Convert Ruby to low level languages? - ruby

I have all kind of scripting with Ruby:
rails (symfony)
ruby (php, bash)
rb-appscript (applescript)
Is it possible to replace low level languages with Ruby too?
I write in Ruby and it converts it to java, c++ or c.
Cause People say that when it comes to more performance critical tasks in Ruby, you could extend it with C. But the word extend means that you write C files that you just call in your Ruby code. I wonder, could I instead use Ruby and convert it to C source code which will be compiled to machine code. Then I could "extend" it with C but in Ruby code.
That is what this post is about. Write everything in Ruby but get the performance of C (or Java).
The second advantage is that you don't have to learn other languages.
Just like HipHop for PHP.
Are there implementations for this?

Such a compiler would be an enormous piece of work. Even if it works, it still has to
include the ruby runtime
include the standard library (which wasn't built for performance but for usability)
allow for metaprogramming
do dynamic dispatch
All of these inflict tremendous runtime penalties, because a C compiler can neither understand nor optimize such abstractions. Ruby and other dynamic languages are not only slower because they are interpreted (or compiled to bytecode which is then interpreted), but also because they are dynamic.
In C++, a method call can be inlined in most cases, because the compiler knows the exact type of this. If a subtype is passed, the method still can't change unless it is virtual, in which case a still very efficient lookup table is used.
In Ruby, classes and methods can change in any way at any time, thus a (relatively expensive) lookup is required every time.
Languages like Ruby, Python or Perl have many features that simply are expensive, and most if not all relevant programs rely heavily on these features (of course, they are extremely useful!), so they cannot be removed or inlined.
Simply put: Dynamic languages are very hard to optimize, simply doing what an interpreter would do and compiling that to machine code doesn't cut it. It's possible to get incredible speed out of dynamic languages, as V8 proves, but you have to throw huge piles of money and offices full of clever programmers at it.

There is Ruby To C compiler. It actually only takes in a subset of Ruby though. I believe the main missing part is the Meta Programming features

In a recent interview (November 16th, 2012) Yukihiro "Matz" Matsumoto (creator of Ruby) talked about compiling Ruby to C
(...) In University of Tokyo a research student is working on an academic research project that compiles Ruby code to C code before compiling the binary code. The process involves techniques such as type inference, and in optimal scenarios the speed could reach up to 90% of typical hand-written C code. So far there is only a paper published, no open source code yet, but I’m hoping next year everything will be revealed... (from interview)
Just one student is not much, but it might be an interesting project. Probably a long way to go to full support of Ruby.

"Low level" is highly subjective. Many people draw the line differently, so for the sake of this argument, I'm just going to assume you mean compiling Ruby down to an intermediate form which can then be turned into machine code for your particular platform. I.e., compiling ruby to C or LLVM IR, or something of that nature.
The short answer is yes this is possible.
The longer answer goes something like this:
Several languages (Objective-C most notably) exist as a thin layer over other languages. ObjC syntax is really just a loose wrapper around the objc_*() libobjc runtime calls, for all practical purposes.
Knowing this, then what does the compiler do? Well, it basically works as any C compiler would, but also takes the objc-specific stuff, and generates the appropriate C function calls to interact with the objc runtime.
A ruby compiler could be implemented in similar terms.
It should also be noted however, that just by converting one language to a lower level form does not mean that language is instantly going to perform better, though it does not mean it will perform worse either. You really have to ask yourself why you're wanting to do it, and if that is a good reason.

There is also JRuby, if you still consider Java a low level language. Actually, the language itself has little to do here: it is possible to compile to JVM bytecode, which is independent of the language.

Performance doesn't come solely from "low level" compiled languages. Cross-compiling your Ruby program to convoluted, automatically generated C code isn't going to help either. This will likely just confuse things, include long compile times, etc. And there are much better ways.
But you first say "low level languages" and then mention Java. Java is not a low-level language. It's just one step below Ruby in terms of high- or low-level languages. But if you look at how Java works, the JVM, bytecode and just-in-time compilation, you can see how high level languages can be fast(er). Ruby is currently doing something similar. MRI 1.8 was an interpreted language, and had some performance problems. 1.9 is much faster, it's using a bytecode interpreter. I'm not sure if it'll ever happen on MRI, but Ruby is just one step away from JIT on MRI.
I'm not sure about the technologies behind jRuby and IronRuby, but they may already be doing this. However, both have their own advantages and disadvantages. I tend to stick with MRI, it's fast enough and it works just fine.

