends commands through a "command buffer", telling it what to draw and where.
Then you have the operating system, which loads a hardware driver that communicates with the video adapter.
The operating system usually offers functions to write to the frame buffer using functions. Win32 for example has lots of functions like BitBlt, Line, Text, etc. These will end up talking to the driver.
Then you have something like Java, that renders its own graphics, typically using functions provided by the operating system.

The simple answer is bitmaps, in fact this would also apply to fonts on terminals in the early days.
The original GUI's, things like Xerox Parc's Alto GUI were based on bitmap displays, and the graphics were drawn with simple bitmap drawing tools and graphics libraries, using simple geometry to determine shapes like circles, squares, rectangles etc, and then map them to display pixels.
Today's GUI are the same, except with additional software and hardware that have sped up and improved the process, and performance of these GUIs.
The fundamental mapping of bits e.g. 10101010 to pixels is dependent on the display hardware, but at a simplistic level, you would provide a display buffer in memory and simply populate it's bytes with the display data.
So for a basic monochrome bitmap, you'd draw it by providing bits that represented the shape you want to draw, you can either position these bits, like this, a simple 8x8pix button.
Which you can see easier if I render it with # and SPACE instead of 1 and 0.
# #
# #
# #### #
# #### #
# #
# #
Which as a bitmap image would look like this : (I know it's a bit small :) but this is the sort of scale we would've begun at, when GUI's were first developed.)
If you had a more complex (e.g. 24 bit color display, you'd provide each pixel using a 24bit number.)
Obviously some bitmaps cannot be drawn manually (for example the border of a window), like we've done above, this is where geometry comes in handy, and we can use simple functions to determine the pixel values required to draw a rectangle, or any other simple shape, and then build from there.
Once you are able to draw graphics in this way on a display, you then hook a drawing loop onto a system interrupt to keep the display up to date (you redraw the display very often, depending on your system performance.) This way you can make it handle interaction from user devices, e.g. a mouse.
Back in the early days, even before Xerox Parc / Alto there were a number of early computer systems which had Vector based displays, these would make up an image by drawing lines on a CRT representation of a cartesian plane. However, these displays never saw mainstream use, except perhaps in some early video games, like Asteroids and Tempest.

You probably need a graphics library such as, for example, OpenGL.
For direct hardware interaction, you probably need to do something like assembly, which is completely computer specific.

If you are willing to look through a lot of source code, you might look at Mesa 3D, an open source implementation of the OpenGL specification.


Querying graphics capabilities for deciding whether to apply GPU-intensive effects (through SpriteKit)

I have a game written with SpriteKit which uses a SKEffectNode with blur effect to blur a set of sprites, one of which has a fairly large texture, and which together cover a fairly large area of the screen. An iMac and Mac Book Pro cope quite happily with this but on a more humble Mac Book there is a notable drop in frame rate with the effect node added in. Since the effect isn't crucial to the functionality of the game, I could simply not add the SKEffectNode for machines with less powerful graphics capabilities.
So then the question: what would be a good programmatic check that I could make to determine the "power of the GPU" or "performance when applying texture effects" or [suggest better metric here] and via what API? Thanks for your suggestions!
You'll have to create a performance test using your actual blurring processes and some sample content to get an accurate idea of the time cost of it on each generation of hardware.
Blurs are really weird things, programmatically. A Box Blur can give you most of the appearance of a nice, soft gaussian blur for much less processing cost. A zoom or motion blur (that looks good) is surprisingly expensive, even on strong hardware.
And there's some amazingly effective "cheats" when doing blurs. Because there's no need for detail you can heavily optimise the operations, particularly if the blurs are strong.
Apple, it's believed, does something like this, for example, with its blurs:
Massively shrink the target image
Do a gaussian blur on this tiny image
Scale it back up, somewhat
Apply a cheap Box Blur to soften it
Fully scale back to the desired size
By way of terrible example benefitting from scaling well (with filtering set for good scaling)
This is the full sized image blurred:
And here's a version of the same image, scaled to a 16th of its original size, blurred, and then the blurred image scaled back up. As you can see, due to the good scaling and lack of detail, there's hardly any difference in the blurred image, but the blur takes MUCH less processing energy and time:

How do GUI developers deal with variable pixel densities?

