I've captured the login HTTP headers using firefox plugin LiveHTTPheaders.
I've found the following url and variables.
POST /login
And here's the code I am running:
require 'rubygems'
require 'mechanize'
browser = Mechanize.new
) do |page|
puts page.body
However, this gives me nothing ! is something wrong with my post parameters ?
post() doesn't take a block. Try this:
page = browser.post('http://www.mysite.com/login', {
"email" => "myemail%40gmail.com",
"password" => "something",
"remember" => "1",
"loginSubmit" => "Login",
"url" => ""
edit: changed for accuracy
I am trying to get the following curl command (which works) replicated in some Ruby code, however the 'Customer-Id' header part seems to not get sent/picked up by the API.
The curl command is:
curl -u ‘me#mydomain.com’ -H ‘Customer-Id: 243’
which returns info on that customer. However in Ruby, the following is not working:
auth = {
username: “me#mydomain.com”,
password: "#{pass}"
#result = HTTParty.get("",:basic_auth => auth, :headers => { ‘Customer-Id: 243’ } ).parsed_response
puts #result
If anyone has any ideas what I am doing wrong here, it would be appreciated!
Looking at your code, there is an error:
:headers => { ‘Customer-Id: 243’ }
Try this way:
:headers => {'Customer-Id' => 243}
I suspect something at Soundcloud has changed because my code has not been altered and worked fine last year.
I see:
Error: HTTP status: 422 Unprocessable Entity, Status Code: 422, playlist_struct:{:title=>"Y11 - REVO - Sop", :description=>"Y11 - REVO - Sop newchoir", :tag_list=>"Sop", :tracks=>"219269586", :format=>"json", :oauth_token=>"..."}
My oauth_token works fine.
I call:
new_playlist = #client.post('/playlists', playlist_struct)
Where #client is defined using https://github.com/soundcloud/soundcloud-ruby as:
#client = SoundCloud.new({
:client_id => clientId,
:client_secret => clientSecret,
:username => email,
:password => password
And playlist_struct is per the error message.
Thoughts appreciated!
Regards, M.
Full code:
require 'rubygems'
require 'soundcloud'
require 'pp'
require 'logger'
def login
# http://soundcloud.com/you/apps
clientId = '...'
clientSecret = '...'
email = '...'
password = '...'
# register a new client, which will exchange the username, password for an access_token
# NOTE: the SoundCloud API Docs advise not to use the user credentials flow in a web app.
# In any case, never store the password of a user.
#client = SoundCloud.new({
:client_id => clientId,
:client_secret => clientSecret,
:username => email,
:password => password
# print logged in username
puts"h1. Logged in as " + #client.get('/me').username
# updating the users profile description
playlist_struct = {
:title => "Hello"
new_playlist = #client.post('/playlists', playlist_struct)
#log.info ' OK: '+new_playlist.permalink_url
Looks like the playlist_struct now needs to include
playlist: {
Around the content.
As the code worked for a couple of years before hand I'd venture this is a silent change to the API.
I've implemented a custom Puppet function that queries a Keystone server for information. The module that defines this function includes some helper methods that perform the actual work of querying keystone. Broadly, the structure looks like this:
def authenticate(auth_url, username, password)
def list_tenants(auth_url, token)
module Puppet::Parser::Functions
newfunction(:lookup_tenant, :type => :rvalue) do |args|
I would like to mock out the authenticate and list_tenants methods
during testing so that I can test the rest of the Puppet module in the
absence of an actual Keystone server.
I haven't previously worked with either Ruby or Rpsec before, and I'm
having a hard time finding examples of how to provide stubs for these
internal methods.
So far I have a stub rspec file that simply verified the existence of
the function:
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'lookup_tenant' do
it "should exist" do
Puppet::Parser::Functions.function("lookup_tenant").should == "function_lookup_tenant"
# This will fail because there is no keystone server.
it "should fail" do
should run.with_params(
I would like to be able to provide custom returns from the
authenticate and list_tenants methods (or even raise exceptions
from inside these methods) so that I can test the behavior of the
lookup_tenant function in different failure scenarios.
WebMock could be used for simulating the http requests as stubs. Here is the link to the github repo: https://github.com/bblimke/webmock
For folks who haven't seen webmock before, I wanted to leave some information here about why it's particularly awesome.
