Can I get vbscript to show a friendly error message? - vbscript

I'm installing a network printers using vbscript and I want to show a friendly error if the queue doesn't exist or the printer server is unavailable, can I do this with VBScript? My code is below.
Dim net
Set net = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
net.AddWindowsPrinterConnection "\\printsrv\HPLaser23"
net.SetDefaultPrinter "\\printsrv\HPLaser23"
Many thanks for the help

Add the line:
On Error Resume Next ' the script will "ignore" any errors
Before your code
and then do an:
if Err.Number <> 0 then
' report error in some way
end if
On Error GoTo 0 ' this will reset the error handling to normal
After your code
It's normally best to try to keep the number of lines of code between the On Error Resume Next and the On Error GoTo 0 to as few as possible, since it's seldom good to ignore errors.


Get return code from an exe using VBScript is not working

I have an command line app that queries some Scheduled Tasks and returns 0 if ready and 1 if not.
I need to get that return code from a VBScript, but I am getting 0 always, even if the app returns 1. This is the code I have:
StrCommandLine = """C:\Program Files (x86)\App\TaskValidator\TaskValidator.exe"""
Set oshell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
iReturn =,0,true)
wscript.echo iReturn
If I run the app from a CMD, it returns 1 if not ready. I think it is because I am getting the last error code from CMD itself.
Any help you can give me?
From Help
You are not setting an error code.
Quit Method (Windows Script Host)
Forces script execution to stop at any time.
WScript object.
Optional. Integer value returned as the process's exit code. If you do not include the intErrorCode parameter, no value is returned.
The Quit method can return an optional error code. If the Quit method

If Run can't find file then continue anyway

In VBScript I am running a program I expect is likely to be in the PATH or current directory of the script. However if it is not in those places and cannot be found the script stops with error "The system cannot find the file specified". The command is not crucial and I would like to continue even in that case. Is that possible?
As #Noodles pointed out in the comments you can use On Error Resume Next to have the interpreter hand over error handling to you/your code, and then "handle" the error by glossing over it:
Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
On Error Resume Next
sh.Run "unimportant.exe", 0, True
On Error Goto 0
If you want to be a little more diligent and have the script fail if other errors occur add a routine to check the error number and quit after displaying an error message if it's neither 0 nor 0x80070002:
Set sh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
On Error Resume Next
sh.Run "unimportant.exe", 0, True
If Err.Number <> 0 And Err.Number <> &h80070002 Then
WScript.Echo Trim("[0x" & Hex(Err.Number) & "] " & Err.Description)
WScript.Quit 1
End If
On Error Goto 0
Be very careful when using On Error Resume Next, though. Use it sparingly, and disable it again (On Error Goto 0) as soon as possible. Contrary to popular belief the statement doesn't magically make errors go away. It just hands full responsibility for checking and handling errors over to you. Basically it's the VBScript term for "shut up, I know what I'm doing".

VB GoTo failing compilation

The below script will fail with an error, which I'm ok with. Right now, I'm trying to work out my On Error GoTo <label> syntax, and it is currently failing with the following error.
Line: 2
Char: 16
Error: Syntax Error
Code: 800A03EA
Source: Microsoft VBScript compilation error
Code below:
Sub ComCheck
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim fortis
Wscript.Echo("Creating COM object.")
Set fortis = CreateObject("TESTCOM.APPLICATION")
Wscript.Echo("Write Database name.")
GoTo ScriptEnd
Wscript.Echo("-------ERROR OCCURRED------")
Wscript.Echo("#" + Err.Number + "::" + Err.Description)
Wscript.Echo("Script complete.")
End Sub
This is one of the differences between VB and VBScript: the latter doesn't support the GoTo <label> syntax. The only two possibilities in VBScript are:
On Error Resume Next
On Error Goto 0
You use the former to turn off VBScript's own error handling (and presumably handle errors yourself), and the latter to turn on VBScript's error handling (which stops all execution if an error is encountered).

