Compiling OpenCV - visual-studio-2010

I opened up the solution file in the [InstallDir]\_make\opencv.vs2005 and modified one of the .cpp files in the highgui library.
While compiling, Visual Studio throws the error -
Unable to start progam
The system cannot find the file specified.
I think I am missing something in it. What is the stepped procedure to change and recompile OpenCV library using Visual Studio.
I would appreciate any help!
Thank You..

Unless you downloaded the visual-studio specific version of the open cv distribution files, you need to follow the instructions on the OpenCV wiki, that is
download cmake
have cmake generate makefiles/solutions
build using the generated files

I guess you want to customize a function. You can do this, without recompiling OpenCV from scratch. You can simply copy the .cpp source file locally in your current working directory, and add it(click n drag or add existing file) in the "Source Files" in your project. You might need to copy some other headers as well. You will find everything in the opencv archive. (opencv/modules/highgui/src)


Error while Loading CMU sphinx in visual studio 2013

I am trying to load CMU sphinx in visual studio 2013 but getting some error.
The steps which i followed was
I downloaded sphinxbase-5prealpha and pocketsphinx-5prealpha and extracted to same folder.
Then i complied all the projects from both pocketsphinx and sphinxbase in visual studio(it asked me to upgrade the compliers so i did the upgrade)
now after cleaning the project, when i am trying to build all the project it is throwing a error that 'cannot open sphinxbase.lib' which it is showing in pocketsphinx project.
when i checked the 'sphinxbase.lib' file was already there in the linker of the project.
According to this document the 'sphinxbase.dll' file should be added to the bin files, but it is already added in the directory bot release and debug.
Similarly it is present in debug directory also.
Please help me, can anybody tell me what wrong i am doing here??
I am just a beginner only in this area.
Thanks !
You extracted files incorrectly. The layout must be the following:
root folder
\____ all files like README, src
\____ all files like README, src
You need to download sources and unpack them into two folders - pocketsphinx and sphinxbase. Then open sphinxbase solution and compile everything. Then open pocketsphinx solution and compile everything. Please note that if you downloaded pocketsphinx-5prealpha you need to rename it to just pocketsphinx. Same for sphinxbase.
Please also note that pocketsphinx_5prealpha_win32 is a binary distribution, you can not compile it. Instead, you can include it directly into your projects.

OpenCV 3.0 missing Libraries

I am trying to install OpenCV 3.0 Aplha. I'm following these instructions
After I download and extract the package, I am supposed to have all the pre-built libraries in the folder :opencv\build\x86\vc12\lib but I don't see them in this folder. This folder only has opencv_ts300.lib and opencv_world300.lib. All the other libraries seems to be missing. Also the bin folder doesn't have the dlls. But statlib folder does seems to have all the static libraries.
I also tried to build the libraries from source, and as per the instructions after building the OpeCVALL.sln in visual studio, I am supposed to have the libraries in the x86\vc12 but the libraries doesn't seem to be building in this folder. After digging through the folders I see that the opencv libraries are found in bin/debug and bin/release folders. I thought I would use these for linking in visual studio but I am not finding the header files in build/include folder
I don't see any of these issues with Opencv 2.49. Any help in debugging this issue with 3.0 would be highly appreciated.
Summary: After I build from source/ or pre-built package, I am able to run the sample applications. But I am not finding the headers and libraries to create a visual studio project from scratch.
Okay I figured out what is going wrong here...
Build INSTALL project manually from the OpenCV.sln by right clicking - > build. This will create the libraries in build/install/x86/vc12 folder. This is where lib,bin and staticlib folders are now residing. Also the include files are in build/install/include.
Library files : located in your cmake folder's lib/debug(or release) folder
DLL files : located in cmake folder's bin/debug(or release) folder
Header files : located in opencv3's build/include folder

How to add header file of MITK in my CPP program of VS 2010?

I have compiled and build using CMAke and VS 2010. But now I want to try some basic program using MITk library, but I can't find where is the header file, DLL, Lib file? Same as like in OpenCv when we compile and build it, then in install folder we have bin folder that contain DLL file, Lib folder contain lib file and include folder contain header file of CPP program.
So, where is the header file of MITK build library ?
If anybody have idea then suggest to me.
It seems you want to use MITK as a toolkit. As the documentation suggests, you can (must?) use cmake. The generated VS2010 .sln file will handle all the include and library files for you. Use the .bat file if there's one.
There's probably a way to use it without cmake, but I'm pretty sure it's a bad idea.

openRTMFP cumulus how to compile and install

i've just downloaded cumulus, POCO, OpenSSL and LuaJIT and visual studio. now i'm trying to compile it as it said in instruction here
however i've never used visual studio and i've never programed on visual c. so i'm stuck at the very begining.
in instruction i've put link above said "Visual Studio 2008/2010 solution and project files are included. It searchs external librairies in External/lib folder and external includes in External/include folder in the root Cumulus folder. So you must put POCO, OpenSSL and LuaJIT headers and libraries in these folders.". i tryed everything but compiler can't find 'Poco/foundation.h'.
and it seems to me if i deal with this error there will more over.
so if someone has expirience in compiling cumulus-server please help me to deal with it.
thanks a lot for you help!
step 1 - create 2 files
step 2 - put the headers into the include folder from the other 3 dependent projects
dependent projects are: openssl, poco, luajit.
put openssl file into the external/include from openssl-version/include
put Poco file into the external/include from poco-version/Foundation/include
put SAX, DOM, XML files into the external/include/Poco from poco-version/XML/include/Poco
put Net file into the external/include/Poco from poco-version/Net/include/Poco
put Util file into the external/include/Poco from poco-version/Util/include/Poco
put LuaJIT's headers with the same way.
now you can build cumuluslib.
step 3 - Open your cumuluslib project with specific visual studio version then build it.
When it's done you can see the lib file at cumulus_root_folder/cumuluslib/lib
step 4 - now you have to build the 3 dependent projects and put their lib files to cumulus_root_folder/external/lib its tough mission, maybe you will need 32-bit windows. Do not forget: when you building poco, do it with debug if not, some of your files will be missing.
When you done with building and gathering lib files you can build cumulusserver. Same way as cumuluslib. Then your cumulus.exe will be in cumulus_root_folder/cumulusserver/debug

How do I use libcurl in Visual C++ 2010?

Hey guys, I was wondering if you would be able to help me use libcurl within Visual Studio to resolve the errors in the image below:
It looks like you need to update Visual Studio's configuration to include the directories where you've installed cURL. VS has directories for both Include files and libraries -- if memory serves, you'll have to add both.
I too ran into same issue. The problem is, i was pointing in additinal lib dirs to lib/LIB-Debug instead lib/DLL-Debug. Also the lib to add is libcurld_imp.lib and not libcurld.lib. Also you need to copy libcurld.dll into executable file location. I see that there are lib/LIB-Debug dir and lib file but dont know what they are for. You have to do use DLL-Release, libcurl_imp.lib etc for release mode.
