I've made an animation with SVG. It's like a slowly changing wallpaper. The idea is that you should barely notice it is changing.
It's purely decorative, and I don't want it to drain any resources. Is there a way to set the frame rate in SVG? I thought setting it to a very low number might do the trick? I'm using Raphael, by the way.
Deep in Raphael's guts, you will find the logic that controls the frame rate for non-keyframe animations:
animationElements[length] && setTimeout(animation);
By omitting an actual timeout value, Raphael is basically telling the browser to run the method as fast as it can (within scheduling constraints provided by the DOM specification and the browser implementation). You could either tweak that function to use a user-supplied parameter (or put a number there, though that will affect all animations), or use Peter's suggestion.
We are a 3rd-party vendor that adds components / UI elements to our clients' websites. We sometimes hide/change the size of this container in run-time, based on contextual parameters or as part of A/B testing.
It is impossible for the website owner to know the final size of the element before we have all the contextual data, so the height cannot be set on the server-side.
To minimize the effect on CLS, the website owner can set an initial height for the container, but this has two issues:
It does not completely eliminate CLS, only reduces it slightly
It creates a bad UX where the page loads up with a white space which then disappears / changes height
What is the recommended approach for eliminating the CLS impact of such an element?
We sometimes hide/change the size of this container in run-time, based on contextual parameters or as part of A/B testing.
Any time you change the size of content at runtime, you risk shifting other content on the page around, and that can negatively affect the use experience. Before you spend a lot of time trying to "fix" CLS for your use case, you might want to consider whether your use case if the right experience for users.
If you cannot change your system and just want to minimize its impact on CLS, here are some options:
Collapse the area only after user input (perhaps ask users to close the container, or, wait for some other expected reason for page re-layout).
Only collapse if all affected content is outside of the viewport. It sounds like you already do this for below-the-fold? For above-the-fold content, you may be able to simultaneously remove content and adjust the scroll position by the exact same amount.
And, perhaps some broader alternatives are:
Don't collapse the area, but replace it with some default content that cannot fail.
Likely not an option, but maybe there are ways to delay showing content until you know if the conditional content will be needed? This depends on how late loading your content is and will have negative tradeoffs with loading performance if you cannot answer that success test quickly...
In Windows World, a dedicated render thread would loop something similar to this:
void RenderThread()
while (!quit)
// Can either present with no synchronisation,
// or synchronise after 1-4 vertical blanks.
// See docs for IDXGISwapChain::Present
What is the equivalent in Cocoa with CAMetalLayer? All the examples deal with updates being done in the main thread, either using MTKView (with it's internal timer) or using CADisplayLink in the iOS examples.
I want to be in control of the whole render loop, rather than just receiving a callback at some non-specified interval (and ideally blocking for V-Sync if it's enabled).
At some level, you're going to be throttled by the availability of drawables. A CAMetalLayer has a fixed pool of drawables available, and calling nextDrawable will block the current thread until a drawable becomes available. This doesn't imply you have to call nextDrawable at the top of your render loop, though.
If you want to draw on your own schedule without getting blocked waiting on a drawable, render to an off-screen renderbuffer (i.e., a MTLTexture with dimensions matching your drawable size), and then blit from the most-recently-drawn texture to a drawable's texture and present on whatever cadence you prefer. This can be useful for getting frame timings, but every frame you draw and then don't display is wasted work. It also increases the risk of judder.
Your options are limited when it comes to getting callbacks that match the v-sync cadence. Your best is almost certainly a CVDisplayLink scheduled in the default and tracking run loop modes, though this has caveats.
You could use something like a counting semaphore in concert with a display link if you want to free-run without getting too far ahead.
If your application is able to maintain a real-time framerate, you'll normally be rendering a frame or two ahead of what's going on the glass, so you don't want to literally block on v-sync; you just want to inform the window server that you'd like presentation to match v-sync. On macOS, you do this by setting the layer's displaySyncEnabled to true (the default). Turning this off may cause tearing on certain displays.