It is probably feasible to design a compiler that converts Ruby source code to C++. Ruby programs can be compiled to Python using the unholy compiler, so they could be compiled from Python to C++ using the Nuitka compiler.
The unholy compiler was developed more than a decade ago, but it might still work with current versions of Python.
Ruby2Cextension is another compiler that translates a subset of Ruby to C++, though it hasn't been updated since 2008.


Ruby Efficiency

I was just listening to a lecture at coursera ( and the professor was saying that everything in Ruby is an object and that every method call is calling a send method on an object, passing some params to it. This includes numbers, arrays and other basic classes.
I went on Google and looked for efficiency benchmarks and I found the following:
While it's not shocking that a compiled language is faster than an interpreted one, the performance difference between (Ruby, Python) and Java for instance is shocking.
Even if there's a way to compile ruby code (I have not researched this topic), I think the efficiency problem would still be there due to the core "problem" in the language:
Basic operations are being too heavy: 1+1 takes many more CPU cycles to complete.
I love Ruby. I love the high level aspect of meta programming and I think this is where the future should be heading, and I agree, sometimes we need to compromise certain thing in order to be more effective: I don't see myself optimizing my code in assembly in order to save a few extra milliseconds. However, when we do 1+1 in C, it's not exponentially increasing the amount of time a basic operation is taking!
My question is how are you guys dealing with operation intensive programs? We have a Ruby on Rails project we have been developing for about a year now and we're at a point we'll start doing some machine learning with geolocation traversal and prioritization.
I hope you understand my concerns and offer reasonable suggestions :-)
This is not such a bad question as it seems looking at the comments. The only problem is the wrongly used word exponential, but the described problem is real.
I have similar Ruby usage patterns as you describe - I'm doing a lot of natural language processing in Ruby, which involves machine learning as well.
I use the following techniques to overcome Ruby performance issues:
Use C libraries with Ruby interface whenever applicable. E.g. I would not use Ruby implementation of SVM or decision trees, since there are much faster implementations in C available.
Write my own Ruby wrappers for C implementation if they are not available. Usually this is not much problematic - I use RubyInline gem extensively to glue Ruby with C code.
Patch Ruby memory management or manually control its garbage collector.
Consider JRuby as your Ruby platform - you would get easy access to fast Java libraries for machine learning (Weka) and the like and general performance of your application would be preserved or even better.