Speed impact of On Error Resume Next

Given that vbscript does not have the On Error Goto MyLabel kind of syntax as with vba, I'm considering using the following to handle errors:
On Error Resume Next
'Do some stuff
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Handle the error
End If
'Do some more stuff
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
'Handle the error
End If
My question is: What would the speed impact be of this type of technique?
Additionally, I would like to know if there is a better way to build some error handling into vbscript
It makes no sense to compare the speed of a correct vs. a faulty implementation. If your script does not fullfill its specs without error handling and is to slow when using OERN, you have to choose another language.
As OERN hides errors, its scope should be as small as possible. Your sample code smells like using OERN globally - a very bad idea. In addition: You need a Err.Clear or "On Error GoTo 0" after each risky operation and its corresponding check of Err.Number.
In other languages (e.g. Python) "it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission"; because of the poor nature of VBScript's error handling you should "look before you leap" in most cases and use OERN only when absolutely unavoidable (e.g. check for existence of registry keys, deal with possibly failing external resources).
The idiom for local error handling:
Dim gaErr ' global error array
Sub SomeSub()
risky op
gaErr = Array(Err.Number, Err.Description, ...)
If gaErr(0) Then
handle error
End Sub
If your specs make a global error handling necessary:
Dim gaErr
ret = main()
gaErr = Array(...)
If gaErr(0) Then
some fatal/not locally handled error occured somewhere in your script
handle it gracefully
If ret is bad Then
deal with this
ask for more money
End If
End If
WScript.Quit good/bad
Function main()
main = ...
End Function
Update wrt comment:
Why is a global OERN evil? Consider:
(1) Process/change important data
(2) Delete original data - if (1) failed you just destroyed the base of your business
(1) Process/change important data
(2) If Err.Nunber Then Backup(database, destinatiom)
(3) Continue although the Backup didn't take place, because at least three error were hidden
BTW: Your addition of the Err.Clear are in the wrong place - you loose the error info before you can handle the error.
Update wrt comment II:
Consider this demo script:
' dgeh.vbs - demo global error handling
Option Explicit
' globals
Dim gWAN : Set gWAN = WScript.Arguments.Named
Dim gaErr
Dim iRet
' top-level/global OERN starts here (errors before will abort mercylessly)
On Error Resume Next
iRet = main() ' not more than two statements!
gaErr = Array(Err.Number, Err.Description, Err.Source)
On Error GoTo 0
If gaErr(0) Then
WScript.Echo "Fatal Error:", Join(gaErr, " * ")
iRet = 1 ' or choose a better number
If iRet Then
WScript.Echo "need one of /good, /bad, or /fatal, Mr. User!"
WScript.Echo "all's well"
End If
End If
WScript.Quit iRet
Function main()
main = 2
If gWAN.Count = 1 And (gWAN.Exists("good") Or gWAN.Exists("bad") Or gWAN.Exists("fatal")) Then
main = 0
End If
End Function
Sub readTheDocs()
WScript.Echo "read Microsoft's Docs"
If gWAN.Exists("fatal") Then
End If
End Sub
Sub trySomethingRisky()
Dim n
If gWAN.Exists("bad") Then n = 1 / 0
WScript.Echo "but be skeptical of the text and your interpretation"
End Sub
Sub caTastrophy()
On Error Resume Next ' simulating the evil global OERN and not checking *each* statement
WScript.Echo "saving the world"
WScript.Echo "deleting the now obsolete original"
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
output for
cscript dgeh.vbs /fatal
read Microsoft's Docs
saving the world
deleting the now obsolete original
all's well
As there is no Sub saveTheWorld, you just made error handling, VBScript, and all the rest obsolete. You can't even promise never to use the evil global OERN again, because you - and those scripting guys who use it habitually (and thereby have proven that they are paid for their jokes, not their code) - have vanished. Let's hope the calling process won't take the ERRORLEVEL value as licence for some further deletions.
output for
cscript dgeh.vbs
need one of /good, /bad, or /fatal, Mr. User!
cscript dgeh.vbs /nix
need one of /good, /bad, or /fatal, Mr. User!
cscript dgeh.vbs /fatal /bad
need one of /good, /bad, or /fatal, Mr. User!
demonstrate the "look before you jump" strategy.
output for the good case:
cscript dgeh.vbs /good
read Microsoft's Docs
but be skeptical of the text and your interpretation
all's well
both messages are shown (and rightfully so).
and now something entirely different:
cscript dgeh.vbs /bad
read Microsoft's Docs
Fatal Error: 11 * Division by zero * Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Please mark the absence of the second message. The divide by zero will cause the execution of the next line in the active OERN scope (saving in gaErr) and not continue blindly/mindlessly. The risky operation (doing what main() and all its children do) is then checked (via the gaErr proxy). That honors the rule "no more than two line (risky op and saving the eror info) in an OERN scope".
The price to pay for this kind of global error handling: You loose the line number info - dealing gracefully with an error becomes more difficult.
But as there is just one OERN in your script (you won't have Sub caTastrophy() in your programs from now on), you can comment it out during development and debugging.
output with OERN commented out:
cscript dgeh.vbs /bad
read Microsoft's Docs
E:\trials\SoTrials\answers\21901890\vbs\dgeh.vbs(46, 30) Microsoft VBScript runtime error: Division by zero
When i use error handling in Vbscript i do not find it has a performance issue. However in my programs it will normally do something quite simple like output a "Failed" statement to a log file then wscript.quit, so i have never found it to reduce system performance. On the example you have given it is usual to add a On Error Goto 0 after the last End If where you are checking for an error. This could cause an error not to be cleared so when you next perform an error check it has incorrectly still storing the old error value.

