Unable to read a path with special characters in FSRef - macos

With this code I am trying to get the path in const char *pathPtr from fsRefAEDesc. It gives the correct name and path if there are no special characters in the name of file which is there in fsRefAEDesc. Now if path has some special characters /Users/XYZ/.rtf I don't get a correct fsRef from AEGetDescData(). I believe it has some thing to do with Encoding and tried some them but could make it work.
FSRef fsRef;
//AEDesc fsRefAEDesc; //comes from some where.
status = AEGetDescData( &fsRefAEDesc, (void*)(&fsRef), sizeof(FSRef));
//OSErr result = FSMakeFSRefUnicode(&fsRef, 1024, (UniCharPtr)(&fsRef), kTextEncodingUnknown, &fileRef);
AEDisposeDesc( &fsRefAEDesc );
CFURLRef* gotURLRef = CFURLCreateFromFSRef(NULL, &fsRef);
CFStringRef macPath = CFURLCopyFileSystemPath(gotURLRef, kCFURLPOSIXPathStyle);
const char *pathPtr = CFStringGetCStringPtr(macPath, CFStringGetSystemEncoding());
Is there is any way to read such paths?

At what point in your code does the problem occur? For instance, if you insert CFShow(macPath), do you see the right path in the debug log? If so, then you are not passing the right encoding to CFStringGetCStringPtr. Use UTF-8.

Also tried this for gotURLRef but I
got the same on my console i.e.
The Unicode escape sequence is what you get when going through CFURL calls. URL has very limited character range.
You can try FSRefMakePath. It will get you UTF8 encoded path from a FSRef.


Wrong filename when downloading file whose name contains double quote(") from Springboot server

The code for setting filename for the file to be downloaded :
String originalFileNameDecoded = URLDecoder.decode(originalFileName, "UTF-8");
URI uri = new URI(null, null, originalFileNameDecoded, null);
return ResponseEntity.ok()
.header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + uri.toASCIIString() + "\"")
The reason why first decode the filename is because the originalFileName may contains URL encoded characters.
For files with regular names (only number and English letter), it works fine. However, when I try to download a file with name like pic201;9050.814,3"731(copy).png in the browser (chrome on linux), the filename becomes pic201;9050.814,3_731(copy).png.
I used to believe it is the browser behaviour, but I tried it in Edge and the same situation happened again.
So I wonder if there is something wrong with my code or something else happened.

