Fast algorithm for repeated calculation of percentile? - algorithm

In an algorithm I have to calculate the 75th percentile of a data set whenever I add a value. Right now I am doing this:
Get value x
Insert x in an already sorted array at the back
swap x down until the array is sorted
Read the element at position array[array.size * 3/4]
Point 3 is O(n), and the rest is O(1), but this is still quite slow, especially if the array gets larger. Is there any way to optimize this?
Thanks Nikita! Since I am using C++ this is the solution easiest to implement. Here is the code:
template<class T>
class IterativePercentile {
/// Percentile has to be in range [0, 1(
IterativePercentile(double percentile)
: _percentile(percentile)
{ }
// Adds a number in O(log(n))
void add(const T& x) {
if (_lower.empty() || x <= _lower.front()) {
std::push_heap(_lower.begin(), _lower.end(), std::less<T>());
} else {
std::push_heap(_upper.begin(), _upper.end(), std::greater<T>());
unsigned size_lower = (unsigned)((_lower.size() + _upper.size()) * _percentile) + 1;
if (_lower.size() > size_lower) {
// lower to upper
std::pop_heap(_lower.begin(), _lower.end(), std::less<T>());
std::push_heap(_upper.begin(), _upper.end(), std::greater<T>());
} else if (_lower.size() < size_lower) {
// upper to lower
std::pop_heap(_upper.begin(), _upper.end(), std::greater<T>());
std::push_heap(_lower.begin(), _lower.end(), std::less<T>());
/// Access the percentile in O(1)
const T& get() const {
return _lower.front();
void clear() {
double _percentile;
std::vector<T> _lower;
std::vector<T> _upper;

You can do it with two heaps. Not sure if there's a less 'contrived' solution, but this one provides O(logn) time complexity and heaps are also included in standard libraries of most programming languages.
First heap (heap A) contains smallest 75% elements, another heap (heap B) - the rest (biggest 25%). First one has biggest element on the top, second one - smallest.
Adding element.
See if new element x is <= max(A). If it is, add it to heap A, otherwise - to heap B.
Now, if we added x to heap A and it became too big (holds more than 75% of elements), we need to remove biggest element from A (O(logn)) and add it to heap B (also O(logn)).
Similar if heap B became too big.
Finding "0.75 median"
Just take the largest element from A (or smallest from B). Requires O(logn) or O(1) time, depending on heap implementation.
As Dolphin noted, we need to specify precisely how big each heap should be for every n (if we want precise answer). For example, if size(A) = floor(n * 0.75) and size(B) is the rest, then, for every n > 0, array[array.size * 3/4] = min(B).

A simple Order Statistics Tree is enough for this.
A balanced version of this tree supports O(logn) time insert/delete and access by Rank. So you not only get the 75% percentile, but also the 66% or 50% or whatever you need without having to change your code.
If you access the 75% percentile frequently, but only insert less frequently, you can always cache the 75% percentile element during an insert/delete operation.
Most standard implementations (like Java's TreeMap) are order statistic trees.

If you can do with an approximate answer, you can use a histogram instead of keeping entire values in memory.
For each new value, add it to the appropriate bin.
Calculate percentile 75th by traversing bins and summing counts until 75% of the population size is reached. Percentile value is between bin's (which you stopped at) low bound to high bound.
This will provide O(B) complexity where B is the count of bins, which is range_size/bin_size. (use bin_size appropriate to your user case).
I have implemented this logic in a JVM library: which you can use as a reference.

You can use binary search to do find the correct position in O(log n). However, shifting the array up is still O(n).

If you have a known set of values, following will be very fast:
Create a large array of integers (even bytes will work) with number of elements equal to maximum value of your data.
For example, if the maximum value of t is 100,000 create an array
int[] index = new int[100000]; // 400kb
Now iterate over the entire set of values, as
for each (int t : set_of_values) {
// You can do a try catch on ArrayOutOfBounds just in case :)
Now calculate percentile as
int sum = 0, i = 0;
while (sum < 0.9*set_of_values.length) {
sum += index[i++];
return i;
You can also consider using a TreeMap instead of array, if the values don't confirm to these restrictions.

