Link weight between DBpedia objects - algorithm

I am bit new to this semantic web topic and especially DBpedia, as much as I did reading about this I could not find any information about possibility to determine weight of link between DBpedia objects. For example, is it possible to determine that PHP is more related to Symfony than Ruby on Rails is, even though they are both related?

OWLIM has an algorithm called RDF Rank which is mentioned in this presentation but it doesn't say how it works, I couldn't find any articles/papers with a quick Google search but probably worth you looking more thoroughly.
If all you want to know is how linked some concepts are it may be easiest to set up OWLIM yourself and import the DBPedia dataset dump and run the algorithm so you can retrieve this information.


How to build a knowledge graph?

I prototyped a tiny search engine with PageRank that worked on my computer. I am interested in building a Knowledge Graph on top of it, and it should return only queried webpages that are within the right context, similarly to how Google found relevant answers to search questions. I saw a lot of publicity around Knowledge Graphs, but not a lot of literature and almost no pseudocode like guideline of building one. Does anyone know good references on how such Knowledge Graphs work internally, so that there will be no need to create models about a KG?
Knowledge graph is a buzzword. It is a sum of models and technologies put together to achieve a result.
The first stop on your journey starts with Natural language processing, Ontologies and Text mining. It is a wide field of artificial intelligence, go here for a research survey on the field.
Before building your own models, I suggest you try different standard algorithms using dedicated toolboxes such as gensim. You will learn about tf-idf, LDA, document feature vectors, etc.
I am assuming you want to work with text data, if you want to do image search using other images it is different. Same for the audio part.
Building models is only the first step, the most difficult part of Google's knowledge graph is to actually scale to billions of requests each day ...
A good processing pipeline can be built "easily" on top of Apache Spark, "the current-gen Hadoop". It provides a resilient distributed datastore which is mandatory if you want to scale.
If you want to keep your data as a graph, as in graph theory (like pagerank), for live querying, I suggest you use Bulbs which is a framework which is "Like an ORM for graphs, but instead of SQL, you use the graph-traversal language Gremlin to query the database". You can switch the backend from Neo4j to OpenRDF (useful if you do ontologies) for instance.
For graph analytics you can use Spark, GraphX module or GraphLab.
Hope it helps.
I know I'm really late but first to clarify some terminology: Knowledge Graph and Ontology are similar (I'm talking in the Semantic Web paradigm). In the semantic web stack the foundation is RDF which is a language for defining graphs as triples (Subject, Predicate, Object). RDFS is a layer on top of RDF. It defines a meta-model, e.g., predicates such as rdf:type and nodes such as rdfs:Class. Although RDFS provides a meta-model there is no logical foundation for it so there are no reasoners that can validate the model or do further reasoning on it. The layer on top of RDFS is OWL (Web Ontology Language). That has a formal semantics defined by Description Logic which is a decidable subset of First Order Logic. It has more predefined nodes and links such as owl:Class, owl:ObjectProperty, etc. So when people use the term ontology they typically mean an OWL model. When they use the term Knowledge Graph it may refer to an ontology defined in OWL (because OWL is still ultimately an RDF graph) or it may mean just a graph in RDF/RDFS.
I said that because IMO the best way to build a knowledge graph is to define an ontology and then use various semantic web tools to load data (e.g., from spreadsheets) into the ontology. The best tool to start with IMO is the Protege ontology editor from Stanford. It's free and for a free open source tool very reliable and intuitive. And there is a good tutorial for how to use Protege and learn OWL as well as other Semantic Web tools such as SPARQL and SHACL. That tutorial can be found here: New Protege Pizza Tutorial (disclosure: that links to my site, I wrote the tutorial). If you want to get into the lower levels of the graph you probably want to check out a triplestore. It is a graph database designed for OWL and RDF models. The free version of Franz Inc's AllegroGraph triplestore is easy to use and supports 5M triples. Another good triplestore that is free and open source is part of the Apache Jena framework.

Increasing relevancy of search results

I have a problem with making search output more practically usefull for the end users. The problem is rather related to the algorithm and approach then to exact technology or framework to use.
At the moment we have a database of products, that can be described with following schema:
From the search perspective we've done pretty standard things, 3-rd party text search with token analyzer, handling mistypes and synonyms (it is not the full list, but as I said, it is rather out of scope). But stil we need to perform extra work to make the search result closer to real life user needs, probably, in somewhat similar way how Google ranks indexed pages by relevancy. Ideas, that we`ve already considered as potentially applicable in solving the problem:
Analyze most popular search requests in widespread search engines (it is still a question how to get them) and increase rank for those entries in the index, which correspond (could be found with) to the popular requests;
Increase rank for newest (hot) entries;
Increase rank for the biggest group of entries, which correspond to the popular request and have something in common (that`s why it is a group);
Appreciate for any help or advising a direction, where to dig.
You may try pLSA; there are many references on the web, and there should be libraries and source code.
well, I took a closer look at Lucene recently, and it seems to give a much better answer to what the question actually asked (it does not use pLSA). As for the integration with db, you may use Hibernate Search (although it does not seem to be as powerful as using Lucene directy is).

