Update existing list values with values from another query - linq

I have a linq statement which calls a stored proc and returns a list of items and descriptions.
Like so;
var q = from i in doh.usp_Report_PLC()
where i.QTYGood == 0
orderby i.PartNumber
select new Parts() { PartNumber = i.PartNumber, Description = i.Descritpion.TrimEnd() };
I then have another SQL statement which returns the quantities on order and delivery date for each of those items. The Parts class has two other properties to store these. How do I update the existing Parts list with the other two values so that there is one Parts list with all four values?
The following code now brings out results.
var a = from a1 in db.usp_Optos_DaysOnHand_Report_PLC()
where a1.QTYGood == 0
orderby a1.PartNumber
select new Parts() { PartNumber = a1.PartNumber, Description = a1.Descritpion.TrimEnd() };
var b = from b1 in db.POP10110s
join b2 in db.IV00101s on b1.ITEMNMBR equals b2.ITEMNMBR
//from b3 in j1.DefaultIfEmpty()
where b1.POLNESTA == 2 && b1.QTYCANCE == 0
group b1 by new { itemNumber = b2.ITMGEDSC } into g
select new Parts() { PartNumber = g.Key.itemNumber.TrimEnd(), QtyOnOrder = g.Sum(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.QTYORDER)), DeliveryDue = g.Max(x => x.REQDATE).ToShortDateString() };
var joinedList = a.Join(b,
usp => usp.PartNumber,
oss => oss.PartNumber,
(usp, oss) =>
new Parts
PartNumber = usp.PartNumber,
Description = usp.Description,
QtyOnOrder = oss.QtyOnOrder,
DeliveryDue = oss.DeliveryDue
return joinedList.ToList();

Assuming your "other SQL statement" returns PartNumber, Quantity and DeliveryDate, you can join the lists into one:
var joinedList = q.Join(OtherSQLStatement(),
usp => usp.PartNumber,
oss => oss.PartNumber,
(usp, oss) =>
new Parts
PartNumber = usp.PartNumber,
Description = usp.Description,
Quantity = oss.Quantity,
DeliveryDate = oss.DeliveryDate
You can actually combine the queries and do this in one join and projection:
var joinedList = doh.usp_Report_PLC().
Where(i => i.QTYGood == 0).
OrderBy(i => i.PartNumber).
i => i.PartNumber,
o => o.PartNumber,
(i, o) =>
new Parts
PartNumber = i.PartNumber,
Description = i.Description,
Quantity = o.Quantity,
DeliveryDate = o.DeliveryDate
And again: I assume you have PartNumber in both returned collections to identify which item belongs to which.
In this case the LINQ Query syntax would probably be more readable:
var joinedList = from aElem in a
join bElem in b
on aElem.PartNumber equals bElem.PartNumber into joinedAB
from abElem in joinedAB.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new Part
PartNumber = aElem.PartNumber,
Description = aElem.Description,
DeliveryDue = abElem == null ? null : abElem.DeliveryDue,
QtyOnOrder = abElem == null ? null : abElem.QtyOnOrder
Your DeliveryDue and QtyOnOrder are probably nullable. If not, replace the nulls by your default values. E.g. if you don't have the element in b and want QtyOnOrder to be 0 in the resulting list, change the line to
QtyOnOrder = abElem == null ? 0 : abElem.QtyOnOrder


LINQ Aggregate results with Many to Many Relationship

I am currently working with this schema
This is how my LINQ currently looks
var regionResults = (
from p in _context.Projects
from pr in p.Regions
where (data.RegionId == null || pr.RegionId == data.RegionId)
group p by pr.RegionId into g
join q in _context.Regions on g.Key equals _context.Regions.First().Id
select new Models.ViewModels.ProjectBreakdownViewModel.Regions
RegionName = q.Name,
TotalCount = g.Count(),
RejectedCount = g.Count(e => e.SubmissionStatusId == 2),
DeniedCount = g.Count(e => e.SubmissionStatusId == 3)
this is what it is currently producing, albeit incorrect
This is what I need it to be...
I know the problem is with this line, essentially
join q in _context.Regions on g.Key equals _context.Regions.First().Id
I don't know how to do this without the use of .First(), there doesn't seem to be a way to do it. I'm close I just don't know how to finish this.
If you have an collection of ProjectRegions in you Region entity, you can do this:
var result= context.Regions
.Where(r=> data.RegionId == null || r.Id == data.RegionId)
.Select(r=> new
RegionName = r.Name,
TotalCount = r.ProjectRegions.Count(),
RejectedCount = r.ProjectRegions.Count(e => e.Project.SubmissionStatusId == 2),
DeniedCount = r.ProjectRegions.Count(e => e.Project.SubmissionStatusId == 3)
ProjectRegion entity should have two nav properties, Project and Region, use them to navigate and create the corresponding conditions

Linq GROUP & SUM the same columns from different tables

I'm trying to combine these 2 Linq queries into 1:
var query = from s in _context.Set<StockInventoryItem>()
where s.StockCatalogueItemId == id
group s by s.StockType into g
select new
inStock = g.Sum(x => x.QtyInStock),
var query2 = from p in _context.Set<PurchaseOrderItem>()
where p.StockCatalogueItemId == id
group p by p.StockType into g2
select new
onOrder = g2.Sum(x => x.QtyStillDue)
Note that the filtering, grouping and output is the same from both tables, and I want the results to look like this:
StockType inStock onOrder
Type 1 4 3
Type 2 0 1
i.e. Quantities grouped by StockType
This is EF code first and there is no direct relationship between these tables, which is why I'm trying this query in the service layer so I can access both entities.
You should be able to "shoehorn" both groups into the same sequence with anonymous types and Concat, and then count the results separately, like this:
var query = _context.Set<StockInventoryItem>()
.Where(ii => ii.StockCatalogueItemId == id)
.Select(ii => new {
II = ii, PO = (PurchaseOrderItem)null
.Where(po => po.StockCatalogueItemId == id)
.Select(po => new {
II = (StockInventoryItem)null, PO = po
})).GroupBy(p => II != null ? ii.StockType : PO.StockType)
.Select(g => new {
InStock = g.Sum(p => p.II != null ? p.II.QtyInStock : 0)
, OnOrder = g.Sum(p => p.PO != null ? p.PO.QtyStillDue: 0)

