Are there any go libraries that provide associative array capability? - data-structures

I'm looking for a go language capability similar to the "dictionary" in python to facilitate the conversion of some python code.
EDIT: Maps worked quite well for this de-dupe application. I was able to condense 1.3e6 duplicated items down to 2.5e5 unique items using a map with a 16 byte string index in just a few seconds. The map-related code was simple so I've included it below. Worth noting that pre-allocation of map with 1.3e6 elements sped it up by only a few percent:
var m = make(map[string]int, 1300000) // map with initial space for 1.3e6 elements
ct, ok := m[ax_hash]
if ok {
m[ax_hash] = ct + 1
} else {
m[ax_hash] = 1

To expand a little on answers already given:
A Go map is a typed hash map data structure. A map's type signature is of the form map[keyType]valueType where keyType and valueType are the types of the keys and values respectively.
To initialize a map, you must use the make function:
m := make(map[string]int)
An uninitialized map is equal to nil, and if read from or written a panic will occur at runtime.
The syntax for storing values is much the same as doing so with arrays or slices:
m["Alice"] = 21
m["Bob"] = 17
Similarly, retrieving values from a map is done like so:
a := m["Alice"]
b := m["Bob"]
You can use the range keyword to iterate over a map with a for loop:
for k, v := range m {
fmt.Println(k, v)
This code will print:
Alice 21
Bob 17
Retrieving a value for a key that is not in the map will return the value type's zero value:
c := m["Charlie"]
// c == 0
By reading multiple values from a map, you can test for a key's presence. The second value will be a boolean indicating the key's presence:
a, ok := m["Alice"]
// a == 21, ok == true
c, ok := m["Charlie"]
// c == 0, ok == false
To remove a key/value entry from a map, you flip it around and assign false as the second value:
m["Bob"] = 0, false
b, ok := m["Bob"]
// b == 0, ok == false
You can store arbitrary types in a map by using the empty interface type interface{}:
n := make(map[string]interface{})
n["One"] = 1
n["Two"] = "Two"
The only proviso is that when retrieving those values you must perform a type assertion to use them in their original form:
a := n["One"].(int)
b := n["Two"].(string)
You can use a type switch to determine the types of the values you're pulling out, and deal with them appropriately:
for k, v := range n {
switch u := v.(type) {
case int:
fmt.Printf("Key %q is an int with the value %v.\n", k, u)
case string:
fmt.Printf("Key %q is a string with the value %q.\n", k, u)
Inside each of those case blocks, u will be of the type specified in the case statement; no explicit type assertion is necessary.
This code will print:
Key "One" is an int with the value 1.
Key "Two" is a string with the value "Two".
The key can be of any type for which the equality operator is defined, such as integers, floats, strings, and pointers. Interface types can also be used, as long as the underlying type supports equality. (Structs, arrays and slices cannot be used as map keys, because equality is not defined on those types.)
For example, the map o can take keys of any of the above types:
o := make(map[interface{}]int)
o[1] = 1
o["Two"] = 2
And that's maps in a nutshell.

The map type.
There is some difference from python in that the keys have to be typed, so you can't mix numeric and string keys (for some reason I forgot you can), but they're pretty easy to use.
dict := make(map[string]string)
dict["user"] = "so_user"
dict["pass"] = "l33t_pass1"

You're probably looking for a map.


Remove all map key in Golang [duplicate]