Predicting missing data values in a database

I have a database, consisting of a whole bunch of records (around 600,000) where some of the records have certain fields missing. My goal is to find a way to predict what the missing data values should be (so I can fill them in) based on the existing data.
One option I am looking at is clustering - i.e. representing the records that are all complete as points in some space, looking for clusters of points, and then when given a record with missing data values try to find out if there are any clusters that could belong in that are consistent with the existing data values. However this may not be possible because some of the data fields are on a nominal scale (e.g. color) and thus can't be put in order.
Another idea I had is to create some sort of probabilistic model that would predict the data, train it on the existing data, and then use it to extrapolate.
What algorithms are available for doing the above, and is there any freely available software that implements those algorithms (This software is going to be in c# by the way).
This is less of an algorithmic and more of a philosophical and methodological question. There are a few different techniques available to tackle this kind of question. Acock (2005) gives a good introduction to some of the methods. Although it may seem that there is a lot of math/statistics involved (and may seem like a lot of effort), it's worth thinking what would happen if you messed up.
Andrew Gelman's blog is also a good resource, although the search functionality on his blog leaves something to be desired...
Hope this helps.
Acock (2005)
Andrew Gelman's blog
Dealing with missing values is a methodical question that has to do with the actual meaning of the data.
Several methods you can use (detailed post on my blog):
Ignore the data row. This is usually done when the class label is missing (assuming you data mining goal is classification), or many attributes are missing from the row (not just one). However you'll obviously get poor performance if the percentage of such rows is high
Use a global constant to fill in for missing values. Like "unknown", "N/A" or minus infinity. This is used because sometimes is just doesnt make sense to try and predict the missing value. For example if you have a DB if, say, college candidates and state of residence is missing for some, filling it in doesn't make much sense...
Use attribute mean. For example if the average income of a US family is X you can use that value to replace missing income values.
Use attribute mean for all samples belonging to the same class. Lets say you have a cars pricing DB that, among other things, classifies cars to "Luxury" and "Low budget" and you're dealing with missing values in the cost field. Replacing missing cost of a luxury car with the average cost of all luxury cars is probably more accurate then the value you'd get if you factor in the low budget cars
Use data mining algorithm to predict the value. The value can be determined using regression, inference based tools using Baysian formalism , decision trees, clustering algorithms used to generate input for step method #4 (K-Mean\Median etc.)
I'd suggest looking into regression and decision trees first (ID3 tree generation) as they're relatively easy and there are plenty of examples on the net.
As for packages, if you can afford it and you're in the Microsoft world look at SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS for short) that implement most of the mentioned above.
Here are some links to free data minning software packages:
Although not C# he's a pretty good intro to decision trees and baysian learning (using Ruby):
There's also this Ruby library that I find very useful (also for learning purposes):
There should be plenty of samples for these algorithms online in any language so I'm sure you'll easily find C# stuff too...
Forgot this in my original post. This is a definately MUST HAVE if you're playing with data mining...
Download Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Data Mining Add-ins for Microsoft Office 2007 (It requires SQL Server Analysis Services - SSAS - which isn't free but you can download a trial).
This will allow you to easily play and try out the different techniques in Excel before you go and implement this stuff yourself. Then again, since you're in the Microsoft ecosystem, you might even decide to go for an SSAS based solution and count on the SQL Server guys to do it for ya :)
Predicting missing values is generally considered to be part of data cleansing phase which needs to be done before the data is mined or analyzed further. This is quite prominent in real world data.
Please have a look at this algorithm
Currently Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 also comes with algorithms like these which help in predictive modelling of attributes.

If you were organizing books in a library, how would you store them and what data structure would you use?"

