Jasper reports PDF tagging - pdf-generation

I have heard that you can tag PDF documents generated using Jasper Reports but I haven't found any examples of how to do it.
Does anyone here have an example of how you would tag a PDF document?
I'm interested in tagging them to create accessible PDFs.

If you place the following code in the JRXML file:
<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tagged" value="true"/>
<property name="net.sf.jasperreports.export.pdf.tag.language" value="EN-US"/>
...then the PDF should be tagged when generated. At least, this is what I've found as of JasperReports 4.0.1. I can't speak for earlier versions.
EDIT: On a sidenote, this is also a way to get Tooltips to show on images, which can be used as alt text for the image, with regard to accessibility.

First of all, I'd like to apologize since I cannot answer this question the right way.
Anyway I'm looking for an answer to the same exact question and I can only collect a couple of useful links to keep on searching:
Hope it helps to keep the question alive and bring others experiences here.

From Jasper Reports sources, there is a demo/samples folder, the Tabular report is a tagged pdf report.
iReport has tips on how to use the available tags (table, tr, td, h1, h2, h3, etc). Click on Properties Expressions and then hit 'Add' you'll see the tips below the property/value fields.


Generate a business letter for 100+ leads using wkhtmltopdf

We need to print Business Letter for a given list with mail merge facilities.
My client is not willing to spend $$ on a paid ASP.NET control to make PDF. So I opted in for WKHTMLtoPDF and it works fine for us until one day the client tried to get a PDF of 100+ leads, resulting in complete failure of PDF generation. It works just fine with a 10-20 page PDF, but not for 100.
Are there any tips & tricks to improve performance? We are using Cloud-hosted IIS 7 with ASP.NET 4 if that matters.
PDFSharp library is really a nice one!
I have used it for quite a while now, and I find it flexible enough to fulfill your needs.
However there are some aspects of using it as a "standalone library" - e.g creating tables is a headache and there aren't much text formatting options. It is much better to mix it together with MigraDoc (an extension library for PDFSharp).
If you're looking for a really free (as in "free of worries") library, choose iTextPDF versions prior to version 4.1.7, as they state in the ByteScout blog.
From the ByteScout blog:
iTextSharp 4.1.6 DLL only: itextsharp-4.1.6-dll.zip
iTextSharp 4.1.6 Source Code (C#): itextsharp-4.1.6.zip
I'm not sure I understand your problem but couldn't you generate docx documents and get the same results?
For all, I use http://wkhtmltopdf.org/ to create HTML to PDF, my ASP.NET code generate the HtML file then I create HTML to PDF and it is done, much easier than using itextpdf's Table and td structure to get things in better space. I found it easy and fast once you get your stuff aligned properly.
library has improved since original question asked and it performs better now.
here is good tutorial http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/20640/Creating-PDF-Documents-in-ASP-NET

SugarCRM: Pdf generation

I'm a newbie to SugarCRM development. In my project, I have to generate a pdf for one entity details(say Account details). On details page, I have added "Print PDF" button, upon clicking this button I have one independent script (I mean to say that it was not implemented as per Sugar framework). In this script we are querying database for the required details and building one html string. Using html2pdf library, converting this html string to pdf.
I dont know whether it is an efficient implementation or not, but everything is working fine as per the requirement. But we have one problem when the original string contains some special characters like currency symbols of different countries. We are getting the html fine, but in pdf getting question marks (?) for those special characters.
While trying to fix this issue, when I looked into SugarCRM code, I found some pdf classed inside includes/ directory that creating an impression that Sugar itself has some built-in library to generate pdf's. Is it true?
If that is true, will it solve my problem, i.e. displaying different countries currency symbols in pdf.
Can anybody please help me to in resolving this. Thanks in advance.
-Venkat Nehatha
Venkat, SugarCRM does indeed have its own pdf generation ability. We use it to generate customer orders, quotes, invoices, and statements.
Though I've done some work on the pdf generation myself, I don't think I'm really experienced enough to be able to guide someone else in detail in the use of Sugar's pdf capabilities. I can tell you that we use pdf generation only in our own custom modules, so the files are found in [sugarRoot]/modules/[customModule]/. (You may know that unless you know exactly what you're doing, NEVER modify the main SugarCRM files in the [root]/modules/ folder!) In the previously mentioned custom module folder are two sub-folders, "sugarpdf", which has the code that accesses the modules/database to get the information to write to the pdf, and a "tpls" folder that holds the layout information for the header, body, and footer of the pdf, in HTML format, using the information from the sugarpdf folder's file.
I strongly recommend you visit the SugarCRM developer forums where you will be in touch with many developers much more experienced than me in Sugar.
I hope this helps in some way.

Visual Studio Xml comments plugins

Does anyone know if there exists a Visual Studio(2010) addin/plugin that can help with managing xml documentation comments ?
Features I'm looking for:
being able to hide/show xml comments in the code (scrolling through it makes me want to hit my laptop with a hammer)
some GUI for editing those comments and an indicator which methods/classes are already documented - like an icon/color change/sth
make it easy to build documentation eg. html/pdf/...
anything else that can help
I'm not sure if this question fits on Stackoverflow, but I wasn't able to find a more suitable Stackexchange site for this and since questions can be moved between sites please move it if it's not in the right place.
I use GhostDoc to help write the comments and SandCastle (w/ Sandcastle Help File Builder as the GUI frontend) to generate html documents from the xml comments.

Itextsharp documentation for xml

I am looking for documentation on the XML parser in ItextSharp, I heard there was a dtd years ago but this seems to be defunt. Does anyone know where I can find out all the valid tags and references?
I am using ItextSharp with Spark
When in doubt, use the source. Poking around in my copy of the current iText source, I see that the only SimpleXMLDocHandler available is HTMLWorker.
And if you look at the source for HtmlTags.cs, you'll see all the tag and attribute constants HTMLWorker uses.
It's not exactly comprehensive, but is going to be getting some Enhancement in the immediate future.
I don't see a 4.1.2 tag, but there's one for 4.1.6 in the iTextSharp project on SF. It shows ITextHandler using a bunch of constants from ElementTag in HandleStartingTags(). It also uses ElementFactory to build the various supported tags. Looking at the source for each function will tell you which attributes it supports.

Is it possible to wikify Visual Studio XML comments?

Is it possible to generate a set of wiki pages from XML comment file generated by Visual Studio?
I'm talking about something like Sandcastle, but for wiki format instead of compiled CHM.
Edit: I'm using MediaWiki which can import/export articles in XML. So I hope that it is possible to write a transformation converting XML comments to MediaWiki XML.
I'd recommend a bit different solution:
Use Help Server to publish .CHM/.HxS on the web
Use special MediaWiki templates to link reference from Wiki like here.
Use <see href="..."> to link Wiki pages from XML comments
See also: FiXml
This is not exactly what you wanted, but I hope this will be helpful.
If the items mentioned above do not suffice, have you tried to simply build your own XSLT transform into the wiki markup of your choice?
You can write a simple application in .NET (or pick your platform of choice) to transform the doc XML format to wiki XML format. You'd still have to keep the wiki updated with the output files manually.