I'm looking for something like the c++ function .clear() for the primitive type map.
Or should I just create a new map instead?
Update: Thank you for your answers. By looking at the answers I just realized that sometimes creating a new map may lead to some inconsistency that we don't want. Consider the following example:
var a map[string]string
var b map[string]string
func main() {
a = make(map[string]string)
a = nil
I mean, this is still different from the .clear() function in c++, which will clear the content in the object.
You should probably just create a new map. There's no real reason to bother trying to clear an existing one, unless the same map is being referred to by multiple pieces of code and one piece explicitly needs to clear out the values such that this change is visible to the other pieces of code.
So yeah, you should probably just say
mymap = make(map[keytype]valtype)
If you do really need to clear the existing map for whatever reason, this is simple enough:
for k := range m {
delete(m, k)
Unlike C++, Go is a garbage collected language. You need to think things a bit differently.
When you make a new map
a := map[string]string{"hello": "world"}
a = make(map[string]string)
the original map will be garbage-collected eventually; you don't need to clear it manually. But remember that maps (and slices) are reference types; you create them with make(). The underlying map will be garbage-collected only when there are no references to it.
Thus, when you do
a := map[string]string{"hello": "world"}
b := a
a = make(map[string]string)
the original array will not be garbage collected (until b is garbage-collected or b refers to something else).
// Method - I , say book is name of map
for k := range book {
delete(book, k)
// Method - II
book = make(map[string]int)
// Method - III
book = map[string]int{}
Go 1.18 and above
You can use maps.Clear. The function belongs to the package (experimental and not covered by the compatibility guarantee)
Clear removes all entries from m, leaving it empty.
Example usage:
func main() {
testMap := map[string]int{"gopher": 1, "badger": 2}
testMap["zebra"] = 2000
If you don't want to depend on experimental packages, you can copy-paste the source, which is actually extremely simple:
func Clear[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](m M) {
for k := range m {
delete(m, k)
IMPORTANT NOTE: just as with the builtin delete — which the implementation of maps.Clear uses —, this does not remove irreflexive keys from the map. The reason is that for irreflexive keys, by definition, x == x is false. Irreflexive keys are NaN floats and every other type that supports comparison operators but contains NaN floats somewhere.
See this code to understand what this entails:
func main() {
m := map[float64]string{}
m[1.0] = "foo"
k := math.NaN()
fmt.Println(k == k) // false
m[k] = "bar"
fmt.Printf("len: %d, content: %v\n", len(m), m)
// len: 1, content: map[NaN:bar]
a := map[[2]float64]string{}
a[[2]float64{1.0, 2.0}] = "foo"
h := [2]float64{1.0, math.NaN()}
fmt.Println(h == h) // false
a[h] = "bar"
fmt.Printf("len: %d, content: %v\n", len(a), a)
// len: 1, content: map[[1 NaN]:bar]
A clear builtin is being currently discussed (Autumn 2022) that, if added to next Go releases, will delete also irreflexive keys.
For the method of clearing a map in Go
for k := range m {
delete(m, k)
It only works if m contains no key values containing NaN.
delete(m, k) doesn't work for any irreflexive key (such as math.NaN()), but also structs or other comparable types with any NaN float in it. Given struct{ val float64 } with NaN val is also irreflexive (Quote by blackgreen comment)
To resolve this issue and support clearing a map in Go, one buildin clear(x) function could be available in the new release, for more details, please refer to add clear(x) builtin, to clear map, zero content of slice, ptr-to-array
If you are trying to do this in a loop, you can take advantage of the initialization to clear out the map for you. For example:
for i:=0; i<2; i++ {
animalNames := make(map[string]string)
switch i {
case 0:
animalNames["cat"] = "Patches"
case 1:
animalNames["dog"] = "Spot";
fmt.Println("For map instance", i)
for key, value := range animalNames {
fmt.Println(key, value)
When you execute this, it clears out the previous map and starts with an empty map. This is verified by the output:
$ go run maptests.go
For map instance 0
cat Patches
For map instance 1
dog Spot

What value does the return value take if something is not in a map?

