How to enumerate a process's modules? - winapi

My application creates a suspended process, gets process's information via VirtualQueryEx() ,but fails getting process's module information using EnumProcessModules().
The task above is completed ONLY if the process is NOT created suspended and a breakpoint is hit in the debugger(so the program runs, before the call is executed).
I'm trying to write a very decent disassembler and for that I would need to run a target process suspended, but EnumProcessModules() does not work on suspended processes.
Is there an alternative?

I dealt with something like this several years ago. If I remember right, what I ended up doing was creating the task suspended, then GetThreadContext, set its trap flag, SetThreadContext, resume the thread (which runs one instruction), then use EnumProcessModules.
Of course, there may be other ways to handle this, but at least if memory serves, that's what I came up with at the time and I seem to recall its working.


How does logging off a user session in Windows manage to kill "unkillable" processes?

Related to a question I asked here -- I have a process that I launched which is in a "suspended" state. I cannot kill or resume this process through any of the normal means (process explorer, task manager, WinDbg).
Logging-out of my session DOES kill this process though. How? What mechanism is the OS using when I log out that is somehow different to what Process Explorer is trying to do?
Edit: To clarify - I am assuming that Process Explorer is calling the TerminateProcess API function when it tries to kill a process. Something in the process state is stopping this from working though. Logging out obviously invokes some different behaviour and Windows ignores whatever was blocking TerminateProcess, and kills the process due to my session ending.
As a user, is there any different way to try and terminate a process other than calling the TerminateProcess API?
Process Explorer can't kill a process itself; it can only ask the OS to do so. The OS itself doesn't have to play by its own rules.
Remember, it's the OS itself which defines what a process is. It might very well define a process as part of a logon session. This would imply that if you clean up the whole session then you don't need to clean up individual processes. Just like you don't need to bother with CloseHandle before ExitProcess either.

Closing sub-processes spawned by CreateProcess

I'm working with CreateProcess to run a process/application of mine.
The purpose is to run it, do something, wait for some indication, and close it (Using TerminateProcess).
What I noticed is that this application/process creates sub-processes.
Additionally, when terminating the created process, the sub-processes do not terminate, and still remain for a period of time.
I wanted to ask if there's an option to somehow kill all the sub-processes with the main process.
It causes issues, since when I do CreateProcess again, there are leftovers from previous processes, and I think they're causing some issues.
I really appreciate your help!
Use Windows Job Objects. Jobs are like process groups; the operating system will take care of terminating all processes in the job once the job leader (your initial process) is terminated. This even works if the proess leader crashes.
When you create a process using CreateProcess you'll get a LPPROCESS_INFORMATION-pointer.
It contains the process handle. You'll need to close the processes manually, as there is no such thing as a process hierarchy as in Linux/Unix.
See here for CreateProcess and here for the PROCESS_INFORMATION-structure.

File operation functions return, but are not actually committed when Windows shuts down

I am working on an MFC application that can (among other things) be used to shut Windows down. When doing this, Windows of course sends the WM_QUERYENDSESSION and WM_ENDSESSION to all applications, mine included. However, the problem is that my application, as part of some destructors, delete certain files (with CFile::Remove) that have been used during the execution. I have reason to believe that the destructors are called (but that is hard to know for certain) when the application is closed by Windows.
However, when Windows starts back up again, I do occasionally notice that the files that were supposed to be deleted are still present. This does not happen consistently, even when the execution of the program is identical (I have a script for testing this). This leads me to think that one of two things are happening: Either a) the destructors are not consistently being called, or b) the Remove function returns, but the file is not actually deleted before Windows is shut down.
The only work-around I have found so far is that if I get the system to wait with the shutdown for approximately 10 seconds after my program has stopped, then the files will be properly deleted. This leads me to believe that b) may be the case.
I hope someone is able to help me with this problem.
Once your program returns from WM_ENDSESSION, Windows can terminate it at any time:
If the session is being ended, this parameter is TRUE; the session can end any time after all applications have returned from processing this message.
If the session ends quickly, then it may end before your destructors run. You must do all your cleanup before returning from WM_ENDSESSION, because there is no guarantee that you will get a chance to do it afterwards.
The problem here is that some versions of Windows report back that file handling operations have been completed before they actually have. This isn't a problem unless shutdown is triggered as some operations, including file delete will be abandoned.
I would suggest that you cope with this by forcing your code to wait for a confirmed deletion of the files (have a process look for the files and raise an event when they've gone) before calling for system shutdown.
If the system is properly shut down (nut went sudden power loss or etc.) then all the cached data is flushed. In particular this includes flushing the global file descriptor table (or whatever it's called in your file system) which should commit the file deletion.
So the problem seems to be that the user-mode code doesn't call DeleteFile, or it failes (for whatever reason).
Note that there are several ways the application (process) may exit, whereas not always d'tors are called. There are automatic objects which are destroyed in the context of their callstack, plus there are global/static objects, which are initialized and destroyed by the CRT init/cleanup code.
Below is a short summary of ways to terminate the process, with the consequences:
All process threads exit conventionally (return from their procedure). The OS terminates the process that has no threads. All the d'tors are executed.
Some threads either exit via ExitThread or killed by TerminateThread. The automatic objects of those threads are not d'tructed.
Process exited by ExitProcess. Automatic objects are not destructed, global may be destructed (this happens in the CRT is used in a DLL)
Process is terminated by TerminateProcess. All d'tors are not called.
I suggest you check if the DeleteFile (or CFile::Remove that wraos it) is called indeed, and check also if it succeeds. For instance you may open the same file twice for whatever reason