At the point where you want to render to screen, you obtain the drawable from the layer by calling nextDrawable. You obtain the drawable's texture from its texture property. You use that texture to set up the render target (color attachment) of a MTLRenderPassDescriptor. For example:
id<CAMetalDrawable> drawable = layer.nextDrawable;
id<MTLTexture> texture = drawable.texture;
MTLRenderPassDescriptor *desc = [MTLRenderPassDescriptor renderPassDescriptor];
desc.colorAttachments[0].texture = texture;
From here, it's pretty similar to what you do in an MTKView's drawRect: method. You create a command buffer (if you don't already have one), create a render command encoder using the descriptor, encode drawing commands, end encoding, tell the command buffer to present the drawable (using a -presentDrawable:... method), and commit the command buffer. Whatever was drawn to the drawable's texture is what will end up on-screen when it's presented.
I agree with Warren that you probably don't really want to sync your loop with the display refresh. You want parallelism. You want the CPU to be working on the next frame while the GPU is rendering the most current frame (and the display is showing the last frame).
The fact that there's a limit on how many drawables may be in flight at once and that nextDrawable will block waiting for one will prevent your render loop from getting too far ahead. (You'll probably use some other synchronization before that, like for managing a small pool of buffers.) If you want only double-buffering and not triple-buffering, you can set the layer's maximumDrawableCount to 2 instead of its default value of 3.
Nearly every example I see of OpenGL ES involves it updating every frame, even if the image itself is not moving in any way.
I did some tests and I see it works quite fine to just render (using drawArrays etc) and then present the render buffer (these two actions, together) just once and then not do either again until you have something change onscreen.
Is this "normal" ? I just don't see this really done much. Once drawn, the graphics stay on the screen without additional constant rendering.
Is this acceptable?
Yes, it is acceptable and completely valid. You also need to take account to render again when the context is lost. To give you an example, using Android standard OpenGL helper classes there is an option to only draw when needed, not in loop (RENDERMODE_WHEN_DIRTY).
I have a custom UISlider and use the currentPlaybackTime to change values of an MPMoviePlayerController object.
The problem is when i scrub at a fast rate using the slider, it doesn't respond as fast as i would like..
Is there any better way to have a fast interactive scrubber for ipad? targeting from OS 3.2
Well there are two issues, only one you can control directly.
Multimedia-content is commonly compressed using some kind of delta-compression, hence quick and exact seeking is not a trivial task to cope with. As that is common and since you can not directly change that, you will have to live with it.
the only way to increase responsiveness for seeking on the content-side (when encoding) is reducing the gop-size - that is, less p-frames between the i-frames.
when using a slider or a similar control, you could, instead of directly connecting the current playback position with it, handle any manual changes in an indirect fashion. You could run a timer based job that, whenever the slider/scrubber has been moved, tries to adjust the playback position towards that new value. Once the player is seeking, prevent the scrubber from getting feedback from the current playback location but allow it once the player is in playing state again. That way the user does not directly experience the clunky seek feedback.
I'm writing a video annotation application with Qt4 in which users need to be able to seek to various points in a video, putting markers on various objects and then setting keypoints for those markers so that they stay on the objects in the video as they move around. QGraphicsItemAnimation seems like a great place to start for these markers, however they need to be able to appear and disappear at specific times, which I can't figure out how to do with the QGraphicsItemAnimation. I could set the scale at 0 to make the objects disappear, but that seems like a pretty hacky solution, and I'm guessing that the paint engine would still waste cpu cycles trying to draw those invisible objects. Does anyone have a better solution than this? I'm using Qt 4.5.3 right now, but I'm willing to upgrade to 4.6 if it makes things easier. Thanks!!
It seems like the functionality you want of showing/hiding QGraphicsItem objects is beyond the scope of the simple "tweening" that the animation class performs. It is only for one object at a time, and any appearance or disappearance you have to write yourself.
You still might get some mileage out of QGraphicsItemAnimation (although the fact that it uses its own timer instead of being locked to the frame clock of your video is a little dodgy).
Neglecting "seeking" for a moment, there is a QTimeLine::finished() signal. If you let the end of an annotation's active animation timeline represent the point where you want it to disappear, you can trigger QGraphicsItem::hide() at that point. When it comes time to turn it back on, you would construct a new QGraphicsItemAnimation (based on the next run of keyframe data for that object) and call QGraphicsItem::show().
Note that one of the headlining features of Qt 4.6 is the QtAnimation framework, which is more sophisticated but also rather complex. I've not used it yet, but looking over the examples it seems like you might be able to "animate" a visibility or opacity property.