Here is a javaScript solution . Copy-paste it in browser console and it works . $scores contains the List of scores and , $percentilegives the n-th percentile of the list . So 75th percentile is 76.8 and 99 percentile is 87.9.
function get_percentile($percentile, $array) {
$array = $array.sort();
$index = ($percentile/100) * $array.length;
if (Math.floor($index) === $index) {
$result = ($array[$index-1] + $array[$index])/2;
else {
$result = $array[Math.floor($index)];
return $result;
$scores = [22.3, 32.4, 12.1, 54.6, 76.8, 87.3, 54.6, 45.5, 87.9];
get_percentile(75, $scores);
get_percentile(90, $scores);


Standard Algorithm for subdividing a grid into smaller and smaller parts

I'm running a simulation over a grid of parameters and I'd like to run it for as long as possible, but I don't know yet when the simulation will be terminated (think power cut). So what I'd like to do is specify the min and max values for each parameter and then let the loop pick the next best point on the grid, regularly saving the current result.
So given in 1d space a parameter a from 0 to 1 I'd like the loop to simulate for values 0, 1, 0.5, 0.75, 0.25, 0.875, 0.625, 0.375, 0.125, ... The exact order does not matter too much, as long as the next point always lies in between the previous ones.
So probably I could come up with some piece of code that generates this sequence, but I'm wondering if there are standard formulations for such an algorithm, especially for higher dimensional spaces?
One way to achieve this in one dimension is to maintain a binary tree, where each node keeps track of an interval, and its midpoint.
The left child of a node contains the left half of its interval, and the right child contains the right half.
Performing a breadth-first search in such a tree and keeping track of all the mid points of the traversed nodes, will yield the sequence you are after.
For several dimensions, depending on your needs, you can e.g. keep track of one such tree for each dimension, and generate your parameters in the order you like.
In practice this can be implemented using lazy initialisation and a queue to perform the BFS.
To demonstrate (but in practice, you would do it in a more memory-efficient way), I've added a simple binary tree DFS implementation in JavaScript (since it can be tried in the browser):
class Node {
constructor(min, max) {
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
this.mid = (min + max) / 2;
get left() { return new Node(this.min, this.mid); }
get right() { return new Node(this.mid, this.max); }
function getSequence(start, end, n) {
const res = [start, end];
const queue = [new Node(start, end)];
for (let i=0; i<n; ++i) {
const n = queue.shift();
queue.push(n.right, n.left);
return res;
getSequence(0, 1, 100);

