FMS FLV to mp3/aac/wav - ffmpeg

How can I decode a FLV's audio if it's recorded from a live stream using Flash Media Server and uses NellyMoser codec?
I'm writing a script that process several FLVs, using FFmpeg, so I need a command line solution.
Any ideas?

This should work for you, since NellyMoser is supported by FFmpeg.
1. Using mp3
ffmpeg -i yourinput.flv -vn -acodec libmp3lame output.flv
2. Using AAC (switch aac with libfaac depending on which you have loaded)
ffmpeg -i yourinput.flv -vn -acodec libfaac output.mp4
I'm assuming of course you dont care about video.


ffmpeg convert audio to ogg and keep album cover

If I convert an audio file with an album cover thank's to:
ffmpeg -i sample1.flac -ar 48000 -vn -c:a libvorbis -b:a 320k sample1.ogg
My sample1.ogg file doesn't have any album cover. Is there a way to ask explicitly to ffmpeg to keep the cover ?
instead "-vn" write "-c:v libtheora -q:a 10".
-vn - means no video, picture is frame of video in ffmpeg
Sum up of answers I found: Remove the option -vn which means: no video, because thumbnail are frame of video. Use libtheora instead of libvorbis. If you get a bitrate error, remove option -b:a 320k. At the end we get:
ffmpeg -i file.flac -c:v libtheora -q:v 10 -c:a libvorbis file.ogg
This gives you a file with an audio and a video content.
If you prefer to extract thumbnail in a separate file (to re-add it later for example), use:
ffmpeg -i file.flac -an -vcodec copy thumbnail.jpg
Thank's to Баяр Гончикжапов for his help and answers!

Ffmpeg makes audio longer when changing bitrate

I've been using ffmpeg convert audio from one format to another and to change audio's bitrate. When I try to convert aac audio to mp3 audio using the command:
ffmpeg -i SomeAudio.aac -c:a mp3 -b:a 128k SomeOutputPath.mp3
everything works correctly and output audio is of the same length as the input audio (6 minutes, 15 seconds).
However, when I try converting it to aac audio using a similar command:
ffmpeg -i SomeAudio.aac -c:a aac -b:a 128k SomeOutputPath.aac
it makes the output audio longer (around 10 minutes). I have tried specifying output length but that still makes the video longer, it just cuts of part of the audio:
ffmpeg -i SomeAudio.aac -c:a aac -b:a 128k -t 00:06:15 SomeOutputPath.aac
Here is a link to the screenshot:
My suspicion is that message "Estimating duration from bitrate, this may be innacurate" (the one in the screenshot) is the root of my problem but I just haven't been able to find any useful information about it on the web.
Thanks a lot for any help in advance :)
The duration shown for raw AAC is a guess because it does not contain duration info. You can find the actual duration with:
ffmpeg -i input.aac -f null -
Or a faster, "close enough" method:
ffmpeg -i input.aac -c copy -f null -
Workaround is to remux to M4A:
ffmpeg -i input.aac -c copy output.m4a

ffmpeg: Proper way to encode ac3 to aac?

I have actually encoded an audio file from ac3 to aac using ffmpeg native aac encoder but the issue is that the file is not playing correctly , more specifically i have played that file in different media player but most of them start from 19 seconds and in vlc it is not even starting till I seek to more than 19 seconds duration.
command i have used is :-
ffmpeg -i source.mkv -map 0:a:0 -c:a aac audio.mp4.
That is the proper way.
Don't know if this will make a difference, try -b:a 400k and -strict experimental.
If you want audio only, convert to m4a or aac.
ffmpeg -i input.mkv -y -c:a aac -b:a 400k -map 0:a:0? -strict experimental output.mp4
Other encoders, may require compiling ffmpeg with use flags:

How to wrap H264 into a mp4 container?

I have a program generating a bunch of raw H264 frames and would like to place that into a mp4 container for streaming.
Anyone know how to do that?
I was thinking I'd use ffmpeg however, this needs to be used commercially and it seems like ffmpeg can only do this through it's x264 library... which uses a GPL license.
Thank you!
If you're looking for the FFMPEG command line to do that, then try the following:
ffmpeg -i "source.h264" -c:v copy -f mp4 "myOutputFile.mp4"
If you have a separate audio file you can add it too:
ffmpeg -i "source.h264" -i "myAudio" -c:v copy -c:a copy -f mp4 "myOutputFile.mp4"
If your audio needs to be encoded as well (for instance codec AAC-LC, bitrate 256kbps):
ffmpeg -i "source.h264" -i "myAudio" -c:v copy -c:a aac -b:a 256k -strict -2 -f mp4 "myOutputFile.mp4"
libmp4v2 is under the MPL and can be used as part of a larger work commercially. It is much lighter than libavformat also.

FMS FLV (Speex) to mp3/mp4/acc/wav

I'm trying to decode an FLV's audio to a playable format. I attempted to use this SO post: FMS FLV to mp3.. as an example, but my FLV is encoded in Speex.
I have compiled ffmpeg with --enable-libspeex on a Fedora 15 machine.
I believe this can be done with ffmpeg but I'm having a hard time figuring out how to do it.
Any thoughts? Thanks
Your ffmpeg needs to be configured with --enable-libspeex to support Speex decoding. Since you did not provide your OS I can not give any more specific instructions. Once you have a build of ffmpeg that can decode speex the most simple command would be:
ffmpeg -i input.flv output.wav
while reencoding flv file (speex to mp3) if you get sample rate error try this:
ffmpeg -i c:\in.flv -acodec libmp3lame -ar 44100 -vcodec copy c:\out.flv
It does not matter what your input. As long as you have the decoder and encoder enabled in your ffmpeg it will do it.
ffmpeg -i inputfile.flv -acodec libmp3lame any_other_parameters_you_want -vcodec copy out.flv
will do the trick.
run ffmpeg -codecs to see the codecs supported and ffmpeg -formats to see the formats supported in your install.