Rack cookies and ruby strings

I'm trying to decode a cookie and the interpreter is escaping backslashes that I need to remain intact.
This works
encrypted = %Q{"pgmQKWFl3ZqLWjMR6HISwjzbTSbF3qNj/xABLuR7sTRhG4hhVFDUBhrWLpHyXjOR0I9UB8zpzyOT\012J0RDv0s9QcJgm5kx0+pPZFmIt/dfv5LH0UIYvEmODnbfqpzjV7uIgpoi+fdVJQaHwk1GF5W1F3hg\0122pWmc/aDz8saLG4j5I4U+cctEo7uUOOKn2xRszlytNIOylFQramG1UKC6TLFrkXjz24/MEfEPbaO\012pHa2dzYbKN+2AOACVrspysnnAeG0W97EvaV9Q3OXdIY/9eElpLzrbgf+4weTG/qRTd7iSjautF0G\0129KMpzusxQxEI6hSrq+aYIBHuyUVMBkhGzobPjw==\012"}
=> "\"pgmQKWFl3ZqLWjMR6HISwjzbTSbF3qNj/xABLuR7sTRhG4hhVFDUBhrWLpHyXjOR0I9UB8zpzyOT\nJ0RDv0s9QcJgm5kx0+pPZFmIt/dfv5LH0UIYvEmODnbfqpzjV7uIgpoi+fdVJQaHwk1GF5W1F3hg\n2pWmc/aDz8saLG4j5I4U+cctEo7uUOOKn2xRszlytNIOylFQramG1UKC6TLFrkXjz24/MEfEPbaO\npHa2dzYbKN+2AOACVrspysnnAeG0W97EvaV9Q3OXdIY/9eElpLzrbgf+4weTG/qRTd7iSjautF0G\n9KMpzusxQxEI6hSrq+aYIBHuyUVMBkhGzobPjw==\n\""
But when I hit the server with that as a cookie
http localhost:9393 Cookie:cookie="\"pgmQKWFl3ZqLWjMR6HISwjzbTSbF3qNj/xABLuR7sTRhG4hhVFDUBhrWLpHyXjOR0I9UB8zpzyOT\nJ0RDv0s9QcJgm5kx0+pPZFmIt/dfv5LH0UIYvEmODnbfqpzjV7uIgpoi+fdVJQaHwk1GF5W1F3hg\n2pWmc/aDz8saLG4j5I4U+cctEo7uUOOKn2xRszlytNIOylFQramG1UKC6TLFrkXjz24/MEfEPbaO\npHa2dzYbKN+2AOACVrspysnnAeG0W97EvaV9Q3OXdIY/9eElpLzrbgf+4weTG/qRTd7iSjautF0G\n9KMpzusxQxEI6hSrq+aYIBHuyUVMBkhGzobPjw==\n\""
and try to retrieve the cookie from my app, it escapes the backslashes and turns + into spaces
encrypted_string = request.cookies['cookie']
"\"pgmQKWFl3ZqLWjMR6HISwjzbTSbF3qNj/xABLuR7sTRhG4hhVFDUBhrWLpHyXjOR0I9UB8zpzyOT\\nJ0RDv0s9QcJgm5kx0 pPZFmIt/dfv5LH0UIYvEmODnbfqpzjV7uIgpoi fdVJQaHwk1GF5W1F3hg\\n2pWmc/aDz8saLG4j5I4U cctEo7uUOOKn2xRszlytNIOylFQramG1UKC6TLFrkXjz24/MEfEPbaO\\npHa2dzYbKN 2AOACVrspysnnAeG0W97EvaV9Q3OXdIY/9eElpLzrbgf 4weTG/qRTd7iSjautF0G\\n9KMpzusxQxEI6hSrq aYIBHuyUVMBkhGzobPjw==\\n\""
string = key.private_decrypt(Base64.decode64(encrypted))
OpenSSL::PKey::RSAError: padding check failed
What am I missing? Thanks for your help.
For now, I'm just using gsub.
gsub("\\012","").gsub(" ","+")
I have tried below code. According to that it perform decoding on cookies you are passing and produce same result.
require ‘uri’
Say your cookie is:
c = “cookie=pgmQKWFl3ZqLWjMR6HISwjzbTSbF3qNj/xABLuR7sTRhG4hhVFDUBhrWLpHyXjOR0I9UB8zpzyOT\nJ0RDv0s9QcJgm5kx0+pPZFmIt/dfv5LH0UIYvEmODnbfqpzjV7uIgpoi+fdVJQaHwk1GF5W1F3hg\n2pWmc/aDz8saLG4j5I4U+cctEo7uUOOKn2xRszlytNIOylFQramG1UKC6TLFrkXjz24/MEfEPbaO\npHa2dzYbKN+2AOACVrspysnnAeG0W97EvaV9Q3OXdIY/9eElpLzrbgf+4weTG/qRTd7iSjautF0G\n9KMpzusxQxEI6hSrq+aYIBHuyUVMBkhGzobPjw==\n”
Output will be:
{"cookie"=>"pgmQKWFl3ZqLWjMR6HISwjzbTSbF3qNj/xABLuR7sTRhG4hhVFDUBhrWLpHyXjOR0I9UB8zpzyOT\nJ0RDv0s9QcJgm5kx0 pPZFmIt/dfv5LH0UIYvEmODnbfqpzjV7uIgpoi fdVJQaHwk1GF5W1F3hg\n2pWmc/aDz8saLG4j5I4U cctEo7uUOOKn2xRszlytNIOylFQramG1UKC6TLFrkXjz24/MEfEPbaO\npHa2dzYbKN 2AOACVrspysnnAeG0W97EvaV9Q3OXdIY/9eElpLzrbgf 4weTG/qRTd7iSjautF0G\n9KMpzusxQxEI6hSrq aYIBHuyUVMBkhGzobPjw==\n"}
See value of cookie key in hash.
pgmQKWFl3ZqLWjMR6HISwjzbTSbF3qNj/xABLuR7sTRhG4hhVFDUBhrWLpHyXjOR0I9UB8zpzyOT\nJ0RDv0s9QcJgm5kx0 pPZFmIt/dfv5LH0UIYvEmODnbfqpzjV7uIgpoi fdVJQaHwk1GF5W1F3hg\n2pWmc/aDz8saLG4j5I4U cctEo7uUOOKn2xRszlytNIOylFQramG1UKC6TLFrkXjz24/MEfEPbaO\npHa2dzYbKN 2AOACVrspysnnAeG0W97EvaV9Q3OXdIY/9eElpLzrbgf 4weTG/qRTd7iSjautF0G\n9KMpzusxQxEI6hSrq aYIBHuyUVMBkhGzobPjw==\n
You can see + is replaced with space.
Perform gsub(‘ ’, ‘+’) on cookie you received on server end.