sort huge array with small number of repeating keys

I want to sort a huge array, say 10^8 entries of type X with at most N different keys, where N is ~10^2. Because I don't know the range or spacing of the elements, count sort is not an option. So my best guess so far is to use a hash map for the counts like so
std::unordered_map< X, unsigned > counts;
for (auto x : input)
This works ok-ish and is ~4 times faster than 3-way quicksort, but I'm a nervous person and it's still not fast enough.
I wonder: am I missing something? Can I make better use of the fact that N is known in advance? Or is it possible to tune the hash map to my needs?
EDIT An additional pre-condition is that the input sequence is badly sorted and the frequency of the keys is about the same.
STL implementations are often not perfect in terms of performance (no holy wars, please).
If you know a guaranteed and sensible upper on the number of unique elements (N), then you can trivially implement your own hash table of size 2^s >> N. Here is how I usually do it myself:
int size = 1;
while (size < 3 * N) size <<= 1;
//Note: at least 3X size factor, size = power of two
//count = -1 means empty entry
std::vector<std::pair<X, int>> table(size, make_pair(X(), -1));
auto GetHash = [size](X val) -> int { return std::hash<X>()(val) & (size-1); };
for (auto x : input) {
int cell = GetHash(x);
bool ok = false;
for (; table[cell].second >= 0; cell = (cell + 1) & (size-1)) {
if (table[cell].first == x) { //match found -> stop
ok = true;
if (!ok) { //match not found -> add entry on free place
table[cell].first = x;
table[cell].second = 0;
table[cell].second++; //increment counter
On MSVC2013, it improves time from 0.62 secs to 0.52 secs compared to your code, given that int is used as type X.
Also, we can choose a faster hash function. Note however, that the choice of hash function depends heavily on the properties of the input. Let's take Knuth's multiplicative hash:
auto GetHash = [size](X val) -> int { return (val*2654435761) & (size-1); };
It further improves time to 0.34 secs.
As a conclusion: do you really want to reimplement standard data structures to achieve a 2X speed boost?
Notes: Speedup may be entirely different on another compiler/machine. You may have to do some hacks if your type X is not POD.
Counting sort really would by best, but isnt applicable due to unknown range or spacing.
Seems to be easily parallelized with fork-join, e.g. boost::thread.
You could also try a more efficient, handrolled hashmap. Unorded_map typically uses linked lists to counter potentially bad hash functions. The memory overhead of linked lists may hurt performance if the hashtable doesnt fit into L1 cache. Closed Hashing may use less memory. Some hints for optimizing:
Closed Hashing with linear probing and without support for removal
power of two sized hashtable for bit shifting instead of modulo (division requires multiple cycles and there is only one hardware divider per core)
Low LoadFactor (entries through size) to minimize collisions. Thats a tradeof between memory usage and number of collisions. A LoadFactor over 0.5 should be avoided. A hashtable-size of 256 seems suitable for 100 entries.
cheapo hash function. You havent shown the type of X, so perhaps a cheaper hash function could outweigh more collisions.
I would look to store items in a sorted vector, as about 100 keys, would mean inserting into the vector would only occur 1 in 10^6 entries. Lookup would be processor efficient bsearch in vector

How to find an element in a linked list of blocks (containing n elements) as fast as possible?

My data structure is a linked list of blocks. A block contains 31 elements of 4 byte and one 4 byte pointer to the next block or NULL(in summary 128 bytes per block). I add elements from time to time. If the last block is full, I add another block via pointer.
One objective is to use as less memory (= blocks) as possible and having no free space between two elements in a block.
This setting is fix. All code runs on a 32-bit ARM Cortex-A8 CPU with NEON pipeline.
How to find a specific element in that data structure as quickly as possible?
Approach (right now):
