IIS performance improvements - performance

What can be done to improve performance in IIS? When I deploy my webapplication to my local IIS machine it goes much slower than when I run the solution in visual studio without debugging. The difference is remarkable, like double as fast.

Some things I can think of -
Check your processor usage and memory usage - this can be extremely important.
check if Gzip compression is enabled - enabling this on an already overloaded CPU can further degrade performance. However over network this will save you bandwidth, so its a good option to enable when processor is not overloaded
Is this on the same machine or different machines? If your build machine is less capable than your development machine (which is sometimes the case) that could add to the problem
Also have you considered the initial compile time for the websites? At least the first page load in local IIS will be somewhat slower because of the initial compilation that takes place on request of the page. In Visual studio, you will see this separately as a build step and this could also create an illusion of VS dev server being faster than IIS.


Timeout Issues with SQL Server 2014 Express and Entity Framework

I've recently had my laptop replaced and I've had to install Visual Studio 2015 and SQL Server 2014 Express with Management Studio.
My previous environment was Visual Studio 2015 with SQL Server 2008 R2 Express with Management Studio.
I restored the 2008 R2 databases into SQL Server 2014 Express, same database names, logins etc.
Now when I run any of my ASP.NET MVC 5 applications (using Entity Framework 6) on my laptop using Visual Studio, I'm getting sporadic timeout errors. Please see below.
Occasionally the application database calls will perform as expected, but mostly they are either very slow or timeout.
I'm finding it difficult to understand why this is as on my previous laptop using SQL Server 2008 R2 Express I never had any of these issues.
Also, these applications are on a live web server and being used by 1000s of users each day without any of these problems. This makes me think there is something possibly wrong with the installation of SQL Server 2014 Express on my laptop.
I have seen others comment on extending the Command Timeout on my DbContext
public class MyDatabase : DbContext
public MyDatabase ()
: base(ContextHelper.CreateConnection("Connection string"), true)
((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.CommandTimeout = 180;
But I don't see this as a solution, as I didn't need this with my previous laptop/ environment and the current live applications also don't need it.
I'm stumped here and would really appreciate any help or guidance.
Thanks to the suggestions from Steve Py I decided to check the memory performance from my new laptop when running Visual Studio 2015 and SQL Server Express 2104 concurrently. I've included a screen shot below which shows that 90% of the available memory is used (3.5G out of 3.9G). I'm far from an expert in tuning up a device for software development, however, this seems it may be a reason as to why when I run my applications locally that they are timing out.
Is there anyone on Stackoverflow who ca inform me if this looks like the possible problem?
Firstly I'd look at hooking up a profiler to capture the queries coming from EF. For SQL Server you can use ExpressProfiler. This will give you the actual SQL EF is trying to run, the # of row reads, writes, and execution time. Copy the SQL queries and paste them into a new query window on the DB and execute them, plus have a look at the execution plan. Does the execution time correlate with EF? (change parameters and re-run in SQL to ensure you aren't getting cached results)
Other factors are the hardware on the two laptops. You'd hope that the new laptop would have more grunt than the old one, more cores, better cores, more RAM, but how do they compare? How much memory is free when nothing is running? What kind of HDD was in the two machines? For instance dropping from an i7 with an SSD down to an i3 with 5400rpm HDD, and half the RAM will be extremely noticeable, even if the clock speed is higher.
When it comes to databases there are a number of factors that can impact performance, even when backing up and restoring. For instance the Isolation Level and recovery model settings for the database can play a part, especially for larger databases. I'd also look at server settings such as how much RAM the database server is allocated to be able to use. Feel free to paste some results from the profiler for slow queries.
Edit: Based on the screenshot of the resource use, my guess is your new laptop is potentially underpowered. 4GB of RAM is bare-bones with Windows 10 especially to be running Visual Studio and SQL Server, even for just a development use database. The history graph for CPU and disk also show heavy activity. If that's all you've got to work with then the next step would be to look at what is using the memory. SQL Server by default will attempt to use whatever is available, and it can be quite greedy, but it's generally a good idea to set boundaries on the server. From SQL Management you can bring up the properties of the server and select "Memory" to set a minimum and maximum memory size. For 4GB I'd set the minimum to 500MB and the max to 2000MB. For processors you can use "Boost SQL Server Priority"
Next, on the database side of things look into the file and recovery options. What is the size of the database MDF file, and transaction log? (LDF file) From the database properties window under "General" you should see the "Size" which is the MDF size. For the LDF you will probably need to check on the file system. A large LDF can be bad for performance and indicate your database should be backed up and the log compressed/truncated. Lof files default to grow by percent so they can grow fast and churn the disk. In the "Options" tab you cna check the "Recovery Model" and set that to "Simple" for a dev database to significantly cut on log file churn/growth. Production databases will use "Full".
For development purposes it helps to have a bit more grunt from a laptop. While things like "ultra books" look like good options and are nice and lightweight, they rarely have the grunt and resources needed for a dev environment. (plus generally poor keyboards and displays to boot! :) ) There is also a significant gap in price between ultra books and workstation replacement laptops. What I've found fit in that gap and serve as exceptional development PC replacements are gaming laptops. They are tuned for performance and usually come with 8GB minimum with expansion available. They also happen to come with exceptional keyboards and displays. They're typically a fair bit cheaper than workstation replacements that seem to price in a premium. I use an MSI GE65 series which came with 16GB, SSD+HDD, a great keyboard, and was over $1000 cheaper than the closest "workstation" laptop. It does draw a couple stares coming into a client site with a gaming laptop with it's LED keyboard and lid badge, not a single game on it though! :)

