How to extend bash shell? - bash

would like to add new functionality to the bash shell. I need to have a queue for executions.
What is the easy way to add new functionality to the bash shell keeping all native functions?
I would like to process the command line, then let the bash to execute them. For users it should be transparent.
Thanks Arman
I just discovered it does exactly what I need.

Its easier than it seems:
yourfunctiona(){ ...; }
yourfunctionz(){ ...; }
. /path/to/file/with/more/functions
while read COMMANDS; do
eval "$COMMANDS"
you can use read -p if you need a prompt or -t if you want it to timeout ... or if you wanted you could even use your favorite dialog program in place of read and pipe the output to a tailbox
touch /tmp/mycmdline
Xdialog --tailbox /tmp/mycmdline 0 0 &
COMMANDS="echo "
while ([ "$COMMANDS" != "" ]); do
COMMANDS=`Xdialog --stdout --inputbox "Text here" 0 0`
eval "$COMMANDS"
done >>/tmp/mycmdline &
To execute commands in threads you can use the following in place of eval $COMMANDS
#this will need to be before the loope
NUMCORES=$(awk '/cpu cores/{sum += $4}END{print sum}' /proc/cpuinfo)
for i in {1..$NUMCORES};do
if [ $i -eq $NUMCORES ] && #see comments below
if [ -d /proc/$threadarray[$i] ]; then #this core already has a thread
#note: each process gets a directory named /proc/<its_pid> - hacky, but works
else #this core is free
Then there is the case where you fill up all threads.
You can either put the whole thing in a while loop and add continues and breaks,
or you can pick a core to wait for (probably the last) and wait for it
to wait for a single thread to complete use:
wait $threadarray[$i]
to wait for all threads to complete use:
#I ended up using this to keep my load from getting to high for too long
another note: you may find that some commands don't like to be threaded, if so you can put the whole thing in a case statement
I'll try to do some cleanup on this soon to put all of the little blocks together (sorry, I'm cobbling this together from random notes that I used to implement this exact thing, but can't seem to find)


How to display a loading status in command prompt while our code is executing in bash?

i am trying to run a code in Linux which might take around 5 minutes, while the code is executing i need to display a loading status in command window. help me in writing this.
I'd say you should add some sort of loading animation which makes it more clear 'stuff' is happening, or at least should be. There are ofcourse many ways to do this, but this is most aesthetically pleasing while being simple at the same time to me.
printf "Loading, please wait a moment.\n\n"
while [ -z ${VARIABLENAME+x} ] do
for (( i=0; i<${#states}; i++ )); do
sleep 0.75
echo -en "${states:$i:1}" "\r"
You should run that, and set a VARIABLENAME to stop the loop and use clear to remove the last loop that executed and the printf.

Run command in background and capture result later (Bash)

Similar to these questions (1) (2), I'm wanting to run a command in a background process, carry on processing, then later use the return value from that command.
I have one function in my script that takes particularly long, so I would like to run it first before the rest of the setup so that there is less of a delay when the return value of that script is given, but currently the return value doesn't get captured.
What I've tried:
if [ $LAZY_LOAD -eq 0 ]; then
echo "INFO - Getting least loaded server in background. Can take up to 30s."
local leastLoaded=$( getLeastLoaded ) &
# Other setup stuff that doesn't use leastLoaded...
# setup setup setup....
if [ $LAZY_LOAD -eq 0 ]; then
echo "INFO - Waiting for least loaded server to be retrieved before continuing"
echo "INFO - Doing stuff with $leastLoaded."
doThingWithLeastLoaded $leastLoaded
getLeastLoaded definitely works without the &, so I'm sure this is a concurrency issue.
According to bash manual:
If a command is terminated by the control operator &, the shell executes the command in the background in a subshell.
So your local command would not affect the current shell.
I'd suggest like this:
do-something > /some/file &
... ...
var=$( cat /some/file )

