Any way to collapse value/function definitions (F#) in Visual Studio 2008? - visual-studio

Is there a way to "collapse" functions and values in VS2008, like one would do for objects in languages like C#? It's incredibly time-consuming and frustrating to wade through hundreds of lines of nested function definitions.

So, the official answer is that this is not supported. However, when I was doing an internship with the F# team, I wrote a prototype implementation of this feature. Because the F# team had other more important things to do, this was never properly tested and it was not included in the final version.
The code for the feature is actually still present in F# and the feature can be turned on by adding the following to the devenv.exe.config file:
<add key="fsharp-regions-enabled" value="true" />
Apparently, it's not exactly what you wanted, because you can only collapse modules and type definitions, but it could still be useful - it is difficult to decide what to make collapsible in F#, because F# has so many nested declarations...
BTW: Did I mention that this is not tested and it can crash Visual Studio or even collapse the universe?

No there is not in Visual Studio 2008 because the language service does not support outlining. It also does not in Visual Studio 2010. However the editor supports the notion of adhoc / custom outlining.
Select a region in the editor
Right click and go to Outlining -> Hide Selection
Unfortunately this is a completely manual process.

I have come with something that works for me and will maybe interest you. I have VS2008+RockScroll (Works On My Machine).
It really helps when I have to deal with loads of nested functions because I see much better the whole picture. Also I do a comment at the start of the body of the function, like:
// Start of bigFunctionWithLoadsOfNestedFunctions
When double-clicking on it, it both highlights in red the let-bound definition and the real start of the function in the thumbnail view. See:


Disable or fix #ifdef-sensitive colouring and intellisense in Visual Studio

The problem: My syntax highlighting and IntelliSense are broken. I have a C++ source file like this:
#include "stdafx.hpp"
where stdafx.hpp (the precompiled header for the project) includes a .h file that says:
and DEFINE_SOMETHING is defined in the project properties for the project (under C++ / Preprocessor).
Visual Studio is losing track, and displaying do_some_stuff; (which is actually lots of lines of code) in plain grey - I have neither syntax colouring nor IntelliSense.
The question: How can I either make Visual Studio get this right (unlikely) or switch off the fact that it's greying-out code that it thinks is #ifdef'd out?
(Rearranging the code is not an option - it's a large and complex system whose files are built in various environments, Visual Studio being only one of them. I'm using Visual Studio 2005, but I'd be interested to know whether this is fixed or workaroundable in a later version.)
If someone still interested - to turn off graying out #ifdef:
Go to Tools -> Options
Open Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Formatting
Uncheck Colorize inactive code blocks in a different color
In VS19, it's Tools / Options / Text Editor / C/C++ / View / Inactive Code / Show Inactive Blocks.
Following previous answer of aousov I check my VSCode and found this setting:
C_Cpp: Dim Inactive Regions
Controls whether inactive preprocessor blocks are colored differently than active code. This setting has no effect if IntelliSense is disabled or if using the Default High Contrast theme.
in Extensions / C/C++
This may be related to the version you are using (in my case 1.46.1).
The problem you describe is par for the course in VS 2005. It is fixed in Visual Studio 2010 and later due to the completely redesigned Intellisense system. This is not directly applicable to your problem, but here's some info on the underlying architecture:
There are some things you could try, and some project structure changes that can help minimize the problem's frequency, but whatever you do will be hit or miss, and the problem will eventually resurface again regardless. The only real solution is to use a newer IDE.
You can continue to use the VS 2005 build tools by installing VS 2010 along with Daffodil (, then build your projects with the v80 platform toolset in VS 2010. This makes the migration fairly straightforward, with no need for any source code changes.
Since #define SOMETHING is defined inside stdafx.hpp, indicating that it's always defined since DEFINE_SOMETHING is defined in project configuration, would it be out of the question to also define SOMETHING explicitly in project configuration?
I used to have similar issues in VS2005 and 2008, and redundant explicit definitions sometimes helped.
I fixed this (in VSCode) by changing C_Cpp.default.intelliSenseMode
"C_Cpp.default.intelliSenseMode": "windows-gcc-x64"
I am building an ARM project on a micro-controller. Its not 64 bit either. But this does parse the directives correctly.
For Science I tried Widows-gcc-ARM and that also correctly lit up the regions that are truly active. I also know for a fact that gcc is setup and configured on my windows machine, and while I have clang and msvc, I dont use them and dont know that they work- so it could be why gcc works better for me.
You can experiment with this setting, but I am fairly certain the resolution resides in this option.
I do not know the equivalent VS option, I am sorry.

Does Powerbuilder 12 provide any refactoring capabilities?