MSBuild performance problems after server migration

We are running TeamCity with 20-ish .Net build configurations. All of them uses MSBuild 4.0. We recently moved one of our build agents from a machine running Windows Server 2008 to a new physical server running Windows Server 2012, and after this migration all the builds are taking almost twice as long time to finish, compared to on the old server! The new server is more powerful than the old server, both in terms of CPU, RAM and Disk. We have been running benchmarks on both servers, all of them confirming that the new server should be more capable than the old one.
According to the build logs it seems that all the stages of the build is slower, so it's not just one of the build steps that are slower.
First thing we did was to check the CPU utilization during builds, and it is suspiciously low! Only 3-6% CPU usage on some of the cores. RAM usage was also very low. Could it be some config for the build agent that is slowing down the builds, and that we have overlooked?
Note: The new server is running as a virtual machine. At first we thought that was the reason, but then that should have been reflected on the benchmarks? This is the only virtual machine running on this physical server, and it has almost all HW resources dedicated. Would be interesting to hear if any of you have had similar bad experience with running the build server on a virtual machine. We have also tried booting "natively" from the VHD image, without any difference in the build times.
I know this could be a very tricky one to debug for "external" people, but I was hoping that someone could maybe give some good suggestion on where to look for the issue, as we are kind of stuck right now.
Edit: Tried activating the Performance Monitor tool in TeamCity, and it shows that both CPU, RAM and Disk usage is comfortably running at <10% (Disk access peaked at 35% a couple of times during the build)

IIS Web App performance issues....MVC3

I have an MVC3 C#.Net web app. It is running on IIS 7 on Windows Server 2008 R2. We are noticing significant performance issues when initially loading a page. We are using nHibernate and have found that performance to be slow in some instances. But all pages, even simple ones, behavinging similarly. I'm not really an IIS stud so.....
Am I missing something in IIS....a setting or action that I can tweak to improve performnce?
I had a similar issue running a site on a shared host that only allocated 100MB RAM to an application pool. When you exceeded that IIS was set to recycle it. The app generally ran at about 120MB so was constantly recycling. Each page was loading painfully slow as the whole thing started up again. Increasing the RAM available to the app pool fixed it.
Another thing that I'd try would be to set up SQL profiler and watch the queries being sent to the db. You can configure it to report the duration column in a smaller increment than the default (microseconds perhaps?) which makes the painful ones stand out. You can then pick up ones that are suspect, run them through query analyser with "display execution plan" switched on and examine the subtree costs. Perhaps NHibernate is generating nasty queries or perhaps too many?

How to improve GWT hosted mode / compilation times?

