Retieve the document name during Save operation of document based application - cocoa

I have a document based application. I have overridden dataOfType function to save the appliation. However I am unable to retrieve the application name given by user in NSSavePanel while saving. Is there a way I can get the application name. Also which function is invoked after dataOfType is invoked which can be overridden

Why do you want this information? Apples documentation says you shouldn’t try to access the name or file URL in dataOfType: or any of the other saving methods, since this is old information. Also cocoa might request your document object to save itself at some temporary location and not to the real path.
If you really want that information though you’d have to override one of the lower-level save methods. The exact order in which they get called is documented.


Detect specific change during Eloquent Updated event

Using Eloquent Events/Observers, is it possible to detect which properties were updated within an Update event? Or, can you gain access to the previous/new values to do a comparison?
I'm finding the only solution is to manually fire events by detecting the specific field exists in the validated request data, in the controller.
Yes, absolutely. You can use the Model class's existing methods to gain access to various sets of data. The following methods should be helpful for what you want to do.
Get the attributes that were changed. (and saved)
Get the model's original attribute values.
Get the attributes that have been changed since last sync. (but not saved yet)

Suggested way to prohibit certain attributes on create in Spring Data REST?

Spring Data REST has been working exceptionally well for me, but I need to be able to restrict what parameters the user may provide when creating certain resources. For instance, the user should not be able to dictate the ID assigned to the created resource or the activation state of an account, let's say.
My approach to this so far is simply to clear or reset these fields manually in a repository #HandleBeforeCreate event handler. Is there another, more clever option for restricting the accepted POST data for a resource?
Additionally, there are cases where a CRUD call needs to specify additional, contextual attributes that are not explicitly part of the target resource but may be used in the process of creating the resource. What is the appropriate way to handle this case?
You can define a custom validator by implementing org.springframework.validation.Validator and override validate(Object object, Errors errors) and validate the input fields and then populate or make necessary changes to the fields as required to the input request object.
You can refer here for more details and also here for an example.

I don't understand [Bind(Exclude="ID")] in MVC

I'm really confused by this... still.
I asked a similar question to this a while before, but i'll ask it even simpler now.
I see this in a lot of samples and tutorials. How could you put [Bind(Exclude="ID")] on an entire Model, and expect to do Edits on the model? If you get pack all the properties of a model on a POST but not the ID, then how do you know which ID to edit?
Even if i'm using ViewModels... i'm probably creating them without IDs. So in that case... also... how do I know which ID was updated on an Edit?
Yes, i understand that there is a "security" element to this. People can hijack the ID... so we need to keep people from updating the value during a POST. But... what is the correct way to handle edits then? What's common practice?
I feel like i'm missing something VERY trivial.
In MVC requests are processed by the model binder when the client makes a request. If you include models on your controllers then, as far as I'm aware, you actually have to specify the model you wish to bind to by prefixing your arguments with the model name (unless you only have one argument which is the model)
Now, in some cases you might want to exclude certain properties from being bound to because they pose a security risk, which you seem to be happy with as a concept. We will exclude ID on the model, preventing any client request from posting this value in plain text.
Now why might we exclude an entire model? Well not all controller arguments are pre-processed by a model binder. RedirectToAction for example does not pass through the model binder, so it is conceivable in this instance for you to create a new model in a POST controller action, and redirect to a GET controller action, passing along a sanitised model. That model cannot be populated by the client, but we are free to populate it ourselves on the server side.
The only time I bind to a model is when I have a view model and an associated editor for that model. This makes it really easy to inject a common editor into a page and to encapsulate those properties. If you have to exclude certain properties from being bound to I would argue that you are doing it wrong.
Following your comments I think I can see why you might be confused. The model bind excluder prevents the client from ever setting a model property. If you need this property to do your updating then you simply can't exclude it. What this does mean then is that the user could potentially post back any ID. In this case you should check that the user has permission to be modifying any objects or database records associated with this ID before serving the requested update. Validating the arguments is a manual process. You can use data annotations for validating inputs, but this isn't likely to help very much with access permissions. It's something you should be checking for manually at some stage.
You know the ID because it's passed to you through the page address. So:
Will populate your ID parameter with 20. If it's used in a POST (ie, the information is filled in), just manually fill in the ID field and pass it to the database controller in whatever manner you have devised.
This is also immune to (trivial) hijacks because if they were to write some other ID besides 20, they wouldn't be updating the user with ID 20 now would they? :)