How to increment a global variable within another bash script

I want to have a bash script that will have a global variable that can be incremented from other bash scripts.
I have a script like the following:
#! /bin/bash
export Counter=0
for SCRIPT in /Users/<user>/Desktop/*sh
echo $Counter
That script will call all the other bash scripts in a folder and those scripts will have something like the following:
if [ "$Output" = "$Check" ]
echo "OK"
I want it to then increment the $Counter variable if it does equal "OK" and then pass that value back to the initial batch script so I can keep that counter number and have a total at the end.
Any idea on how to go about doing that?
Environment variables propagate in one direction only -- from parent to child. Thus, a child process cannot change the value of an environment variable set in their parent.
What you can do is use the filesystem:
export counter_file=$(mktemp "$HOME/.counter.XXXXXX")
for script in ~user/Desktop/*sh; do "$script"; done
...and, in the individual script:
counter_curr=$(< "$counter_file" )
(( ++counter_curr ))
printf '%s\n' "$counter_curr" >"$counter_file"
This isn't currently concurrency-safe, but your parent script as currently written will never call more than one child at a time.
An even easier approach, assuming that the value you're tracking remains relatively small, is to use the file's size as a proxy for the counter's value. To do this, incrementing the counter is as simple as this:
printf '\n' >>"$counter_file"
...and checking its value in O(1) time -- without needing to open the file and read its content -- is as simple as checking the file's size; with GNU stat:
counter=$(stat -f %z "$counter_file")
Note that locking may be required for this to be concurrency-safe if using a filesystem such as NFS which does not correctly implement O_APPEND; see Norman Gray's answer (to which this owes inspiration) for a working implementation.
You could source the other scripts, which means they're not running in a sub-process but "inline" in the calling script like this:
#! /bin/bash
export counter=0
for script in /Users/<user>/Desktop/*sh
source "$script"
echo $counter
But as pointed out in the comments i'd only advise to use this approach if you control the called scripts yourself. If they for example exit or have variables clashing with each other, bad things could happen.
As described, you can't do this, since there isn't anything which corresponds to a ‘global variable’ for shell scripts.
As the comment suggests, you'll have to use the filesystem to communicate between scripts.
One simple/crude way of doing what you describe would be to simply have each cooperating script append a line to a file, and the ‘global count’ is the size of this file:
#! /bin/sh -
echo ping >>/tmp/scriptcountfile
then wc -l /tmp/scriptcountfile is the number of times that's happened. Of course, there's a potential race condition there, so something like the following would sequence those accesses:
#! /bin/sh -
flock -n 9
echo 'do stuff...'
echo ping >>/tmp/stampfile
) 9>/tmp/lockfile
(the flock command is available on Linux, but isn't portable).
Of course, then you can start to do fancier things by having scripts send stuff through pipes and sockets, but that's going somewhat over the top.

bash script with background process

I have the following in my script:
[ ! -S ./notify ] && find ./stylesheets/sass/ \-maxdepth 1 \-type f \-regex '.*/[^_][^/]*\.scss$' | entr \+notify &
what entr does here, is creating notify as a named pipe.
[ insert ]
while read F; do
#some processing on found files
#(does not matter for this question at all)
done < notify
The problem is, first time I run the script, it sees there is no notify pipe, so it creates one, and puts
the process into the background.
But then the following while loop complains it cannot find notify to read from.
However, when I run script immediately after that, so for the second time now, it continues normally the rest
of the program (while loop part).
How would I fix this, so it runs all good as a whole?
if I put into [ insert ] placeholder above,
sleep 1;
it works, but I would like a better solution for checking when that notify fifo exists, as sometimes it may need more than 1 sec.
You can always poll for the named pipe to be created:
until [ -p notify ]; do read -t 0.1; done
If you don't specifically need to maintain variables between runs, you could also consider using a script rather than entr's +notify. That would avoid the problem.

How to get a stdout message once a background process finishes?

I realize that there are several other questions on SE about notifications upon completion of background tasks, and how to queue up jobs to start after others end, and questions like these, but I am looking for a simpler answer to a simpler question.
I want to start a very simple background job, and get a simple stdout text notification of its completion.
For example:
cp My_Huge_File.txt New_directory &
...and when it done, my bash shell would display a message. This message could just be the completed job's PID, but if I could program unique messages per background process, that would be cool too, so I could have numerous background jobs running without confusion.
Thanks for any suggestions!
EDIT: user000001's answer separates commands with ;. I separated commands with && in my original example. The only difference I notice is that you don't have to surround your base command with braces if you use&&. Semicolons are a bit more flexible, so I've updated my examples.
The first thing that comes to mind is
{ sleep 2; echo "Sleep done"; } &
You can also suppress the accompanying stderr output from the above line:
{ { sleep 2; echo "Sleep done"; } & } 2>/dev/null
If you want to save your program output (stdout) to a log file for later viewing, you can use:
{ { sleep 2; echo "Sleep done"; } & } 2>/dev/null 1>myfile.log
Here's even a generic form you might use (You can even make an alias so that you can run it at any time without having to type so much!):
# dont hesitate to add semicolons for multiple commands
CMD="cp My_Huge_File.txt New_directory"
{ eval $CMD & } 2>/dev/null 1>myfile.log
You might also pipe stdout into another process using | in case you wish to process output in real time with other scripts or software. tee is also a helpful tool in case you wish to use multiple pipes. For reference, there are more examples of I/O redirection here.
You could use command grouping:
{ slow_program; echo ok; } &
or the wait command
slow_program &
echo ok
The most reliable way is to simply have the output from the background process go to a temporary file and then consume the temporary file.
When you have a background process running it can be difficult to capture the output into something useful because multiple jobs will overwrite eachother
For example, if you have two processes which each print out a string with a number "this is my string1" "this is my string2" then it is possible for you to end up with output that looks like this:
"this is mthis is my string2y string1"
instead of:
this is my string1
this is my string2
By using temporary files you guarantee that the output will be correct.
As I mentioned in my comment above, bash already does this kind of notification by default, as far as I know. Here's an example I just made:
$ sleep 5 &
[1] 25301
$ sleep 10 &
[2] 25305
$ sleep 3 &
[3] 25309
$ jobs
[1] Done sleep 5
[2]- Running sleep 10 &
[3]+ Running sleep 3 &
$ :
[3]+ Done sleep 3
$ :
[2]+ Done sleep 10
