Performance of an A* search implemented in Clojure - performance

I have implemented an A* search algorithm for finding a shortest path between two states.
Algorithm uses a hash-map for storing best known distances for visited states. And one hash-map for storing child-parent relationships needed for reconstruction of the shortest path.
Here is the code. Implementation of the algorithm is generic (states only need to be "hashable" and "comparable") but in this particular case states are pairs (vectors) of ints [x y] and they represent one cell in a given heightmap (cost for jumping to neighboring cell depends on the difference in heights).
Question is whether it's possible to improve performance and how? Maybe by using some features from 1.2 or future versions, by changing logic of the algorithm implementation (e.g. using different way to store path) or changing state representation in this particular case?
Java implementation runs in an instant for this map and Clojure implementation takes about 40 seconds. Of course, there are some natural and obvious reasons for this: dynamic typing, persistent data structures, unnecessary (un)boxing of primitive types...
Using transients didn't make much difference.

Using priority-map instead of sorted-set
I first used sorted-set for storing open nodes (search frontier), switching to priority-map improved performance: now it takes 15-20 seconds for this map (before it took 40s).
This blog post was very helpful. And "my" new implementation is pretty much the same.
New a*-search can be found here.

I don't know Clojure, but I can give you some general advice about improving the performance of Vanilla A*.
Consider implementing IDA*, which is a variant of A* that uses less memory, if it's suitable for your domain.
Try a different heuristic. A good heuristic can have a significant impact on the number of node expansions required.
Use a cache, Often called a "transposition table" in search algorithms. Since search graphs are usually Directed Acyclic Graphs and not true trees, you can end up repeating the search of a state more than once; a cache to remember previously-searched nodes reduces node expansions.
Dr. Jonathan Schaeffer has some slides on this subject:


Machine learning method which is able to integrate prior knowledge in a decision tree

Does any of you know a machine learning method or combination of methods which makes it possible to integrate prior knowledge in the building process of a decision tree?
With "prior knowledge" I mean the information if a feature in a particular node is really responsible for the resulting classification or not. Imagine we only have a short period of time where our features are measured and in this period of time we have a correlation between features. If we now would measure the same features again, we probably would not get a correlation between those features, because it was just a coincidence that they are correlated. Unfortunately it is not possible to measure again.
The problem which arises with that is: the feature which is chosen by the algorithms to perform a split is not the feature which actually leads to the split in the real world. In other words the strongly correlated feature is chosen by the algorithm while the other feature is the one which should be chosen. That's why I want to set rules / causalities / constraints for the tree learning process.
"a particular feature in an already learned tree" - the typical decision tree has one feature per node, and therefore each feature can appear in many different nodes. Similarly, each leaf has one classification, but each classification may appear in multiple leafs. (And with a binary classifier, any non-trivial tree must have repeated classifications).
This means that you can enumerate all leafs and sort them by classification to get uniform subsets of leaves. For each such subset, you can analyze all paths from the root of the tree to see which features occurred. But this will be a large set.
"But in my case there are some features which are strongly correlated ... The feature which is choosen by the algorithms to perform a split is not the feature which actually leads to the split in the real world."
It's been said that every model is wrong, but some models are useful. If the features are indeed strongly correlated, choosing this "wrong" feature doesn't really affect the model.
You can of course just modify the split algorithm in tree building. Trivially, "if the remaining classes are A and B, use split S, else determine the split using algorithm C4.5" is a valid splitting algorithm that hardcodes pre-existing knowledge about two specific classes without being restricted to just that case.
But note that it might just be easier to introduce a combined class A+B in the decision tree, and then decide between A and B in postprocessing.

A* Algorithm for very large graphs, any thoughts on caching shortcuts?