Questions about Scala from a Rubyist

I have recently been looking around to learn a new language during my spare time and Scala seems to be very attractive.
I have a few questions regarding it:
Will not knowing Java impose a
challange in learning it? Will it be
a big disadvantage
later on? ( i.e How often do people rely on
Java-specific libraries? )
How big of a difference it is
compared to Ruby? (Apart from being
statically typed) Does it introduce
a lot of new terms, or will I be
familiar with most of the language's
What resources would you recommend?
I have my eye on Programming Scala
and Beginning Scala books
Although subjective, is Scala fun to programme in? : P
There are many concepts that are shared between Ruby and Scala. It's been a while since I've coded Ruby, so this isn't exhaustive.
Ruby <==> Scala (Approximately!)
Mixins <==> Traits
Monkey Patching <==> Pimp My Library (Implicit Conversions to a wrapper with extra methods)
Proc/Closure <==> Function/Function Literal
Duck Typing <==> Structural Types
Last Argument as a Proc <==> Curried Parameter List (see Traversable#flatMap)
Enumerable <==> Traversable
collect <==> map
inject <==> foldLeft/foldRight
Symbol.toProc <==> Placeholder syntactic sugar:
Dynamic Typing conciseness <==> Type Inference
Nil <==> null, although Option is preferable. (Not Nil, which is an empty list!)
Everything is an expression <==> ditto
symbols/hashes as arguments <==> Named and Default Parameters
Singleton <==> object Foo {}
Everthing is an object <==> Everthing is a type or an object (including functions)
No Primitives <==> Unified type system, Any is supertype for primitives and objects.
Everything is a message <==> Operators are just method calls
Ruby's Features you might miss
define_method etc
Scala Features you should learn
Pattern Matching
Immutable Classes, in particular Case Classes
Implicit Views and Implicit Parameters
Types, Types, and more Types: Generics, Variance, Abstract Type Members
Unification of Objects and Functions, special meaning of apply and update methods.
Here is my take on it:
Never mind not knowing Java.
Scala relies a lot on Java libraries. That doesn't matter at all. You might have trouble reading some examples, sure, but not enough to be a hindrance. With little time, you won't even notice the difference between reading a Java API doc and a Scala API doc (well, except for the completely different style of the newest scaladoc).
Familiarity with the JVM environment, however, is often assumed. If I can make one advise here, it is to avoid Maven at first, and use SBT as a build tool. It will be unnecessary for small programs, but it will make much of the kinks in the Java-lang world easier to deal with. As soon as you want an external library, get to know SBT. With it, you won't have to deal with any XML: you write your build rules in Scala itself.
You may find it hard to get the type concepts and terms. Scala not only is statically typed, but it has one of the most powerful type systems on non-academic languages out there. I'm betting this will be the source of most difficulty for you. Other concepts have different terminology, but you'll quickly draw parallels with Ruby.
This is not that big of a hurdle, though -- you can overcome it if you want to. The major downside is that you'll probably feel any other statically typed language you learn afterwards to be clumsy and limited.
You didn't mention which Programming Scala you had your eyes on. There are two, plus one Programming in Scala. That latter one was written, among others, by the language creator, and is widely considered to be an excellent book, though, perhaps, a bit slow. One of the Programming Scala was written by a Twitter guy -- Alex Payne -- and by ex-Object Mentor's Dean Wampler. It's a very good book too. Beginning Scala was written by Lift's creator, David Pollack, and people have said good things about it to. I haven't heard anyone complain about any of the Scala books, in fact.
One of these books would certainly be helpful. Also, support on Stack Overflow for Scala questions is pretty good -- I do my best to ensure so! :-) There's the scala-users mailing list, where one can get answers too (as long as people aren't very busy), and there's the #scala IRC channel on Freenode, where you'll get good support as well. Sometimes people are just not around, but, if they are, they'll help you.
Finally, there are blogs. The best one for beginners is probably Daily Scala. You can find many, many others are Planet Scala. Among them, my own Algorithmically Challenged, which isn't getting much love of late, but I'll get back to it. :-)
Scala has restored fun in programming for me. Of course, I was doing Java, which is booooring, imho. One reason I spend so much time answering Stack Overflow questions, is that I enjoy working out solutions for the questions asked.
I'm going to introduce a note of caution about how much Java knowledge is required because I disagree that it isn't an issue at all. There are things about Java that are directly relevant to scala and which you should understand.
The Java Memory Model and what mechanisms the platform provides for concurrency. I'm talking about synchronization, threads etc
The difference between primitive types (double, float etc) and reference types (i.e. subclasses of Object). Scala provides some nice mechanisms to hide this from the developer but it is very important, if writing code which must be performant, to know how these work
This goes both ways: the Java runtime provides features that (I suspect, although I may be wrong) are not available in Ruby and will be of enormous benefit to you:
Management Extensions (MBeans)
JConsole (for runtime monitoring of memory, CPU, debugging concurrency problems)
JVisualVM (for runtime instrumentation of code to debug memory and performance problems)
These points #1 and #2 are not insurmountable obstacles and I think that the other similarities mentioned here will work strongly in your favour. Oh, and Scala is most certainly a lot of fun!
I do not have a Ruby background but nevertheless, I might be able to help you out.
I don't thing not knowing Java is a disadvantage, but it might help. In my opinion, Java libraries are used relatively often, but even a trained Java coder don't know them all, so no disadvantage here. You will learn some parts of the Java library by learning Scala because even the Scala libraries use them.
