Subsonic Single WHERE clause - linq

Is it possible to apply a WHERE clause on a SubSonic query?
For example, I get get a single based on id...
But how can I get a single based on a simple WHERE clause?
db.Single<Storage>(WHERE columnname == "value");

that's possible:
// Will return a Storage instance with property IsNew = true, if record does not exist
// since an object created with new never can be null
var storage1 = new Storage(1); // id = 1
var storage1 = new Storage(Storag.Columns.ColumnName, "value");
// Will return 0 if record not found (subsonic3 only)
var storage3 = (from s in Storage
where s.ColumnName == "value"
select s).SingleOrDefault();
// Will throw an exception if record not found (subsonic3 only)
var storage3 = (from s in Storage
where s.ColumnName == "value"
select s).Single();
Since db is a partial class you can extend it. Just create a new File within the same namespace (but another folder in your solution). This applies to subsonic 2 but will be similar to subsonic 3, I think.
public static partial class DB
public static T Single<T>(String columName, Object columnValue) where T: RecordBase<T>, new()
return Select().From<T>()

Thanks for the above, this was a help and eventually I simplified this to the below...
db.Single<Storage>(s => s.ColumnName == "value");


Is it Possible to use reflection on LINQ to Entities to query a dynamic table?

There are many tables in the database that are used as "lookup" tables. All the tables have the same structure, other than the ID column name.
I have found that I can use reflection to open a table and enumerate through the records. The method takes a string (tableName).
Uri serviceUri = new Uri("http://localhost/MyDataService/WcfDataService.svc");
var context = new MyEntities(serviceUri);
var eTable = typeof(MyEntities).GetProperty(tableName).GetValue(context, null) as IEnumerable<object>
foreach (object o in eTable)
This works fine, but I want to add a WHERE clause to the query. For example, where InactiveDate == null.
Can I do this? I have been unable to figure this one out.
How about this?
var eTable = (typeof(MyEntities).GetProperty(tableName).GetValue(context, null) as IEnumerable<object>).Where(obj => obj.GetType().GetProperty("InactiveDate").GetValue(obj) == null);
foreach (object o in eTable)
I would suggest to use generics and maybe an interface over reflection.
public function Xyz<TEntity>(Func<MyEntities, IDbSet<TEntity>> dbSetGetter, Expression<Func<TEntity, Boolean>> filter)
var serviceUri = new Uri("http://localhost/MyDataService/WcfDataService.svc");
using (var context = new MyEntities(serviceUri))
foreach (var entity in dbSetGetter(context).Where(filter))
Usage would be like this
Xyz(context => context.Foo, foo => foo.Bar == 42);
assuming you have an entity Foo with an integer property Bar. The obvious difference to your code is that you have to know the entity type a compile time and I am not sure if you know it then.

Linq in C# using IEnumerable

Appearently, I got an error if using the following code. It said:
Cannot implicity converrt type System.Linq.IQueryable<AnonymousType> to System.Collection.Generic.IEnumerable.
Please advise how I can fix this?
public IEnumerable<Session> GetAllListDetailConsumer(string refId)
ObjectQuery<Session> sessions = db.Sessions;
ObjectQuery<SessionsList> sessionsLists = db.SessionsList;
var query =
from s in sessions
join sList in sessionsLists on s.ReferralListID equals sList.ReferralListID
where s.ReferralListID == new Guid(refId)
select new SessionConsumerList
ReferralListID = s.ReferralListID,
SessionServerId = s.SessionServerID,
ApplicationID = s.ApplicationID,
// ...
ConsumerID = sList.ConsumerID,
ConsumerFirstName = sList.ConsumerFirstName,
ConsumerFamilyName = sList.ConsumerFamilyName,
// ...
return query.ToList();
You are selecting using select new, which would create an anonymous type, you need to project to class Session in your query like.
select new Session
But remember if your Session class is a representing a table in your database/data context, then you can't project to that class, instead you may have to create a temporary class and project the selection to that class.
EDIT (Since the question now has been edited)
Now you are selecting new SessionConsumerList and you are returning IEnumerable<Session>, you need to modify method signature to return IEnumerable<SessionConsumerList>
Why not separate the creation of the SessionConsumerList in another method? Makes the code a lot cleaner. Like this:
public static SessionConsumerList CreateSessionConsumerList(
Session s,
SessionsList sList)
return new SessionConsumerList
ReferralListID = s.ReferralListID,
SessionServerId = s.SessionServerID,
ApplicationID = s.ApplicationID,
// ...
ConsumerID = sList.ConsumerID,
ConsumerFirstName = sList.ConsumerFirstName,
ConsumerFamilyName = sList.ConsumerFamilyName,
// ...
And then:
var query =
from s in sessions
join sList in sessionsLists on s.ReferralListID equals sList.ReferralListID
where s.ReferralListID == new Guid(refId)
select CreateSessionConsumerList(s, sList);