What are the rules that Vala's Process.spawn_command_line_async follows in interpreting CLI arguments?

Specifically, how does it interpret arguments that are in quotes or that feature redirects from standard input (e.g. <)?
I've got the following string:
string cmd = "mail -s 'Work Order #%s' -c %s -r email#server.com %s < email.txt".printf(wo.get_text(), ownmail, outmail.get_text());
When I use
The command runs as expected and an email is sent, with the body taken from email.txt.
When I use
I get the error from the mail command that 'option -c is not found' or words to that effect. When I lose the quotes around Work Order #%s and instead escape the spaces, the email sends (with the subject line containing the back slashes) but instead of getting the body of the message from email.txt, it treats email.txt as another recipient of the email (it shows up in my inbox with 'email.txt' under the To: section). The < is being ignored or dropped. To check things out, I used
Process.spawn_command_line_async("echo %s".printf(cmd));
This showed me that the quotes around the subject line were being dropped but the < was still there. I can use Posix.system() in my program but for the sake of simplicity and reducing dependencies (and being more idiomatic), I'd prefer to use Process.spawn_command_line(). What am I missing?
Thank you!
You probably want to play around with Shell.quote() and Shell.unquote() in your "".printf() arguments.
The Vala Process.spawn_command_line_async() function is bound to GLib's g_spawn_command_line_async () function. So a good place to start looking for more details is the GLib documentation. The GLib documentation states g_spawn_command_line_async() uses g-shell-parse-argv to parse the command line. This parses the command line so the "results are defined to be the same as those you would get from a UNIX98 /bin/sh, as long as the input contains none of the unsupported shell expansions."
Also on that page are g_shell_quote () and g_shell_unquote (). These functions are bound to Vala as Shell.quote () and Shell.unquote ().
mail only accepts the body of the message from STDIN and g_spawn_command_line_async() won't handle the redirect. So you will either need a command line tool that takes the body as an argument or using something like Subprocess instead.
Thanks to both AIThomas and Jens sending me looking in the right direction, I was able to get it working with the following code:
static int main(string[] args) {
string subject = "-s " + Shell.quote("Work Order #123131");
string cc = "-c ccemail#org.org";
string frommail = "-r " + "senderemail#org.org";
string[] argv = {"mail", subject, cc, frommail, "destinationemail#org.org"};
int standard_input;
int child_pid;
Process.spawn_async_with_pipes (
out child_pid,
out standard_input,
FileStream instream = FileStream.fdopen(standard_input, "w");
instream.write("This is what will be emailed\n".data);
return 0;

Error in URL.getFile()

