Refernce or link doesn't work in Flowplayer captions plugin - flowplayer

I'm working with Flowplayer captions plugin and I need references/links in subtitles. When I've built into srt file link like click this link to
then the flowplayer stuck on parse processing and last message was only
org.flowplayer.captions::Caption : captions file loaded, parsing cuepoints
Please prompt me how to resolve this problem. Thanks

I've resolved this problem by commented out some piece of code in source code. This code checks for XML subtitle format and fails when it reads linked html code.


want to add screenshots to my read me but it doesn't work

I'm trying to add a screenshot of the image to my file, and I added those lines to the file but none of them worked...
Can anyone point me out where to fix it?
![example slide](
I saw other people asking the same question but still, I could not solve it...
I think the problem is that the link is not an image link, it's an html link. Try this:
You're using the image syntax, but the URL you've provided links to an HTML page, which is not an image. You need to use a URL that links to a JPEG, PNG, GIF, or other image file, not an HTML page.

Conversion from swf to html 5 click tag

I was trying to upload my swf file to convert it to HTML5, is this the right way to do it:
upload the swf then once done click the view conversion and save it as a html? When I did this, the click tag wasn't embeded.
How do we get about on solving this?
You can pass this parameter to your Swiffy file in the URL like
or by inserting the following code snippet in the Swiffy output, just before the call to stage.start():

ClassCastException when trying to animate gif image in BlackBerry

I get a ClassCastException when trying to animate a GifImage in BlackBerry. I tried many ways, but all cause that exception. I referred to the BlackBerry knowledgecenter article "Display An Animated GIF" and I tried the following code in my mainscreen. I also tried using #swati's code from the "Animated GIF" blog post. What is my mistake?
GIFEncodedImage bitmapImage=(GIFEncodedImage)GIFEncodedImage.getEncodedImageResource("CuteCapLa4.gif"); //**Getting Exception at this line**
AnimatedGIFField image_field=new AnimatedGIFField(bitmapImage);
As described here:
rapc has option to convert image files to png format. However it keeps name and extension of original file. In this case you lose ability to animate as well as you get ClassCastException.
If you're using eclipse you could check this option in the Application Descriptor XML file under the "Build" submenu.

Download xml from url, parse it and display on page using phonegap on WP7

Can some one please help me with a sample code (phonegap on WP7) that would fetch a xml from given url, parse the xml and show contents in a list.
I googled a lot but could not find a working solution
Since phonegap is basically rendering HTML files you should look at a way of doing it in HTML and Javascript. Take a look at this question and answer, it should help you out

ckeditor: mediaembed plugin won't work

I'm using CKEditor for my site.
Now I found the plugin called "MediaEmbed". I need it for embedding YouTube videos.
I installed it and the integration worked fine, but embedding won't work.
When you paste the code into the text area in the embedding dialog and then click on OK in IE and Chrome nothing happens and in Firefox it just adds a image as a flash-content-placeholder.
Let's say the flash-content-placeholder image would be just in the wysiwyg interface, but then i should get the embed code when I click on "view source" - but no, there you just see the source of the placeholder image div and img tag.
Then let's say the embed code is saved internally, so I save the file I create with CKEditor, and the out I get is just what I entered without the stuff the MediaEmbed plugin has generated at all.
How to fix this?
Please help!
Yours Joern.
use firebug and see, it'll be giving a cross domain error. the plugin has a bug. use try catch in the place where is accesses the property for a workaround.
Try istead ckeditor youtube plugin
