I am reading thee book "Discrete Mathematics and its Application" by Kenneth H. Rosen
I am now in the chapter Growth of Functions and trying the Exercise of that.[5th Edition page 142]
I am stuck here:
Determine whether these functions are in O(x^2) [(big oh of x's square]
[1] f(x) = 2^x,
[2] f(x) = (x^4)/2
[3] f(x) = floor(x) * floor(x)
I can not do the 1st one. Will anybody please help?
I have done the 2nd and 3rd as follows. Please check and comment.
if f(x) = (x^4)/2 is O(x^2) for x > k (k = any constant, C = any constant)
___then |(x^4)/2| <= C|.(x^2)| for x > k
___or |(x^2)| <= 2C for x > k
___or x <= sqrt(2C) for x > k
___or x<= C1 [ C1 = sqrt(2c) = Constant]
___but this contradicts with x > k where k is any constant
so f(x) is not O(x^2)
f(x) = floor(x) * floor(x) <= x * x for x > 1
__or f(x) <= x^2 for x>1
__so f(x) is O(x^2) taking C = 1 and k = 1 as witness
Please help me in the 1st one.
f(x) is in O(g(x)) exactly when f(x) <= a*g(x)+b for large x and fixed a and b. One method from elementary calculus is to divide and take the limit:
lim(f(x)/g(x)) as x->inf
If this is zero, then f(x) grows strictly slower than x^2. If it's any other finite number, then the two functions are in the same big-O class (and that number is your C-witness). If it's infinity, then f(x) is NOT O(x^2).
The simpler approach is just to look at the largest power of x (for polynomials) or just know that k^x grows faster than x^k for all fixed k greater than one. (Hint: this is your answer.)
Big-O notation is something you should be able to eyeball. In fact, if you aren't presently this comfortable with the relations between algebraic functions, then you're better off to drop the algorithms class and switch to a math class first until you have good grades in calculus. Then, you will have no trouble at all with big-O notation.
The great people at MyCodeSchool.com have this introductory video on YouTube, covering the basics of Big-O, Theta, and Omega notation.
The following definition of Big-O notation is provided:
O(g(n) ) := { f(n) : f(n) ≤ cg(n) }, for all n ≥ n0
My casual understanding of the equation is as follows:
Given a function f(), which takes as its input n, there exists another function g(), whose output is always greater than or equal to the output of f()--given two conditions:
g() is multiplied by some constant c
n is greater than some lower bound n0
Is my understanding correct?
Furthermore, the following specific example was provided to illustrate Big-O:
f(n) = 5n2 + 2n + 1
Because all of the following are true:
5n2 > 2n2, for all n
5n2 > 1n2, for all n
It follows that:
c = 5 + 2 + 1 = 8
Therefore, the video concludes, f(n) ≤ 8n2 for all n ≥ 1, and g(n) = 8n2
I think maybe the video concluded that n0 must be 1, because 1 is the only positive root of the equality 8n2 = 5n2 + 2n + 1 ( Negative one-third is also a root, but n is limited to whole numbers. So, no dice there. )
Is this the standard way of computing n0 for Big-O notation?
Take the largest powered factor in your polynomial
Multiply it by the sum of the coefficients in your time function
Set their product equal to your time function
Solve for zero
Reject all roots that are not in the set of whole numbers
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Your understanding is mostly correct, but from your wording - "I think maybe the video concluded that n0 must be 1", I have to point out that it is also valid to take n0 to be 2, or 3 etc. In fact, any number greater than 1 will satisfy the required condition, there are actually infinitely many choices for the pair (c, n0)!
The important point to note is that the values of the constant c and n0 does not really matter, all we care is the existence a pair of constants (c, n0).
The Basics
Big-O notation describes the asymptotic behavior of a given function f, it essential describes the upper bound of f when the its input value is sufficiently large.
Formally, we say that f is big-O of another function g, i.e. f(x) = O(g(x)), if there exists a positive constant c and a constant n0 such that the following inequality holds:
f(n) ≤ c g(n), for all n ≥ n0
Note that the inequality captures the idea of upper bound: f is upper-bounded by a positive multiple of g. Moreover, the "for all" condition satisfies that the upper bound holds when the input n is sufficiently large (e.g. larger than n0).
How to Pick (c, n0)?
In order to prove f(x) = O(g(x)) for given functions f, g, all we need is to pick any pair of (c, n0) such that the inequality holds, and then we are done!
There is no standard way of finding (c, n0), just use whatever mathematical tools you find helpful. For example, you may fix n0, and then find c by using Calculus to compute the maximum value of f(x) / g(x) in the interval [n0, +∞).
In your case, it appears that you are trying to prove that a polynomial of degree d is big-O of xd, the proof of the following lemma gives a way to pick (c, n0):
If f is a polynomial of degree d, then f(x) = O(xd).
Proof: We have f(x) = ad xd + ad-1 xd-1 + ... + a1 x + a0, for each coefficient ai, we have ai ≤ |ai| (absolute value of ai).