I am trying to open a file from URL.
Object of URL is created with getResource() method of ClassLoader.
Output URL returned from getResource() method is =
After using URL.getFile() method which returns String as " /C:/users/ " it removes "file:" only not the "/ "
This / gives me a error in opening a file using new FileInputStream.
Error : FileNotFoundException
" / " in the starting of the filename causes the same problem in getting the path object.
Here , value of directory is retrieved from the URL.getResource().getFile()
Path Dest = Paths.get(Directory);
Error received is :
java.nio.file.InvalidPathException: Illegal char <:> at index 2: /C:/Users/
is anyone face such issue ?
Don't use URL.getFile(), it returns the "file" part of the URL, which is not the same as a file or path name of a file on disk. (It looks like it, but there are many ways in which there is a mismatch, as you have discovered.) Instead, call URL.toURI() and pass the resulting URI object to Paths.get()
That should work, as long as your URL points to a real file and not to a resource inside a jar file.
URL url = getClass().getResource("/some/resource/path");
Path dest = Paths.get(url.toURI());
The problem is that your result path contains leading /.
ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
Path path = Paths.get(loader.getResource(filename).toURI());

Java Runtime Exec on Windows Fails with Unicode in Arguments

I want to launch a browser and load a web page using Java's Runtime exec. The exact call looks like this:
String[] explorer = {"C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\IEXPLORE.EXE",
"C:\\ ... path containing unicode chars ... \\Main.html"};
In my case, the path contains "\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E", the characters 日本語.
Apparently it's a java bug:
My question is: is there a viable workaround that can be done solely using Java? It appears that it is possible to write a JNI library for this, but I'd like to avoid that if possible. I have tried URI-encoding the path as ascii and writing the commands to a batch file, without success.
At the mentioned Java bug page you will find a workaround that is reported to work using ProcessBuilder and wrapping the parameters in environment variables. Here is the source code from Parag Thakur:
String[] cmd = new String[]{"yourcmd.exe", "Japanese CLI argument: \ufeff\u30cb\u30e5\u30fc\u30b9"};
Map<String, String> newEnv = new HashMap<String, String>();
String[] i18n = new String[cmd.length + 2];
i18n[0] = "cmd";
i18n[1] = "/C";
i18n[2] = cmd[0];
for (int counter = 1; counter < cmd.length; counter++)
String envName = "JENV_" + counter;
i18n[counter + 2] = "%" + envName + "%";
newEnv.put(envName, cmd[counter]);
cmd = i18n;
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);
Map<String, String> env = pb.environment();
final Process p = pb.start();
Create a .bat/.sh file. Write your commands to that file and execute it. Make sure that you have changed the code page to unicode in case of windows(chcp 65001).
For example to execute the below command in windows:
String[] command ={"C:\\aconex\\学校\\mysql\\bin\\mysql", "-esource", "大村箕島a\\data.sql"};
Create a temp file called temp.bat and execute with the Runtime.getRuntime().exec
chcp 65001
C:\aconex\学校\mysql\bin\mysql -esource 大村箕島a\data.sql
These are the two solutions I considered, each of which are more or less workarounds:
Create a temp html redirect file which will redirect the browser to the proper page.
Note that IE will expect unencoded unicode for local files, while other browsers may accept only uri-encoded file paths
Use the short filename for the windows file. It won't contain unicode characters.
We've been using a JNI to start processes from Java for years. Neither Runtime.exec or ProcessBuilder will work, and it seems unlikely that they will fix this, given how long it's been already.
However, you should be able to work around the issue by using the input stream, a socket, or environment variables to pass parameters. If you don't have direct control over the executable, you'll have to make a wrapper.
You could use JNA. With version 3.3.0 or later call CreateProcess:
WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION.ByReference processInfo =
new WinBase.PROCESS_INFORMATION.ByReference();
WinBase.STARTUPINFO startupInfo = new WinBase.STARTUPINFO();
String command = "C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\IEXPLORE.EXE " +
"-noframemerging \"C:\\\u65E5\u672C\u8A9E\\Main.html\"";
if (!Kernel32.INSTANCE.CreateProcess(
null, // Application name, not needed if supplied in command line
command, // Command line
null, // Process security attributes
null, // Thread security attributes
true, // Inherit handles
0, // Creation flags
null, // Environment
null, // Directory
throw new IllegalStateException("Error creating process. Last error: " +
// The CreateProcess documentation indicates that it is very important to
// close the returned handles
long pid = processInfo.dwProcessId.longValue();
Redirecting output from the child process is a bit harder but not impossible.
I think you can use Apache Commons Exec library or ProcessBuilder to give a try;)