Ok so according to this:
How to check if a map contains a key in go?
if val, ok := m["foo"]; ok {
//do something here
that's fine, but how come we can't do this:
val, ok := m["foo"]
if val == nil { // cannot compare val to nil
I get a compilation error saying I can't compare val to nil, but then what value does val have? What can I compare it to, to determine if it exists or not?
the type of m is like:
type m map[string]struct{}
The Go Programming Language Specification
Index expressions
For a of map type M: if the map is nil or does not contain such an
entry, a[x] is the zero value for the element type of M.
The zero value
When storage is allocated for a variable, either through a declaration
or a call of new, or when a new value is created, either through a
composite literal or a call of make, and no explicit initialization is
provided, the variable or value is given a default value. Each element
of such a variable or value is set to the zero value for its type:
false for booleans, 0 for numeric types, "" for strings, and nil for
pointers, functions, interfaces, slices, channels, and maps.
The Go Programming Language Specification
Composite literals
Composite literals construct values for structs, arrays, slices, and
maps and create a new value each time they are evaluated. They consist
of the type of the literal followed by a brace-bound list of elements.
Each element may optionally be preceded by a corresponding key. For
struct literals the following rules apply:
A literal may omit the element list; such a literal evaluates to the
zero value for its type.
For your example, type struct{}, omit the element list from the composite literal, struct{}{}, for the zero value.
For example,
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
m := map[string]struct{}{}
val, ok := m["foo"]
fmt.Printf("%T %v\n", val, val)
if val == struct{}{} {
fmt.Println("==", val, ok)
struct {} {}
== {} false
The Go Programming Language Specification
Variable declarations
A variable declaration creates one or more variables, binds
corresponding identifiers to them, and gives each a type and an
initial value.
If a list of expressions is given, the variables are initialized with
the expressions following the rules for assignments. Otherwise, each
variable is initialized to its zero value.
If a type is present, each variable is given that type. Otherwise,
each variable is given the type of the corresponding initialization
value in the assignment.
In your example, you could declare a variable of type struct{} with no initial value, which would be initialized to the zero value for the struct{} type.
For example,
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
m := map[string]struct{}{}
val, ok := m["foo"]
fmt.Printf("%T %v\n", val, val)
var zeroValue struct{}
if val == zeroValue {
fmt.Println("==", val, ok)
struct {} {}
== {} false
You can most certainly do what you did above. Comparing to nil depends on the type of value you have in map. If its interface{} you can compare it to nil:
m := map[string]interface{}{}
val, _ := m["foo"]
if val == nil {
fmt.Println("no index")

Checking if key exist in map which return interface type in go [duplicate]