Explicit construction of entity type in query is not allowed [duplicate]

Using Linq commands and Linq To SQL datacontext, Im trying to instance an Entity called "Produccion" from my datacontext in this way:
Demo.View.Data.PRODUCCION pocoProduccion =
join a in db.ATENCIONs on m.cmp equals a.cmp
join e in db.EXAMENXATENCIONs on a.numeroatencion equals e.numeroatencion
join c in db.CITAs on e.numerocita equals c.numerocita
where e.codigo == codigoExamenxAtencion
select new Demo.View.Data.PRODUCCION
cmp = a.cmp,
bonificacion = comi,
valorventa = precioEstudio,
codigoestudio = lblCodigoEstudio.Content.ToString(),
codigopaciente = Convert.ToInt32(lblCodigoPaciente.Content.ToString()),
codigoproduccion = Convert.ToInt32(lblNroInforme.Content.ToString()),
codigopromotor = m.codigopromotor,
fecha = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()),
numeroinforme = Convert.ToInt32(lblNroInforme.Content.ToString()),
revisado = false,
codigozona = (c.codigozona.Value == null ? Convert.ToInt32(c.codigozona) : 0),
codigoclinica = Convert.ToInt32(c.codigoclinica),
codigoclase = e.codigoclase,
While executing the above code, I'm getting the following error that the stack trace is included:
System.NotSupportedException was caught
Message="The explicit construction of the entity type 'Demo.View.Data.PRODUCCION' in a query is not allowed."
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitMemberInit(MemberInitExpression init)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitInner(Expression node)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.Visit(Expression node)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitSelect(Expression sequence, LambdaExpression selector)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitSequenceOperatorCall(MethodCallExpression mc)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression mc)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitInner(Expression node)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.Visit(Expression node)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitFirst(Expression sequence, LambdaExpression lambda, Boolean isFirst)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitSequenceOperatorCall(MethodCallExpression mc)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression mc)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.VisitInner(Expression node)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.QueryConverter.ConvertOuter(Expression node)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.BuildQuery(Expression query, SqlNodeAnnotations annotations)
en System.Data.Linq.SqlClient.SqlProvider.System.Data.Linq.Provider.IProvider.Execute(Expression query)
en System.Data.Linq.DataQuery`1.System.Linq.IQueryProvider.Execute[S](Expression expression)
en System.Linq.Queryable.FirstOrDefault[TSource](IQueryable`1 source)
en Demo.View.InformeMedico.realizarProduccionInforme(Int32 codigoExamenxAtencion, Double precioEstudio, Int32 comi) en D:\cs_InformeMedico\app\InformeMedico.xaml.cs:línea 602
en Demo.View.InformeMedico.UpdateEstadoEstudio(Int32 codigo, Char state) en D:\cs_InformeMedico\app\InformeMedico.xaml.cs:línea 591
en Demo.View.InformeMedico.btnGuardar_Click(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) en D:\cs_InformeMedico\app\InformeMedico.xaml.cs:línea 683
Is that now allowed in LINQ2SQL?
Entities can be created outside of queries and inserted into the data store using a DataContext. You can then retrieve them using queries. However, you can't create entities as part of a query.
I am finding this limitation to be very annoying, and going against the common trend of not using SELECT * in queries.
Still with c# anonymous types there is a workaround, by fetching the objects into an anonymous type, and then copy it over into the correct type.
For example:
var q = from emp in employees where emp.ID !=0
select new {Name = emp.First + " " + emp.Last, EmployeeId = emp.ID }
var r = q.ToList();
List<User> users = new List<User>(r.Select(new User
Name = r.Name,
EmployeeId = r.EmployeeId
And in the case when we deal with a single value (as in the situation described in the question) it is even easier, and we just need to copy directly the values:
var q = from emp in employees where emp.ID !=0
select new { Name = emp.First + " " + emp.Last, EmployeeId = emp.ID }
var r = q.FirstOrDefault();
User user = new User { Name = r.Name, EmployeeId = r.ID };
If the name of the properties match the database columns we can do it even simpler in the query, by doing select
var q = from emp in employees where emp.ID !=0
select new { emp.First, emp.Last, emp.ID }
One might go ahead and write a lambda expression that can copy automatically based on the property name, without needing to specify the values explictly.
Here's another workaround:
Make a class that derives from your LINQ to SQL class. I'm assuming that the L2S class that you want to return is Order:
internal class OrderView : Order { }
Now write the query this way:
var query = from o in db.Order
select new OrderView // instead of Order
OrderID = o.OrderID,
OrderDate = o.OrderDate,
// etc.
Cast the result back into Order, like this:
return query.Cast<Order>().ToList(); // or .FirstOrDefault()
(or use something more sensible, like BLToolkit / LINQ to DB)