I use sorted blocks and binary search to check for an element (9 bit of the 4 byte are the search criteria). If the desired element is not in the current block I jump to the next block. If the element is not in the last block and the last block is not yet full, I use the result of the binary search to insert the new element (if necessary I make space using memmove within this block). Thus all blocks are always sorted.
Do you have an idea to make that faster?
This is how I search right now: (q->getPosition() is an inline function that just extracts the 9-bit position from the element via "& bitmask")
// binary search algorithm (bsearch)
// from
// p?hl=en#qoCVjtE_vOw/gcc4/trunk/gcc-
// 4.4.3/libiberty/bsearch.c&q=bsearch&sa=N&cd=2&ct=rc
base = &(block->points[0]);
if (block->next == NULL)
pointsInBlock = pointsInLastBlock;
stop = true;
block = block->next;
for (lim = pointsInBlock; lim != 0; lim >>= 1)
q = base + (lim >> 1);
cmp = quantizedPosition - q->getPosition();
if (cmp > 0)
// quantizedPosition > q: move right
base = q + 1;
else if (cmp == 0)
// We found the QuantPoint
*outQuantPoint = q;
return true;
// else move left
while (!stop);
Since the bulk of the time is spent in the within-block search, that needs to be as fast as possible. Since the number of elements is fixed, you can completely unroll that loop, as in:
if (key < a[16]){
if (key < a[8]){
else { // key >= a[8] && key < a[16]
else { // key >= a[16]
if (key < a[24]){
else { // key >= a[24]
Study the generated assembly language and single-step it in a debugger, to make sure the compiler's giving you good code.
You might want to write a little program to print out the above code, as it will be hard to write by hand, or possibly generate it with macros.
ADDED: Just noticed your 9-bit search criterion. In that case, just pre-allocate an array of 512 4-byte words, and index it directly. That's the fastest, and the least code.
ALSO ADDED: If you need to keep your block structure, there's another way to do the unrolled binary search. It's the Jon Bentley method:
i = 0;
if (key >= a[i+16]) i += 16;
if (key >= a[i+ 8]) i += 8;
if (key >= a[i+ 4]) i += 4;
if (key >= a[i+ 2]) i += 2;
if (i < 30 && key >= a[i+ 1]) i += 1; // this excludes 31
if (key == a[i]) // then key is found
That's slower than the if-tree above, because of manipulating i, but could be substantially less code.
Let the number of elements in each block be m and the total number of blocks currently in the list be n. Then the current time complexity of you algorithm is O(n log m).
If you cannot move elements once they are added to a block, then I don't think you can do better in terms of time complexity than what you are already doing. (You could keep track of the maximum and minimum elements in a block, and skip the blocks if the element does not lie in this range. But this is not going to give you much gain. This will also waste space keeping track of the minimum and maximum for each block)
If you can afford to spend time while inserting the element and can move elements from one block to another, then here is a scheme that has time complexity O(log (mn)).
Basically, you keep all elements in sorted order. When a new element has to be inserted, binary search across block boundaries and insert it in its correct location, shifting elements to create space. This will lead to O(nm) time while inserting elements but O(log (mn)) when finding an element.
if this search criterion for an element is fixed, you had better to move the searching into a separate index structure, because the maximal number of elements you distinguish by your search criterion is only 2^9 = 512 indexes, so the maximal size of the search index would be (2 + 4)*512 = 3072, but you could surely use other that static one if you needed, saving some memory. Right now, imagine it as a field of 512 pairs <9-bit index, direct address>, that should be very fast (only one NULL-check and dereference call respectively).
Generally the answer on your question also depend on what other operations you want to perform on your structure and how frequently each of them (including the search ability). If all you want is search(9 bits)->add/modify/read, the your block structure would be useless.
You could write them here and maybe add what language you'r using.
Edit 3:
I just noticed you can't change the blocks' size. But is your search for efficiency reasons only, or do you need the elements of list to be unique (by those 9 bits)?