Take c = (|ad| + |ad-1| + ... + |a1| + |a0|) , and n0 = 1, then we have:
f(x) = ad xd + ad-1 xd-1 + ... + a1 x + a0
≤ |ad| xd + |ad-1| xd-1 + ... + |a1| x + |a0|
≤ (|ad| + |ad-1| + ... + |a1| + |a0|) xd
= c xd, for all x ≥ 1
Therefore we have f(x) = O(xd)
I'm trying to prove that this is correct for any function f and g with domain and co-domain N. I have seen it proven using limits, but apparently you can also prove it without them.
Essentially what I'm trying to prove is "If f(n) doesn't have a big-O of g(n) then g(n) must have a big-O of f(n). What I'm having trouble is trying to understand what "f doesn't have a big-O of g" means.
According to the formal definition of big-O, if f(n) = O(g(n)) then n>=N -> f(n) <= cg(n) for some N and a constant c. If f(n) != O(g(n)) I think that means there is no c that fulfills this inequality for all values of n. Yet I don't see what I can do to use that fact to prove g(n) = O(f(n)). That doesn't prove that a c' exists for g(n) <= c'f(n), which would successfully prove the question.
Not true. Let f(n) = 1 if n is odd and zero otherwise, and g(n) = 1 if n is even and zero otherwise.
To say that f is O(g) would say there is a constant C > 0 and N > 0 such that n > N implies f(n) <= C g(n). Let n = 2 * N + 1, so that n is odd. Then f(n) = 1 but g(n) = 0 so that f(n) <= C * g(n) is impossible. Thus, f is O(g) is not true.
Similarly, we can show that g is O(f) is not true.
First of all, your definition of big-O is a little bitt off. You say:
I think that means there is no c that fulfills this inequality for all values of n.
In actuality, you need to pick a value c that fulfills the inequality for any value of n.
Anyway, to answer the question:
I don't believe the statement in the question is true... Let's see if we can think of a counter-example, where f(n) ≠ O(g(n)) and g(n) ≠ O(f(n)).
note: I'm going to use n and x interchangeably, since it's easier for me to think that way.
We'd have to come up with two functions that continually cross each other as they go towards infinity. Not only that, but they'd have to continue to cross each other regardless of the constant c that we multibly them by.
So that leaves me thinking that the functions will have to alternate between two different time complexities.
Let's look at a function that alternates between y = x and y = x^2:
f(x) = .2 (x * sin(x) + x^2 * (1 - sin(x)) )
Now, if we create a similar function with a slightly offset oscillation:
g(x) = .2 (x * cos(x) + x^2 * (1 - cos(x)) )
Then these two functions will continue to cross each others' paths out to infinity.
For any number N that you select, no matter how high, there will be an x1 greater than N such that f(x) = x^2 and g(x) = x. Similarly, there will be an x2 such that g(x) = x^2 and f(x) = x.
At these points, you won't be able to choose any c1 or c2 that will ensure that f(x) < c1 * g(x) or that g(x) < c2 * f(x).
In conclusion, f(n) ≠ O(g(n)) does not imply g(n) = O(f(n)).
I can clearly see than N^2 is bounded by c2^N, but how do i prove it by using formal definition of big-O. I can simply prove it by M.I.
Here is my attempt..
By definition, there for any n>n0, there exist a constant C which
f(n) <= Cg(n)
f(n) = n^2
g(n) = 2^n
Should I take log to both side and solve for C?
and one more question about fibonacci sequence, i wanna solve the recurrence relation.
int fib(int n){
if(n<=1) return n;
else return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
The equation is..
T(n) = T(n-1)+T(n-2)+C // where c is for the adding operation
T(n) = T(n-2) + 2T(n-3) + T(n-4) + 3c
and one more
T(n) = T(n-3) + 3T(n-4) + 3T(n-5) + T(n-6) + 6c
then i started to get lost to form the general equation i
The pattern is somehow like pascal triangle?
t(n) = t(n-i) + aT(n-i-1) + bT(n-i-2) + ... + kT(n-i-i) + C
As you point out, to see if f(x) ϵ O(g(x)) you need to find...
...some c > 0 and
...some x0
such that f(x) < c·g(x) for all x > x0.
In this case, you can pick c = 1 and x0 = 2. What you need to prove is that
x2 < 2x for all x > 2
At this point you can log both sides (since if log(x) > log(y), then x > y.) Assuming you're using base-2 log you get the following
log(x2) < log(2x)
and by standard laws of logarithms, you get
2·log(x) < x·log(2)
Since log(2) = 1 this can be written as
2·log(x) < x
If we set x = 2, we get
2·log(2) = 2
and since x grows faster than log(x) we know that 2·log(x) < x holds for all x > 2.
For the most part, the accepted answer (from aioobe) is correct, but there is an important correction that needs to be made.
Yes, for x=2, 2×log(x) = x or 2×log(2) = 2 is correct, but then he incorrectly implies that 2×log(x) < x is true for ALL x>2, which is not true.