How to parse the contents of a foreign file created with NSKeyedArchiver

I need to be able to compare two versions of a plist file created with NSKeyedArchiver. In particular, it's the "elements" file created in Xcode for a .xcdatamodeld file.
Since I have not created this file myself I can not recreate its object model. Instead, I need to understand which classes and keyed properties the archive contains.
Ideally, I want to create a tree containing strings representing the names of classes along with their property names and values. I assume that all this information is stored in the archive, so it should be possible to generically parse this archive, right?
I've read about NSKeyedUnarchiver and its delegate. I've only gotten as as as this:
Unarchive the file data:
NSKeyedUnarchiver *unarchiver = [[NSKeyedUnarchiver alloc] initForReadingWithData:data];
unarchiver.delegate = self;
id graph = [unarchiver decodeObjectForKey:#"root"];
Here's the delegate method that gets called when an unknown class is requested. I return a proxy class here in which I hope to collect its values:
- (Class)unarchiver:(NSKeyedUnarchiver *)unarchiver cannotDecodeObjectOfClassName:(NSString *)name originalClasses:(NSArray *)classNames
NSLog(#"wants: %#", name);
return [ObjProxy class];
The proxy class implements
- (id)initWithCoder:(NSCoder *)aDecoder
in which I do not know how to proceed, not knowing the actual properties of the classes. NSCoder doesn't seem to provide any function to learn of the available keys. Is there a trick to get to them, maybe by overriding some of the lower level objc methods?
So far, with this little code shown above, when parsing the "elements" file, I only get the request for one class, "XDPMModel", and then it's done.
Any ideas how to get this working, i.e. traverse the tree deeper?
You can use PlistExplorer, it's a Cocoa Tool to inspect files written by NSKeyedArchiver.
I've done exactly this before, to decode objects stored in the preferences file for Panic's Coda. What I did was to use class-dump on the app (in your case Xcode and its related frameworks), which allows you to see the properties of the real objects, and use these to create proxy objects that match those properties. You can then use NSKeyedUnarchiver successfully and query the proxy objects for their values.
It's a fairly laborious process but it works perfectly. In my case I was working with a user defaults plist so I only had to define a couple of these proxy classes for the objects I was interested in, but I would imagine that you'll have to define quite a few for Xcode.
I'd also be very interested to know if there's a way to do this without having to go the class-dump route (possibly, as you say, via some of the lower-level Objective-C functions) because it would greatly simplify this type of reverse engineering.

Cocoa Application Framework with Packages

Ok, I am creating a document-based application in Cocoa and the document's file type is actually a package. Within that package is an XML settings file, a SQLite database and a zip file which is downloaded at runtime. Now the only thing that changes, really, is the XML settings file as the other ones can be recreated at run-time.
Each one of these packages will have one and only one window, hence my desire to use document-based. These files can also be copied, renamed, moved, etc. just like any other file that is part of such an architecture.
But I am completely lost as how to implement this in the Documentation Framework! It seems everywhere I look in the docs it's always talking about in-memory representations of the files which you then write out using the path presented to you in one of the NSDocument overrides (since Cocoa may move it, etc.) But again, I'm using a SQLite database that sits on disk, not in memory.
I have looked all over for overridable methods that would still give me things like dirty-state checking of the doc, open and save file dialog support and the like, but I can't seem to find anything that just says 'Here's a file URL... Open it as you see fit' althought I did get close at the application's delegate level, at least for the opening.
So let's assume that's working as expected. How do I implement the save/save-as where I want to control everything that is written to disk or not? I don't want to (not can I) mess around with data structures or the like. I just want to be given a psth that the user selects in the 'Save As' dialog (for new) and be able to write what I need to there. Simple. But again, the 50+ page document from about Document-based architecture tells me where to overload a lot of things, but every one seems to stem from some in-memory representation of the document, which again, is not what my package is. Technically, only the internal XML file is what would be tied to the document. Everything else is just support for it.
So? Anyone? Takers?
I can't seem to find anything that just says 'Here's a file URL... Open it as you see fit'
Implement the readFromURL:ofType:error: method in your document class. Alternatively, since your document type is a package type, implement the readFromFileWrapper:ofType:error: method.
You don't have to read the data into memory; you can do whatever you want in whichever method you implement, including opening the database.
How do I implement the save/save-as where I want to control everything that is written to disk or not?
Implement the writeToURL:ofType:error: method or the fileWrapperOfType:error: method.
If you had or could easily create data in memory, you would implement the readFromData:ofType:error: and dataOfType:error: methods. The URL-based and file-wrapper-based methods are for cases where data in memory is not an option. And the primary use of file wrappers is for package types like yours.
Actually, I found it. It's not the 'writeTo' methods, but rather the 'saveTo' methods you want to override. When I did that, the saving code worked as I expected, including automatic save panel support. For clarity, this is the one I chose...
and it works like a champ! Not too confusing now, was it! Sheesh!!!
That was of course the very first thing that I tried, but if you read the developer documentation--specifically the Cocoa Document-Based Architecture--here's what it says about those very methods...
During writing, your document may be asked to write its contents to a different location or using a different file type. Again, your overridden method should be able to determine everything it needs to do the writing from the passed-in parameters.
If your override cannot determine all of the information it needs from the passed-in parameters, consider overriding another method. For example, if you see the need to invoke fileURL from within an override of readFromData:ofType:error:, perhaps you should instead override readFromURL:ofType:error:. For another example, if you see the need to invoke fileURL from within an override of writeToURL:ofType:error:, perhaps you should instead override writeToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:originalContentsURL:error:.
In other words, it seems to say that you can't assume the URL that is passed to you is the actual place on disk where the 'something' is eventually written to, which wreaks havoc when dealing with database files that are opened by URL. Maybe I'm missing something.
But ok... forget I read that and simply even try to just override those methods. I do and return TRUE for each, (I log the URL so I can see what is being passed in), I get this error on 'Save As' after you have chosen a filename...
2009-10-28 14:31:51.548 XPanel[1001:a0f] dataOfType:error: is a subclass responsibility but has not been overridden.
...but when you look at the documentation for that it says the default implementation throws an exception because you must override one of the other implementations above... which I obviously just did! Plus, again, this can't be represented as simple data!
So grasping at straws here, I overrode that one too and just returned nil, since again, you can't represent what I'm doing with a NSData object. Then I get a 'Can't be saved' message.
WTF?! Why is it calling that thing anyway??!!
...and that's when I gave up and posted this here.
Now if YOU can give me a simple example that perhaps doesn't even actually read or write a file but instead just logs the URL, that would be perfect. Not to useful but still, it should work... I just can't seem to implement get it to.
