How can I implement Pre- and Post-Commit Hooks in Riak? - client

There is but scant information on the web as to how to actually implement these features of Riak besides this blog post and a few others. Are any client libraries (ripple etc.) capable of receiving messages via the hook so that working with the changed data in the app (i.e. outside of Riak) becomes possible? Thanks.

It's not possible to have Riak call back into your application, however if you use the "returnbody" option when storing, you'll get back the value that was actually stored as modified by pre-commit hooks.
Post-commit hooks are run asynchronously after the object is stored and so should not be used to modify the stored object. One way you might get "messages via the hook" would be to have your post-commit hook post messages to RabbitMQ (or some other queue), which your application could then consume and do its own processing.
I hope that gives you an idea of where to start. In the meantime, we'll add some examples to that wiki page.


How to provide both initial data and subsequent events via WAMP/Websockets

I have a an application from which I need to send live updates to web clients.
I'm currently happily using websockets for that, via the WAMP protocol, as it provides both publish-subscribe and RPC methods.
Now, I find that in lots of situations, when a user starts the application or a view, I need to send an initial state to the client, and then keep sending updates. I do the first with an RPC call, and the latter via publish-subscribe.
Now, this forces me to write server-side and client-side code for both of the methods, even while I'm basically conveying the same information in both cases.
On server side, I'm moving appropriate code to a common method, but I still need to take care of both sending the event and provide an entry point for the RPC call:
# RPC endpoint for getting mission info
def get_mission_info(self):
return self.get_mission_info()
# Scheduled or manually called method to send mission info to all users
def publish_mission_info(self):
self.wamp.publish("UPDATE_INFO", [self.get_mission_info()])
def get_mission_info(self):
# Here we generate a JSON serializable dict with the info
return info
And you canimagine, client side (JS or Python) shows a similar duplicity (two handler methods).
Question is: is there a more clever way of handling this, and avoiding that boilerplate code? Some approach I could follow, perhaps automatically sending last event of each type just to clients that ask for it, or that just subscribed? Perhaps something at crossbar level?
In general terms, I feel I could be doing a better state synchronization strategy leveraging these two channels (pub-sub and RPC). How does people do it?
My WAMP server is Crossbar, and my client library is autobahn.js in Python and JS.

Push and pull with Parse

So what I need is a kind of a push and pull web service mechanism; Certain devices will be sending data to my parse backend and some others should be able to receive the newly added data as it's being added. Think of it as a restaurant environment where customers send their order via their phones and the restaurant manager receives the orders on his pc real time.
I know I can use push notifications but I want to target specific users (in this case the manager alone). I guess I can have a specific push notification channel in which only the manager is added, but I am not sure if I can send proper json data in bulk or just simple strings. Maybe there's a smarter way of going about it.
Any suggestions?
Many thanks,
You can use the Parse Cloud for this purposes. So certain devices (you can differentiate in cloud or in client side) can call the cloud method. The called cloud method can make http request to your server (manager pc real time). From now on your server side can deliver coming message to your manager in real time. In this solution, I assume that you have your own server for web users (like manager) and mobile application for client user (customers).
Hope this can give you an idea. Regards.
You can use Push notification for this purpose. In my opinion that would be your best option.
When registering for push notification on client side, you can set a column owner to user pointer. Now when sending push notification from one user to another you can query the Installation class for other user's pointer. You can send push notification either from client side or writing cloud code for afterSave trigger. Cloud code is a better option.
The downside of this approach is that if other user did not allow push notifications then this would fail. The second user would still be able to get the data when they open the app, but won't get push notifications.
***I built a chat app using this approach on
You don't need a complicated channel setup, before you save your installation, do a line like this:
[installation setObject:[PFUser currentUser] forKey:#"owner"];
[installation saveInBackground]; // ... completion or whatever
Then, just query:
PFQuery *installationQuery = [PFInstallation query];
[installationQuery whereKey:#"owner" equal:userImLookingFor];
Then, it's like PFPush w/ query or something.
(I'm typing from memory, so some of these might need to be slightly tweaked)