I know I can iterate over a map m with
for k, v := range m { ... }
and look for a key, but is there a more efficient way of testing for a key's existence in a map?
Here's how you check if a map contains a key.
val, ok := myMap["foo"]
// If the key exists
if ok {
// Do something
This initializes two variables. val is the value of "foo" from the map if it exists, or a "zero value" if it doesn't (in this case the empty string). ok is a bool that will be set to true if the key existed.
If you want, you can shorten this to a one-liner.
if val, ok := myMap["foo"]; ok {
//do something here
Go allows you to put an initializing statement before the condition (notice the semicolon) in the if statement. The consequence of this is that the scope ofval and ok will be limited to the body of the if statement, which is helpful if you only need to access them there.
In addition to The Go Programming Language Specification, you should read Effective Go. In the section on maps, they say, amongst other things:
An attempt to fetch a map value with a key that is not present in the
map will return the zero value for the type of the entries in the map.
For instance, if the map contains integers, looking up a non-existent
key will return 0. A set can be implemented as a map with value type
bool. Set the map entry to true to put the value in the set, and then
test it by simple indexing.
attended := map[string]bool{
"Ann": true,
"Joe": true,
if attended[person] { // will be false if person is not in the map
fmt.Println(person, "was at the meeting")
Sometimes you need to distinguish a missing entry from a zero value.
Is there an entry for "UTC" or is that 0 because it's not in the map
at all? You can discriminate with a form of multiple assignment.
var seconds int
var ok bool
seconds, ok = timeZone[tz]
For obvious reasons this is called the “comma ok” idiom. In this
example, if tz is present, seconds will be set appropriately and ok
will be true; if not, seconds will be set to zero and ok will be
false. Here's a function that puts it together with a nice error
func offset(tz string) int {
if seconds, ok := timeZone[tz]; ok {
return seconds
log.Println("unknown time zone:", tz)
return 0
To test for presence in the map without worrying about the actual
value, you can use the blank identifier (_) in place of the usual
variable for the value.
_, present := timeZone[tz]
Searched on the go-nuts email list and found a solution posted by Peter Froehlich on 11/15/2009.
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
dict := map[string]int {"foo" : 1, "bar" : 2}
value, ok := dict["baz"]
if ok {
fmt.Println("value: ", value)
} else {
fmt.Println("key not found")
Or, more compactly,
if value, ok := dict["baz"]; ok {
fmt.Println("value: ", value)
} else {
fmt.Println("key not found")
Note, using this form of the if statement, the value and ok variables are only visible inside the if conditions.
Short Answer
_, exists := timeZone[tz] // Just checks for key existence
val, exists := timeZone[tz] // Checks for key existence and retrieves the value
Here's an example at the Go Playground.
Longer Answer
Per the Maps section of Effective Go:
An attempt to fetch a map value with a key that is not present in the map will return the zero value for the type of the entries in the map. For instance, if the map contains integers, looking up a non-existent key will return 0.
Sometimes you need to distinguish a missing entry from a zero value. Is there an entry for "UTC" or is that the empty string because it's not in the map at all? You can discriminate with a form of multiple assignment.
var seconds int
var ok bool
seconds, ok = timeZone[tz]
For obvious reasons this is called the “comma ok” idiom. In this example, if tz is present, seconds will be set appropriately and ok will be true; if not, seconds will be set to zero and ok will be false. Here's a function that puts it together with a nice error report:
func offset(tz string) int {
if seconds, ok := timeZone[tz]; ok {
return seconds
log.Println("unknown time zone:", tz)
return 0
To test for presence in the map without worrying about the actual value, you can use the blank identifier (_) in place of the usual variable for the value.
_, present := timeZone[tz]
Have a look at this snippet of code
nameMap := make(map[string]int)
nameMap["river"] = 33
v ,exist := nameMap["river"]
if exist {
fmt.Println("exist ",v)
As noted by other answers, the general solution is to use an index expression in an assignment of the special form:
v, ok = a[x]
v, ok := a[x]
var v, ok = a[x]
var v, ok T = a[x]
This is nice and clean. It has some restrictions though: it must be an assignment of special form. Right-hand side expression must be the map index expression only, and the left-hand expression list must contain exactly 2 operands, first to which the value type is assignable, and a second to which a bool value is assignable. The first value of the result of this special form will be the value associated with the key, and the second value will tell if there is actually an entry in the map with the given key (if the key exists in the map). The left-hand side expression list may also contain the blank identifier if one of the results is not needed.
It's important to know that if the indexed map value is nil or does not contain the key, the index expression evaluates to the zero value of the value type of the map. So for example:
m := map[int]string{}
s := m[1] // s will be the empty string ""
var m2 map[int]float64 // m2 is nil!
f := m2[2] // f will be 0.0
fmt.Printf("%q %f", s, f) // Prints: "" 0.000000
Try it on the Go Playground.
So if we know that we don't use the zero value in our map, we can take advantage of this.
For example if the value type is string, and we know we never store entries in the map where the value is the empty string (zero value for the string type), we can also test if the key is in the map by comparing the non-special form of the (result of the) index expression to the zero value:
m := map[int]string{
0: "zero",
1: "one",
fmt.Printf("Key 0 exists: %t\nKey 1 exists: %t\nKey 2 exists: %t",
m[0] != "", m[1] != "", m[2] != "")
Output (try it on the Go Playground):
Key 0 exists: true
Key 1 exists: true
Key 2 exists: false
In practice there are many cases where we don't store the zero-value value in the map, so this can be used quite often. For example interfaces and function types have a zero value nil, which we often don't store in maps. So testing if a key is in the map can be achieved by comparing it to nil.
Using this "technique" has another advantage too: you can check existence of multiple keys in a compact way (you can't do that with the special "comma ok" form). More about this: Check if key exists in multiple maps in one condition
Getting the zero value of the value type when indexing with a non-existing key also allows us to use maps with bool values conveniently as sets. For example:
set := map[string]bool{
"one": true,
"two": true,
fmt.Println("Contains 'one':", set["one"])
if set["two"] {
fmt.Println("'two' is in the set")
if !set["three"] {
fmt.Println("'three' is not in the set")
It outputs (try it on the Go Playground):
Contains 'one': true
'two' is in the set
'three' is not in the set
See related: How can I create an array that contains unique strings?
var d map[string]string
value, ok := d["key"]
if ok {
fmt.Println("Key Present ", value)
} else {
fmt.Println(" Key Not Present ")
var empty struct{}
var ok bool
var m map[string]struct{}
m = make(map[string]struct{})
m["somestring"] = empty
_, ok = m["somestring"]
fmt.Println("somestring exists?", ok)
_, ok = m["not"]
fmt.Println("not exists?", ok)
Then, go run maps.go
somestring exists? true
not exists? false
It is mentioned under "Index expressions".
An index expression on a map a of type map[K]V used in an assignment
or initialization of the special form
v, ok = a[x]
v, ok := a[x]
var v, ok = a[x]
yields an additional untyped boolean value. The value of ok is true if
the key x is present in the map, and false otherwise.
A two value assignment can be used for this purpose. Please check my sample program below
package main
import (
func main() {
//creating a map with 3 key-value pairs
sampleMap := map[string]int{"key1": 100, "key2": 500, "key3": 999}
//A two value assignment can be used to check existence of a key.
value, isKeyPresent := sampleMap["key2"]
//isKeyPresent will be true if key present in sampleMap
if isKeyPresent {
//key exist
fmt.Println("key present, value = ", value)
} else {
//key does not exist
fmt.Println("key does not exist")
Example usage: Looping through a slice, for pairMap checking if key exists.
It an algorithm to find all pairs that adds to a specific sum.
func findPairs(slice1 []int, sum int) {
pairMap := make(map[int]int)
for i, v := range slice1 {
if valuei, ok := pairMap[v]; ok {
fmt.Println("Pair Found", i, valuei)
} else {
pairMap[sum-v] = i