Porting legacy PB code to the .NET era might require major refactoring, to get the work done properly. Our code, for instance, has some pre-userobject leftovers, as well as deprecated features such as MDI, PBNI etc. I'm wondering how much help will we get from the VS shell when it comes to refactoring capabilities - breaking long functions into separate ones, finding all callers of a certain function or event etc.
The classic IDE is horrible for such tasks. Has using VS now made them easier?
The answers to your questions are YES for the most part but not as cool as in Visual Studio. The PB IDE is night and day better than it was just not quite up to the full Visual Studio IDE.
PB does have some basic refactoring built in, for example something like a function rename across the entire project can be done easily. Here is the output generated when I renamed a function in one of my projects. And I had one of the files opened, the Visual Studio Shell detected it and asked me to reload the local file.
Replace all "ConnectDB", "DBConnect", Subfolders, Find Results 1, "Entire Solution"
H:\Dev\PBWS\pb_data.pbl\pb_data.sra(42,18):liRtn = gnv_data.DBConnect()
H:\Dev\PBWS\pb_data.pbl\n_data_factory.sru(29,25):public function integer DBConnect ()
H:\Dev\PBWS\pb_data.pbl\n_data_factory.sru(38,14):liRowCount = DBConnect()
H:\Dev\PBWS\pb_data.pbl\n_data_factory.sru(103,25):public function integer DBConnect ();
Total replaced: 4 Matching files: 2 Total files searched: 13
PowerBuilder 12.5.NET does have "Go To --> Definition" ability for jumping to function/class declarations. It isn't as cool as Visual Studio in that the PowerBuilder functions aren't as "open" as the .NET framework so you can't right click on GetItemString function and expect to see the internal declarations.
I haven't seen any impact analysis type features yet, like the ability to see where your functions are being called, but I haven't looked too hard yet.
On a positive note Sybase has incorporated the awesome intellisense / code completion of Visual Studio. It is responsive, accurate, and predictive much like when working in Visual Studio IDE doing C#. The PB.NET features along with nice stuff from Visual Studio Shell make PB development fun to work with again.

How to highlight dynamic code in visual studio

Is it possible and if so how, to make Visual Studio highlight dynamic expressions in code?
When I just hovered above some code, visual studio told me it was a dynamic expression. This made me realize I made a mistake in my code and used one dynamic too many. But I also realized that if I had not hovered, a 'huge swath' of dynamic code that was supposed to be static would have escaped.
So I wondered if it is possible to make Visual Studio change the background color of dynamic expressions, so those pieces will be clearly recognizable.
With dynamic expressions I mean the use of the dynamic keyword in regular code.
You would need an Extension. You can create your own, but I would suggest getting pre-built ones.
Visual Studio has a lot of extensions lately, because of it's popularity.
There are many options I could suggest, but many are rather buggy, so I would suggest using one of the safer, more well known ones like Resharper (my all time favorite and that of many others as well)
I also like JustCode.
There are so many others available though, and if you want to find them, cruise down the Visual Studio Gallery like Morvader said.
Visual Studio Gallery
2 notes I forgot to mention:
Dynamic Intellisense is included in Resharper
Dynamic Highlighting is included as well. If you want to modify the color from the default light blue you can go to Tools->Options...->Environments->Fonts and Colors->Display items->ReSharper Late Bound Identifier
Also make sure that in Resharper->Options...->Code Inspection->Settings "Enable code analysis" and "Color identifiers" are checked.

visual studio: is it possible to color custom tags in code?

Is it possible somehow to color specified code in specified color in any version of visual studio? For example, make background of
if( VERIFY( ... ) )
green and background of
if( ! VERIFY( ... ) )
red? Maybe some addon exists or some version of visual studio has such functionality?
According to MSDN and this tutorial, you can set user-defined keywords for syntax highlighting in a
usertype.dat file, which you should save in the same directory as Visual Studio's msdev.exe, or devenv.exe for VS.NET.
Now restart Visual Studio.
Then in VS you can set the font properties for those keywords.
Edit: BTW, see the download here for a predefined usertype.dat with a lot of keywords ready to use.
You can use Resharper's "ToDo Items" to accomplish this.
Resharper -> Options
Create a pattern.
Here you can specify the color, pattern, icon etc. This should already give you colorized code, the rest is optional, but makes it easier to find the patterns.
(look at existing patterns for the syntax, or check the docs)
You can use filters to find the patterns, and combinations of patterns
You could create a filter that contains both your patterns for instance.
use Resharper -> Tools -> ToDo-Items to search for the patterns
I don't know of an existing addin that does anything like that but I do know that Developer Express, the company that makes CodeRush, makes the addin engine freely available as a product called DxCore. This makes is much easier to create an addin that decorates the Visual Studio text editor. In Visual Studio 2010, a lot of the extremely difficult code that DxCore abstracts is no longer necessary as there is an official extensibility model for decorating the editor.
Here's a link to some DxCore plugin samples on Google Code.
No, but you may be interested in FxCop, it's more elaborate, but it should allow you the ability to detect the case you're talking about (via a custom rule, if it doesn't exist). It may be more work to set up, but it's worth it (especially if work in a team, and/or, have an existing CI system).
According to the VS Extensibility form Moderator, Ed Dore, it is not possible:
Unfortunately, no. The code implementing the document tabbing was developed with native Win32 code, and currently doesn't have any VS SDK or automation hooks into it.
It is too bad as this would be beyond useful. (Keep track of different types of files and such.)

What is this dashed line called that aligns function blocks in my IDE?

The SPE IDE that I use for my Python code uses this "visual cue" that looks like a vertical dashed line for alignment of (what I would call) function blocks. How can I get this option in Visual Studio 2008?
Here is what it looks like:
I've seen it called structural highlighting or code outlining.
There's a Visual Studio plug-in called CodeRush from Developer Express that supports this (bottom of the page) and a lot more.
As divo mentioned, there is a free lite version of CodeRush. I confirmed that it includes structural highlighting.
Unfortunately, Visual Studio does not support indentation lines out of the box.
These lines are arguably more useful in Python where indentation denotes nesting. In C#, nesting is explicitly marked by curly braces. I feel as though curly braces provide the visual cues I need to see this kind of thing, so you might just try to persevere -- in time the cognitive load associated with glimpses of C# versus glimpses of Python will reach equilibrium.
VS2010 implements the text editor in WPF and there are some examples online of creating plug-ins that augment the text editor area. This could be a fun project without being too difficult.
I am envious of Python's indentation-centric nesting. I wish that the C# compiler supported something like that. I wish that white space was part of the language. It would make tooling support for the language better as well.
