Mapping problem with Spring - spring

I'm working with Spring MVC. I have a controller which returns a new ModelAndView(new RedirectView(getSuccessView())). SuccessView is set as home.htm which is a virtual page that maps to WEB-INF/jsp/home.jsp.
However I'm getting this error:
No mapping found for HTTP request with URI [/Bikes_Spring/WEB-INF/jsp/home.htm] in DispatcherServlet.
As you can see it's searching for home.htm inside the jsp folder... it should be /Bikes_Spring/home.htm
Any ideas how I could resolve this?
Thanks :)

In my resolver mapping, I added redirect: in front of home.htm and it did the trick:
<property name="successView"><value>redirect:home.htm</value></property>
What I wanted to do was go from one controller to another... sry I'm still quite a newbie in spring...


How does spring resolve .jsp page without controller mapping

I'm trying to understand the following issue. When I type url http://localhost:8076/demoproject_war/test.jsp spring is able to load test.jsp page. Here is the pic of my directory structure.
My question is how spring loads ./test.jsp even though I don't have any mappings in my controller class for ./test.jsp . Does not this request go to controller to check the mappings?
Spring does not load this JSP when you go to that URL. You're navigating directly to the JSP. It is considered a bad practice as you're not controlling the execution in this case. You should put the JSPs inside a webapp/WEB-INF directory. Then, the won't be accessible directly.

Spring MVC: how to handle incoming request to wrong context path

How do we handle incoming request to a wrong contextpath in spring mvc?
I have deployed a spring mvc application having contextpath as
But when I try accessing url I get error as HTTP Status 404 - /wrongcontext/
I have implemented error handling which works fine for all wrong url when correct context path is used but it does not work for wrong context path.
I am trying to understand how do we redirect all incoming request to specific page in production environment..
thanks in advance
Your application can only see requests to its context /mycontext There is nothing your application can do about requests to other contexts.
You can however deploy an application at the root context / and implement an error handler there.
Check out this answer: How to customize JBoss AS7 404 page
That answer relates to JBoss, but the same idea will apply on other servers.
It is not possible to handle wrong context path requests in Spring since it only will handle the requests which goes to your context root. You have to take a look at server configuration parameters to redirect those kind of requests. If you are working on Tomcat, check path parameter of context.xml:
We can use #ExceptionHandler inside a #Controller or #ControllerAdvice to handle such kind of exceptions and decide on the view page to be rendered.
#ExceptionHandler({ HttpRequestMethodNotSupportedException.class,
HttpMediaTypeNotSupportedException.class, HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException.class,
MissingPathVariableException.class, MissingServletRequestParameterException.class,
ServletRequestBindingException.class,MethodArgumentNotValidException.class, MissingServletRequestPartException.class,
public ModelAndView handleException(){
return new ModelAndView("errorpage");

Spring MVC insert URL to another endpoint in the view

I'm migrating a Play! 1.2 web application and moving to Spring Boot + Spring MVC. Some views contain URLs to other endpoints. For example, I display the book title on the page and next to it I want to add the URL to go the book's details page (e.g. localhost/books/{id}).
In Play! 1.2 the controllers are static, and there is also a Router which can create the full URL for a method belonging to another controller (Router.getFullUrl("BookController.bookDetails", args)), but how do I achieve this with Spring MVC?
Best regards,
If you are trying to get the app/deployed name automatically in .jsp files to make the urls, then please make use of context path. An example below :
<c:set var="context" value="${pageContext.request.contextPath}" />
<script src="${context}/themes/js/jquery.js"></script>
From your requirement "","" are server names right? Something like{bookId},{bookId}. In Spring app, relative path in jsp can be accessed using pageContext.request.contextPath
I also found the UriComponentsBuilder and ServletUriComponentsBuilder. They are similar to the Play! Framework router and provide methods for building URI's, handling parameters and the query etc. We chose to annotate the controllers' methods using constants and then use the same constants with the UriComponentsBuilder to build back the path and create the request query for GET requests.

Fail to serve .jsp and .html file via default servlet handler using spring mvc <mvc:default-servlet-handler />

The title should explain the biggest part :)
I should be able for example to access but instead I get HTTP Status 404 - /index.jsp
Now why do I assume I should be able to serve static content (ie not be redirected to custom controller but to default servlet handler in stead.)?
Because I have added the following element to my mvc dispatcher servlet config:
<mvc:default-servlet-handler />
I have read that in some case the name of the default server cannot be guessed and I have looked it up in the file: ̣*~/tomcat7/conf/web.xml .*
The default servlet is specified by a name "default". So I tried adding:
<mvc:default-servlet-handler default-servlet-name="default"/>
But to no avail...
I have one spring dispachter servlet mapped to '/'.
I have two controllers mapped to, one controller is mapped to '/' and one is mapped to '/todo'
The controllers work fine.
I thought the controller mapped to '/' could be the culprit so I removed that controller but to no avail.
Anybody an idea? And is it possible to have a controller mapped to '/' and still serve a page like /index.jsp??
Arf, I had put my static resources under the webapp/WEB-INF folder instead of the webapp folder. Now it seems te be working fine ... :)

Spring mapping a .jsp with parameters to a .jsp (404) error

I have a 3rd party .jsp that I am trying to use in my SpringMVC 3.2 application.
the URL call looks like this:
I am getting a 404 error. How do I map this in my web.xml?
when I call
it works (well, no 404 errors) but I need to send it the parameters.
Changing the 3rd party jsp might be problematic, so how does one map this call straight to the jsp?
Thanks in advance.
Really a broad question. I would start with checking mapping in #Controller, then move into application-config.xml and then web.xml.
It would be nice if you would look at sample Spring Application.
If call to http://localhost:8080/dms/pcc.jsp works, you should try following thing.
The Page/q/0/ part in URL seems to be messing things up for you. If these also are parameters to be sent, send it the way explained above.
