is it possible to pass through command-line options to a script in rspec - ruby

I have an RSpec script that tests a program in a different language I am developing. Since I can run and test 32 and 64-bit versions of this application, I would like to have a way to signal this on the command-line.
What I really want is to do something like this:
rspec -c myspec.rb lin32
rspec -c myspec.rb lin64
and have the lin32 or lin64 be passed as a string I can access in the ruby file itself. Is this possible? This site mentions environment variables but that is cumbersome. It also mentioned doing ARGV manipulation -- is this a possible way of doing it?

From David Chelimsky
You can't pass arbitrary arguments to the rspec command, but you can set an environment variable like this:
SLEEP=10 rspec test.rb
Then within the script, the value of ENV["SLEEP"] is "10", so you can say:

Try the -- parameter. It's used to tell an app to stop processing parameters and pass the remaining ones to a child process. I don't know if rspec understands it but it's worth a try.
`rspec -c myspec.rb -- lin32`
`rspec -c myspec.rb -- lin64`


With Ruby: how can I test to see if a linux command is available without returning the output of the command I'm testing for?

I'm using Ruby on Linux.
I'd like to test for the existence of a command on the Linux system.
I'd like to not get back the output of the command that I'm testing for.
I'd also like to not get back any output that results from the shell being unable to find the command.
I want to avoid using shell redirection from within the command that I send to the shell. So something like system("foo > /dev/null") would be unsuitable.
I'm ok with using redirection if there is a way to do it from Ruby.
The simplest thing would be just to use system. Let's say you're looking for ls.
irb(main):005:0> system("which ls")
=> true
If that's off the table, you could peek into the directories in ENV["PATH"] for the executable you're looking for. ENV["PATH"].split(":") would give you an array of directory names to check for the desired command. If you find a file with the right name, you may want to ensure it's an executable.
I want to avoid using shell redirection from within the command that I
send to the shell. So something like system("foo > /dev/null") would
be unsuitable. I'm ok with using redirection if there is a way to do it from Ruby.
system("exec which cmd", out: "/dev/null")
puts "Command is available." if ($?).success?
The exec is to explicitly avoid unnecessary forking in the shell.
As a sidenote type -P can be used instead of which, but it relies on Bash and may have surprising effects if script is ported to an environment with a different default shell.

Executing particular tests under ruby test framework

I have a set of test cases under ruby test framework 1.8.7
Lets say i have a ruby file named check.rb which contains differents tests like
test_a_check, test_b_check and test_c_check.
Now when i run the file ruby check.rb, all the test cases will be executed.
My part of the question is,
I want to pass a new parameter to the script while running, say ruby check.rb --sunset
based on the sunset parameter i want my script to execute only test_a_check and test_b_check and not the test_c_check.
By default, if i run the script all the tests should be excuted but when the --sunset parameter is passed only two of three tests should be executed.
is there are way i can achieve this?
If you are using minitest you can specify the method via
ruby check --name test_method_name
If it's a common testing framework, then look into it's manual, but
If it's your personal testing script, then just look in ARGV:
test_c_check if ARGV[0] != '--sunset'

Ruby equivalent of .irbrc?

While irb utilizes .irbrc to automatically perform certain actions upon start, I have not been able to find how to do the same automatically for invocations of ruby itself. Any suggestions where the documentation for such can be found would be greatly appreciated.
For environments where I need this (essentially never) I've used the -r [filename] option, and the RUBYOPT environment variable.
(You may want to specify include directories, which can be done a variety of ways, including the -I [directory] option).
This is essentially the same answer as Phrogz, but without the shell script. The scripts are a bit more versatile since you can have any number of them for trivial pre-execution environment rigging.
Just as you can use ruby -rfoo to require library foo for that run, so you can specify to always require a particular library for every Ruby run:
if [ -f "$HOME/.ruby/lib/mine.rb" ]; then
Put your own custom code in a file (like mine.rb above) and get your interpreter to always add its directory to your $LOAD_PATH (aka $:) and always require it (which runs the code therein).
Shell code above and background information here:

How can I make RSpec output to console when run as a command %x[rspec] from Ruby script?

I have a class with an instance method that runs RSpec using the %x[] notation:
class TestRunner
def run_rspec
# do stuff
%x[rspec spec -c -f documentation]
# do more stuff
When I do this:
> tr =
> tr.run_rspec
The documentation (group and example names) does not appear in the console.
To contrast, when I run rspec straight from the command line I get this:
$ rspec spec -c -f documentation
a group name
an example
another example
I don't want to do this:
puts %x[rspec spec -c -f documentation
Because then the output all spits out in one huge clump at the very end. I want it to run in "real time," with each example showing up as each test is run.
Is there a way, with the setup I have, to get RSpec to announce what it's doing, as it's doing it (as it does when run normally from the command line)?
I've been advised that system() and the other shell methods can be dangerous to use, so I've opted to switch to the even-better approach of using RSpec itself:['spec', '-c', '-f', 'documentation'])
rather than calling it via shell from my Ruby script.
Ruby offers several options for running programs from the command line. I was using %x[], the wrong choice for my use case.
Solution: Use system(), not %x[] -- rspec will write to STDOUT in real-time when I call it with system('rspec spec').
Some background in case it's helpful to anyone who stumbles upon this question:
Consider the differences between Ruby's command-line options:
%x[command] accumulates the result of command and returns it, in one chunk.
exec('command') will output command as command runs, but will replace whatever process called it -- i.e., if you use exec in your Ruby script, your Ruby script won't finish.
system('command') executes command in a subshell, and returns to the calling script.
This is why system was the choice for my script.

How can I reliably discover the full path of the Ruby executable?

I want to write a script, to be packaged into a gem, which will modify its parameters and then exec a new ruby process with the modified params. In other words, something similar to a shell script which modifies its params and then does an exec $SHELL $*. In order to do this, I need a robust way of discovering the path of the ruby executable which is executing the current script. I also need to get the full parameters passed to the current process - both the Ruby parameters and the script arguments.
The Rake source code does it like this:
RUBY = File.join(Config::CONFIG['bindir'], Config::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']).
sub(/.*\s.*/m, '"\&"')
If you want to check on linux: read files:
Other useful info can be found in /proc/PID dir
For the script parameters, of course, use ARGV.
File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name'])