I'm writing a courier/logistics simulation on OpenStreetMap maps and have realised that the basic A* algorithm as pictured below is not going to be fast enough for large maps (like Greater London).
The green nodes correspond to ones that were put in the open set/priority queue and due to the huge number (the whole map is something like 1-2 million), it takes 5 seconds or so to find the route pictured. Unfortunately 100ms per route is about my absolute limit.
Currently, the nodes are stored in both an adjacency list and also a spatial 100x100 2D array.
I'm looking for methods where I can trade off preprocessing time, space and if needed optimality of the route, for faster queries. The straight-line Haversine formula for the heuristic cost is the most expensive function according to the profiler - I have optimised my basic A* as much as I can.
For example, I was thinking if I chose an arbitrary node X from each quadrant of the 2D array and run A* between each, I can store the routes to disk for subsequent simulations. When querying, I can run A* search only in the quadrants, to get between the precomputed route and the X.
Is there a more refined version of what I've described above or perhaps a different method I should pursue. Many thanks!
For the record, here are some benchmark results for arbitrarily weighting the heuristic cost and computing the path between 10 pairs of randomly picked nodes:
Weight // AvgDist% // Time (ms)
1 1 1461.2
1.05 1 1327.2
1.1 1 900.7
1.2 1.019658848 196.4
1.3 1.027619169 53.6
1.4 1.044714394 33.6
1.5 1.063963413 25.5
1.6 1.071694171 24.1
1.7 1.084093229 24.3
1.8 1.092208509 22
1.9 1.109188175 22.5
2 1.122856792 18.2
2.2 1.131574742 16.9
2.4 1.139104895 15.4
2.6 1.140021962 16
2.8 1.14088128 15.5
3 1.156303676 16
4 1.20256964 13
5 1.19610861 12.9
Surprisingly increasing the coefficient to 1.1 almost halved the execution time whilst keeping the same route.
You should be able to make it much faster by trading off optimality. See Admissibility and optimality on wikipedia.
The idea is to use an epsilon value which will lead to a solution no worse than 1 + epsilon times the optimal path, but which will cause fewer nodes to be considered by the algorithm. Note that this does not mean that the returned solution will always be 1 + epsilon times the optimal path. This is just the worst case. I don't know exactly how it would behave in practice for your problem, but I think it is worth exploring.
You are given a number of algorithms that rely on this idea on wikipedia. I believe this is your best bet to improve the algorithm and that it has the potential to run in your time limit while still returning good paths.
Since your algorithm does deal with millions of nodes in 5 seconds, I assume you also use binary heaps for the implementation, correct? If you implemented them manually, make sure they are implemented as simple arrays and that they are binary heaps.
There are specialist algorithms for this problem that do a lot of pre-computation. From memory, the pre-computation adds information to the graph that A* uses to produce a much more accurate heuristic than straight line distance. Wikipedia gives the names of a number of methods at and says that Hub Labelling is the leader. A quick search on this turns up An older one, using A*, is at
Do you really need to use Haversine? To cover London, I would have thought you could have assumed a flat earth and used Pythagoras, or stored the length of each link in the graph.
There's a really great article that Microsoft Research wrote on the subject:
The original paper is hosted here (PDF):
Essentially there's a few things you can try:
Start from the both the source as well as the destination. This helps to minimize the amount of wasted work that you'd perform when traversing from the source outwards towards the destination.
Use landmarks and highways. Essentially, find some positions in each map that are commonly taken paths and perform some pre-calculation to determine how to navigate efficiently between those points. If you can find a path from your source to a landmark, then to other landmarks, then to your destination, you can quickly find a viable route and optimize from there.
Explore algorithms like the "reach" algorithm. This helps to minimize the amount of work that you'll do when traversing the graph by minimizing the number of vertices that need to be considered in order to find a valid route.
GraphHopper does two things more to get fast, none-heuristic and flexible routing (note: I'm the author and you can try it online here)
A not so obvious optimization is to avoid 1:1 mapping of OSM nodes to internal nodes. Instead GraphHopper uses only junctions as nodes and saves roughly 1/8th of traversed nodes.
It has efficient implements for A*, Dijkstra or e.g. one-to-many Dijkstra. Which makes a route in under 1s possible through entire Germany. The (none-heuristical) bidirectional version of A* makes this even faster.
So it should be possible to get you fast routes for greater London.
