Hashing of pointer values - algorithm

Sometimes you need to take a hash function of a pointer; not the object the pointer points to, but the pointer itself. Lots of the time, folks just punt and use the pointer value as an integer, chop off some high bits to make it fit, maybe shift out known-zero bits at the bottom. Thing is, pointer values aren't necessarily well-distributed in the code space; in fact, if your allocator is doing its job, there's an excellent chance they're all clustered close together.
So, my question is, has anyone developed hash functions that are good for this? Take a 32- or 64-bit value that's maybe got 12 bits of entropy in it somewhere and spread it evenly across a 32-bit number space.

This page lists several methods that might be of use. One of them, due to Knuth, is a simple as multiplying (in 32 bits) by 2654435761, but "Bad hash results are produced if the keys vary in the upper bits." In the case of pointers, that's a rare enough situation.
Here are some more algorithms, including performance tests.
It seems that the magic words are "integer hashing".

They'll likely exhibit locality, yes - but in the lower bits, which means objects will be distributed through the hashtable. You'll only see collisions if a pointer's address is a multiple of the hashtable's length from another pointer.

If you know the lowest possible pointer address (which is often the case if you're working within a large buffer), just convert the pointer to an integer by subtracting the lowest possible pointer value; eg. that could be the buffer's base address.
-Remember: pointer subtracted from pointer equals an offset (integer).
So: Don't "chop off" bits; it's much better to convert to an offset.
This will result in that the offset value is much smaller than a pointer value.
It may help further to shift the pointer value right twice (eg. divide by 4) in some cases as well, before hashing it.
The problem with pointers is often that small blocks of memory is likely to be allocated on the same address (eg. a block being freed and another block is taking the freed block's place).

Why not just use an existing hash function?


Use big.Rat with Go to get Abs() value

I am a beginner with Go and a java developer.
I am currently working with big.Rat.
I need to get the Abs of a Rat n for which I have to write something like
n.Abs(n) or something like big.Rat{}.Abs(n)
Why didn't go provide something like just n.Abs()?
Or am I going wrong somewhere?
Go's big package is concerned with memory allocation when it comes to its function signatures. A big.Rat consists of two big.Ints which each contain an array of uints. Unlike an int (native 32 or 64 bit integer), a big.Int must thus be allocated dynamically, depending on its value. For large values this means more elements in the array.
Your proposed function signature n.Abs() would mean that a new array of the same size as n's would have to be allocated for this operation. In reality we often have the case that the original n is no longer needed, thus we can reuse its existing memory. To allow this, the Abs function takes a pointer to an existing big.Rat which might be n itself. The implementation can now reuse the memory. The caller is now in full control of what memory to use for these operations.
This might not make the nicest API for all use cases, in fact if you just want to do a quick calculation for a few large numbers, on a computer with Gigabytes of RAM, you might have preferred the n.Abs() version, but if you do numerically expensive computations with a lot of large numbers, you must be able to control your memory. Imagine doing some image manipulation on a Raspberry for example, where you are more constraint by the available memory. In this case the existing API allows you to be more efficient.

Is there difference between Cache index address calculation vs Division hash function?