At work we are using some pretty powerful machines: HP Z600 with dual xeon #2.5GHz, 8-16GB ram. Unfortunately due to ill-fitting company policies we are forced to use 32-bit XP, so I made a PAE ramdrive out of the unused 4GB RAM.
Now, the temporary files are on the ramdrive. I've also tried moving the whole project to the ramdrive, then to an SSD, but there was no noticeable improvement in hosted-mode startup or compilation times.
I've then run SysInternals' Process Monitor to see if there are any bottlenecks that are not visible with task manager / hard-disk activity led, but I have not seen anything notable - except some buffer overflows which I don't understand what they mean.
I can assume that performance for OOMPH startup and GWT compilation are tied so I'm using the compilation times as benchmarking between various changes.
I've activated and deactivated hyper-threading and turbo-boost in BIOS, but again saw no differences. Hyperthreading even seems to make everything slower, I can assume that context switching penalty is higher for 16 cores than for 8 cores. Turbo-boost does not seem to do anything, I can assume it only works under Win7, I have not succeeded in activating the driver. It should boost the core from 2.5Ghz to 2.8Ghz.
Deactivated indexing and timestamping on NTFS drives, changed the performance setting from foreground to background and back, used another instance of Eclipse - no changes.
For compilation I've tried specifying a different number of workers, larger memory and some other options. Everything above two workers increases compilation time.
Older HP machines (XW6600) seem to compile a bit faster, perhaps because of the 2.8GHz clock, but their hosted mode seems to start up slower.
To sum up, memory usage is at about 2.6GB, pagefile usage is zero, harddrive is not signaling much activity, CPU activity is <10% (single core at about 50-70%) but still the computer seems to do nothing for some time while compiling or launching OOMPH GWT.
Ok, so now that I've tried everything I knew and found on the Internet, is there anything else that I can try? Will switching to 64-bit Win7 improve much (this is due next year anyway)? Are there any hardware/software options that I can tweak?
L.E.: also ran RATT (tracer from MS) to see if there are any interrupts taking too long, but everything seems in order. Antivirus does not make a difference. Benchmarked another GWT project against my i7 mobile (2630q) and the i7 is about 70% faster, though it has about the same clock.
In most cases I've encountered the reason for slow compilation/hosted mode refresh is that application is written this way.
For compilation there are few things to watch out for:
Don't keep unused classes and modules in your classpath, remove them if possible because GWT is parsing them anyway at precompile stage
whatch out for GWT-RPC type explosion, this is usually a cause of all problems
Be really carefull with interface ContextWithLokup, always try to minimize the number of methods used in interface which extends ContextWithLookup
Try to check out some other compilation options, like distributed compilation , soft permutations or multi-jvm compilation (run compiler with system property -Dgwt.jjs.permutationWorkerFactory=com.google.gwt.dev.ExternalPermutationWorkerFactory and -localWorkers to specify number of JVMs)
For hosted mode:
Use lazy loading where it is possible. The greatest problem with hosted mode i saw, i that application is trying to initialize too many classes which aren't even used on current screen, this can greatly speedup a hosted mode startup. Again, stuff like RPC type explosion affects hosted mode as well
That's all I can advise. Stuff like ram disk can speed up stuff like -compileReport, since it can generate a huge number of files.

Significant Performance Decrease when moving from Windows Server 2003 to 2008 (IIS 6 to IIS 7)

Our ASP.Net 2.0 web app was running happily along on Windows Server 2003. We were starting to see some of the limits of the environment approaching, such as memory and CPU usage spikes, and as we're getting ready to scale we decided it was time for a larger server with higher availability.
We decided to move to Windows Server 2008 to take advantage of IIS 7's shared configuration. In our development and integration environments, we reproduced the OS and app in 2008/IIS 7 and everything seemed fine. But truth be told, don't have a good way of simulating production-like loads as of yet, nor can we reproduce our prod environment accurately (we're small with limited resources). So once we rolled out to production, we were surprised to find performance significantly worse on 2008 than it was on 2003.
We've also moved from a 32-bit environment to 64-bit in the process, and we've also incorporated ASP.Net 3.5 dll's into the project.
Memory usage is through the roof, but I'm not as worried about that. We believe in part this is because of the overhead with Server 2008's memory, so throwing more RAM at it may solve that issue. The troubling thing is we're seeing processor spikes to 99% CPU Utilization, which we've never seen before in the 2003/IIS 6 environment.
Has anyone encountered these issues before and are there any suggestions for a solution/places to look? Right now we're doing the following:
1) Buying time by adding memory.
2) Buying time by setting app pool limits: shut down w3wp.exe when CPU hits 99% load. Since you don't have the option to recycle the app pools, I have a scheduled task running that recycles any stopped app pools.
3) Profiling the app pools under Classic and Integrated modes to see which may perform better.
Any other ideas are completely welcome.
Our experiance is that code runs much faster on a 64bit windows 2008 than on a 32bit windows 2003 server.
I am wondering if something else is also running on the machine. For example is SQL Server installed with a maintainence plan that could cause the CPU spike.
I would check the following:
Which process is using the CPU?
Is there a change in the code? Try installing the new code on the old machine
Is it something to do with the compile options? Is the CPU usage a recompile?
Are there any errors in the event log?
In our cases, since we have 4 processors, we then increased the "number of worker process to 4" currently working well so far as compare before.
here a snapshot:
You can use the application pool "Recycle" option in IIS7+ to configure physical and virtual memory limits for application pools. Once these are reached the process will recycle and the resources will be released. Unfortunately the option to recycle based on CUP usage has been removed from IIS7+ (some one correct me if I'm wrong). If you have other apps on the server and want to avoid them competing for resources when this condition happens you can implement Windows System Resources Manager and it's IIS policy (here is a good tutorial http://learn.iis.net/page.aspx/449/using-wsrm-to-manage-iis-70-apppool-cpu-utilization/)
Note SRWM is only available on Enterprise and Data Center editions.