I started out by reading Programming Scala and turned over to read the source of the Scala library. The latter helped a lot to understand the language. And as always: Code, Code, Code. Reading without coding wont get you anywhere, but I'm sure you know that already. :-)
Another helpful resources are blogs, see for a compilation of good Scala blogs.
It is! As you stated, this is very subjective. But for me, coming from a Java background, It is a lot of fun.
This is very late, but I agree to some extent with what oxbow_lakes said. I have recently transitioned from Python to Scala, and knowing how Java works -- especially Java limitations regarding generic types -- has helped me understand certain aspects of Scala.
Most noticeably:
Java has a horribly broken misfeature known as "type erasure". This brokenness is unfortunately present in the JVM as well. This particularly affects programming with generic types -- an issue that simply doesn't come up at all in dynamically-typed languages like Ruby and Python but is very big in statically typed languages. Scala does about as good a job as it can working around this, but the magnitude of the breakage means that some of it inevitably bleeds through into Scala. In addition, some of the fixes in Scala for this issue (e.g. manifests) are recent and hackish, and really require an understanding of what's going in underneath. Note that this problem will probably not affect your understanding of Scala at first, but you'll run up against it when you start writing real programs that use generic types, as there are things you'll try to do that just won't work, and you won't know why unless/until you understand the limitations forced by type erasure.
Sooner or later you'll also run up against issues related to another Java misfeature, which is the division of types into objects (classes) vs. primitive types (ints, floats, booleans) -- and in particular, the fact that primitive types aren't part of the object system. Scala actually does an awesome job hiding this from you, but it can be helpful to know about what Java is doing in certain corner cases that otherwise may be tricky -- particularly involving generic types, largely because of the type-erasure brokenness described in #1. (Type erasure also results in a major performance hit when using arrays, hash tables, and similar generic types over primitives; this is one area where knowing Java will help a lot.)
Misfeature #3 -- arrays are also handled specially and non-orthogonally in Java. Scala's hiding of this is not quite as seamless as for primitives, but much better than for type erasure. The hiding mechanism sometimes gets exposed (e.g. the ArrayWrapper type), which may occasionally lead to issues -- but the biggest problem in practice, not surprisingly, is again with generic types.
Scala class parameters and the way that Scala handles class constructors. In this case, Java isn't broken. Arguably, Scala isn't either, but the way it handles class constructors is rather unusual, and in practice I've had a hard time understanding it. I've only really been able to make sense of Scala's behavior by figuring out how the relevant Scala code gets translated into Java (or more correctly, into compiled Java), and then reasoning over what Java would do. Since I assume that Ruby works much like Java in this respect, I don't think you'll run into too many problems, although you might have to do the same mental conversion.
I/O. This is actually a library issue rather than a language issue. In most cases, Scala provides its own libraries, but Scala doesn't really have an I/O library, so you pretty much have no choice but to use Java's I/O library directly. For a Python or Ruby programmer, this transition is a bit painful, since Java's I/O library is big and bulky, and not terribly easy to use for doing simple tasks, e.g. iterating over all the lines in a file.
Note that besides I/O, you also need to use Java libraries directly for other cases where you interact with the OS or related tasks, e.g. working with times and dates or getting environment variables, but usually this isn't too hard to figure out. The other main Java libraries you might need to use are
Subprocess invocation, also somewhat big and bulky
Networking -- but this is always somewhat painful
Reflection, i.e. dynamically examining the methods and/or fields on a class, or dynamically invoking a method by name when the name isn't known at compile time. This is somewhat esoteric stuff that most people don't need to deal with. Apparently Scala 2.10 will have its own reflection library, but currently you have to use the Java reflection API's, which means you need to know a fair amount about how Scala gets converted to Java. (Thankfully, there's a -print option to the Scala compiler to show exactly how this conversion happens.)
Re. point 1. Not being familiar with Java the language is not necessarily a problem. 3rd party libraries integrate largely seamlessly into Scala. However some awareness of the differences in collections may be good (e.g. a Scala list is not a traditional Java list, and APIs may expect the latter).
The Java-related skills that carry over are related to Java the platform. i.e. you're still working with a JVM that performs class-loading, garbage collection, JIT compilation etc. So experience in this is useful. But not at all necessary.
Note that Scala 2.8 is imminent, and there are some incompatible changes wrt. 2.7. So any book etc. you buy should be aware of such differences.
This is another late answer, having recently come to Scala myself, but I can answer 1, 3, and 4:
1) I ported a large, multifaceted F# project to Scala without any use of either Java or .NET libraries. So for many projects, one can stick totally to native Scala. Java ecosystem knowledge would be a plus, but it can be acquired gradually during and after learning Scala.
3) Programming in Scala is not only great for learning Scala, it's one of the few truly readable computer books on any language. And it's handy for later reference.
4) I've used close to a dozen different programming languages, from assembly languages to Prolog, but Scala and F# are the two most fun programming languages I've ever used -- by a wide margin. (Scala and F# are very similar, an example of "convergent evolution" in two different ecosystems -- JVM and .NET.)