I would use a hash table and use ISBN number as key. As this will give me a look up time of O(1) avg time of look up in hash table is O(1)....
we can also use Binary search tree.....look up time is O(nlogn)...
What data structure would you guys use and why?
This sounds like a homework or interview question. If I were asking it, I would be interested in more than just whether you understand a couple of data structures. I would also want to know how you analyze a real-world problem and translate it to the world of computers and data structures.
As such, you should probably think about what operations you need to perform on the data before you pick a data structure. You should also think some about real libraries and some of the "gotchas" that could come up with any data structure you chose.
If all you need to do is translate from an ISBN to the catalog entry for the corresponding book, then a hash table might be a reasonable choice. But you might want to think about how you would deal with popular books, such as best sellers, that a library could have many copies of.
But is ISBN lookup really the important use case? I use my local library all the time, and I never look up books by ISBN. Some of things that I do are:
Look up a specific book by title. Sometimes there are different books with the same title.
Browse the list of books by an author I like
Find where books on a particular subject are shelved, so I can browse them.
Librarians probably have additional uses for a catalog system:
Add new books to the catalog
Mark books as checked out
Change listing information, such as subject classification, for a book
So I guess my recommendation would be to think more carefully about what problem you want to solve before you decide on the solution.
Apologies for asking more questions instead of providing an answer. I hope this is helpful anyway.
Well ... I don't think the hardest problem to solve with designing a data structure to store information about books is that of look-up speed.
And I would certainly not settle for a system that only allowed searching if you know the ISBN. What if you only remember the author, or a few words from the title? If there is to be any gains in having a computerized system for this, you must support flexible searches, in my opinion.
I would probably look into using Dublin Core, but I'm not at all sure that's the "right" thing to do. It seems people have spent a great deal of time thinking about that one, though.

Building or Finding a "relevant terms" suggestion feature

Given a few words of input, I want to have a utility that will return a diverse set of relevant terms, phrases, or concepts. A caveat is that it would need to have a large graph of terms to begin with, or else the feature would not be very useful.
For example, submitting "baseball" would return
["shortstop", "Babe Ruth", "foul ball", "steroids", ... ]
Google Sets is the best example I can find of this kind of feature, but I can't use it since they have no public API (and I wont go against their TOS). Also, single-word input doesn't garner a very diverse set of results. I'm looking for a solution that goes off on tangents.
The closest I've experimented with is using WikiPedia's API to search Categories and Backlinks, but there's no way to directly sort those results by "relevance" or "popularity". Without that, the suggestion list is massive and all over the place, which is not immediately useful and very hard to whittle down.
Using A Thesaurus could also work minimally, but that would leave out any proper nouns or tangentially relevant terms (like any of the results listed above).
I would happily reuse an open service, if one exists, but I haven't found anything sufficient.
I'm looking for either a way to implement this either in-house with a decently-populated starting set, or reuse a free service that offers this.
Have a solution? Thanks ahead of time!
UPDATE: Thank you for the incredibly dense & informative answers. I'll choose a winning answer in 6 to 12 months, when I'll hopefully understand what you've all suggested =)
You might be interested in WordNet. It takes a bit of linguistic knowledge to understand the API, but basically the system is a database of meaning-based links between English words, which is more or less what you're searching for. I'm sure I can dig up more information if you want it.
Peter Norvig (director of research at Google) spoke about how they do this at Google (specifically mentioning Google Sets) in a Facebook Tech Talk. The idea is that a relatively simple algorithm on a huge dataset (e.g. the entire web) is much better than a complicated algorithm on a small data set.
You could look at Google's n-gram collection as a starting point. You'd start to see what concepts are grouped together. Norvig hinted that internally Google has up to 7-grams for use in things like Google Translate.
If you're more ambitious, you could download all of Wikipedia's articles in the language you desire and create your own n-gram database.
The problem is even more complicated if you just have a single word; check out this recent thesis for more details on word sense disambiguation.
It's not an easy problem, but it is useful as you mentioned. In the end, I think you'll find that a really successful implementation will have a relatively simple algorithm and a whole lot of data.
Take a look at the following two papers:
Clustering User Queries of a Search Engine [pdf]
Topic Detection by Clustering Keywords [pdf]
Here is my attempt at a very simplified explanation:
If we have a database of past user queries, we can define a similarity function between two queries. For example: number of words in common. Now for each query in our database, we compute its similarity with each other query, and remember the k most similar queries. The non-overlapping words from these can be returned as "related terms".
We can also take this approach with a database of documents containing information users might be searching for. We can define the similarity between two search terms as the number of documents containing both divided by the number of documents containing either. To decide which terms to test, we can scan the documents and throw out words that are either too common ('and', 'the', etc.) or that are too obscure.
If our data permits, then we could see which queries led users to choosing which results, instead of comparing documents by content. For example if we had data that showed us that users searching for "Celtics" and "Lakers" both ended up clicking on, then we could call these related terms.
If you're starting from scratch with no data about past user queries, then you can try Wikipedia, or the Bag of Words dataset as a database of documents. If you are looking for a database of user search terms and results, and if you are feeling adventurous, then you can take a look at the AOL Search Data.
