Adding results from two 'Count' modules in Yahoo Pipes - yahoo-pipes

How to add (sum up) results from two 'count' modules in Yahoo pipes ?
Suppose one 'count' module displays 4 and other one displays 5, now how can I add these results 4+5

Connect the first count to the input of a Simple Math and the second count to the value of the same Simple Math.
If you need three counts, then just use another Simple Math with the result of the first Simple Math as the input, and the third count as the value. Repeat to infinity (and beyond).


Create a Dynamic Array formula (Excel) to combine multiple results columns into one column that is filtered & sorted using multiple criteria?

The sample data in the image below is collected from a round robin tournament.
There is a Round column,Home team & Away team columns listing who is playing who. A team could be either Home or Away.
For each match in a round (including any "Bye" match) the number of games won for the Home and Away team are recorded in separate columns respectively.
"Ff" = forfeit and has a value of 0. "Bye" result is left blank (at this stage).
Output columns are "Won, Lost, Round".
Required output (shown in the image) is, for any selected team, the top n most-games-won matches (from both Home & Away) sorted in descending order and then the corresponding games lost but sorted in ascending order where the games won are equal. Finally show the rounds where those scores occurred.
These are the challenges I've faced in going from data to output in one step using dynamic array formula:
Collating/Combining the the Win results into 1 column. Likewise the Losses.
Getting the array to ignore blanks or convert "Ff" to 0 without getting #NUM or #VALUE errors.
Ensuring that if I used separate single column arrays the corresponding Loss and Round matched the Win result
Although "Round, Won, Lost" would be acceptable. But I wasn't able to get the Dynamic Array capability to give the required output with this order.
SUMPRODUCT, INDEX(MATCH), SORT(FILTER) functions all hint at a possible one step formula solution.
The solutions are numerous for sorting & filtering where the existing values are already in one column. There was one solution that dealt with 2 columns of values which was somewhat useful How to get the highest values from 2 columns in excel - Stackoverflow 2013
Many other responses are around the use of concatenation, combining/merging array sets, aggregation etc.
My work around solution is to use a Helper Sheet to combine the Wins from the separate results columns and convert blanks & "Ff" to -1. Likewise for Losses. Using the formula for each line
Example Helper Sheet
To get the final output the Dynamic Array formula was used on the Helper Sheet data
I'm trying to avoid using pivottable, VBA solutions. Powerquery possible but not preferred.
Apologies for the screenshots but I couldn't work out how to attach the sample spreadsheet file. (Unfortunately Stackoverflow Help didn't help me to/not to do this.)
Based on the comments I changed my answer with a different approach:
Old answer:
In your example you selected round 3 for the third result, but that wasn't won, so I guess that was by mistake.
As you can see making use of LET avoids helpers. Let allows you to create names (helpers) that are stored and because you can name them, you can make complex formulas be more readable.
Basically what it does is filter the columns Home, Away and Round (in that order) for either Home or Away equal the team in cell L2. That's sorted column 1 descending and column 2 ascending. Than the number of rows mentioned in cell J3 are displayed from that sorted array.
Here is my solution based on the excellent contribution by #P.b. Thank you much appreciated.
The wins (likewise losses) required mapping the presence, of the team in question, as hT (home team) to the games it won (hG) and adding to that a 2nd mapping of the games it won (aG) when it was the away team (aT). Essentially what was being done on the Helper Sheet. Result was a 1 column array for game wins and a 1 column array for game losses.
In the process I was able to convert the "Ff" text to 0. I attempted without the conversion and it threw an error.
Instead of CHOOSECOLS used HSTACK to create the new array (wins, losses & round) for the FILTER, SORT, TAKE to work on.
If it could be made conciser(?) that is the next challenge. Overall (not just my solution), this exercise has provided greater flexibility and solved the problems stated. I'm happy!
LAMBDA(w,t,IF(w="Ff",0,w)*IF(t=TRUE,1,0))) +
LAMBDA(w,t,IF(w="Ff",0,w)*IF(t=TRUE,1,0))) +

Adding items in a list randomly 100 times in Python

Hey all I just started learning about programming and this is problem I need to solve but I just can't get it:
Get your computer to produce its 100 first utterances. These utterances are sequences of 1, 2, 3,
or 4 random syllables sampled from the list:
You have to write a program that prints 100 random utterances of this type. For each utterances you have to select a random length (of 1, 2,3 or 4 syllables) for each utterance, plus randomly sample the chosen number of syllables from the set above.
So there's no point just giving you code, or you won't learn anything, but here are some ingredients:
You'll want a for loop that runs 100 times to give 100 utterances.
Inside that loop, you need a random number from 1 to 4 (for the number of syllables). You could import the random module and use randint to get the number. Let's say you call this number n_syll. Also, initialize an empty string to hold your word.
Then, still inside the original for loop, you need to make the actual word. Start another for loop that runs n_syll times. On each iteration, randomly select the syllable (see How to randomly select an item from a list?). Concatenate it with the word string.
When you pop outside the inner loop, you should have a random word. Just print it!
This isn't the most elegant way to do it, but it'll get the job done.
If any of these steps are too hard, maybe run through the Codecademy Python tutorial to get familiar with the basics of the language.