Additionally the default mode is the speed mode which makes everything an order of magnitudes faster (e.g. 30ms for European wide routes) but less flexible, as it requires preprocessing (Contraction Hierarchies). If you don't like this, just disable it and also further fine-tune the included streets for car or probably better create a new profile for trucks - e.g. exclude service streets and tracks which should give you a further 30% boost. And as with any bidirectional algorithm you could easily implement a parallel search.
I think it's worth to work-out your idea with "quadrants". More strictly, I'd call it a low-resolution route search.
You may pick X connected nodes that are close enough, and treat them as a single low-resolution node. Divide your whole graph into such groups, and you get a low-resolution graph. This is a preparation stage.
In order to compute a route from source to target, first identify the low-res nodes they belong to, and find the low-resolution route. Then improve your result by finding the route on high-resolution graph, however restricting the algorithm only to nodes that belong to hte low-resolution nodes of the low-resolution route (optionally you may also consider neighbor low-resolution nodes up to some depth).
This may also be generalized to multiple resolutions, not just high/low.
At the end you should get a route that is close enough to optimal. It's locally optimal, but may be somewhat worse than optimal globally by some extent, which depends on the resolution jump (i.e. the approximation you make when a group of nodes is defined as a single node).
There are dozens of A* variations that may fit the bill here. You have to think about your use cases, though.
Are you memory- (and also cache-) constrained?
Can you parallelize the search?
Will your algorithm implementation be used in one location only (e.g. Greater London and not NYC or Mumbai or wherever)?
There's no way for us to know all the details that you and your employer are privy to. Your first stop thus should be CiteSeer or Google Scholar: look for papers that treat pathfinding with the same general set of constraints as you.
Then downselect to three or four algorithms, do the prototyping, test how they scale up and finetune them. You should bear in mind you can combine various algorithms in the same grand pathfinding routine based on distance between the points, time remaining, or any other factors.
As has already been said, based on the small scale of your target area dropping Haversine is probably your first step saving precious time on expensive trig evaluations. NOTE: I do not recommend using Euclidean distance in lat, lon coordinates - reproject your map into a e.g. transverse Mercator near the center and use Cartesian coordinates in yards or meters!
Precomputing is the second one, and changing compilers may be an obvious third idea (switch to C or C++ - see for details).
Extra optimization steps may include getting rid of dynamic memory allocation, and using efficient indexing for search among the nodes (think R-tree and its derivatives/alternatives).
I worked at a major Navigation company, so I can say with confidence that 100 ms should get you a route from London to Athens even on an embedded device. Greater London would be a test map for us, as it's conveniently small (easily fits in RAM - this isn't actually necessary)
First off, A* is entirely outdated. Its main benefit is that it "technically" doesn't require preprocessing. In practice, you need to pre-process an OSM map anyway so that's a pointless benefit.
The main technique to give you a huge speed boost is arc flags. If you divide the map in say 5x6 sections, you can allocate 1 bit position in a 32 bits integer for each section. You can now determine for each edge whether it's ever useful when traveling to section {X,Y} from another section. Quite often, roads are bidirectional and this means only one of the two directions is useful. So one of the two directions has that bit set, and the other has it cleared. This may not appear to be a real benefit, but it means that on many intersections you reduce the number of choices to consider from 2 to just 1, and this takes just a single bit operation.
Usually A* comes along with too much memory consumption rather than time stuggles.
However I think it could be useful to first only compute with nodes that are part of "big streets" you would choose a highway over a tiny alley usually.
I guess you may already use this for your weight function but you can be faster if you use some priority Queue to decide which node to test next for further travelling.
Also you could try reducing the graph to only nodes that are part of low cost edges and then find a way from to start/end to the closest of these nodes.
So you have 2 paths from start to the "big street" and the "big street" to end.
You can now compute the best path between the two nodes that are part of the "big streets" in a reduced graph.
Old question, but yet:
Try to use different heaps that "binary heap". 'Best asymptotic complexity heap' is definetly Fibonacci Heap and it's wiki page got a nice overview:
Note that binary heap has simpler code and it's implemented over array and traversal of array is predictable, so modern CPU executes binary heap operations much faster.
However, given dataset big enough, other heaps will win over binary heap, because of their complexities...
This question seems like dataset big enough.

