How can I make my local server case-sensitive? - windows

I'm on Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit OS. I use Apache Friends XAMPP server as my localhost. And I develop PHP, MySQL.
The problem is my local server is tolerant of case mistakes, especially in file/folder names.
When that running program on my server goes on linux servers, it's really a headache to locate and correct all the case errors.
So how can I make my local server case-sensitive as in linux servers?

No you can't. PHP file handling is dependant on the underlying O. Since Windows is a case-insensitive OS, it cannot handle files with a different case.
This won't change, as it will break a lot of applications. NTFS is a case-sensitive filesystem according to this KB article.
If you have an old PC doing nothing, install a Linux server on it. Or if you have enough resources (RAM), run a Virtual machine (with VirtualBox for example)

case-sensitivity is not due to the web server it self, but to the operating system.
Linux is case-sensitive not windows. As far as i know, you can't make windows case-sensitive.
but try yo keep all your folders/files lowercase, this will save you much headeach when moving to linux production server.


How copy,Paste is working form my local system to remote system

Recently we bought dedicated server with Windows.I really surprised windows allowing me to copy files(CTRL+C) from my local system and paste files(CTRL+P) in dedicated server.Vice versa.
Before we tried Linux dedicated server.If you want transfer file from local system(Windows) to dedicated server(Linux),I need to use FTP.But in windows server all these are not needed.
I have a curiosity to know,How the procedure is working internally.For this I search allot,But I didn't found clear materials.So If you know any good material,suggest me.
I'm not sure what your question is precisely. Are you using remote desktop to log into your windows server, and then copying and pasting files between your local system and the remote server? If that's the case, then the copying and pasting is happening within your "remote desktop" client. It's not really related to your server's operating system, per se.

executing command on a Windows Machine from a UNIX/LINUX Machine

is it possible to execute a command (ex: launching a .bat file located on the remote machine) on a Windows Remote Machine, using a UNIX or Linux Machine ?
Is there something like a scp/ssh mechanism or at least a way to connect to a Windows Machine passing through the network ?
Thanks for your help.
By default, recent Windows versions only support the Remote Desktop protocol. As far as I know, client versions only allow a single user, while server versions with installed Terminal Services allow for multiple simultaneous users.
Windows Server versions also support the Telnet protocol, but the server is disabled by default - it may not even be installed. Therefore you will have to enable it manually. Do you really want to use Telnet of all things, though? Just the security concerns are enough to make it mostly useless.
There is also a version of OpenSSH for Windows, that uses the Cygwin DLL. I have not tried it, but using an SSH implementation from the Unix world does have its appeal (and probably a few disadvantages). See also this.
Recent Windows versions also support the Windows Remote Management system, which allows you to launch an interactive session throuh a bit of trickery.
You may want to try Vandyke VShell.

best way to set up a VM for development (regarding performance)

I am trying to set up a clean vm I will use in many of my devs. Hopefully I will use it many times and for a long time, so I want to get it right and set it up so performance is as good as possible. I have searched for a list of things to do, but strangely found only older posts, and none here.
My requirements are:
My host is Vista 32b, and guest is Windows2008 64b, using Vmware Workstation.
The VM should also be able to run on a Vmware ESX
I cannot move to other products (VirtualBox etc), but info about performance of each one is welcomed for reference. Anyway I guess most advices would apply to other OSs and other VM products.
I need network connectivity to my LAN
When developing/testing, guest will run several java processes, a DB and perform some file I/O
What I have found so far is:
HOWTO: Squeeze Every Last Drop of Performance Out of Your Virtual PCs: it's and old post, and about Virtual PC, but I guess most things still apply (and also apply to vmware).
I guess it makes a difference to disable all unnecessary services, but the ones mentioned in 1 seem like too few, I specifically always disable Windows Search. Any other service I should disable?
You can try to run the CD/DVD through vLite to remove unwanted crap. I'm not 100% sure if Windows 2008 server is supported but you could give it a try. I've successfully stripped down XP with nLite to about 200MB with only the bare minimum I need for testing software. You might be able to do something similar to Windows 2008 with vLite.
My host is Vista 32b, and guest is
Windows2008 64b,
First mistake. Seriously, why not running 64 bit even on Vista? This would give your VM a good memory space to work with, while now even if it is possible with VmWare it goes through really nasty API's in the Windows layer.
That said, why use Vista as host? Why not directly load a 2008 R2 host, configure it into workstation mode (heck, you even get our friendly AERO if you install all the things the server leaves out per default) and be happy with it?
I guess it makes a difference to
disable all unnecessary services,
Hm, seriously? I run a couple of Hyper-V hosting servers on top of physical domain controllers without any reconfiguration and with good enough (i.e. great) perforamnce. Helps I dont ahve the typical workstation bottleneck (i.e. one overloaded hard disc). I never found a reason to disable any service for squeezing the last performance out.
Guest will run many java processes, a
DB and perform lots of file I/O
Well, get proper hardware for that. I.e. a hardware RAID controller, and a LOT of drives - in accordance with your needs. DB is IO sensitive. VERY sensitive.