Upon studying hash data structure and cache memory from computer architecture, I noticed that they're very similar.
Division hash function calculates index by hash(k) = k Mod (table size M) but my DS book says M should be a prime number or at least an odd number, because if M is an even number, the result is always even when k is even, odd when k is odd, so even M should be avoided since you often use memory addresses which are always even.
And yet, my CA book says for direct-mapped cache you use (Block address) Mod (Number of blocks in the cache) and the result indices look uniform. Why is this? It's all very confusing because MIPS uses 32 bit address every 4 bytes which is even number. But I think it's because they threw out the last 2 bits since they're byte offsets?
And, since it uses (Block address) Mod (Number of blocks in the cache), it makes the cache size power of 2 so that you can just use the lower x bits of the block address.
But this method looks exactly the same as division hash function, except you make the hash table power of 2, which is even (data structure book said use prime or odd) and use the lower bits of the block address.
Are these 2 different methods? If so, what's the cache one called? I would really appreciate a reply please. Thank you.
The reason for not using an even number for hash table is described here.
And how caches use addresses to calculate line numbers are described here. And its ok for caches to map more than one entry to the same line. Just because an address is mapped to a cacheline which has data, we don't blindly use the data in that cacheline. We also do a tag comparison to make sure that the content is the cacheline is what exactly we are looking for.
The reason for using a prime to take the modulo by is to get "mixing" of the bits, which is helpful if the integers that you're hashing have a poor structure. That isn't the only way to deal with it though, and for example the Java standard library doesn't use that, it uses a separate "mixing" function (that XORs the input with right-shifted versions of itself) and then uses a power-of-two sizes table. Either way it's protection against badly distributed input, which isn't necessary in and of itself - if the input was always nicely distributed you wouldn't need it.
Memory addresses are usually fairly nicely distributed, because it's typically used in sequential pieces. The obvious exception is that you will see highly aligned big objects, which would conflict with each other in the cache if nothing was done about it. Of course you will probably use a set-associative cache rather than direct mapped, since it is far more robust against degradation, and that would take care of a lot of that. But nothing is ever immune to bad patterns (that also goes for hash-mod-prime, which you can easily defeat if you know the prime), but a fairly simple improvement (which is also used in practice, or at least was, more advanced techniques exist now - combined with adaptive replacement strategies that mitigate bad access patterns) is to XOR some of the higher address bits into the index. This is hash-strengthening, the same technique used in the Java standard library, but a much simpler version of it.
Computing a remainder by a prime number (or really anything that isn't a power of two) is not something you'd want to do in this case, it's a slow computation by itself, and it leaves you with an awkwardly sized cache that doesn't fully use the power of its decoders, which adds to the slowness (or reduces cache size for a given latency, depending on how you look at it). The difference between that and XORing some of the high bits into the low bits is much bigger in hardware than it is in software, since XOR is really a trivial operation in hardware, much faster as a circuit operation than as an instruction.

"cut and paste" the last k elements of std::vector efficiently?

Is it possible in C++11 "cut and paste" the last k elements of an std::vector A to a new std:::vector B in constant time?
One way would be to use B.insert(A.end() - k, A.end()) and then use erase on A but these are both O(k) time operations.
No, vectors own their memory.
This operation is known as splice. forward_list is ridiculously slow otherwise, but it does have an O(1) splice.
Typically, the process of deciding which elements to move is already O(n), so having the splice itself take O(n) time is not a problem. The other operations being faster on vector more than make up for it.
This isn't possible in general, since (at least in the C++03 version -- there it's 23.2.4/1) the C++ standard guarantees that the memory used by a vector<T> is a single contiguous block. Thus the only way to "transfer" more than a fixed number of elements in O(1) time would be if the receiving vector were empty, and you had somehow arranged to have it's allocated block of memory begin at the right place inside the first vector -- in which case the "transfer" could be argued to have taken no time at all. (Deliberately overlapping objects in this way is almost certain to constitute Undefined Behaviour in theory -- and in practice, it's also very fragile, since any operation that invalidates iterators to a vector<T> can also reallocate memory, thus breaking things.)
If you're prepared to sacrifice a whole bunch of portability, I've heard it's possible to play OS-level (or hardware-level) tricks with virtual memory mapping to achieve tricks like no-overhead ring buffers. Maybe these tricks could also be applied here -- but bear in mind that the assumption that the mapping of virtual to physical memory within a single process is one-to-one is very deeply ingrained, so you could be in for some surprises.

Why does this AVL tree implementation pack bits into pointers in 64-bit but not 32-bit implementations?