Similarities Between Trees

I am working on a problem of Clustering of Results of Keyword Search on Graph. The results are in the form of Tree and I need to cluster those threes in group based on their similarities. Every node of the tree has two keys, one is the table name in the SQL database(semantic form) and second is the actual values of a record of that table(label).
I have used Zhang and Shasha, Klein, Demaine and RTED algorithms to find the Tree Edit Distance between the trees based on these two keys. All algorithms use no of deletion/insertion/relabel operation need to modify the trees to make them look same.
**I want some more matrices of to check the similarities between two trees e.g. Number of Nodes, average fan outs and more so that I can take a weighted average of these matrices to reach on a very good similarity matrix which takes into account both the semantic form of the tree (structure) and information contained in the tree(Labels at the node).
Can you please suggest me some way out or some literature which can be of some help?**
Can anyone suggest me some good paper
Even if you had the (pseudo-)distances between each pair of possible trees, this is actually not what you're after. You actually want to do unsupervised learning (clustering) in which you combine structure learning with parameter learning. The types of data structures you want to perform inference on are trees. To postulate "some metric space" for your clustering method, you introduce something that is not really necessary. To find the proper distance measure is a very difficult problem. I'll point in different directions in the following paragraphs and hope they can help you on your way.
The following is not the only way to represent this problem... You can see your problem as Bayesian inference over all possible trees with all possible values at the tree nodes. You probably would have some prior knowledge on what kind of trees are more likely than others and/or what kind of values are more likely than others. The Bayesian approach would allow you to define priors for both.
One article you might like to read is "Learning with Mixtures of Trees" by Meila and Jordan, 2000 (pdf). It explains that it is possible to use a decomposable prior: the tree structure has a different prior from the values/parameters (this of course means that there is some assumption of independence at play here).
I know you were hinting at heuristics such as the average fan-out etc., but you might find it worthwhile to check out these new applications of Bayesian inference. Note, for example that within nonparametric Bayesian method it is also feasible to reason about infinite trees, as done e.g. by Hutter, 2004 (pdf)!