Todays displays have a quite huge range in size and resolution. For example, my 34.5cm × 19.5cm display (resulting in a diagonal of 39.6cm or 15.6") has 1366 × 768 pixels, whereas the MacBook Pro (3rd generation) with a 15" diagonal has 2880×1800 pixels.
Multiple people complained that everything is too small with such high resolution displays (see example). That is simple to explain when developers use pixels to define their GUI. For "traditional displays", this is not a big problem as the pixels might have about the same size on most monitors. But on the new monitors with much higher pixel density the pixels are simply smaller.
So how can / should user interface developers deal with that problem? Is it possible to get the physical size of the screen? Is it possible to set physical sizes instead of pixel-based ones? Is that still a problem (it's been a while since I last read about it) or was that fixed meanwhile?
(While css seems to support cm, when I try here it, it is not the set size).
how can / should user interface developers deal with that problem?
Use a toolkit or framework that support resolution independence. WPF is built from the ground up to be resolution-independent, but even old framework like Windows Forms can learn new tricks. OSX/iOS and Windows (or browser if we're talking about web) itself may try to take care the problem by automatic scaling, but if there's bitmap graphic involved, developers might need to provide different bitmaps such in Android (which face most varying resolution and densities compared to other OS)
Is it possible to get the physical size of the screen?
No, and developers shouldn't care about it. Developers should only care about the class of the device (say, different UI for tablet and smartphone), and perhaps the DPI to decide which bitmap resource to use. Vector resource and font should be scaled by the framework.
Is that still a problem (it's been a while since I last read about it) or was that fixed meanwhile?
Depend on when you last read about it. Windows support is still spotty, even for the internal apps itself, and while anyone developing in WPF or UWP have it easy, don't expect major third party apps to join soon. OSX display scaling seems to work a bit better, while modern mobile OS are either running on limited range of resolution (iOS and Windows Phone) or handle every resolution imaginable quite nicely (Android)
There are a few ways to deal with different screen sizes, for example when I make mobile apps in java, I either use DIP(Density Independent Pixels; They stay at a fixed size) or make objects occupy a percentage of the screen with simple math. As for web development, you can use VW and VH (Viewport Width and Viewport Height), by adding these to the end of a value instead of px, the objects take up a percentage of the viewport. For example 100vh takes 100% of the viewport height. Then what I think is the best way to do it, but time consuming, is to use a library like Bootstrap that automatically resizes elements, even when the window is resized. W3Schools has a good tutorial on bootstrap and more detailed explainations on any of these options can be looked up with an easy google search.
The design of the GUI in today display diversity era is real challenge. I would suggest several hints, mainly about the GUI applications design:
Never set or expect constant pixel size of the text - the user can change it from the system settings of the OS. Use some real-world measures for the text and check its pixel size when drawing. Provide some way to put the random size text in the boundaries of the window.
Never set or expect constant pixel size of the GUI widgets. Try to position them on the window in some adaptive way - according to the size of the window. Most GUI widget toolkits today have such instruments.
Never set or expect constant pixel size dialog windows. Let the OS to choose the size for you and then use what you get (X). Or, if you need to set some size and position (Windows), define it as a percent of the screen size.
If possible use scalable image formats for the icons. SVG is great for icons actually. Using sets of bitmap icons with different sizes is acceptable, but highly non-optimal as memory use and still will not provide perfect scaling in most cases.

How are GUI's really made?