Let's take x=3, so the equation becomes: 2×log(3) < 3 (an invalid equation).
If you calculate this, you get: 2×log(3) ≈ 3,16993 which is greater than 3.
You can clearly see this if you plot f(x) = x2 and g(x) = 2x or if you plot f(x)= 2×log(x) and g(x) = x (if c=1).
Between x=2 and x=4, you can see that g(x) will dip below f(x). It is only when x ≥ 4, that f(x) will remain ≤ c×g(x).
So to get the correct answer, you follow the steps described in aioobe's answer, but you plot the functions to get the last intersection where f(x) = c×g(x). The x at that intersection is your x0 (together with the choosen c) for which the following is true: f(x) ≤ c×g(x) for all x ≥ x0.
So for c=1 it should be: for all x≥4, or x0=4
To improve upon the accepted answer:
You have to prove that x^2 < 2^x for all x > 2
Taking log on both sides, we have to prove that:
2·log(x) < x for all x > 2
Thus we have to show the function h(x)=x-2·log(x)>0 for all x>2
Differentiating h(x) with respect to x, we get h'(x)= 1 - 1/(x·ln(2))
For all x>2, h'(x) is always greater than 0, thus h(x) keeps increasing and since h(2)=0,
it is hence proved that h(x) > 0 for all x > 2,
or x^2 < 2^x for all x > 2
(log n)^k = O(n)? For k greater or equal to 1.
My professor presented us with this statement in class, however I am not sure what it means for a function to a have a time complexity of O(n). Even stuff like n^2 = O(n^2), how can a function f(x) have a run time complexity?
As for the statement how does it equal O(n) rather than O((logn)^k)?
(log n)^k = O(n)?
Yes. The definition of big-Oh is that a function f is in O(g(n)) if there exist positive constants N and c, such that for all n > N: f(n) <= c*g(n). In this case f(n) is (log n)^k and g(n) is n, so if we insert that into the definition we get: "there exist constants N and c, such that for all n > N: (log n)^k <= c*n". This is true so (log n)^k is in O(n).
how can a function f(x) have a run time complexity
It doesn't. Nothing about big-Oh notation is specific to run-time complexity. Big-Oh is a notation to classify the growth of functions. Often the functions we're talking about measure the run-time of certain algorithms, but we can use big-Oh to talk about arbitrary functions.
f(x) = O(g(x)) means f(x) grows slower or comparably to g(x).
Technically this is interpreted as "We can find an x value, x_0, and a scale factor, M, such that this size of f(x) past x_0 is less than the scaled size of g(x)." Or in math:
|f(x)| < M |g(x)| for all x > x_0.
So for your question:
log(x)^k = O(x)? is asking : is there an x_0 and M such that
log(x)^k < M x for all x>x_0.
The existence of such M and x_0 can be done using various limit results and is relatively simple using L'Hopitals rule .. however it can be done without calculus.
The simplest proof I can come up with that doesn't rely on L'Hopitals rule uses the Taylor series
e^z = 1 + z + z^2/2 + ... = sum z^m / m!
Using z = (N! x)^(1/N) we can see that
e^(x^(1/N)) = 1 + (N! x)^(1/N) + (N! x)^(2/N)/2 + ... (N! x)^(N/N)/N! + ...
For x>0 all terms are positive so, keeping only the Nth term we get that
e^((N! x)^(1/N)) = N! x / N! + (...)
= x + (...)
> x for x > 0
Taking logarithms of both sides (since log is monotonic increasing), then raising to Nth power (also monotonic increasing since N>0)
(N! x)^(1/N) > log x for x > 0
N! x > (log x)^n for x > 0
Which is exactly the result we need, (log x)^N < M x for some M and all x > x_0, with M = N! and x_0=0
Prove that for any real numbers, a, b such that a > b > 0, b^n is O(a^n), n >=1.
I have searched several textbooks I own on Discrete Mathematics as well as several online searches for any examples that are similar or theorems that related to this proof. I am not looking for a direct solution, but perhaps being shown the right methods or paradigms to solve the proof.
If you mean
Prove that for any real numbers, a, b such that a > b > 0, b^n is O(a^n)
Then, think about the definition of O(a^n)
From wiki,
1) For f(x), g(x) defined on a subset of reals
2) if there exists some positive **constant** M and real number x_0, such that
3) if ABS(f(x)) <= M * ABS(g(x)) for all x > x_0
In this case f(x) = b^x and g(x) = a^x. I'm going to treat this question as if it's a homework question, even though it isn't tagged as one...please correct me if I'm wrong!
Consider plugging the funciton into the steps (especially 3) and see if you can figure out any x_0, M pair for which it is true. Good luck!
I changed f(x) = b^n and g(x) = a^n to f(x) = b^x and g(x) = a^x
Step 3) can be interpreted as:
ABS(f(x)) / ABS(g(x)) <= M for all x > x_0
Choose your favorite constant M and then see if you can find some x_0 which works for all x.