Interview Question: Find Median From Mega Number Of Integers

There is a file that contains 10G(1000000000) number of integers, please find the Median of these integers. you are given 2G memory to do this. Can anyone come up with an reasonable way? thanks!
Create an array of 8-byte longs that has 2^16 entries. Take your input numbers, shift off the bottom sixteen bits, and create a histogram.
Now you count up in that histogram until you reach the bin that covers the midpoint of the values.
Pass through again, ignoring all numbers that don't have that same set of top bits, and make a histogram of the bottom bits.
Count up through that histogram until you reach the bin that covers the midpoint of the (entire list of) values.
Now you know the median, in O(n) time and O(1) space (in practice, under 1 MB).
Here's some sample Scala code that does this:
def medianFinder(numbers: Iterable[Int]) = {
def midArgMid(a: Array[Long], mid: Long) = {
val cuml = a.scanLeft(0L)(_ + _).drop(1)
cuml.zipWithIndex.dropWhile(_._1 < mid).head
val topHistogram = new Array[Long](65536)
var count = 0L
numbers.foreach(number => {
count += 1
topHistogram(number>>>16) += 1
val (topCount,topIndex) = midArgMid(topHistogram, (count+1)/2)
val botHistogram = new Array[Long](65536)
numbers.foreach(number => {
if ((number>>>16) == topIndex) botHistogram(number & 0xFFFF) += 1
val (botCount,botIndex) =
midArgMid(botHistogram, (count+1)/2 - (topCount-topHistogram(topIndex)))
(topIndex<<16) + botIndex
and here it is working on a small set of input data:
scala> medianFinder(List(1,123,12345,1234567,123456789))
res18: Int = 12345
If you have 64 bit integers stored, you can use the same strategy in 4 passes instead.
You can use the Medians of Medians algorithm.
If the file is in text format, you may be able to fit it in memory just by converting things to integers as you read them in, since an integer stored as characters may take more space than an integer stored as an integer, depending on the size of the integers and the type of text file. EDIT: You edited your original question; I can see now that you can't read them into memory, see below.
If you can't read them into memory, this is what I came up with:
Figure out how many integers you have. You may know this from the start. If not, then it only takes one pass through the file. Let's say this is S.
Use your 2G of memory to find the x largest integers (however many you can fit). You can do one pass through the file, keeping the x largest in a sorted list of some sort, discarding the rest as you go. Now you know the x-th largest integer. You can discard all of these except for the x-th largest, which I'll call x1.
Do another pass through, finding the next x largest integers less than x1, the least of which is x2.
I think you can see where I'm going with this. After a few passes, you will have read in the (S/2)-th largest integer (you'll have to keep track of how many integers you've found), which is your median. If S is even then you'll average the two in the middle.
Make a pass through the file and find count of integers and minimum and maximum integer value.
Take midpoint of min and max, and get count, min and max for values either side of the midpoint - by again reading through the file.
partition count > count => median lies within that partition.
Repeat for the partition, taking into account size of 'partitions to the left' (easy to maintain), and also watching for min = max.
Am sure this'd work for an arbitrary number of partitions as well.
Do an on-disk external mergesort on the file to sort the integers (counting them if that's not already known).
Once the file is sorted, seek to the middle number (odd case), or average the two middle numbers (even case) in the file to get the median.
The amount of memory used is adjustable and unaffected by the number of integers in the original file. One caveat of the external sort is that the intermediate sorting data needs to be written to disk.
Given n = number of integers in the original file:
Running time: O(nlogn)
Memory: O(1), adjustable
Disk: O(n)
Check out Torben's method in here: It also has implementation in C at the bottom of the document.
My best guess that probabilistic median of medians would be the fastest one. Recipe:
Take next set of N integers (N should be big enough, say 1000 or 10000 elements)
Then calculate median of these integers and assign it to variable X_new.