Dynamic languages - which one should I choose?

Dynamic languages are on the rise and there are plenty of them: e.g. Ruby, Groovy, Jython, Scala (static, but has the look and feel of a dynamic language) etc etc.
My background is in Java SE and EE programming and I want to extend my knowledge into one of these dynamic languages to be better prepared for the future.
But which dynamic language should I focus on learning and why? Which of these will be the preferred language in the near future?
Learning Ruby or Python (and Scala to a lesser extent) means you'll have very transferrable skills - you could use the Java version, the native version or the .NET version (IronRuby/IronPython). Groovy is nice but JVM-specific.
Being "better prepared for the future" is tricky unless you envisage specific scenarios. What kind of thing do you want to work on? Do you have a project which you could usefully implement in a dynamic language? Is it small enough to try on a couple of them, to get a feeling of how they differ?
Scala is not a dynamic language at all. Type inference doesn't mean that its untyped. However, Its a very nice language that has nice mixture of OOPs and functional programming. The only problem is some gotchas that you encounter along the way.
Since you are already an experienced Java programmer, it will fit nicely into your skillset. Now, if you want to go all the way dynamic both Ruby or Python are awesome languages. There is demand for both the languages.
I would personally recommend Clojure. Clojure is an awesome new language that is going in popularity faster than anything I've ever seen. Clojure is a powerful, simple, and fast Lisp implemented on the JVM. It has access to all Java libraries of course, just like Scala. It has a book written about it already, it's matured to version 1.0, and it has three IDE plugins in development, with all three very usable.
I would take a look at Scala. Why ?
it's a JVM language, so you can leverage off your current Java skills
it now has a lot of tooling/IDE support (e.g. Intellij will handle Scala projects)
it has a functional aspect to it. Functional languages seem to be getting a lot of traction at the moment, and I think it's a paradigm worth learning for the future
My (entirely subjective) view is that Scala seems to be getting a lot of the attention that Groovy got a year or two ago. I'm not trying to be contentious here, or suggest that makes it a better language, but it seems to be the new JVM language de jour.
As an aside, a language that has some dynamic attributes is Microsoft's F#. I'm currently looking at this (and ignoring my own advice re. points 1 and 2 above!). It's a functional language with objects, built on .Net, and is picking up a lot of attention at the moment.
In the game industry Lua, if you're an Adobe based designer Lua is also good, if you're an embedded programmer Lua is practically the only light-weight solution, but if you are looking into Web development and General tool scripting Python would be more practical
I found Groovy to be a relatively easy jump from an extensive Java background -- it's sort of a more convenient version of Java. It integrates really nicely with existing Java code as well, if you need to do that sort of thing.
I'd recommend Python. It has a huge community and has a mature implementation (along with several promising not-so-mature-just-yet ones). Perl is as far as I've seen loosing a lot of traction compared to the newer languages, presumably due to its "non-intuitiveness" (no, don't get me started on that).
When you've done a project or two in Python, go on to something else to get some broader perspective. If you've done a few non-trivial things in two different dynamic languages, you won't have any problems assimilating any other language.
JScript is quite usefull, and its certainly a dynamic language...
If you want a language with a good number of modules (for almost anything!), go for Perl. With its CPAN, you will always find what you want without reinventing the wheel.
Well keeping in mind your background, i would recommend a language where the semantics are similar to what you are aware of. Hence a language like Scala, Fan, Groovy would be a good starting point.Once you get a hang of the basic semantics of using a functional language(as well as start loving it), you can move onto a language like Ruby. The turn around time for you in this way gets reduced as well as the fact that you can move towards being a polyglot programmer.
i would vote +1 for Groovy (and Grails). You can type with Java style or Groovy still (you can also mix both and have no worry about that). Also you can use Java libs.
As a general rule, avoid dynamically typed languages. The loss of compile time checking and the self-documenting nature of strong, static typing is well worth the necessity of putting type information into your source code. If the extra typing you need to do when writing your code is too great an effort, then a language with type inference (Scala, Haskell) might be of interest.
Having type information makes code much more readable, and readability should be your #1 criteria in coding. It is expensive for a person to read code, anything that inhibits clear, accurate understanding by the reader is a bad thing. In OO languages it is even worse, because you are always making new types. A reader just getting familiar will flounder because they do not know the types that are being passed around and modified. In Groovy, for example, the following is legal def accountHistoryReport(in, out) Reading that, I have no idea what in and out are. When you are looking at 20 different report methods that look just like that, you can quickly go completely homicidal.
If you really think you have to have non-static typing, then a language like Clojure is a good compromise. Lisp-like languages are built on a small set of key abstractions and massive amount of capability on each of the abstractions. So in Clojure, I will create a map (hash) that has the attributes of my object. It is a bit reductionalist, but I will not have to look through the whole code base for the implementation of some un-named class.
My rule of thumb is that I write scripts in dynamic languages, and systems in compiled, statically typed languages.

