how to break string into array in cocoa? - cocoa

i need to break a string into an array,
as "2 + 3" should be as "2","+","3"
even "2+3" should be "2","+","3"

As long as the format is consistent (always a space between numbers and signs), NSArray's -componentsSeparatedByString: will work for you. If there's a possibility the string will appear like "2+3" or even "2 +3" you could try removing all whitespace characters with -stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: then using -componentsSeparatedByCharactersInSet: with the sign characters you expect.


In Ruby, Does Dividing a String with Backslash Represent Implicit Concatenation?

Consider dividing a String in Ruby as follows:
"Some content "\
"and some more "\
"and the final line."
Does the above create three String objects and concatenate them together? Or does Ruby treat that as one string, which is merely visually split by the backslash character for developer convenience (that is, the backslash is not an operand / method) ?
Also, is there a word / term for dividing a string in this way, or is it simply another way to concatenate?
Automatic Concatenation of String Literals
Technically, you are creating three string literals, which are then automatically concatenated by the interpreter. This is documented here, where is says:
Adjacent string literals are automatically concatenated by the interpreter..Any combination of adjacent single-quote, double-quote, percent strings will be concatenated as long as a percent-string is not last.
In your specific example, escaping the newlines at the end of each line of code makes them "adjacent" for the purposes of automatic concatenation. It ignores the whitespace between strings, so the following are also logically equivalent to your original example:
"Some content "'and some more '"and the final line."
#=> "Some content and some more and the final line."
"Some content " "and some more " "and the final line."
#=> "Some content and some more and the final line."

Erase word from ruby that contains a certain char

As the tittle suggests, I'd like to get some chars and check if the string as any of them. If I suppose, for example, "!" to be forbidden, then string.replace("",word_with_!). How can I check for forbidden chars if forbidden_chars is an array?
forbidden_chars = ["!",",",...]
check ARRAY (it is the string split into an array) for forbidden chars
erase all words with forbidden chars
Could anyone help me please? I just consider searching for the words with the cards and retrieving index as mandatory in the answer please. Thank you very much :)
string = 'I like my coffee hot, with no sugar!'
forbidden_chars = ['!', ',']
forbidden_chars_pattern ='|')
string.gsub /\S*(#{forbidden_chars_pattern})\S*/, ''
# => "I like my coffee with no "
The idea is to match as many non-white space characters as possible \S*, followed by any of the forbidden characters (!|,), followed by as many non-white space characters as possible again.
The reason we need the Regexp.escape is for the cases when a forbidden character has special regex meaning (like .).
string = 'I like my coffee strong, with no cream or sugar!'
verboten = '!,' { |s| s.count(verboten).zero? }.join ' '
#=> "I like my coffee with no cream or"
Note this does not preserve the spacing between "I" and "like" but if there are no extra spaces in string it returns a string that has no extra spaces.

Removing all whitespace from a string in Ruby

How can I remove all newlines and spaces from a string in Ruby?
For example, if we have a string:
"123\n12312313\n\n123 1231 1231 1"
It should become this:
That is, all whitespaces should be removed.
You can use something like:
var_name.gsub!(/\s+/, '')
Or, if you want to return the changed string, instead of modifying the variable,
var_name.gsub(/\s+/, '')
This will also let you chain it with other methods (i.e. something_else = var_name.gsub(...).to_i to strip the whitespace then convert it to an integer). gsub! will edit it in place, so you'd have to write var_name.gsub!(...); something_else = var_name.to_i. Strictly speaking, as long as there is at least one change made,gsub! will return the new version (i.e. the same thing gsub would return), but on the chance that you're getting a string with no whitespace, it'll return nil and things will break. Because of that, I'd prefer gsub if you're chaining methods.
gsub works by replacing any matches of the first argument with the contents second argument. In this case, it matches any sequence of consecutive whitespace characters (or just a single one) with the regex /\s+/, then replaces those with an empty string. There's also a block form if you want to do some processing on the matched part, rather than just replacing directly; see String#gsub for more information about that.
The Ruby docs for the class Regexp are a good starting point to learn more about regular expressions -- I've found that they're useful in a wide variety of situations where a couple of milliseconds here or there don't count and you don't need to match things that can be nested arbitrarily deeply.
As Gene suggested in his comment, you could also use tr:" \t\r\n", '')
It works in a similar way, but instead of replacing a regex, it replaces every instance of the nth character of the first argument in the string it's called on with the nth character of the second parameter, or if there isn't, with nothing. See String#tr for more information.
You could also use String#delete:
str = "123\n12312313\n\n123 1231 1231 1"
str.delete "\s\n"
#=> "12312312313123123112311"
You could use String#delete! to modify str in place, but note delete! returns nil if no change is made
Alternatively you could scan the string for digits /\d+/ and join the result:
string = "123\n\n12312313\n\n123 1231 1231 1\n"
#=> "12312312313123123112311"
Please note that this would also remove alphabetical characters, dashes, symbols, basically everything that is not a digit.