Try-Catch-End Try in VBScript doesn't seem to work

I'm trying the following code:
Throw 2 ' How do I throw an exception?
Catch ex
'What do I do here?
End Try
but I'm getting the error Statement expected in the catch clause.
Does anyone know how I can catch/throw exceptions in VBScript using try/catch? (I am not looking for solutions with On Error Do X.)
Handling Errors
A sort of an "older style" of error handling is available to us in VBScript, that does make use of On Error Resume Next. First we enable that (often at the top of a file; but you may use it in place of the first Err.Clear below for their combined effect), then before running our possibly-error-generating code, clear any errors that have already occurred, run the possibly-error-generating code, and then explicitly check for errors:
On Error Resume Next
' ...
' Other Code Here (that may have raised an Error)
' ...
Err.Clear ' Clear any possible Error that previous code raised
Set myObj = CreateObject("SomeKindOfClassThatDoesNotExist")
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
WScript.Echo "Error: " & Err.Number
WScript.Echo "Error (Hex): " & Hex(Err.Number)
WScript.Echo "Source: " & Err.Source
WScript.Echo "Description: " & Err.Description
Err.Clear ' Clear the Error
End If
On Error Goto 0 ' Don't resume on Error
WScript.Echo "This text will always print."
Above, we're just printing out the error if it occurred. If the error was fatal to the script, you could replace the second Err.clear with WScript.Quit(Err.Number).
Also note the On Error Goto 0 which turns off resuming execution at the next statement when an error occurs.
If you want to test behavior for when the Set succeeds, go ahead and comment that line out, or create an object that will succeed, such as vbscript.regexp.
The On Error directive only affects the current running scope (current Sub or Function) and does not affect calling or called scopes.
Raising Errors
If you want to check some sort of state and then raise an error to be handled by code that calls your function, you would use Err.Raise. Err.Raise takes up to five arguments, Number, Source, Description, HelpFile, and HelpContext. Using help files and contexts is beyond the scope of this text. Number is an error number you choose, Source is the name of your application/class/object/property that is raising the error, and Description is a short description of the error that occurred.
If MyValue <> 42 Then
Err.Raise(42, "HitchhikerMatrix", "There is no spoon!")
End If
You could then handle the raised error as discussed above.
Change Log
Edit #1:
Added an Err.Clear before the possibly error causing line to clear any previous errors that may have been ignored.
Edit #2:
Edit #3:
Added comments in code block. Clarified that there was expected to be more code between On Error Resume Next and Err.Clear. Fixed some grammar to be less awkward. Added info on Err.Raise. Formatting.
VBScript doesn't have Try/Catch. (VBScript language reference. If it had Try, it would be listed in the Statements section.)
On Error Resume Next is the only error handling in VBScript. Sorry. If you want try/catch, JScript is an option. It's supported everywhere that VBScript is and has the same capabilities.
Try Catch exists via workaround in VBScript:
Class CFunc1
Private Sub Class_Initialize
WScript.Echo "Starting"
Dim i : i = 65535 ^ 65535
MsgBox "Should not see this"
End Sub
Private Sub CatchErr
If Err.Number = 0 Then Exit Sub
Select Case Err.Number
Case 6 WScript.Echo "Overflow handled!"
Case Else WScript.Echo "Unhandled error " & Err.Number & " occurred."
End Select
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate
WScript.Echo "Exiting"
End Sub
End Class
Dim Func1 : Set Func1 = New CFunc1 : Set Func1 = Nothing
Sometimes, especially when you work with VB, you can miss obvious solutions. Like I was doing last 2 days.
the code, which generates error needs to be moved to a separate function. And in the beginning of the function you write On Error Resume Next. This is how an error can be "swallowed", without swallowing any other errors. Dividing code into small separate functions also improves readability, refactoring & makes it easier to add some new functionality.