Is Ruby really an interpreted language if all of its implementations are compiled into bytecode?

In the chosen answer for this question about Blue Ruby, Chuck says:
All of the current Ruby
implementations are compiled to
bytecode. Contrary to SAP's claims, as
of Ruby 1.9, MRI itself includes a
bytecode compiler, though the ability
to save the compiled bytecode to disk
disappeared somewhere in the process
of merging the YARV virtual machine.
JRuby is compiled into Java .class
files. I don't have a lot of details
on MagLev, but it seems safe to say it
will take that road as well.
I'm confused about this compilation/interpretation issue with respect to Ruby.
I learned that Ruby is an interpreted language and that's why when I save changes to my Ruby files I don't need to re-build the project.
But if all of the Ruby implementations now are compiled, is it still fair to say that Ruby is an interpreted language? Or am I misunderstanding something?
Nearly every language is "compiled" nowadays, if you count bytecode as being compiled. Even Emacs Lisp is compiled. Ruby was a special case because until recently, it wasn't compiled into bytecode.
I think you're right to question the utility of characterizing languages as "compiled" vs. "interpreted." One useful distinction, though, is whether the language creates machine code (e.g. x86 assembler) directly from user code. C, C++, many Lisps, and Java with JIT enabled do, but Ruby, Python, and Perl do not.
People who don't know better will call any language that has a separate manual compilation step "compiled" and ones that don't "interpreted."
Yes, Ruby's still an interpreted language, or more precisely, Matz's Ruby Interpreter (MRI), which is what people usually talk about when they talk about Ruby, is still an interpreter. The compilation step is simply there to reduce the code to something that's faster to execute than interpreting and reinterpreting the same code time after time.
A subtle question indeed...
It used to be that "interpreted" languages were parsed and transformed into an intermediate form which was faster to execute, but the "machine" executing them was a pretty language specific program. "Compiled" languages were translated instead into the machine code instructions supported by the computer on which it was run. An early distinction was very basic--static vs. dynamic scope. In a statically typed language, a variable reference could pretty much be resolved to a memory address in a few machine instructions--you knew exactly where in the calling frame the variable referred. In dynamically typed languages you had to search (up an A-list or up a calling frame) for the reference. With the advent of object oriented programming, the non-immediate nature of a reference expanded to many more concepts--classes(types), methods(functions),even syntactical interpretation (embedded DSLs like regex).
The distinction, in fact, going back to maybe the late 70's was not so much between compiled and interpreted languages, but whether they were run in a compiled or interpreted environment.
For example, Pascal (the first high-level language I studied) ran at UC Berkeley first on Bill Joy's pxp interpreter, and later on the compiler he wrote pcc. Same language, available in both compiled and interpreted environments.
Some languages are more dynamic than others, the meaning of something--a type, a method, a variable--is dependent on the run-time environment. This means that compiled or not there is substantial run-time mechanism associated with executing a program. Forth, Smalltalk, NeWs, Lisp, all were examples of this. Initially, these languages required so much mechanism to execute (versus a C or a Fortran) that they were a natural for interpretation.
Even before Java, there were attempts to speed up execution of complex, dynamic languages with tricks, techniques which became threaded compilation, just-in-time compilation, and so on.
I think it was Java, though, which was the first wide-spread language that really muddied the compiler/interpreter gap, ironically not so that it would run faster (though, that too) but so that it would run everywhere. By defining their own machine language and "machine" the java bytecode and VM, Java attempted to become a language compiled into something close to any basic machine, but not actually any real machine.
Modern languages marry all these innovations. Some have the dynamic, open-ended, you-don't-know-what-you-get-until-runtime nature of traditional "interpreted languages (ruby, lisp, smalltalk, python, perl(!)), some try to have the rigor of specification allowing deep type-based static error detection of traditional compiled languages (java, scala). All compile to actual machine-independent representations (JVM) to get write once-run anywhere semantics.
So, compiled vs. interpreted? Best of both, I'd say. All the code's around in source (with documentation), change anything and the effect is immediate, simple operations run almost as fast as the hardware can do them, complex ones are supported and fast enough, hardware and memory models are consistent across platforms.
The bigger polemic in languages today is probably whether they are statically or dynamically typed, which is to say not how fast will they run, but will the errors be found by the compiler beforehand (at the cost of the programmer having to specify pretty complex typing information) or will the errors come up in testing and production.
You can run Ruby programs interactively using irb, the Interactive Ruby Shell. While it may generate intermediate bytecode, it's certainly not a "compiler" in the traditional sense.
A compiled language is generally compiled into machine code, as opposed to just byte code. Some byte code generators can actually further compile the byte code into machine code though.
Byte code itself is just an intermediate step between the literal code written by the user and the virtual machine, it still needs to be interpreted by the virtual machine though (as it's done with Java in a JVM and PHP with an opcode cache).
This is possibly a little off topic but...
Iron Ruby is a .net based implementation of ruby and therefore is usually compiled to byte code and then JIT compiled to machine language at runtime (i.e. not interpreted). Also (at least with other .net languages, so I assume with ruby) ngen can be used to generate a compiled native binary ahead of time, so that's effectively a machine code compiled version of ruby code.
As for the information I got from RubyConf 2011 in Shanghai, Matz is developing a 'MRuby'(stands for Matz's Ruby) to targeting running on embedded devices. And Matz said the the MRuby, will provide the ability to compile the ruby code into machine code to boost the speed and decrease the usage of the (limited) resources on the embedded devices. So, there're various kind of Ruby implementation and definitely not all of them are just interpreted during the runtime.