Get index of element from array / slice or key of value from map in Go?

I have an enumerated list of strings (which are constant, e.g. a list of countries), that I'd like to be able to get the string when providing the enumerated int value, and vice-versa be able to get the enumerated int value when providing the string. This is in order to translate between the two for database transactions.
var MyData = [...]string {
"string1", // index 0
"string2", // index 1
"string3", // index 2
That's easy for a language like python, where one can just do something like MyData[1] to get "string2" and MyData.index("string2") to get 1.
A few possible solutions would be to
write my own function to get the index by iterating over the array / slice
sort the array / slice and use a search function to return index (though this doesn't allow for an unsorted sequence, which is what I'd prefer)
maintain a map and an array that mirror each other, which is prone to errors.
Speaking of maps, can one access the key of a particular value? Then I could simply have a map like the following, and be able to get the string key when providing the int value.
var MyData = map[string]int {
"string1": 0,
"string2": 1,
"string3": 2,
UPDATE: Before I accept my answer, I want to explain the problem more thoroughly, which I know must be fairly common. I basically have a set of strings that are constant (such as a list of countries) each with an associated integer value. In my database I simply store the integer to conserve space, since there are millions of entries. But when I display an entry from the database I need to display the string value for it to be readable to a user. A simple array will do for that. However, I also need to add entries to the database (such as a new person and their country of residence) and in this scenario need to translate from the country string which is entered in a form to that integer value. Again, this is just an example use case, but the goal remains the same. I need a table that can translate in both directions between a string value and an enumerated int value. The most obvious thing to do is to maintain an array (for the int to string translation) and a map (for the string to int translation). I'd prefer not to manually maintain both variables, since this is prone to errors. So my solution below is to maintain just a single array, and have the constructor method automatically build the map at runtime when the program is first run. This has the advantage of not needing to iterate over the entire array when I fetch the integer value based on the string (which was the other proposed solution).
In both cases you should just use the built in range function.
for k, v := range MyData {
for i, v := range ThisArray {
for i, _ := range ThisArrayIndexOnly {
value := ThisArrayIndexOnly[i]
You can build helper functions or whatever you like on top of this but range is fundamentally the mechanism available for accessing that data. If you want an "indexof" function it would be
for i, v := range ArrayPassedIntoFunction {
if v == ValuePassedIntoFunction {
return i
return -1
To get the value, you of course would just do MyArray[i] including a bounds check or whatever. Note the pseudo code above is written in a style that indicates it's an array but virtually the same code will work for a map, I would just typically use the var name k instead of i.
Assume you want getting index of word in the data of array
data := [...] {"one","two","three"}
or fixed length array
data := [3] {"one","two","three"}
create function
func indexOf(word string, data []string) (int) {
for k, v := range data {
if word == v {
return k
return -1
to get value from function above, to match the type, pass the array with array[:] like below
fmt.Println(indexOf("two", data[:]))
Here's a solution that I mentioned earlier, which works well for static slices (which is my use case). Iterating over the slice every time I want the index of a value adds unnecessary delay, especially since my data is static during runtime. This just creates a struct which initializes the slice and creates the corresponding inverse map. And then I would use the GetKey and GetVal methods to get either the string 'key' by providing the int 'value', or get the int 'value' by providing the string 'key'. Perhaps there's already a way to get the key of a particular value of a map in Go.
type MyData struct {
dataslice []string
datamap map[string]int
func NewMyData() *MyData {
m := new(MyData)
m.dataslice= []string {
m.datamap = make(map[string]int)
for x := range m.dataslice {
m.datamap[m.dataslice[x]] = x
return m
func (m *MyData) GetKey(x int) string {
return m.dataslice[x]
func (m *MyData) GetVal(x string) int {
return m.datamap[x]

How to clear a map in Go?