Hadoop Implement a status callback

I am looking for a clean way to implement a java event system that hooks into Hadoop v2. I know there is a notification url and I have used that in the past. What I want to do is to hook into the JobStatus and have events posted to a queue service for propagating events to client. I tried extending job and assigning the status using reflection to my custom JobStatus class but this is not working. I have also cursory looked into Yarn's event system to add a hook that will allow me to listen for yarn events and propagate those. I really need an expert opinion on how to accomplish this kind of task. I want to get log messages, status change events in real time over to a web client.
Thanks for any assistance in advance.

Check that MassTransit endpoints are reachable

We're use MassTransit with RabbitMQ. Is there a way to check that endpoints aren't available before we publish any messages? I want to setup our IoC to use another strategy if servicebus isn't available and I don't want to get to the point when I'll catch RabbitMQ.Client.Exceptions.BrockerUnreachableException on publishing messages.
If you're using a container, you could create a decorator that could monitor the outcome of the Publish method call, and if it starts throwing exceptions, you could switch the calls over to an alternative publisher.
Ideally such an implementation would include some type of progressive retry capability so that once the endpoint becomes available the calls resume back to the actual endpoint, as well as triggering some replay of the previously failed messages to the endpoint as well.
I figure you're already dealing with the need to have an alternative storage available, such as a local endpoint or some sort of local storage.
Not currently, you can submit an issue requesting that feature: It's not trivial to implement, but maybe not impossible.
A couple of other options people have done include a remote cluster or having a local instance to forward/cluster across all machines included in the bus.

Web Notifications (HTML5) - How it works?

I'm trying to understand whether the HTML5 Web Notifications API can help me out, but I'm falling short in understanding how it works.
I'd like user_a to be able to send user_b a message within my webapp.
I'd like user_b to receive a notification of this.
Can the web notifications API help here? Does it let me specifically target a user (rather than notify everyone the site has been updated_? I can't see how I would create an alert for one person.
Can anyone help me understand a little more?
The notifications API is client side, so it needs to get events from another client-side technology. Here, read THIS: Just kidding. is probably the best way to go here, you can emit events to one or all clients (broadcast). That's a push scenario. Or each user could be pulling their notifications from the server.
HTML5 Web Notifications API gives you ability to display desktop notifications that your application has generated.
What you are trying to achieve is a different thing and web notification is just a part of your scenario.
Depending upon how you are managing your application, for chat and messaging purpose as humbolight mentioned, you should look into node.js. it will provide you the necessary back-end to manage sending and receiving messages between users.
To notify a user that (s)he has received a message, you can opt for ajax polling on client side.
Simply create a javascript that pings the server every x seconds and checks if there is any notification or new message available for this user.
If response is successful, then you can use HTML5 notification API to show a message to user that (s)he has a new message.
The main problem with long polling is server load, and bandwidth usage even when there are no messages, and if number of users are in thousands then you can expect your server always busy responding to poll calls.
An alternate is to use Server Sent Events API, where you send a request to server and then server PUSHES the notifications/messages to the client as soon as they are available.
This reduces the unnecessary client->server polling and seems much better option in your case.
To get started you can check a good tutorial at
What you're looking for is WebSocket. It's the technology that allows a client (browser) to open a persistent connection to the server and receive data from it at the server's whim, rather than having to "poll" the server to see if there's anything new.
Other answers here have already mentioned node.js, but Node is simply one (though arguably the best) option for implementing websockets on your server. You might also be comfortable with Ratchet, which is a websocket server library for PHP, or Tornado which is in Python.
How you handle your real-time communication is up to you. Websockets are merely the underlying technology that you can use to pass data back and forth. The client side of this will be fairly easy, but on the server side, you'll need a mechanism for websocket handlers to get information from each other. Look at tools like ZeroMQ for handling queues, and Memcached or Redis to handle large swaths of data which don't need to be stored permanently.