In this AVL tree implementation from Solaris, struct avl_node is defined in an obvious way if compiling for 32-bit library.
But for 64-library a pointer to node's parent is packed into "avl_pcb". And it looks like only 61 bits of a ponter are stored.
Why this does work?
Why not make similar thing for 32-bit?
On a 64-bit machine, pointers are usually aligned to be at word boundaries, which are at multiples of eight bytes. As a result, the lowest three bits of a pointer will be zero. Consequently, if a data structure needs three bits of information, it can pack them into the lowest three bits of a pointer. That way:
To follow the pointer, clear the lowest three bits of the pointer value, then dereferences it.
To read any of the three bits, mask out the rest of the bits in the pointer and read them directly.
This approach is pretty standard and doesn't lose any ability to point to addresses, since usually for performance or hardware reasons you wouldn't want to have non-aligned pointers anyway.
What I'm not sure about is why they didn't do this in the 32-bit case, since with three pointers they could easily hide the necessary bits using the same trick but with two bits per pointer. My guess is that it's a performance thing: if you do pack bits into the bottom of pointers, you increase the cost of following the pointer because of the computation necessary to clear the bits. Note, for instance, that in the 64-bit case that the bits are packed into the parent pointer, which is only used for uncommon operations like computing inorder successors or doing rotations on an insert or delete. This keeps lookups fast. In the 32-bit case, to hide 3 bits, the implementation would need to use the lower bits of two pointers, one of which would have to be the left or right pointer. My guess is that the performance hit of slowing down tree searches wasn't worth the space savings, so they decided to just take the memory hit and store them separately. This is just speculation, though, since they absolutely could have stored the bits in the bottoms of their pointers if they wanted to.
On a side note: if the implementation was using a red/black tree rather than an AVL tree, then only two bits of information would be necessary: a bit to tell if the node is red or black, and a bit to tell whether the node is a left or right child. In that case, the two bits required could always be packed into a 32-bit pointer. This is one reason why red-black trees are popular.
Hope this helps!

How is an array stored in memory?

In an interest to delve deeper into how memory is allocated and stored, I have written an application that can scan memory address space, find a value, and write out a new value.
I developed a sample application with the end goal to be able to programatically locate my array, and overwrite it with a new sequence of numbers. In this situation, I created a single dimensional array, with 5 elements, e.g.
int[] array = new int[] {8,7,6,5,4};
I ran my application and searched for a sequence of the five numbers above. I was looking for any value that fell between 4 and 8, for a total of 5 numbers in a row. Unfortunately, my sequential numbers within the array matched hundreds of results, as the numbers 4 through 8, in no particular sequence happened to be next to each other, in memory, in many situations.
Is there any way to distinguish that a set of numbers within memory, represents an array, not simply integers that are next to each other? Is there any way of knowing that if I find a certain value, that the matching values proceeding it are that of an array?
I would assume that when I declare int[] array, its pointing at the first address of my array, which would provide some kind of meta-data to what existed in the array, e.g.
0x123456789 meta-data, 5 - 32 bit integers
0x123456789 + 32 "8"
0x123456789 + 64 "7"
0x123456789 + 96 "6"
0x123456789 + 128 "5"
0x123456789 + 160 "4"
Am I way off base?
Debug + Windows + Memory + Memory 1, set the Address field to "array". You'll see this when you switch the view to "4-byte Integer":
0x018416BC 6feb2c84 00000005 00000008 00000007 00000006 00000005 00000004
The first address is the address of the object in the garbage collected heap, plus the part of the object header that's at a negative offset (syncblk index). You cannot guess this value, the GC moves it around. The 2nd hex number is the 'type handle' for the array type (aka method table pointer). You cannot guess this value, type handles are created by the CLR on demand. The 3rd number is the array length. The rest of them are the array element values.
The odds of reliably finding this array back at runtime without a debugger are quite low. There isn't much point in trying.
Don't. Array is stored on the heap and subject to re-location due to garbage collection. You have to use fixed if you need to make sure memory is not moved in which can you can use but only very carefully.
If you are after high-performance arrays, use stackalloc and use your code scheme.
I don't know exactly but this article seems to suggest that you can get a pointer to your array, with which i would think you can determine the actual address.
Although I see you are using C# and, presumably, .NET, most of your question is in very general terms about memory. Keep mind that, in the most general sense, all memory is just bits whether that memory holds an array, strings, or code.
With that in mind, unless you can find tell-tale signs of your current platform's way of allocating different data types, there is no difference between memory that contains arrays, strings, or code.
Also, I wouldn't make any assumptions about if an array "points" to the first item in the array. Perhaps someone else can address this issue specifically, but I would assume some sort of header is involved.
Memory is not always stored contiguously. If you can ensure that it is, what you are asking is possible.