If iteration is not first - calculate median of two medians:
X_global = (X_global + X_new) / 2
When you will see that X_global fluctuates not much - this means that you found approximate median of data.
But there some notes :
question arises - Is median error acceptable or not.
integers must be distributed randomly in a uniform way, for solution to work
I've played a bit with this algorithm, changed a bit idea - in each iteration we should sum X_new with decreasing weight, such as:
X_global = k*X_global + (1.-k)*X_new :
k from [0.5 .. 1.], and increases in each iteration.
Point is to make calculation of median to converge fast to some number in very small amount of iterations. So that very approximate median (with big error) is found between 100000000 array elements in only 252 iterations !!! Check this C experiment:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#define ARRAY_SIZE 100000000
#define RANGE_SIZE 1000
// probabilistic median of medians method
// should print 5000 as data average
// from ARRAY_SIZE of elements
int main (int argc, const char * argv[]) {
int iter = 0;
int X_global = 0;
int X_new = 0;
int i = 0;
float dk = 0.002;
float k = 0.5;
while (i<ARRAY_SIZE && k!=1.) {
for (int j=i; j<i+RANGE_SIZE; j++) {
X_new+=rand()%10000 + 1;
if (iter>0) {
k += dk;
k = (k>1.)? 1.:k;
X_global = k*X_global+(1.-k)*X_new;
else {
X_global = X_new;
printf("iter %d, median = %d \n",iter,X_global);
return 0;
Opps seems i'm talking about mean, not median. If it is so, and you need exactly median, not mean - ignore my post. In any case mean and median are very related concepts.
Good luck.
Here is the algorithm described by #Rex Kerr implemented in Java.
* Computes the median.
* #param arr Array of strings, each element represents a distinct binary number and has the same number of bits (padded with leading zeroes if necessary)
* #return the median (number of rank ceil((m+1)/2) ) of the array as a string
static String computeMedian(String[] arr) {
// rank of the median element
int m = (int) Math.ceil((arr.length+1)/2.0);
String bitMask = "";
int zeroBin = 0;
while (bitMask.length() < arr[0].length()) {
// puts elements which conform to the bitMask into one of two buckets
for (String curr : arr) {
if (curr.startsWith(bitMask))
if (curr.charAt(bitMask.length()) == '0')
// decides in which bucket the median is located
if (zeroBin >= m)
bitMask = bitMask.concat("0");
else {
m -= zeroBin;
bitMask = bitMask.concat("1");
zeroBin = 0;
return bitMask;
Some test cases and updates to the algorithm can be found here.
I was also asked the same question and i couldn't tell an exact answer so after the interview i went through some books on interviews and here is what i found from Cracking The Coding interview book.
Example: Numbers are randomly generated and stored into an (expanding) array. How
wouldyoukeep track of the median?
Our data structure brainstorm might look like the following:
• Linked list? Probably not. Linked lists tend not to do very well with accessing and
sorting numbers.
• Array? Maybe, but you already have an array. Could you somehow keep the elements
sorted? That's probably expensive. Let's hold off on this and return to it if it's needed.
• Binary tree? This is possible, since binary trees do fairly well with ordering. In fact, if the binary search tree is perfectly balanced, the top might be the median. But, be careful—if there's an even number of elements, the median is actually the average
of the middle two elements. The middle two elements can't both be at the top. This is probably a workable algorithm, but let's come back to it.
• Heap? A heap is really good at basic ordering and keeping track of max and mins.
This is actually interesting—if you had two heaps, you could keep track of the bigger
half and the smaller half of the elements. The bigger half is kept in a min heap, such
that the smallest element in the bigger half is at the root.The smaller half is kept in a
max heap, such that the biggest element of the smaller half is at the root. Now, with
these data structures, you have the potential median elements at the roots. If the
heaps are no longer the same size, you can quickly "rebalance" the heaps by popping
an element off the one heap and pushing it onto the other.
Note that the more problems you do, the more developed your instinct on which data
structure to apply will be. You will also develop a more finely tuned instinct as to which of these approaches is the most useful.