So, I have in my module some code that makes an http request:
url = URI.parse("#{auth_url}/tokens")
req = Net::HTTP::Post.new url.path
req['content-type'] = 'application/json'
req.body = JSON.generate(post_args)
res = Net::HTTP.start(url.host, url.port) {|http|
if res.code != '200'
raise KeystoneError, "Failed to authenticate to Keystone server at #{auth_url} as user #{username}."
rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
raise KeystoneError, "Failed to connect to Keystone server at #{auth_url}."
By simply adding a require to the start of the spec file:
require `webmock`
Attempts to open a connection will result in:
Real HTTP connections are disabled. Unregistered request: POST with body '{"auth":{"passwordCredentials":{"username":"admin_user","password":"admin_password"},"tenantName":"admin_tenant"}}' with headers {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'Content-Type'=>'application/json', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}
You can stub this request with the following snippet:
stub_request(:post, "").
with(:body => "{\"auth\":{\"passwordCredentials\":{\"username\":\"admin_user\",\"password\":\"admin_password\"},\"tenantName\":\"admin_tenant\"}}",
:headers => {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Accept-Encoding'=>'gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3', 'Content-Type'=>'application/json', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}).
to_return(:status => 200, :body => "", :headers => {})
And that's just about all the information you need to stub out the
call. You can make the stubs as granular as necessary; I ended up
using something like:
good_auth_request = {
'auth' => {
'passwordCredentials' => {
'username' => 'admin_user',
'password' => 'admin_password',
'tenantName' => 'admin_tenant',
auth_response = {
'access' => {
'token' => {
'id' => 'TOKEN',
stub_request(:post, "").
with(:body => good_auth_request.to_json).
to_return(:status => 200, :body => auth_response.to_json, :headers => {})
And now I can test my module when there is no Keystone server
This question already has answers here:
How to set a cookie for another domain
(11 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I am trying to create a cookie with domain, not host, or entire website.
I have this code now
driver.manage.add_cookie(:name => 'test', :value => 'testvalue', :path => '/', :secure => false)
I want something like this
I am getting such result in a firefox cookie dialog
while I want something like this
You can see Host: is empty in my case and in another case it is replaced with Domain: and this is what I want to achieve, to set a cookie domain to .mydomain.com
I want to achieve this for JavaScript to be able to read domain-specific cookies as it can not read what's outside of current domain scope.
Try following:
require 'selenium-webdriver'
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
driver.get('http://eu.httpbin.org') # <-- required.
driver.manage.add_cookie(name: 'test', value: 'testvalue', path: '/', domain: '.httpbin.org')
driver.get('http://eu.httpbin.org/cookies') # eu.httpbin.org
puts driver.page_source
# => ...
# {
# "cookies": {
# "test": "testvalue"
# }
# }
# ...
driver.get('http://httpbin.org/cookies') # httpbin.org
puts driver.page_source
# => ...
# {
# "cookies": {
# "test": "testvalue"
# }
# }
# ...
NOTE: You have to go to the same domain page (html page) before adding cookie.
You can do as below using JavaScript :
require "selenium-webdriver"
require "awesome_print"
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox
driver.navigate.to "http://example.com"
var cookieName = arguments[0];
var cookieValue = arguments[1];
var myDate = new Date();
myDate.setMonth(myDate.getMonth() + 12);
document.cookie = cookieName +"=" + encodeURIComponent(cookieValue)
+ ";expires=" + myDate
+ ";domain=.example.com;path=/";
ap driver.manage.cookie_named('test')
:name => "test",
:value => "testvalue",
:path => "/",
:domain => ".example.com",
:expires => #<DateTime: 2014-09-09T07:43:12+00:00 ((2456910j,27792s,999999924n),+0s,2299161j)>,
:secure => false
I'm setting up an application which can make LastFM API Requests.
These are simple get requests and I'm using the HTTParty gem.
My function is as follows:
def get_albums
self.class.base_uri "http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/"
options = {
:user => "Gerard1992",
:method => "user.gettopalbums",
:api_key => Constants::LASTFM_API_KEY,
:format => "json"
puts options.to_query
self.class.get "/?#{options.to_query}", {} #options don't work
This piece of code that's shown above works. The get request returns a set of JSON. My problem is that this /?#{options.to_query} doesn't look that neat. And neither does the actual (now empty {}) options parameter. How do I get the HTTParty options parameter to work like it should?
This is what I've tried, but both cases failed:
self.class.get "/", options
self.class.get "/", options => options
I appreciate the help.
The correct option for query parameters in HTTParty is :query, so what you want is:
self.class.get "/", query: options
You can see all the available parameters in the docs.
Send :verify => false in options hash