How to handle abnormal program termination in Perl on Windows

I have a Perl program on Windows that needs to execute cleanup actions on exit. I wrote a signal handler using sigtrap, but it doesn't always work. I can intercept Ctrl-C, but if the machine is rebooted or the program is killed some other way, neither the signal handler nor the END block are run. I've read that Windows doesn't really have signals, and signal handling on windows is sort of a hack in Perl. My question is, how can I handle abnormal termination the Windows way? I want to run my cleanup code regardless of how or why the program terminates (excluding events that can't be caught). I've read that Windows uses events instead of signals, but I can't find information on how to deal with Windows events in Perl.
Unfortunately, I don't have the authority to install modules from CPAN, so I'll have to use vanilla ActiveState Perl. And to make things even more interesting, most of the machines I'm using only have Perl 5.6.1.
Edit: I would appreciate any answers, even if they require CPAN modules or newer versions of Perl. I want to learn about Windows event handling in Perl, and any information would be welcome.
In all operating systems, you can always abruptly terminate any program. Think of kill -9 command in Unix/Linux. You do that on any program, and it stops instantly. No way to trap it. No way for the program to request a few more operating system cycles for a clean up.
I'm not up on the difference between Unix and Windows signals, but you can imagine why each OS must allow what we call in Unix SIGKILL - a sure and immediate way to kill any program.
Imagine you have a buggy program that intercepts a request to terminate (a SIGTERM in Unix), and it enters a cleanup phase. Instead of cleaning up, the program instead gets stuck in a loop that requests more and more memory. If you couldn't pull the SIGKILL emergency cord, you'd be stuck.
The ultimate SIGKILL, of course is the plug in the wall. Pull it, and the program (along with everything else) comes to a screeching halt. There's no way your program can say "Hmm... the power is out and the machines has stopped running... Better start up the old cleanup routine!"
So, there's no way you can trap every program termination signal, and, your program will have to account for that. What you can do is see if your program needs to do a cleanup before running. On Windows, you can put an entry in the registry when your program starts up, and remove it when it shuts down and does a cleanup. In Unix, you can put a file or directory name starting wit a period in the $ENV{HOME} directory.
Back in the 1980s, I wrote accounting software for a very proprietary OS. When the user pressed the ESCAPE button, we were suppose return immediately to the main menu. If the user was entering an order, and took stuff out of inventory, the transaction would be incomplete, and inventory would be showing the items as being sold even though the order was incomplete. The solution was to check for these incomplete orders the next time someone entered an order, and back out the changes in inventory before entering the new order. Your program may have to do something similar.

Can aborting a process without resetting the clipboard chain cause trouble?

I've got a program that calls SetClipboardViewer at startup to register for clipboard change notifications. At shutdown time, it will call ChangeClipboardChain to remove itself from the chain correctly.
This is all great as long as the program runs normally. But that's got me wondering, what happens if the program gets aborted, either by me killing it under the debugger, by a crash, or by the user killing the process because something went wrong? Then the cleanup never happens. Can that cause trouble for the system somehow?
Specifically, I know Windows can remove my viewer without trouble because it's a handle and Windows can clean up all handles when a process terminates, but will this cause the next value downstream in the chain, that I was holding a reference to, to get lost somehow?
Yes, failure to remove yourself from the chain will break the chain. Deadly sin #2. Please read the whole list to be sure that you're following all of the rules.
Lots of apps suffer from this, including the Delphi IDE. i.e. if Delphi crashes in certain ways, it'll kill the clipboard chain (D2005 anyway).
Consider using Vista style notification on Vista/Windows7.