concrete examples of heuristics

What are concrete examples (e.g. Alpha-beta pruning, example:tic-tac-toe and how is it applicable there) of heuristics. I already saw an answered question about what heuristics is but I still don't get the thing where it uses estimation. Can you give me a concrete example of a heuristic and how it works?
Warnsdorff's rule is an heuristic, but the A* search algorithm isn't. It is, as its name implies, a search algorithm, which is not problem-dependent. The heuristic is. An example: you can use the A* (if correctly implemented) to solve the Fifteen puzzle and to find the shortest way out of a maze, but the heuristics used will be different. With the Fifteen puzzle your heuristic could be how many tiles are out of place: the number of moves needed to solve the puzzle will always be greater or equal to the heuristic.
To get out of the maze you could use the Manhattan Distance to a point you know is outside of the maze as your heuristic. Manhattan Distance is widely used in game-like problems as it is the number of "steps" in horizontal and in vertical needed to get to the goal.
Manhattan distance = abs(x2-x1) + abs(y2-y1)
It's easy to see that in the best case (there are no walls) that will be the exact distance to the goal, in the rest you will need more. This is important: your heuristic must be optimistic (admissible heuristic) so that your search algorithm is optimal. It must also be consistent. However, in some applications (such as games with very big maps) you use non-admissible heuristics because a suboptimal solution suffices.
A heuristic is just an approximation to the real cost, (always lower than the real cost if admissible). The better the approximation, the fewer states the search algorithm will have to explore. But better approximations usually mean more computing time, so you have to find a compromise solution.
Most demonstrative is the usage of heuristics in informed search algorithms, such as A-Star. For realistic problems you usually have large search space, making it infeasible to check every single part of it. To avoid this, i.e. to try the most promising parts of the search space first, you use a heuristic. A heuristic gives you an estimate of how good the available subsequent search steps are. You will choose the most promising next step, i.e. best-first. For example if you'd like to search the path between two cities (i.e. vertices, connected by a set of roads, i.e. edges, that form a graph) you may want to choose the straight-line distance to the goal as a heuristic to determine which city to visit first (and see if it's the target city).
Heuristics should have similar properties as metrics for the search space and they usually should be optimistic, but that's another story. The problem of providing a heuristic that works out to be effective and that is side-effect free is yet another problem...
For an application of different heuristics being used to find the path through a given maze also have a look at this answer.
Your question interests me as I've heard about heuristics too during my studies but never saw an application for it, I googled a bit and found this :
This code simulate an "ant colony optimization" algorithm to search trough a website.
The "ants" are workers which will search through the site, some will search randomly, some others will follow the "best path" determined by the previous ones.
A concrete example: I've been doing a solver for the game JT's Block, which is roughly equivalent to the Same Game. The algorithm performs a breadth-first search on all possible hits, store the values, and performs to the next ply. Problem is the number of possible hits quickly grows out of control (10e30 estimated positions per game), so I need to prune the list of positions at each turn and only take the "best" of them.
Now, the definition of the "best" positions is quite fuzzy: they are the positions that are expected to lead to the best final scores, but nothing is sure. And here comes the heuristics. I've tried a few of them:
sort positions by score obtained so far
increase score by best score obtained with a x-depth search
increase score based on a complex formula using the number of tiles, their color and their proximity
improve the last heuristic by tweaking its parameters and seeing how they perform
The last of these heuristic could have lead to an ant-march optimization: there's half a dozen parameters that can be tweaked from 0 to 1, and an optimizer could find the optimal combination of these. For the moment I've just manually improved some of them.
The second of this heuristics is interesting: it could lead to the optimal score through a full depth-first search, but such a goal is impossible of course because it would take too much time. In general, increasing X leads to a better heuristic, but increases the computing time a lot.
So here it is, some examples of heuristics. Anything can be an heuristic as long as it helps your algorithm perform better, and it's what makes them so hard to grasp: they're not deterministic. Another point with heuristics: they're supposed to lead to quick and dirty results of the real stuff, so there's a trade-of between their execution time and their accuracy.
A couple of concrete examples: for solving the Knight's Tour problem, one can use Warnsdorff's rule - an heuristic. Or for solving the Fifteen puzzle, a possible heuristic is the A* search algorithm.
The original question asked for concrete examples for heuristics.
Some of these concrete examples were already given. Another one would be the number of misplaced tiles in the 15-puzzle or its improvement, the Manhattan distance, based on the misplaced tiles.
One of the previous answers also claimed that heuristics are always problem-dependent, whereas algorithms are problem-independent. While there are, of course, also problem-dependent algorithms (for instance, for every problem you can just give an algorithm that immediately solves that very problem, e.g. the optimal strategy for any tower-of-hanoi problem is known) there are also problem-independent heuristics!
Consequently, there are also different kinds of problem-independent heuristics. Thus, in a certain way, every such heuristic can be regarded a concrete heuristic example while not being tailored to a specific problem like 15-puzzle. (Examples for problem-independent heuristics taken from planning are the FF heuristic or the Add heuristic.)
These problem-independent heuristics base on a general description language and then they perform a problem relaxation. That is, the problem relaxation only bases on the syntax (and, of course, its underlying semantics) of the problem description without "knowing" what it represents. If you are interested in this, you should get familiar with "planning" and, more specifically, with "planning as heuristic search". I also want to mention that these heuristics, while being problem-independent, are dependent on the problem description language, of course. (E.g., my before-mentioned heuristics are specific to "planning problems" and even for planning there are various different sub problem classes with differing kinds of heuristics.)