My question is
Gui libraries like Qt and lets say for Windows operating systems
how do they create all those graphical user interfaces(windows etc).
Does each operating system gives API's or something else to do so?If yes, then how operating systems draw all those windows and things.Do they (operating systems) "control" the screen and then draw each pixel one by one to achieve their goal the GUI?
I would like an answer that explains things at the lowest level possible but well i don't demand someone to write me everything that happens( even if i would like to) because i know many things are behind all these.So for this reason comments with links or suggested books which explain with details
on what is happening under the hood would be appreciated.
Stackoverflow answers are not supposed to use links, comments can but not answers.
Each operating system and gui library is different, but, yes in some way, shape, or form they do actually draw every one of the pixels. It is often quite organized and many peformance solutions are used, optimized routines that can update a rectangle or some chunk of a screen, sometimes hardware gets involved (these days a lot of the time the hardware or basically gpus get involved the cpu asks the gpu to draw something then the gpus are busy placing all the pixels).
You would likely for example want to create some sort of font rendering function that is given the font, the string to display, the font size, and perhaps a clipping window to not go outside, or perhaps a function that with the font, size and string returns the number of pixels then you can adjust the string to fit and wrap (look around this web page for example, drag the window wider and narrower and watch what web text does).
Definitely some sort of image drawing routines with the ability to stretch or fit the drawing to the rectangle defined.
The fun stuff, games, etc has improved so rapidly over time that it is hard to go back to a simple line draw and area fill routine, etc. But also along with the technology the games brought simple things like web pages benefit...Again look around.
There are many open source programs and libraries you should just wander around the source code and see what you see.
The operating system provides libraries that interface with the monitor/display. In short, GUI libraries such as Qt interact with those libraries of the operating system and creates an easier bridge for you, the programmer to interact with the monitor. For instance, Qt might have a drawLine feature, which underneath is taking care of pixel arrangement related to drawing on the monitor/display for the operating system.

Pixel level manipulation windows

I've been using SDL to render graphics in C. I know there are several options to create graphics at the pixel level on Windows, including SDL and OpenGL. But how do these programs do it? Fine, I can use SDL. But I'd like to know what SDL is doing so I don't feel like an ignorant fool. Am I the only one slightly frustrated by the opaque layer of frosting on modern computers?
A short explanation as to how this is done on other operating systems would also be interesting, but I am most concerned with Windows.
Edit: Since this question seems to be somehow unclear, this is precisely what I want:
I would like to know how pixel level graphics manipulations (drawing on the screen pixel by pixel) works on Windows. What do libraries like SDL do with the operating system to allow this to happen. I can manipulate the screen pixel by pixel using SDL, so what magic happens in SDL to let me do this?
Windows has many graphics APIs. Some are layers built on top of others (e.g., GDI+ on top of GDI), and others are completely independent stacks (like the Direct3D family).
In an API like GDI, there are functions like SetPixel which let you change the value of a single pixel on the screen (or within a region of the screen that you have access to). But using SetPixel to setting lots of pixels is generally slow.
If you were to build a photorealistic renderer, like a ray tracer, then you'd probably build up a bitmap in memory (pixel by pixel), and use an API like BitBlt that sends the entire bitmap to the screen at once. This is much faster.
But it still may not be fast enough for rendering something like video. Moving all that data from system memory to the video card memory takes time. For video, it's common to use a graphics stack that's closer to the low-level graphics drivers and hardware. If the graphics card can do the video decompression directly, then sending the compressed video stream to the card will be much more efficient than sending the decompressed data from system memory to the video card--and that's often the limiting factor.
But conceptually, it's the same thing: you're manipulating a bitmap (or texture or surface or raster or ...), but that bitmap lives in graphics memory, and you're issuing commands to the GPU to set the pixels the way you want, and then to display that bitmap at some portion of the screen (often with some sort of transformation).
Modern graphics processors actually run little programs--called shaders--that can (among other things) do calculations to determine the pixel values. The GPUs are optimized to do these types of calculations and can do many of them in parallel. But ultimately, it boils down to getting the pixel values into some sort of bitmap in video memory.

