Accessing Microsoft Exchange server from Ruby - ruby

I need to sync MS Exchange's contacts with my Ruby on Rails application.
Which is the best way? Would you recommend any existing gems for it?

One place to start would be the Exchange Developer Center, where Microsoft links to downloads of the different SDKs, documentation, etc. Understandably, most of the docs and examples will be using Microsoft's .NET Framework and languages.
If you want to connect with Exchange 2007 or 2010, you'll probably find it easiest to use some form of Exchange Web Services (EWS) which you may be able to connect to using Ruby web services frameworks like SOAP4R, WSO2, etc.
For Exchange 2003 and earlier, you're much more limited; and programming CDO through Ruby's win32ole is not going to be pretty or fun.

Perhaps exchanger gem will help you.
Ruby library for accessing Microsoft Exchange using Exchange Web
Services. This library tries to make creating and updating items as
easy as possible. It will keep track of changed properties and will
update only them.

I tested viewpoint gem and it works. Be sure to follow wiki page for instructions, because readme is a little bit deprecated.

perhaps using win32ole?

Updating this thread a bit, 5 years later: this gem looks promising, starting to test it right now:


Ruby implementations of SCIM v2

SCIM is a fresh standard for user provisioning put forward by Google, Salesforce, Ping Identity..etc.. Are there existing ruby implementations to support this?
Similar but for Java
You can get an Okta-oriented start from here or start from scratch here but I think you're otherwise on your own.
Yay! You've got an opportunity to contribute an open source project to the Ruby community :)

Extension Library in Domino: Server or Client? Or both?

this may seem like a dumb question but im not that long into Notes/Domino.
I want to run Extension Library by openNTF. Now the question is, if i develop an application with it, can the application itself be used by other clients eventough they dont have the Ext. Lib. installed?
And when i say used i mean USED, not edited. And if not, do they need Ext.Lib.(client) too or can i just install it on the Server? Or do i have to install it on both?
Sorry for the bad english.
Thanks if you can answer :)
Using one of the OSGI Plug-ins (the Extension Library is one such plugins) means that the machine running the code will need to have that plug-in already installed.
This is an excellent first step from Stephan Wissel
You are going to need to set up an updatesite for your server in any case. If your users are using the Xpages application using the browser they won't need to install anything, if you are counting in using XPinc (XPages in Notes Client), then the library will need to be pushed to the user's local machines as well, typically with a widget catalog.

Programmatic access of SkyDrive

Does anyone know how to access SkyDrive programmatically from Windows Phone 7? What API do I use? I need to upload files from the Phone to SkyDrive and vice versa.
Some code samples would be great. :-)
You can now officially integrate parts of SkyDrive with Windows Phone 7 applications.
Details outlined here.
There is a new Live SDK available from Microsoft which I think can do this. It's also in a very early alpha or beta state:
I have developed a sample based on SkyPad (Developer Preview). Please install the Windows Live Developer preview SDK.
The sample allows to save a file to SkyDrive and dowload it again after saving.
Here the link:
You can use the Live SDK to integrate SkyDrive into your Windows Phone applications. Please see our code samples on GitHub.
Not an answer, but there's hope that an answer is on the way:
However, when Mike Torres was asked about features such as better usability, third-party API support, Windows Live Mesh integration, and expandable storage, he acknowledged that these are "top asks" for SkyDrive and said that they are currently "hard at work on SkyDrive as we speak"
Your requirements sound pretty much like mine - you just want to use skydrive as a basic cloud filesystem.
I thought Matt's suggestion was an outstanding idea. I obtained the library and set out to port it, but unfortunately the codebase is huge and elaborate and absolutely riddled with the [Serializable] attribute which is not compatible with WP7. It also makes extensive use of several pieces of framework not available in WP7x, including X509Chain and Authorization.
SkyDriveApi is not even compatible with VS2010 - an attempted conversion produced a big mess so I just tried it out in VS2008.
We could always write one. This looks like a fair bit of work so I invite you to collaborate.
Well, it's feature complete and working a treat. I'd like to thank people for all the support and assistance I received reverse engineering the protocol using Fiddler, and coding, testing and debugging the prototype into production ready code. I'd like to, but nobody contributed a damn thing. Good luck writing your own.
SkyDrive doesn't have an official API but here are some unofficial ones. I'd start by looking at
It doesn't claim support for WP7 but you may be able to port it.

CouchDB on Windows?

I started exploring CouchDB and I am interested in following:
Is there or will there be a Windows install?
If there is, is there a shared hosting provider that offers CouchDB?
Not knowing much about it, can it be somehow embedded in my application or bin deployed (don't laugh).
The most reliable source is the CouchDB download page
There are several places offering CouchDb hosting. Besides Cloudant, you can use most Infrastructure-as-a-Service parties like Google, AWS, etc.
This question was asked (and answered) elsewhere on StackOverflow here and here.
There's a Windows version now, available on CouchIO ( blog.
Download & Unzip
Double-Click bin\couchdb
There's been a fully compatible Windows build of CouchDB shortly after every source release, since the initial 1.0.0 release over 18 months ago. You can get this directly from the Apache CouchDB mirrors now.
NB the embedded test suite is actually for developer testing; due to subtle timing constraints not all tests will pass first time round on every machine. In the next release of CouchDB, the tests will be done outside the browser which will be both simpler and more robust.
Please up-vote this so we have the right information to hand.
Since this question was posted, there is a Windows download available at .

Best free web framework to deploy on Windows Server?

If you are starting to develop a new web application from scratch and the only two requirements you have is that it will be deployed to Windows 2008 Server and that standard ASP.NET incl. VS2008 doesn't cut it (doesn't matter why, let's say it's the license cost, you won't be hosting Windows 2008 Server yourself). Which web framework would you choose under this circumstances?
I read a benchmark article some time ago that suggested running an open source web stack on top of Windows was the best performer out of all the variations (i.e. WAMP). I don't know how much faith to put in those types of articles, and IIRC it beat out LAMP by some really small margin. You might find WAMP to be a good fit for your situation, but I think you should save yourself the Windows tax and use a LAMP (or use Postgres instead of MySQL... I like it better).
I'm stuck wondering why you'd host on a Windows server and not use ASP.Net. It is the best of the server-side frameworks for a windows environment, as it works most intuitively with IIS.
But there's another problem there: If memory serves, all the other frameworks require additional software to run on the server. PHP requires PHP runtime to be installed as a CGI Extension in IIS, Rails requires Ruby, CGI style options (C, Perl, Python) require not only the compiler/runtimes but also some poking under the hood in regards to how IIS handles those files, JSP requires... I'm not sure, I've never used JSP, and ColdFusion requires that framework and it really is a hefty licensing cost (as opposed to ASP.Net which is a free download for the server).
So, in the end, you're left with basically picking an option, installing the necessary software and going forward. Personally, if forced to make this choice, I would choose either PHP or Ruby on Rails, but there's no valid reason for that outside of a random, and subjective choice.
I agree with Stephen, seems a bit strange to blame licensing costs for not using ASP.NET especially when you're going to be using Windows to host? Admittedly VS 2008 Pro isn't cheap, but it hardly breaks the bank either. The new 2008 Express editions of VS are free and I have to say aren't half bad.
Weblocks is a continuations-based web framework written in Common Lisp.
I suspect loading Smalltalk Squeak is very easy on Windows so I would seriously consider using Seaside as an option.
Another option is to look at ActivePerl for Windows and then you can use any of the free Perl web frameworks like Catalyst or Jifty.