Interpreted languages - leveraging the compiled language behind the interpreter

If there are any language designers out there (or people simply in the know), I'm curious about the methodology behind creating standard libraries for interpreted languages. Specifically, what seems to be the best approach? Defining standard functions/methods in the interpreted language, or performing the processing of those calls in the compiled language in which the interpreter is written?
What got me to thinking about this was the SO question about a stripslashes()-like function in Python. My first thought was "why not define your own and just call it when you need it", but it raised the question: is it preferable, for such a function, to let the interpreted language handle that overhead, or would it be better to write an extension and leverage the compiled language behind the interpreter?
The line between "interpreted" and "compiled" languages is really fuzzy these days. For example, the first thing Python does when it sees source code is compile it into a bytecode representation, essentially the same as what Java does when compiling class files. This is what *.pyc files contain. Then, the python runtime executes the bytecode without referring to the original source. Traditionally, a purely interpreted language would refer to the source code continuously when executing the program.
When building a language, it is a good approach to build a solid foundation on which you can implement the higher level functions. If you've got a solid, fast string handling system, then the language designer can (and should) implement something like stripslashes() outside the base runtime. This is done for at least a few reasons:
The language designer can show that the language is flexible enough to handle that kind of task.
The language designer actually writes real code in the language, which has tests and therefore shows that the foundation is solid.
Other people can more easily read, borrow, and even change the higher level function without having to be able to build or even understand the language core.
Just because a language like Python compiles to bytecode and executes that doesn't mean it is slow. There's no reason why somebody couldn't write a Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler for Python, along the lines of what Java and .NET already do, to further increase the performance. In fact, IronPython compiles Python directly to .NET bytecode, which is then run using the .NET system including the JIT.
To answer your question directly, the only time a language designer would implement a function in the language behind the runtime (eg. C in the case of Python) would be to maximise the performance of that function. This is why modules such as the regular expression parser are written in C rather than native Python. On the other hand, a module like is implemented in pure Python because it can all be done there and there's no benefit to using the corresponding C library.
There's also an increasing trend of reimplementing languages that are traditionally considered "interpreted" onto a platform like the JVM or CLR -- and then allowing easy access to "native" code for interoperability. So from Jython and JRuby, you can easily access Java code, and from IronPython and IronRuby, you can easily access .NET code.
In cases like these, the ability to "leverage the compiled language behind the interpreter" could be described as the primary motivator for the new implementation.
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Especially The Implementation of Lua 5.0
Lua defines all standard functions in the underlying (ANSI C) code. I believe this is mostly for performance reasons. Recently, i.e. the 'string.*' functions got an alternative implementation in pure Lua, which may prove vital for subprojects where Lua is run on top of .NET or Java runtime (where C code cannot be used).
As long as you are using a portable API for the compiled code base like the ANSI C standard library or STL in C++, then taking advantage of those functions would keep you from reinventing the wheel and likely provide a smaller, faster interpreter. Lua takes this approach and it is definitely small and fast as compared to many others.