How to work with pixels using Direct2D

Could somebody provide an example of an efficient way to work with pixels using Direct2D?
For example, how can I swap all green pixels (RGB = 0x00FF00) with red pixels (RGB = 0xFF0000) on a render target? What is the standard approach? Is it possible to use ID2D1HwndRenderTarget for that? Here I assume using some kind of hardware acceleration. Should I create a different object for direct pixels manipulations?
Using DirectDraw I would use BltFast method on the IDirectDrawSurface7 with logical operation. Is there something similar with Direct2D?
Another task is to generate complex images dynamically where each point location and color is a result of a mathematical function. For the sake of an example let's simplify everything and draw Y = X ^ 2. How to do that with Direct2D? Ultimately I'm going to need to draw complex functions but if somebody could give me a simple example for Y = X ^ 2.
First, it helps to think of ID2D1Bitmap as a "device bitmap". It may or may not live in local, CPU-addressable memory, and it doesn't give you any convenient (or at least fast) way to read/write the pixels from the CPU side of the bus. So approaching from that angle is probably the wrong approach.
What I think you want is a regular WIC bitmap, IWICBitmap, which you can create with IWICImagingFactory::CreateBitmap(). From there you can call Lock() to get at the buffer, and then read/write using pointers and do whatever you want. Then, when you need to draw it on-screen with Direct2D, use ID2D1RenderTarget::CreateBitmap() to create a new device bitmap, or ID2D1Bitmap::CopyFromMemory() to update an existing device bitmap. You can also render into an IWICBitmap by making use of ID2D1Factory::CreateWicBitmapRenderTarget() (not hardware accelerated).
You will not get hardware acceleration for these types of operations. The updated Direct2D in Win8 (should also be available for Win7 eventually) has some spiffy stuff for this but it's rather complex looking.
Rick's answer talks about the methods you can use if you don't care about losing hardware acceleration. I'm focusing on how to accomplish this using a substantial amount of GPU acceleration.
In order to keep your rendering hardware accelerated and to get the best performance, you are going to want to switch from ID2DHwndRenderTarget to using the newer ID2DDevice and ID2DDeviceContext interfaces. It honestly doesn't add that much more logic to your code and the performance benefits are substantial. It also works on Windows 7 with the Platform Update. To summarize the process:
Create a DXGI factory when you create your D2D factory.
Create a D3D11 device and a D2D device to match.
Create a swap chain using your DXGI factory and the D3D device.
Ask the swap chain for its back buffer and wrap it in a D2D bitmap.
Render like before, between calls to BeginDraw() and EndDraw(). Remember to unbind the back buffer and destroy the D2D bitmap wrapping it!
Call Present() on the swap chain to see the results.
Repeat from 4.
Once you've done that, you have unlocked a number of possible solutions. Probably the simplest and most performant way to solve your exact problem (swapping color channels) is to use the color matrix effect as one of the other answers mentioned. It's important to recognize that you need to use the newer ID2DDeviceContext interface rather than the ID2DHwndRenderTarget to get this however. There are lots of other effects that can do more complicated operations if you so choose. Here are some of the most useful ones for simple pixel manipulation:
Color matrix effect
Arithmetic operation
Blend operation
For generally solving the problem of manipulating the pixels directly without dropping hardware acceleration or doing tons of copying, there are two options. The first is to write a pixel shader and wrap it in a completely custom D2D effect. It's more work than just getting the pixel buffer on the CPU and doing old-fashioned bit mashing, but doing it all on the GPU is substantially faster. The D2D effects framework also makes it super simple to reuse your effect for other purposes, combine it with other effects, etc.
For those times when you absolutely have to do CPU pixel manipulation but still want a substantial degree of acceleration, you can manage your own mappable D3D11 textures. For example, you can use staging textures if you want to asynchronously manipulate your texture resources from the CPU. There is another answer that goes into more detail. See ID3D11Texture2D for more information.
The specific issue of swapping all green pixels with red pixels can be addressed via ID2D1Effect as of Windows 8 and Platform Update for Windows 7.
More specifically, Color matrix effect.
