Mac - iTunes status indicator thing - macos

I don't know what to call it, but you know that greenish thing covering most of the middle of the top of the iTunes window, that shows the apple symbol or shows the music slider or the status etc., what is it? I've seen several other applications using it -- how do you get it? I couldn't find it in Interface Builder.

It's not available as a standard component (yet). iTunes is not even a Cocoa app (well, some part of it is Cocoa, but not much.). A few other Apple apps have similar interface element, so let's hope it'll become available in the next version.


StartScreenCapturebyWindowId() not excluding overlapping windows for certain programs (Agora Unity)

I am trying to setup individual window sharing for a project in Unity for Windows. The way I'm currently going about doing this is by using EnumWindows(), IsVisableWindow(), and GetWindowText() to create a dictionary of window titles and handles, then calling StartScreeCapturebyWindowId() to share the selected window.
This works relatively well for most process; the window of the process and only the window of the process is streamed. However, for certain programs (like Google Chrome, Discord, and Windows Photos) the captured area is set correctly, but overlapping windows are not culled out.
Does anyone know what could be causing this problem? Is there something wrong with the way I'm grabbing the handles for these windows? Or is there something about starting a screen capture that I am missing?
You certainly did the correct things. However, you also hit the limitation to the Windows part of the SDK. To understand this better, the set of programs are UWP applications. They have different ways to share the visible pixels. Previously version of Agora SDK could not even show the window. Starting from 3.0.1, the SDK uses Rectangle cutting method to get the window display. You may further read the online documentation about that API here.
There isn't much Agora can do for the near term. So you will just need to deal with the user experience (e.g. by warning them) or look at solutions like using Web SDK instead.

Develop an iPhoto-like cocoa app for mac OSX

I plan to develop a mac OSX app that has a UI similar to that of iPhoto - a panel on the left and a grid view of images on the right. I am thinking of using NSSplitView to create two panels and using NSCollectionView for the grid.
I guess this must be a pretty popular and common UI pattern for mac apps. I am new to cocoa development. Can anyone with previous experience point me to any related cocoa code samples and design document?
Thanks a lot in advance.
This missing piece here is an NSOutlineView in source list mode, put that in your left pane. But otherwise seems like a good place to start.
You might also be interested to see what the developer of Sonora approached this problem; although this is a music app the layout is almost the same.

Fluid swipe and scrolling 10.7 style

I'm looking to add two finger "fluid swiping" to my app. Anyone who has used the week view in the Calendar app that comes with OSX will have seen what I'm trying to do.
I have a scroll view, and I want to be able to use swipe gestures and scrolling to move the content view in the horizontal axis of my NSScrollView, ie a day or a week.
The video from WWDC 2011 titled "Scrolling, Swiping, Dragging: Now with more animation" was quite useful, and looks like it will be able to explain what I want to do, but unfortunately the sample code for PictureSwiper isn't provided with the video.
I'm aware that a newer version of PictureSwiper is avaliable, but it uses NSPageController and I'm really looking for the older Lion 10.7 way of handling things as I can't use NSPageController. Is it still possible to find the old PictureSwiper somewhere?
If not could someone explain how the PictureSwiper sample on Lion worked? I'm aware of the App note (search for "scrollWheel:") but that has only gone part of the way to explaining the kind of functionality I am after.
Many thanks for any help.
For anyone looking to this for an answer I eventually used one of my "Developer Technical Support" queries that came with my paid Dev account to ask for the old code. A few days latter an Apple engineer emailed me the old Picture Swiper.
Now that I have seen the code the App note makes complete sense! Picture Swiper moves CALayers around, but in my case I just use NSClipView's scrollToPoint:.
Within the scroll handler I just do something like: (gestureAmount * columnWidth) + currentColumnIndexOffset.
Seems to work!

Using external video hardware - beginner needs directions

I have a little application here which deals with QuickTime video using QTKit.
This is my first Cocoa app, so I'm still pretty new to programming for OS X.
As the main stuff is now working, I was wondering how I could use and support external video hardware?
I just don't have a clue how to get started as I have never worked with external hardware before.
So, if there is a BlackMagic card installed in the machine the program is running on for example, how would I get to know that and how would I possibly have my QuickTime movie played out on this card instead of a QTMovieView on the computer monitor?
Would be glad if someone could point me a direction!
Thank you very much.
The kind of graphics cards you have installed shouldn't matter to QTKit when it comes to playing things back (it might look smoother and sexier to you, but to what you call in the operating system it doesn't matter).
To display content on a second monitor (or "external hardware", as you call it), you can get information on the various screens hooked to your Macintosh by calling [NSScreen screens]. Take a look at the rest of the NSScreen reference, too.
And once you get the hang of that, you can decide if you want to do full screen on the deepest screen (presumably the one with your expensive graphics card), or if you want to render on the largest screen (which you can determine from NSScreen's "frame" method), or the screen that isn't the "main screen" with the menu bar.
There's also lower level stuff available for you to use in Quartz. Here is Apple's "Quartz Display Services Reference" guide. I'd only recommend going this route when you feel sufficiently smart with Macintosh program to go deeper.
Hope this helps you out!

Anyone know what program the Apple store demos likely use to make their interactive desktop

I have a project that I am attempting to do and we want something similar to what the Apple store does. We thought it was a Quartz Composer interactive desktop but I've been putting together an xcode cocoa solution to do it too.
Here is an image of what I'm wondering about it is just a Title and 3 images that link out to url locations. If anyone can point me in the direction they believe can make something like this I would appreciate it.
I have used Quartz Desktop to display a .qtz but it isn't interactive. If anyone knows of another quartz desktop displaying .app that does use the interactive parts such as mouse and keyboard, it would be appreciated.
Applestore demo
It's a custom proprietary program called, if I remember correctly, Concierge. But it's not doing anything tricky. You can make any NSWindow appear on the desktop by setting its window level to kCGDesktopWindowLevel.
