Integrating Apache HTTP with Tomcat, possible to output combination in one page? - mod-rewrite

I am planning to integrate Apache httpd server with Tomcat using the proxy module to forward certain addresses to be processed by Tomcat. However I wanted to ask if it is possible to combine the output from Tomcat with content from apache httpd so that they are returned to the client as part of one html page? (no frames or funny business)

When you configure Apache mod_proxy as a reverse proxy then you will get exactly what you are asking for.
From the definition of reverse proxy
The client makes ordinary requests for
content in the name-space of the
reverse proxy. The reverse proxy then
decides where to send those requests,
and returns the content as if it was
itself the origin.
So the requests meant for dynamic content from Tomcat (based on the URL pattern) will be fetched via Apache and returned to the browser. For the end user, it's completely transparent. No frames or funny business :)
Related Reading:


How to use forward proxy for HTTPS?

I have a use case where I have to put a middle server or relay or tunnel to do network communication with the following points:
I have a web server running, let say when I hit an API /request hosted my web server, it creates a post request to and gives me a response through the endpoint.
I want a middle server (proxy etc.) which I will call while creating this post request instead of communicating through my webserver,
the call goes to the middle server and gives me the same response as I was getting directly.
For this, the SQUID proxy worked for me.
I came across NGINX, but we can not use NGINX as a forward proxy, also there are some observations that might be useful with this regard.
SQUID proxy also uses the conf file as similar to NGINX,
HTTPS traffic is encrypted, the proxy server need to do some more work to get something with Https requests,
For intercepting, and creating ACL rules, someone will need to have a dummy certificate to be used by the server to act as the owner of the requested content through the proxy,
a list of rules can be incorporated within SQUID.conf to achieve the filtering.
I hope this could be useful to achieve something like this.

If request sent through jmeter, in glassfish clustering requests are not segregating to different servers

For the application server set as clustering in glass fish. I have sent request through jmeter and all the requests hits to only one server . Expected was requests should be distributed to multiple servers in the cluster. But if sent requests manually clustering is working. Please help to sort out this issue
There could be different clustering load balancing mechanisms, as far as I can see from the GlassFish Server High Availability Administration Guide:
Cookie Method
The Loadbalancer Plug-In uses a separate cookie to record the route information. The HTTP client (typically, the web browser) must support cookies to use the cookie based method. If the HTTP client is unable to accept cookies, the plug-in uses the following method.
Explicit URL Rewriting
The sticky information is appended to the URL. This method works even if the HTTP client does not support cookies. To implement explicit URL rewriting, the application developer must use HttpResponse.encodeURL() and encodeRedirectURL() calls to ensure that any URLs in the application have the session information appended to them.
So depending on your Load Balancer configuration you need to
Either define either different cookies in the HTTP Cookie Manager
Or make sure different threads send requests to different URLs i.e. via HTTP URL Re-writing Modifier
In any case it is recommended to add DNS Cache Manager so each virtual user would resolve the underlying IP address of the application under test on its own.

URL Rewrite for Forwarding Proxy for HTTPS

Is it possible to create forwarding HTTPS Proxy (not reverse proxy) that would be able to:
block some urls based on the url regexp (ads, flash, movies, ...)
cache images based on the url regexp
It seems to me that in the usual case it is impossible because the HTTPS stream is encrypted and there's no way to process or alter it.
But, this case is special, it is a proxy for the web crawler, I don't need HTTPS at all, but some sites allow access via HTTPS only, and I have to somehow support it.
So, maybe it would be possible to do something like that?
Crawler --http--> Proxy --https--> Site
So, the proxy would be able to decode HTTPS stream and post-process it. Would it work? Is there any docs or details about such approach?
Pretty sure Apache 2.2 provides this functionality with mod_proxy in conjunction with mod_ssl and mod_cache.
Note: blocking is done using the 'ProxyBlock' directive in mod_proxy.

HTTP GET requests work but POST requests do not

Our Spring application is running on several different servers. For one of those servers POST requests do not seem to be working. All site functionality that uses GET requests works completely fine; however, as soon as I hit something that uses a POST request (ex. form submit) the site just hangs permanently. The server won't give any response. We can see the requests in Tomcat Manager but they don't time out.
Has anyone ever seen this?
We have found the problem. Our DBA accidentally deleted the MySQL database files on that particular server (/sigh). In our Spring application we use GET requests for record retrieval and the records we were trying to retrieve must have been cached by MySQL. This made it seem as if GET requests were working. When trying to add new data to the database, which we use POST requests to do, Tomcat would wait for a response, which never came, from MySQL.
In my experience if you're getting a timeout error it's almost always due to not having correct ports open for your application. For example, go into your virtual machine's rules and insure port 8080, 8443 or 80, 443 are open for http and https traffic.
In google cloud platform: its under VPC networking -> firewall rules. Azure and AWS are similar.

IIS cache with PURGE support

On Unix, I normally deploy nginx in front of Varnish in front of my application server. Both nginx and Varnish are acting as reverse proxies here. Varnish maintains a cache and supports things like If-Modified-Since, Cache-Control response headers and PURGE requests from the application. nginx is good at receiving a lot of connections. I also use it to serve some static content, enable gzip compression etc.
On Windows, I can manage with Squid in front of IIS. I'm planning to deploy my (Python) application as an ISAPI wildcard filter (using the isapi-wsgi package), so the application will live in a thread pool managed by IIS.
However, Squid development on Windows appears to have stalled, and I'd prefer to keep IIS on port 80, so that I can serve certain things directly from disk. I also suspect IIS is more resilient in handling lots of connections than Squid on Windows.
What do people normally use here? One option would be to use another free-standing caching proxy in front of IIS. Another option may be something installed as an ISAPI filter, which would intercept requests and respond to things like If-Modified-Since, requets for images and other cached resources, and PURGE requests from the application.
Does such a thing exist? Or are the only real choices Squid and MS ISA (too expensive).
IIS7 with Application Request Routing (see supports full proxy caching on the same box or with the cache server in front of your middle tier.
Once ARR is installed, to enable proxy caching from the command line run the following:
%windir%\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/diskCache /+"[path='C:\MyCacheFolder',maxUsage='0']" /commit:apphost
To vary caching based on query string, execute the following:
%windir%\System32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/proxy /cache.queryStringHandling:"Accept" /commit:apphost
See the documentation link above for more details. Notice that static and dynamic content can have different caching strategies, etc. If you pursue using this, follow up with specific questions--it can be a bit of a trick lining everything up if you're looking for fine-grained control.