Note: I haven't tested to see if tracking works or not; it works to retrieve data, which is what I needed.
I have found that if you do a .ToList() on the query before trying to contruct new objects it works
I just ran into the same issue.
I found a very easy solution.
var a = att as Attachment;
Func<Culture, AttachmentCulture> make =
c => new AttachmentCulture { Culture = c };
var culs = from c in dc.Cultures
let ac = c.AttachmentCultures.SingleOrDefault(
x => x.Attachment == a)
select ac == null ? make(c) : ac;
return culs;
I construct an anonymous type, use IEnumerable (which preserves deferred execution), and then re-consruct the datacontext object. Both Employee and Manager are datacontext objects:
var q = dc.Employees.Where(p => p.IsManager == 1)
.Select(p => new { Id = p.Id, Name = p.Name })
.Select(item => new Manager() { Id = item.Id, Name = item.Name });
Within the book "70-515 Web Applications Development with Microsoft .NET Framework 4 - Self paced training kit", page 638 has the following example to output results to a strongly typed object:
IEnumerable<User> users = from emp in employees where emp.ID !=0
select new User
Name = emp.First + " " + emp.Last,
EmployeeId = emp.ID
Mark Pecks advice appears to contradict this book - however, for me this example still displays the above error as well, leaving me somewhat confused. Is this linked to version differences? Any suggestions welcome.
I found another workaround for the problem that even lets you retain your result as IQueryale, so it doesn't actually execute the query until you want it to be executed (like it would with the ToList() method).
So linq doesn't allow you to create an entity as a part of query? You can shift that task to the database itself and create a function that will grab the data you want. After you import the function to your data context, you just need to set the result type to the one you want.
I found out about this when I had to write a piece of code that would produce a IQueryable<T> in which the items don't actually exist in the table containing T.
pbz posted a work around by creating a View class inherited from an entity class that you could be working with. I'm working with a dbml model of a table that has > 200 columns. When I try and return the whole table I get "Root Element missing" errors. I couldn't find anyone who wanted to deal with my particular issue so I was looking at rewriting my entire approach. Just creating a view class for the entitiy class worked in my case.
As pbz suggests : Create a view class that inherits from your entity class. For me this is tbCamp so :
internal class tbCampView : tbCamp
Then use the view class in your query :
using (var dc = ConnectionClass.Connect(Dev))
var camps = dc.tbCamps.Select(s => new tbCampView
active =,
idCamp = s.idCamp,
campName = s.campName
SmartTableViewer(camps, dg1);
private void SmartTableViewer<T>(IEnumerable<T> allRecords)
// Build sorted rows back into new table
var table = new DataTable();
// Create columns based on type
if (allRecords is IEnumerable<tbCamp> tbCampRecords)
// Get the columns you want
foreach (var record in tbCampRecords)
// Make a new row
var r = table.NewRow();
// Add the contents to each column of the row
r["idCamp"] = record.idCamp;
r["campName"] = record.campName;
// Add the row to the table.
MessageBox.Show("Unhandled type. Add support for new data type in SmartTableViewer()");
// Update table in grid
dg1.DataSource = table.DefaultView;
Here is what happens when you try and create an entity class object in the query.
I didn't want to have to use an anonymous type if I could help it because I wanted the type to be tbCamp. Since tbCampView is of type tbCamp the is operator works well. see Brian Hasden's answer Passing a generic List<> in C#
I'm surprised this is even an issue but with larger tables I run into this error so I thought I would just show it here :
When trying to read this table into memory I get the following error. There are < 2000 rows but the columns are > 200 for each. I don't know if that is an issue or not.
If I just want a few columns I need to create a custom class and handle that which isn't that big of a pain. With the approach pbz provided I don't have to worry about it.
Here is the entire project in case it helps someone.
public partial class Form1 : Form
private const bool Dev = true;
public Form1()
private void btnGetAllCamps_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
using (var dc = ConnectionClass.Connect(Dev))
IQueryable<tbCampView> camps = dc.tbCamps.Select(s => new tbCampView
// Project columns as needed.
active =,
idCamp = s.idCamp,
campName = s.campName
// pass in as a
private void SmartTableViewer<T>(IEnumerable<T> allRecords)
// Build sorted rows back into new table
var table = new DataTable();
// Create columns based on type
if (allRecords is IEnumerable<tbCamp> tbCampRecords)
// Get the columns you want
foreach (var record in tbCampRecords)
//var newRecord = record;
// Make a new row
var r = table.NewRow();
// Add the contents to each column of the row
r["idCamp"] = record.idCamp;
r["campName"] = record.campName;
// Add the row to the table.
MessageBox.Show("Unhandled type. Add support for new data type in SmartTableViewer()");
// Update table in grid
dg1.DataSource = table.DefaultView;
internal class tbCampView : tbCamp