Complex requirements for string split around select commas

I need some help making a regex that will match any commas in a string that are side by side with unlimited white space around them and between them. The commas and their surrounding white space cannot be within matching single quotes or double quotes. I then need to capture the non-whitespace values from around those commas and count how many of those commas there are.
The values captured from around the commas will become their own values in the final array, while the commas that were counted will become nil values that are added to the final array.
Explanation of the problem:
This is a pretty complex problem so any help is greatly appreciated. I'm adding functionality to a library I've been using for a while now. I have this string that contains an array
"['d,og,f:asdf,:hello,",,\",,alsee',,,'ho,la', "-123,4,5.3", true, :good, false,,, "gr\'\'\'true,\',\'ee\"n", ":::testme", true]"
I would like to split this string only around select commas so that I have an array containing the following values
Then nil values are coming from the side by side commas that are not contained in any string. I wrote the following regex to split the string above (I already got rid of the start and end brackets):
This splits the string so I get these values:
(0) "'d,og,f:asdf,:hello,",,\",,alsee',,"
(1) "'ho,la'"
(2) " "-123,4,5.3""
(3) " true"
(4) " :good, false,,"
(5) " "gr\'\'\'true,\',\'ee\"n""
(6) " ":::testme""
(7) " true"
All the values are strings as can be seen by their surrounding double quotes. They will not all end up that way though. A true or false will be converted to a boolean. The values surrounded by internal quotes will end up as strings. Then a value preceded with a : will end up as a symbol.
There are problems with the values at index 0 and 4. Index 0 should be this:
(0.0) "'d,og,f:asdf,:hello,",,\",,alsee'"
(0.1) nil
(0.2) nil
As you can see, the two commas at the end are gone. They have become the two nil values you see above. Then the string starts at the first single quote and ends at the last single quote, signifying that this value in the array is a string.
Then index 4 (" :good, false,,") should be this:
(4.0) " :good"
(4.1) " false"
(4.2) nil
(4.3) nil
The two commas at the end have become nil. Then " false" is it's own value which will later be converted to a boolean, while " :good" is also it's own value and will later be converted to a symbol.
To fix the problem with index 4 I have all the values run through a second regex. Here it is:
Instead of splitting this one I get the capture groups. It ends up returning this array for the value at index 4:
(4.0) " :good"
(4.1) " false,,"
That's what I wanted except for one problem. The value at index 4.1 (" false,,") has the two trailing commas which should be nil values in the array.
I need some help making a regex that will match any commas in a string that are side by side with unlimited white space around them and between them. The commas and their surrounding white space cannot be within matching single quotes or double quotes. I then need to capture the non-whitespace values from around those commas and count how many of those commas there are.
The values captured from around the commas will become their own values in the final array, while the commas that were counted will become nil values that are added to the final array.
",,alsee',,,'ho,la', "
", true, :good, false,,, "
I count 4 strings. 3 in double quotes and the last one in single quotes?
You say this is broken down into smaller strings by your regx. But what about the characters outside the 4 strings?
Sorry, it looks a bit of a mess.
Try putting it all in a here document string and then breaking it down by a regx.
I finally figured it out myself. You can see how it fits in with the rest if you look at the description of the question above.

Ruby regex to capture any string with a number

I am looking for a regular expression in Ruby to capture a sentence that has any sort of number in it.
For instance, I need to capture all of the following:
"5 different ways to do it"
"2 x 2 is certainly 4"
"there are 15 different things"
"Try to get to 10"
I only want to capture sentences with a number within, but that has nothing else before or after the number. I don't want to include things like:
"$2 billion dollars"
"The 5x effect"
It has to be just a sequence for 1 or more numbers at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.
You probably want something like:
Which will match a number and "look-around" for a non-space.
(s =~ /(^|\s)\d+(\s|$)/) ? s : nil
will return the string s if it contains at least one non-negative integer, that is:
the entire string,
at the beginning of the string followed by a whitespace character,
at the end the string preceded by a whitespace character, or
is both preceded and followed by a whitespace character.