Storing a bucket of numbers in an efficient data structure

I have a buckets of numbers e.g. - 1 to 4, 5 to 15, 16 to 21, 22 to 34,....
I have roughly 600,000 such buckets. The range of numbers that fall in each of the bucket varies. I need to store these buckets in a suitable data structure so that the lookups for a number is as fast as possible.
So my question is what is the suitable data structure and a sorting mechanism for this type of problem.
Thanks in advance
If the buckets are contiguous and disjoint, as in your example, you need to store in a vector just the left bound of each bucket (i.e. 1, 5, 16, 22) plus, as the last element, the first number that doesn't fall in any bucket (35). (I assume, of course, that you are talking about integer numbers.)
Keep the vector sorted.
You can search the bucket in O(log n), with kind-of-binary search. To search which bucket does a number x belong to, just go for the only index i such that vector[i] <= x < vector[i+1]. If x is strictly less than vector[0], or if it is greater than or equal to the last element of vector, then no bucket contains it.
EDIT. Here is what I mean:
#include <stdio.h>
// ~ Binary search. Should be O(log n)
int findBucket(int aNumber, int *leftBounds, int left, int right)
int middle;
if(aNumber < leftBounds[left] || leftBounds[right] <= aNumber) // cannot find
return -1;
if(left + 1 == right) // found
return left;
middle = left + (right - left)/2;
if( leftBounds[left] <= aNumber && aNumber < leftBounds[middle] )
return findBucket(aNumber, leftBounds, left, middle);
return findBucket(aNumber, leftBounds, middle, right);
#define NBUCKETS 12
int main(void)
int leftBounds[NBUCKETS+1] = {1, 4, 7, 15, 32, 36, 44, 55, 67, 68, 79, 99, 101};
// The buckets are 1-3, 4-6, 7-14, 15-31, ...
int aNumber;
for(aNumber = -3; aNumber < 103; aNumber++)
int index = findBucket(aNumber, leftBounds, 0, NBUCKETS);
if(index < 0)
printf("%d: Bucket not found\n", aNumber);
printf("%d belongs to the bucket %d-%d\n", aNumber, leftBounds[index], leftBounds[index+1]-1);
return 0;
You will probably want some kind of sorted tree, like a B-Tree, B+ Tree, or Binary Search tree.
If I understand you correctly, you have a list of buckets and you want, given an arbitrary integer, to find out which bucket it goes in.
Assuming that none of the bucket ranges overlap, I think you could implement this in a binary search tree. That would make the lookup possible in O(logn) (whenere n=number of buckets).
It would be simple to do this, just define the left branch to be less than the low end of the bucket, the right branch to be greater than the right end. So in your example we'd end up with a tree something like:
/ \
5-15 22-34
To search for, say, 7, you just check the root. Less than 16? Yes, go left. Less than 5? No. Greater than 15? No, you're done.
You just have to be careful to balance your tree (or use a self balancing tree) in order to keep your worst-case performance down. this is really important if your input (the bucket list) is already sorted.
+1 to the kind-of binary search idea. It's simple and gives good performance for 600000 buckets. That being said, if it's not good enough, you could create an array with MAX BUCKET VALUE - MIN BUCKET VALUE = RANGE elements, and have each element in this array reference the appropriate bucket. Then, you get a lookup in guaranteed constant [O(1)] time, at the cost of using a huge amount of memory.
If A) the probability of accessing buckets is not uniform and B) you knew / could figure out how likely a given set of buckets were to be accessed, you could probably combine these two approaches to create a kind of cache. For example, say bucket {0, 3} were accessed all the time, as was {7, 13}, then you can create an array CACHE. . .
int cache_low_value = 0;
int cache_hi_value = 13;
. . . which will allow you to find a bucket in O(1) time assuming the value you're trying to associate a value with a bucket is between cache_low_value and cache_hi_value (if Y <= cache_hi_value && Y >= cache_low_value; then BUCKET = CACHE[Y]). On the up side, this approach wouldn't use all the memory on your machine; on the downside, it'd add the equivalent of an additional operation or two to your bsearch in the case you can't find your number / bucket pair in the cache (since you had to check the cache in the first place).
A simple way to store and sort these in C++ is to use a pair of sorted arrays that represent the lower and upper bounds on each bucket. Then, you can use int bucket_index= std::distance(lower_bounds.begin(), std::lower_bound(lower_bounds, value)) to find the bucket that the value will match with, and if (upper_bounds[bucket_index]>=value), bucket_index is the bucket you want.
You can replace that with a single struct holding the bucket, but the principle will be the same.
Let me see if I can restate your requirement. It's analogous to having, say, the day of the year, and wanting to know which month a given day falls in? So, given a year with 600,000 days(an interesting planet), you want to return a string that is either "Jan","Feb","Mar"... "Dec"?
Let me focus on the retrieval end first, and I think you can figure out how to arrange the data when initializing the data structures, given what has already been posted above.
Create a data structure...
typedef struct {
int DayOfYear :20; // an bit-int donating some bits for other uses
int MonthSS :4; // subscript to select months
int Unused :8; // can be used to make MonthSS 12 bits
char MonthStr[12] = "Jan","Feb","Mar"... "Dec";
To initialize, use a for{} loop to set BUCKET_LIST.MonthSS to one of the 12 months in MonthStr.
On retrieval, do a binary search on a vector of BUCKET_LIST.DayOfYear (you'll need to write a trivial compare function for BUCKET_LIST.DayOfYear). Your result can be obtained by using the return from bsearch() as the subscript into MonthStr...
pBucket = (BUCKET_LIST *)bsearch( v_bucket_list);
MonthString = MonthStr[pBucket->MonthSS];
The general approach here is to have collections of "pointers" to the strings attached to the 600,000 entries. All of the pointers in a bucket point to the same string. I used a bit int as a subscript here, instead of 600k 4 byte pointers, because it takes less memory (4 bits vs 4 bytes), and BUCKET_LIST sorts and searches as a species of int.
Using this scheme you'll use no more memory or storage than storing a simple int key, get the same performance as a simple int key, and do away with all the range checking on retrieval. IE: no if{ } testing. Save those if{ }s for initializing the BUCKET_LIST data structure, and then forget about them on retrieval.
I refer to this technique as subscript aliasing, as it resolves a many-to-one relationship by converting the subscript of the many to the subscript of the one - very efficiently I might add.
My application was to use an array of many UCHARs to index a much smaller array of double floats. The size reduction was enough to keep all of the hot-spot's data in L1 cache on the processor. 3X performance gain just from this one little change.