generic method to search for an LINQ entity based on its type

partial void UpdateDenomLimit(DenomLimit instance)
var oldData = DataClassesDataContext.DenomLimits.Where(b => b.ID == instance.ID).First();
//Code that logs the audit when instance and oldData is passed to it
LogAudit(oldData, instance);
//Code that updates the instance
Above is a method for updating an instance of DenomLimit in the database.
I am logging an audit of what changes are done to the entity. For that I get the previous state of the instance by the following code and it works fine:
var oldData = DataClassesDataContext.DenomLimits.Where(b => b.ID == instance.ID).First();
now I need a generic LINQ query which can fetch the oldData when three parameters are passed to it:
1. an instance of any type
2. A primary key column name
3. A value of primary key column for the passed instance. that I can keep that code in the LogAudit and then do not need to fetch in every function.
A LINQ query which will possibly look like:
var oldData = DataClassesDataContext.GetTable<instance>().Where("b => b." + colName + " == #0", new object[] { id }).First();
The full namespace is used here to indicate the namespace that it came from to make it easier to incorporate into your code.
public T GetFirstOrDefault<T>(System.Linq.Expressions.Expression<Func<T, bool>> func) where T : class
// For EF 4.1 Code First
//return (ctx as System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.IObjectContextAdapter).ObjectContext.CreateObjectSet<T>().FirstOrDefault(func);
// or
//return ctx.Set<T>().FirstOrDefault(func);
In this case using an Expression of a Func allows EF to figure out what data you are looking for.
Here is an example of how it would be used:
var a1 = GetFirstOrDefault<DenomLimits>(p => p.ID == oldData.ID);
var a2 = GetFirstOrDefault<DenomLimits>(p => p.OtherID == 5);

linq and object initialisation

If I have something like:
var query = from children in _data.Children
where children.ChildId == childId
select new CustomModel.MyChild
ChildId = children.ChildId,
Name = children.ChildName
return query.FirstOrDefault();
Where I want the resultant object to be my custom model.
Can I handle the custom model instantiation in a different method, which could be reused if I had multiple linq queries that all generated a custom child model?
For example,
var query = from children in _data.Children
where children.ChildId == childId
select CreateMyCustomChild([param ??]);
return query.FirstOrDefault();
This may well be impossible, I don't know, but what would the method signature be like if it is possible?
I'm only thinking reuse for when multiple linq queries contain duplicate object initialisation code.
It really depends on what version of LINQ you're using. If you're using LINQ to SQL, I don't believe you can call arbitrary methods in the query. The query translator wouldn't know what to do with the method call
If you're using LINQ to Objects, you're absolutely fine to do it, like this:
var query = from children in _data.Children
where children.ChildId == childId
select CreateMyCustomChild(children)
return query.FirstOrDefault();
// Elsewhere
public CustomModel.MyChild CreateMyCustomChild(OtherChild child)
return new CustomModel.MyChild
ChildId = child.ChildId,
Name = child.ChildName
(Side note: I'd call the range variable in the query "child" rather than "children" as at any one time it only represents a single child.)
If you wanted you could write "select 1" or in your case "CreateMyCustomChild(children)" since "children" is containing all your info. In your case you aren't adding a lot of info to "children", so why not "select children"?
In other words, just try it out. The return type of your value will determine over which type your LINQ enumerates.
Suppose you had a method that did the transform for you.
public static class Conversions
public static CustomModel.MyChild ToCustomModel(this DataModel.MyChild source)
return new CustomModel.MyChild()
ChildId = source.ChildId,
Name = source.ChildName
You can use such a method to do the conversion of a single item.
DataModel.MyChild myResult = getResult();
CustomModel.MyChild myConvertedResult = myResult.ToCustomModel()
Such a method can also be used in a Enumerable.Select method call.
IEnumerable<DataModel.MyChild> myQueriedResults = getResult();
IEnumerable<CustomModel.MyChild> myConvertedResults =
myQueryiedResults.Select(c => c.ToCustomModel());
While you can do with expressions, I don't think it is worth the hassle. Instead I suggest you define an extension method like:
IQueryable<CustomModel.MyChild> ToModel(this IQueryable<Child> childs)
return childs.Select( c=>
select new CustomModel.MyChild
ChildId = children.ChildId,
Name = children.ChildName
You can then call:
return _data.Children
.Where(c=>c.ChildId == childId)