In what OS should I host subversion?

I have decided to go with Subversion for a source control repository for my personal and side projects and I'm now trying to decide what OS to use. Currently my file server for my home network is Windows 7 beta. I'm wondering if I should wipe it and install Windows Server 2008 instead? Basically I'd like to know if there are things I could take advantage with a server OS that I can't with Windows 7. First thing that comes to mind is accessing subversion remotely with a VPN connection.
I'm a .net developer, but have dabbled in Linux a bit so I'm not completely turned off to the idea of an ubuntu or debian server...
I imagine the installation and configuration process might go off with fewer hitches if installed on Linux, just because of the package management, but that's assuming some experience with the package system of $whatever_distro. If you're comfortable with Windows, Subversion works perfectly well on there. I've set it up on both, but prefer the Linux installation process (easier Apache integration, in my view), but I had pre-existing Linux experience.
If you're familiar with Windows, I bet you'll find the installation and configuration process easier there. As others have said, many of the tools are cross-platform.
You can run a Subversion server on Windows or Linux (or whatever) so it really doesn't matter. Pick whichever one you already have and feel most comfortable with. Since you are a Windows developer I see no real reason to toss Linux into the mix though.
If your goal is to minimize the amount of work you put into the maintenance of subversion, go with the OS you are most comfortable with. Many maintenance scripts, and subversion hooks are written and available in perl and python which are available for both windows and linux.
One advantage to the Windows server OSes over their client counterparts is that the client OSes are limited as to the number of inbound connections. If you are going to be the only person working on the repo, this may not make a difference. However, if there are multiple people, then this would be an issue. XP Pro/Vista Ultimate are limited by Microsoft to 10 inbound connections. I cannot speak for Windows 7.
To make life easy, try VisualSVN Server. For personal projects there's no reason to setup a separate server just for SVN.
Windows 7 will be able to host Subversion with no problems whatsoever..
If your file-server is already setup and working under Windows 7, I'd say stick with that.. Adding SVN is no reason to install a new OS
You don't need a server at all to use subversion.
If you've already got a file server on your home network, and you're doing this only for you and your personal projects, just use a subversion client such as TortoiseSVN and create your repository (or repositories) on your file server via network share (or mapped network drive, etc).
I wouldn't recommend this for multi-user setups (unless each has their own repository), but for a single user this is the simplest option. And using this approach, to answer your question, you wouldn't gain anything by switching to a server OS such as Windows Server 2008.
I'd actually recommend going with a hosted Subversion provider instead of setting up Subversion on Windows or getting a second server for that purpose. I work for ProjectLocker, but if you Google "subversion hosting", you'll see there are a number of providers that offer free or reasonably priced solutions. The advantages:
It's a hosting provider's primary job to keep your code safe, secure, and accessible, so they focus on uptime, backups, and security monitoring so you don't have to
You don't have to learn how to be a system administrator or Subversion administrator; several providers have user interfaces that make it easy to manage users and permissions.
Hosting instead of DIY lets you focus on what you actually care about: writing great software
I suggest you take a look at ProjectLocker and some of the other providers and decide which one is right for you. You may decide that doing it yourself is the best option for you, but for many people in your situation, a hosted solution has met their needs.

Modifying files on remote Ubuntu server from Windows PC

I am developing some Python programs that I'm running on a remote Ubuntu Linux server (hosted on Slicehost). I would like to work on the source in an IDE on my Windows Vista PC, and have all file modifications sent directly to the Linux box without my intervention (i.e. without having to manually SFTP the files each time I change them). What is the very easiest way I can do this?
WinSCP includes a basic remote file editor, though if you want to use a proper IDE for your development this won't be much help.
I'd suggest you run a version control system like subversion, which would allow you to write a post-commit hook to automatically rsync your code the server with each commit.
Use PuTTy and SFTPDrive.
PuTTy is an SSH client, and SFTPDrive ($39 USD) will allow you to mount your remote file system locally as a drive letter.
Install Samba and OpenVPN on the server, and OpenVPN on the client. Setup Samba to share the directory tree you're interested in, and access it over the VPN for security. Perhaps Vista has non-sucky WebDAV support by now, and you could use WebDAV over HTTPS, but it was always crap under XP.
Ben's suggestion of a local dev environment using a VM is also a winner.
You could install cygwin and then have rsync run on cron every minute.
Or you could use Netdrive to access the server via FTP like a local disk:
Or you may be able to achieve something similar using cygwin and FUSE - you can on linux, but never tried it on cygwin.
Also, would it not be easier to set up a full dev environment locally? Maybe using a virtual machine? It'll be much quicker for testing. And then you can set up a shell script to transfer the current version to the slicehost server.