Yahtzee 3 of a Kind

Here is my situation, i am currently creating a Yahtzee game using Turbo Pascal Language in Lazarus IDE and i am up to the scoring side of the developement, i have already completed the Lower section of scoring and i have started the Higher section but i need some help writting a procedure to check for a three of a kind, my initial thought was to use an array and load the random numbers for the dice values and then use a loop function to check for 3 equal numbers but i'm not very confident in this area. Could i get some help ? I'm not asking for code, although it would be helpful, just a push in the right direction.
My dice integer value variables are, "Dice1" , "Dice2" , "Dice3" , "Dice4" , "Dice5" , "Dice6"
I think the conceptually simplest approach is to have an array of six counters - one for each possible value - that you initialize to zero and then loop over your dice array and increment the counters with each die's value.
You can then check if any of the counts becomes 3 (or more).
Or sort and then iterate to see if you have 3 same values in a row. The sorted array with dice values is also usable for the other detections like street, Carré (four of a kind), Yathzee etc.

Find Successive words in Article B available from A

There are two articles, A and B, which are very large. Get three or more successive words in A and check if they appear in B, and count how many times they appear. For example, if 'book' 'his' and 'her' appear in A, how many times do they appear in B?
I thought about splitting the entire content of B and then checking all 3 words in A with StringToken, but I am not sure about the algorithm efficiency.
Look into what a Hashtable is, scan your file B for words one by one (you can split if you don't care about memory usage on large files) each word you find into the hashtable (when not found) or increment the number to get of times a word is seen.
Then you just scan. over A, looking for each set of 3 words, with a rolling sliding window. this way you can increase the length of the window later without rewriting anything.
for reference you should really tag homework questions as such.
It is obvious that you need to scan / parse entire content of B once to reach the results. You just cannot avoid doing that. Read it line by line. For every line, search for the given query terms and their counts in the line. Keep adding the counts generated on per line basis to get the final result.
If you want to do such computation many times on content of B for same/different terms, creating an Inverted_index for B would be best way.

Algorithm for grouping RESTful routes

Given a list of URLs known to be somewhat "RESTful", what would be a decent algorithm for grouping them so that URLs mapping to the same "controller/action/view" are likely to be grouped together?
For example, given the following list:
It would group them as follows:
Nothing is known about the order or structure of the URLs ahead of time. In my example, it would be somewhat easy since the IDs are obviously numeric. Ideally, I'd like an algorithm that does a good job even if IDs are non-numeric (as in and
It's really just an effort to say, "Given these URLs, I've grouped them by removing what I think it he 'variable' ID part of the URL."
Aliza has the right idea, you want to look for the 'articulation points' (in REST, basically where a parameter is being passed). Looking only for a single point of change gets tricky
These can be grouped several equally good ways since we have no idea of the URL semantics. This really boils down to the question of this - is this piece of the URL part of the REST descriptor or a parameter. If we know what all the descriptors are, the rest are parameters and we are done.
Give a sufficiently large dataset, we'd want to look at the statistics of all URLs at each depth. e.g., /x/y/z/t/. We would count the number of occurrences in each slot and generate a large joint probability distribution table.
We can now look at the distribution of symbols. A high count in a slot means it's likely a parameter. We would start from the bottom, look for conditional probability events, ie., What is the probability of x being foo, then what is the probability y being something given x, etc. etc. I'd have to think more to determine a systematic way to extracting these, but it seems like a promisign start
split each url to an array of strings with the delimiter being '/'
e.g. will give the array [http:,,foo,1,edit]
if two arrays (urls) share the same value in all indecies except for one, they will be in the same group.
e.g. = [http:,,foo,1,edit] and = [http:,,foo,2,edit]. The arrays match in all indices except for #3 which is 1 in the first array and 2 in the second array. Therefore, the urls belong to the same group.
It is easy to see that urls like and will not belong to the same group according to this algorithm.