I'm looking for something like the c++ function .clear() for the primitive type map.
Or should I just create a new map instead?
Update: Thank you for your answers. By looking at the answers I just realized that sometimes creating a new map may lead to some inconsistency that we don't want. Consider the following example:
var a map[string]string
var b map[string]string
func main() {
a = make(map[string]string)
a = nil
I mean, this is still different from the .clear() function in c++, which will clear the content in the object.
You should probably just create a new map. There's no real reason to bother trying to clear an existing one, unless the same map is being referred to by multiple pieces of code and one piece explicitly needs to clear out the values such that this change is visible to the other pieces of code.
So yeah, you should probably just say
mymap = make(map[keytype]valtype)
If you do really need to clear the existing map for whatever reason, this is simple enough:
for k := range m {
delete(m, k)
Unlike C++, Go is a garbage collected language. You need to think things a bit differently.
When you make a new map
a := map[string]string{"hello": "world"}
a = make(map[string]string)
the original map will be garbage-collected eventually; you don't need to clear it manually. But remember that maps (and slices) are reference types; you create them with make(). The underlying map will be garbage-collected only when there are no references to it.
Thus, when you do
a := map[string]string{"hello": "world"}
b := a
a = make(map[string]string)
the original array will not be garbage collected (until b is garbage-collected or b refers to something else).
// Method - I , say book is name of map
for k := range book {
delete(book, k)
// Method - II
book = make(map[string]int)
// Method - III
book = map[string]int{}
Go 1.18 and above
You can use maps.Clear. The function belongs to the package (experimental and not covered by the compatibility guarantee)
Clear removes all entries from m, leaving it empty.
Example usage:
func main() {
testMap := map[string]int{"gopher": 1, "badger": 2}
testMap["zebra"] = 2000
If you don't want to depend on experimental packages, you can copy-paste the source, which is actually extremely simple:
func Clear[M ~map[K]V, K comparable, V any](m M) {
for k := range m {
delete(m, k)
IMPORTANT NOTE: just as with the builtin delete — which the implementation of maps.Clear uses —, this does not remove irreflexive keys from the map. The reason is that for irreflexive keys, by definition, x == x is false. Irreflexive keys are NaN floats and every other type that supports comparison operators but contains NaN floats somewhere.
See this code to understand what this entails:
func main() {
m := map[float64]string{}
m[1.0] = "foo"
k := math.NaN()
fmt.Println(k == k) // false
m[k] = "bar"
fmt.Printf("len: %d, content: %v\n", len(m), m)
// len: 1, content: map[NaN:bar]
a := map[[2]float64]string{}
a[[2]float64{1.0, 2.0}] = "foo"
h := [2]float64{1.0, math.NaN()}
fmt.Println(h == h) // false
a[h] = "bar"
fmt.Printf("len: %d, content: %v\n", len(a), a)
// len: 1, content: map[[1 NaN]:bar]
A clear builtin is being currently discussed (Autumn 2022) that, if added to next Go releases, will delete also irreflexive keys.
For the method of clearing a map in Go
for k := range m {
delete(m, k)
It only works if m contains no key values containing NaN.
delete(m, k) doesn't work for any irreflexive key (such as math.NaN()), but also structs or other comparable types with any NaN float in it. Given struct{ val float64 } with NaN val is also irreflexive (Quote by blackgreen comment)
To resolve this issue and support clearing a map in Go, one buildin clear(x) function could be available in the new release, for more details, please refer to add clear(x) builtin, to clear map, zero content of slice, ptr-to-array
If you are trying to do this in a loop, you can take advantage of the initialization to clear out the map for you. For example:
for i:=0; i<2; i++ {
animalNames := make(map[string]string)
switch i {
case 0:
animalNames["cat"] = "Patches"
case 1:
animalNames["dog"] = "Spot";
fmt.Println("For map instance", i)
for key, value := range animalNames {
fmt.Println(key, value)
When you execute this, it clears out the previous map and starts with an empty map. This is verified by the output:
$ go run maptests.go
For map instance 0
cat Patches
For map instance 1
dog Spot
