no such file to load -- soap4r -- why? - ruby

I migrated to 1.8.7 Ruby and now I keep getting this error and it is driving me crazy. I try installing it manually using gem install soap4r and also include it as a config.gem 'soap4r' and rake gem:install and still nothing....
It's blowing up on my heroku install too....

Try to load it as
require 'soap4r' in your code
And make sure you installed soap4r with all the dependencies
here is a link for how to install it -


Ruby Gem not install dependency

I created a Ruby Gem and published it. I tried downloading it and I keep getting cannot require my dependent gem. The code is at and the gem in question is httparty. The error that I am getting is
~/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.0.0-p353#sullivan_cotter/bundler/gems/toolshed-46404c5af06d/lib/toolshed.rb:2:in `require': cannot load such file -- httparty (LoadError)
I have updated my to use add_dependency instead but that doesn't seem to be helping. Could it be conflicting with other Gems?
The version on rubygems is still the old one with only development dependencies. Worked fine when I downloaded and built you gem from Github.
Yes sorry I solved this by adding them as a dependency not a development dependency.
spec.add_dependency "httparty"
spec.add_dependency "json"
spec.add_dependency "pivotal-tracker"
You have specified development dependency, but call the rake form binary, just put rake gem dependency into usual add_dependency, and remove ::gem call to:
require 'rubygems'
require 'toolshed'
require 'rake'
One again question: for what do you need the binary?
The toolshed.gemspec seems correct. How do you call it? Remove the installed gem with gem uninstall toolshed including binary. Make sure that the bundle install, and then call to bundle exec bin/toolshed.rb is correct after patching the dependencies.
After that generate the gem with gem build toolshed.gemspec, and install the gem with gem install toolshed-0.0.4.gem. Make sure that binary works. Only then publish the gem.

Using standard initial jekyll set up, jekyll serve watch resulting in LoadError

I've used the tutorial for Jekyll to set up a very basic blog and have hosted it on the localhost using jekyll serve, but when I use jekyll serve --w, the site generates then command gives
C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:in 'require':
cannot load such file --wdm (LoadError)
Followed by a lot of other information
I'm running Ruby 1.9.3 on Windows.
If it can't load wdm, I'd try:
gem install wdm
edit: Looks like you're not alone. First Google hit.
You need install wdm and directory_watcher:
gem install directory_watcher
gem install wdm
And remember add this line to Gemfile:
gem 'directory_watcher'
gem 'wdm'
Good luck!

Ruby Gem LoadError

I am getting a ruby error when an app I am running tries to…
require "xcodeproj/xcodeproj_ext" (
The gem has been installed in /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/xcodeproj-0.5.5.
gem list xcodeproj outputs the following...
xcodeproj (0.5.5, 0.5.0, 0.4.3, 0.3.4, 0.3.1, 0.1.0)
There is no xcodeproj_ext file or directory. What is it looking for?
How do I best go about debugging this?
UPDATE: The app that I am trying to running is using
Are you able to require any other gems? Try doing:
require 'rubygems'
require 'xcodeproj'
It seems something was missing in the installed gem.
After removing the ~/.bundler folder and running bundle install again it worked as expected.

What is the easyest way to use gems in a macruby application, in XCode?

I need to include a rubygem in a simple macruby application i am creating in XCode. Using require 'rubygems' does not give an error, but the next line to require any other gems has a load error. I installed the gems using macgems. Thanks in advance.
The load error might be an indication that the gem doesn't work on Macruby. Post the error and someone might have more info on that gem or that error.
Did the gem actually install correctly? If it did install, does it work from the command line? Try creating a simple script that requires rubygems and your gem and run that on the command line outside of xcode and see if the problem is compatibility with that gem.
A while back in the 0.5 days I had this problem with a gem (miniexif iirc) that would install via macgems but not load or run. This might be a similar problem.

Ruby Twitter gem

-- UPDATE --
Ok its fixed. This is what I did. remove all ruby and rubygems completely. then install ruby1.9.1-full and rubygems1.9.1 then install the twitter gem.
Hi guys,
I am having trouble working with the Twitter gem. I am using ruby 1.8.7
After installing when I try to run a simple script I get this error
ruby twitter.rb
./twitter.rb:5: uninitialized constant Twitter (NameError)
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:in gem_original_require'
from /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/rubygems/custom_require.rb:31:inrequire'
from twitter.rb:2
I running this on a Ubuntu box. I checked with gem -list and I see the Twitter (1.1.0) is listed there.
this is the code I am trying to run
require "rubygems"
require 'twitter'
puts Twitter.user_timeline("test").first.text
Any ideas ?
I believe it only works with Ruby 1.9 If you want to use twitter gem try version 0.9 with Ruby 1.8.x
This works for me:
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > require 'twitter'
=> true
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > puts Twitter.user_timeline("test").first.text
TExES Pedagogy and Professional Responsibilities EC-12 Teacher Certification Test Prep Study Guid… - by Sharon A Wynne
=> nil
which version of ruby are you using?
gouravtiwari21's comment seems to fix the problem, but it's wrong to suggest that the twitter gem requires 0.9.0 if you want to run it using Ruby 1.8.x.
You can check out the version compatibility here:!/jnunemaker/twitter
It shows the twitter gem working with Ruby installs as low as 1.8.7.
For me, it was an issue with having the correct dependent gems, as well as the correct versions.
Here's how I got it working:
I ran:
sudo gem list
And compared the versions of specific gems with what I found here: (I simply searched for the word 'dependency' to see which versions twitter cared about.
I also found this diff:
And I compared the gems listed there with what I had installed, and I just made sure my system lined up with what I was seeing in the version notes. Oftentimes what happened is that I had multiple versions of a gem, and for some reason, the lower version was taking precedence.
I'm not sure why I still have to add
gem 'twitter', '1.7.1'
to my Gemfile, but alas, that's the last step required in order to get this stuff working.
Don't forget to restart your server, and you should be good!
