Invoking a method at the end of Cocoa's main event loop - cocoa

How would it be possible to invoke a method at the end of Cocoa's main event loop after each iteration? I want to do the exact same thing that NSManagedObjectContext's -processPendingChanges does. According to the documentation, "In AppKit-based applications, this method is invoked automatically at least once during the event loop (at the end of the loop)." I need to do the same thing for one of my own methods. Is this possible? I've read documentation about NSRunLoop and NSApplication's -run method, but I haven't been able to find the solution to this problem. Any help would be much appreciated.

I believe you can achieve what you want by installing a CFRunLoopObserver. You can get the current CFRunLoopRef via CFRunLoopGetCurrent() or from an NSRunLoop via -[NSRunLoop getCFRunLoop].


How to pass context between asynchronous method calls in Python 3.5?

How can I pass context from on asynchronous method call to another one - without using method parameters?
I need the feature to enrich log messages with a kind of flow ID so that I can easily trace all log messages of a specific call method flow.
I use Python's async and await keywords (Python 3.5.x).
You should use Context Variables introduced in Python 3.7, and I have a polyfill for Python < 3.7 as aiocontextvars.
Previous answer:
You may want to take a look at tasklocals and aiolocals.
I solved the problem by setting a custom task factory. It turned out that having a context per task (in comparison to a context per async call) was sufficient for me.
I'm working on aiotask-context package. It's a really simple way of passing context between tasks (called with await or yield from). If you don't wan't to use the package you can still use the idea :).
I'm working on how to propagate it for the ensure_future calls too.
import contextvars
c_id = contextvars.ContextVar("context_id", default=None)
def get_context_id():
return c_id.get()
def set_context_id(value):
I struggled a lot for getting this right. If anyone is still searching for the answer then they can refer here. This works with Python3.7 onwards.
Create an instance of contextvars.ContextVar.
Here you can give the context variable name and a default value for that variable, the default value will be used in case the variable is not found in the current context.
Set the value using the setter and you can get the same value using the getter inside same context.
Define ContextVar at the top level once, and not inside closures(i.e. functions or class etc.) as garbage collection for context is not proper.

How do in-built methods do things?

Just something that has been playing on my mind recently. A java example of what I mean by an inbuilt method: System.out.println("hi");. How does this method actually make 'hi' appear on screen? I can imagine a long series of methods inside methods inside methods, but how would the 'base' method do what it is supposed to?
this is a good example for println.
Essentially, the call gets processed through the call stack, until it reaches native code, then you're into OS specific code, i.e. the windows API.

Any Good Sendfriend Event Dispatch in Magento?

Looking for a decent observer of the Mage_Sendfriend module, when the product is sent to a friend. I just traced it and don't see anything immediately useful. There is one dispatch written in the module, which actually fires when the send to friend form is loaded, not when it's actually submitted.
Looking at the events triggered, here are some events you might use:
And in the function you want to use for this event:
$controller = $observer->getControllerAction();
... your code here
You might have to resort to observing the model_save_after and model_save_before events, then checking $observer->getEvent()->getObject() to see if it's the Mage_Sendfriend model you're looking for.
An ugly solution, but sometimes the events just don't line up to solve a problem nicely.
Good luck! Let us know if you find anything good!
Edit: I would also suggest against observing a controller for this, though, since that isn't very modular. If a third-party module provides another interface for the Sendfriend feature, it wouldn't work with your module if you observe controller actions.
You can dispatch custom events when and where you want.
array('key'=>$value,'key'=>$value,'key'=>$value)); //can pass how many values you want in this array.
And in your config you just make your nodes to look for this event, and call one method from observer.
Its simple.

Ruby: slow down evaluation

I'm interested in simply slowing down the evaluation of ruby code. Of course I know about using sleep(), but that does not solve my problem.
Rather, I want to slow down every single object instantiation and destruction that happens in the VM.
Why? So I can learn about how particular procedures in ruby work by watching them being carried out. I recently learned about ObjectSpace and the ability to see/inspect all the objects currently living in a Ruby VM. It seems that building a simple realtime display of the objects and properties of those objects within the ObjectSpace and then slowing down the evaluation would achieve this.
I realize there may be ways of viewing in realtime more detailed logs of what is happening inside the ruby process, including many procedures that are implemented at low-level, below the level of actual ruby code. But I think simply seeing the creation and destruction of objects and their properties in realtime would be more edifying and easier to follow.
You could be interested in the answer to this question: getting in-out from ruby methods
With small edits to the code reported there, you could add a sleep to each method call and follow the code execution.
If you want to output some information every time an object is instantiated, you could do that by overriding Class#new. Here's an example:
class Class
alias old_new new
def new(*args)
puts "Creating: #{self.inspect}"
sleep 0.1
class Point
class Circle
The alias old_new new line creates a backup new method, so we can have the old behaviour. Then, we override the new method and put some code to inspect the subject class and sleep for just a bit for the sake of better readability. Now, if you invoke, you'll see "Creating: Point". will display a "Creating: Circle" and so on. Any objects that are created will be logged, or at least their classes, with a small delay.
The example is a modified version of the one from here.
As for destruction of objects, I'm not sure if there's a sensible way to do it. You could try to override some method in the GC module, but garbage collection is only initiated when it's necessary (as far as I'm aware), so you could easily play with ruby for a while without it ever happening. It probably wouldn't be very useful anyway.
I think the problem is not that ruby is too fast.
In your case you should use some software architecture, for example Model-View-Controller.
It could be in this way. In View you can show options at which speed the Controller should show information for you or you're able to slow down or increase the speed of showing information. Then Controller evaluate small steps (calling methods in Model) and rendered the results of evaluation in the View.
The View is not always the browser or window application, it could be also just a simple terminal.

sender class in ruby?

Anyone know how to get the sender class/module in ruby?
caller[0] is helpful to derive the filename and linenumber sending.
But knowing the class would be helpful. Can't find it any searches?
This would be impossible. You shouldn't be specialising your behaviour in a method based on the calling class anyway.
Think about it this way - the caller could be an anonymous function (proc) created in one class, then given to another one and invoked from a third place. You wouldn't get anything useful.
Instead, I'd look at what you're trying to achieve here, and think of another way to get there! :)
Check out this gem:
