uploadify - go to another url when completed uploading process - uploadify

how to make uploadify to redirect on completion of the uploading task
I add this
'oncomplete' : function(){

Put a location.href="my_new_page.htm" into the callback of your choice, e.g. onAllComplete.


WordPress Ajax Get Request?

I have a page that includes a php file I have written like so
<div id="playlists_div_holder">
<?php include(dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/get_playlists.php'); ?>
I have created a button that will refresh the playlists , incase the user has uploaded (added/removed) anything, and I am trying to do so with an ajax request to get the file and include it back into that div, but I am receiving a 500 error.
I am doing this in WordPress so that may be an issue.
The Button
<span class="button-primary refresh-playlists" onclick="ReloadPlaylists()">Refresh Playlists</span>
Ajax Request
function ReloadPlaylists() {
jQuery.get('<?php echo plugins_url();?>/Player/includes/get_playlists.php', function(data) {
alert('Load was performed.');
Including it works but an ajax get throws a 500 error
It's pretty hard to guess the problem but some simple workarounds that you can use all the time:-
CAUTION! Please take backup of your WordPress before doing anything.
1st workaround:-
Download fresh WordPress copy
Delete every folder, except the wp-content folder.
Upload all the files and folders again, except the wp-content folder.
2nd workaround:-
Create a new folder:-
start copying each theme from themes-backup to themes one by one and see if the error is gone.
Now what you have done with the themes folder, do exactly with the plugins folder.
Based on your comment,
i'm getting call to undefined function get_option on line 8 , which is odd because it works when i include it the first time. Could it be because its calling the same file on the other and it has some sort of variable conflict?
This is because when the plugin in running as an include, all the wp-includes are laoded before your plugin code is execute. However when you make an AJAX call directly to that file, the wp-includes are no loaded hence your get_option() isn't working.
You can fix that by adding include_once("../../../wp-blog-header.php"); on top of your get_playlists.php file. That might break your plugin (not sure) so in that case its safe to use it inside a condition like this
if(stristr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], get_playlists.php))
However once you do that you will get an Error 404 when you make an AJAX request because that URL is not registered in Wordpress URL Rewrite. You can override that by using header() function.
if(stristr($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], get_playlists.php)) {
header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");

Running Tinymce multiple ajax calls issue

I have been sending multiple ajax calls from a single page and trying to load TinyMCE with each ajax call. But TinyMCE loads only the first time.
The code I have been using after AJAX success:
success: function(html) {
tinyMCE.execCommand("mceAddControl",true, 'elm1');
Could someone tell me what I am doing wrong
You need to shut down tinymce correctly before reinitializing an editor with the same id a second time.
To shut down an edtor instance use:
To reinitialize use

AJAX callback in Inter Explorer

I have a question about AJAX.. I am using AJAX for my javascript in calling php file,
how ever I noticed that when I run the program in IE callback comes in twice which
gives me more results than expected while callback comes in in firefox only once..
I want to have just the one reply from callback..
this.doPost = function(param) {
/// make a HTTP POST request to the URL synchronously
req.open("POST",url, true);
this is the call..
Do you know what is wrong?
Depending on how you actually perform the AJAX call and what you do in the callback, you can run into issues - see for example this thread for similar issues:
How to execute a page ,that contains JS ,in AJAX ,using innerHTML?
I suggest you try some proven library instead of using AJAX on the low level. For example, using jQuery you can use $.ajax, see e.g. the examples in jQuery documentation:
or some of many other examples you can find on the Net, such as this:

Cross domain javascript ajax request - status 200 OK but no response

Here is my situation:
Im creating a widget that site admins can embed in their site and the data are stored in my server. So the script basically has to make an ajax request to a php file in my server to update the database. Right? Right :)
The ajax request works excellent when i run it in my local server but it does not work when the php file is on my ONLINE server.
This is the code im using:
var url = "http://www.mydomain.net/ajax_php.php";
var params = "com=ins&id=1&mail=mymail#site.net";
http.async = true;
http.open("POST", url, true);
http.onreadystatechange = function() {
if(http.readyState == 4 && http.status == 200) {
//do my things here
alert( http.responseText );
In firebug it shows: http://www.mydomain.net/ajax_php.php 200 OK X 600ms.
When i check the ajax responnseText I always get a Status:0
Now my question is: "Can i do cross-domain ajax requests by default? Might this be a cross-domain ajax problem? Since it works when the requested file resides in my local server but DOESN'T work when the requested file is in another server, im thinking ajax requests to another remote server might be denied? Can you help me clear on this?
Cross-domain requests are not directly allowed. However, there is a commonly-used technique called JSONP that will allow you to avoid this restriction through the use of script tags. Basically, you create a callback function with a known name:
function receiveData(data) {
// ...
And then your server wraps JSON data in a function call, like this:
receiveData({"the": "data"});
And you "call" the cross-domain server by adding a script tag to your page. jQuery elegantly wraps all of this up in its ajax function.
Another technique that I've had to use at times is cross-document communication through iframes. You can have one window talk to another, even cross-domain, in a restricted manner through postMessage. Note that only recent browsers have this functionality, so that option is not viable in all cases without resorting to hackery.
You're going to need to have your response sent back to your client via a JSONP call.
What you'll need to do is to have your request for data wrapped in a script tag. Your server will respond with your data wrapped in a function call. By downloading the script as an external resource, your browser will execute the script (just like adding a reference to an external JS file like jQuery) and pass the data to a known JS method. Your JS method will then take the data and do whatever you need to do with it.
Lots of steps involved. Using a library like jQuery provides a lot of support for this.
Hope this helps.

CakePHP Concurrent AJAX Requests Blocking

I am working with CakePHP on an app which has to run a time-consuming task via a single AJAX call, with secondary periodical AJAX calls checking on the progress of the task.
The Problem
While the time-consuming task (which takes >30 seconds) is running via it's AJAX request to CakePHP, the secondary progress AJAX request seems unable to be "blocking".
To clarify, the secondary progress AJAX request does not return any error, it simply does not return any response until the original time-consuming request finishes.
Once this original AJAX request finishes, the secondary progress AJAX request returns as expected.
It seems that execution of the progress request is being queued until the first AJAX call finishes, as the progress returned is 100%.
What I've Tried
I have tried multiple suggested solutions, including:
Changing the session handler to 'cake' in core.php - no fix
Setting the config security level to 'medium' in core.php - no fix
Disabling user agent checks in core.php - no fix
Testing multiple concurrent AJAX calls to a plain PHP script on the same server - works as expected
Any Ideas?
So it seems as though the issue is caused by CakePHP - has anyone experienced this in their own CakePHP app?
Session handling is set to file in php
from php.ini
; Handler used to store/retrieve data.
; http://php.net/session.save-handler
session.save_handler = files
This prevent php from running more than one instance of session per user.
To prevent this run this in your php code:
Just know session is now closed, so writing to session is no longer an option.
For some clarification, are you using the built-in AJAX helper (on prototype) or some external library like jQuery?
Usually, the javascript library of choice has an {async: true} available to force concurrency. See this example:
type: 'GET',
url: '/fetch.php',
async: true,
success: function(data, status) {
For the built-in CakePHP AJAX helper, this option should do the trick: $options['type']. More info here. Do note that the AJAX helper is deprecated as of version 1.3 and the jsHelper should be able to takeover, see the request() method here for instance (also has an option called async).