Linq to Sql Query - better solution (optimizing)

The following code works, but it's not a nice code. (low performance)
I have a dictionary with value and key.
First i go trough every webcodes who exist. Then i load all participants in a list (where webcode equals the actual webcode in the foreach). After that i add the data (parameter of the webcode and a count of participants to the dictionary).
Guid compID = Guid.Parse(wID);
ChartModel webcodes = new ChartModel();
webcodes.Title = "Webcodes Statistics";
webcodes.Data = new Dictionary<string, int>();
var webcodesData = db.t_Webcode;
foreach (var w in webcodesData)
var wData = db.t_Participant.Where(t => t.FK_Competition == compID && t.Webcode == w.Webcode);
if (wData.Count() != 0)
webcodes.Data.Add(w.Parameter, wData.Count());
ViewBag.Webcodes = webcodes;
You need something along these lines:
webcodes.Data = (from w in db.t_Webcode
join p in db.t_Participant on w.Webcode equals p.Webcode
where p.FK_Competition == compID
group w by w.Parameter into g
select new { g.Key, Count = g.Count() }).ToDictionary();
I can't test it but that is the type of query you need.
This will assume that you have relationships defined in your database and that your LINQ to SQL datacontext are aware of them. If not, you will need to join manually on t_Participants from tWebcode.
This should execute in 1 single SQL query, instead of 1 query per row in tWebcode.
var webcodesAndNoOfParticipants =
from webcode in db.tWebcode
// Define number of participants for this webcode
let numberOfParticipants = webcode.t_Participants.Count(participant => participant.FK_Competition == compID)
where numberOfParticipants > 0
select new {
WebcodeParameter = webcode.Parameter,
NoOfParticipants = numberOfParticipants
webcodes.Data = webcodesAndNoOfParticipants.ToDictionary(x => x.WebcodeParameter, x => x.NoOfParticipants);

LINQ 2 lefts joins with Sum

I am trying to do a relatively straight forward SQL query with linq:
SELECT ir.resource_id, r.first_name, r.surname, rt.job_title, SUM(plan_ts_hours), SUM(ts_hours) FROM tbl_initiative_resource ir
INNER JOIN tbl_resource r ON ir.resource_id = r.resource_id
INNER JOIN tbl_resource_type rt ON rt.resource_type_id = r.resource_type_id
LEFT JOIN tbl_plan_timesheet pts on pts.resource_id = ir.resource_id AND pts.initiative_id = ir.initiative_id
LEFT JOIN tbl_timesheet ts on ts.resource_id = ir.resource_id AND ts.initiative_id = ir.initiative_id
WHERE ir.initiative_id = 111
GROUP BY ir.resource_id, r.first_name, r.surname, rt.job_title
After reading this blog: http://smehrozalam.wordpress.com/2010/04/06/linq-how-to-build-complex-queries-utilizing-deferred-execution-and-anonymous-types/
I came up with the following linq:
var query = (from initRes in Context.tbl_initiative_resource
join res in Context.tbl_resource on initRes.resource_id equals res.resource_id
join resType in Context.tbl_resource_type on res.resource_type_id equals resType.resource_type_id
from tsheet in Context.tbl_timesheet.Where(x => x.resource_id == initRes.resource_id).Where(x => x.initiative_id == initRes.initiative_id).DefaultIfEmpty()
from plannedtsheet in Context.tbl_plan_timesheet.Where(x => x.resource_id == initRes.resource_id).Where(x => x.initiative_id == initRes.initiative_id).DefaultIfEmpty()
where initRes.initiative_id == initiativeID
group new { ID = res.resource_id, ResourceType = resType.job_title, Times = tsheet, P = plannedtsheet } by initRes.resource_id into g
select new
ResourceID = g.Key,
Hours = g.Sum(x => (decimal?)x.Times.ts_hours),
PlannedHours = g.Sum(x => (decimal?)x.P.plan_ts_hours)
Any ideas on how I can access the ResourceType when selecting the new anonymous type?
ResourceType is part of the the grouping key, so g.Key.ResourceType should do it.
(Check out the type of ResouceID in the results, as you've assigned it g.Key it will be an instance of the (anonymous) type created in the group clause.

How to combine Where clause and group by in LINQ

Can any one help me convert the below code to LINQ?
Select Catg,Count(*) From Mycatg where IsPublic=1 or FirstName='XXX' Group By Catg .
In C#, something like:
var query = from category in mycatg
where category.IsPublic == 1
|| category.FirstName == "XXX"
group 1 by category.Catg into grouped
select new { Catg = grouped.Key,
Count = grouped.Count() };
The projection of "1" makes it clear that all we need is the key of the grouping and the count - the individual entries in each grouping are irrelevant.
Using lambda syntax and dot notation:
var query = mycatg.Where(category => category.IsPublic == 1
|| category.FirstName == "XXX")
.GroupBy(category => category.Catg,
category => 1)
.Select(grouped => new { Catg = grouped.Key,
Count = grouped.Count() });