Algorithm to optimize parameters based on imprecise fitness function

I am looking for a general algorithm to help in situations with similar constraints as this example :
I am thinking of a system where images are constructed based on a set of operations. Each operation has a set of parameters. The total "gene" of the image is then the sequential application of the operations with the corresponding parameters. The finished image is then given a vote by one or more real humans according to how "beautiful" it is.
The question is what kind of algorithm would be able to do better than simply random search if you want to find the most beautiful image? (and hopefully improve the confidence over time as votes tick in and improve the fitness function)
Given that the operations will probably be correlated, it should be possible to do better than random search. So for example operation A with parameters a1 and a2 followed by B with parameters b1 could generally be vastly superior to B followed by A. The order of operations will matter.
I have tried googling for research papers on random walk and markov chains as that is my best guesses about where to look, but so far have found no scenarios similar enough. I would really appreciate even just a hint of where to look for such an algorithm.
I think what you are looking for fall in a broad research area called metaheuristics (which include many non-linear optimization algorithms such as genetic algorithms, simulated annealing or tabu search).
Then if your raw fitness function is just giving a statistical value somehow approximating a real (but unknown) fitness function, you can probably still use most metaheuristics by (somehow) smoothing your fitness function (averaging results would do that).
Do you mean the Metropolis algorithm?
This approach uses a random walk, weighted by the fitness function. It is useful for locating local extrema in complicated fitness landscapes, but is generally slower than deterministic approaches where those will work.
You're pretty much describing a genetic algorithm in which the sequence of operations represents the "gene" ("chromosome" would be a better term for this, where the parameter[s] passed to each operation represents a single "gene", and multiple genes make up a chromosome), the image produced represents the phenotypic expression of the gene, and the votes from the real humans represent the fitness function.
If I understand your question, you're looking for an alternative algorithm of some sort that will evaluate the operations and produce a "beauty" score similar to what the real humans produce. Good luck with that - I don't think there really is any such thing, and I'm not surprised that you didn't find anything. Human brains, and correspondingly human evaluations of aesthetics, are much too staggeringly complex to be reducible to a simplistic algorithm.
Interestingly, your question seems to encapsulate the bias against using real human responses as the fitness function in genetic-algorithm-based software. This is a subject of relevance to me, since my namesake software is specifically designed to use human responses (or "votes") to evaluate music produced via a genetic process.
Simple Markov Chain
Markov chains, which you mention, aren't a bad way to go. A Markov chain is just a state machine, represented as a graph with edge weights which are transition probabilities. In your case, each of your operations is a node in the graph, and the edges between the nodes represent allowable sequences of operations. Since order matters, your edges are directed. You then need three components:
A generator function to construct the graph of allowed transitions (which operations are allowed to follow one another). If any operation is allowed to follow any other, then this is easy to write: all nodes are connected, and your graph is said to be complete. You can initially set all the edge weights to 1.
A function to traverse the graph, crossing N nodes, where N is your 'gene-length'. At each node, your choice is made randomly, but proportionally weighted by the values of the edges (so better edges have a higher chance of being selected).
A weighting update function which can be used to adjust the weightings of the edges when you get feedback about an image. For example, a simple update function might be to give each edge involved in a 'pleasing' image a positive vote each time that image is nominated by a human. The weighting of each edge is then normalised, with the currently highest voted edge set to 1, and all the others correspondingly reduced.
This graph is then a simple learning network which will be refined by subsequent voting. Over time as votes accumulate, successive traversals will tend to favour the more highly rated sequences of operations, but will still occasionally explore other possibilities.
The main advantage of this approach is that it's easy to understand and code, and makes very few assumptions about the problem space. This is good news if you don't know much about the search space (e.g. which sequences of operations are likely to be favourable).
It's also easy to analyse and debug - you can inspect the weightings at any time and very easily calculate things like the top 10 best sequences known so far, etc. This is a big advantage - other approaches are typically much harder to investigate ("why did it do that?") because of their increased abstraction. Although very efficient, you can easily melt your brain trying to follow and debug the convergence steps of a simplex crawler!
Even if you implement a more sophisticated production algorithm, having a simple baseline algorithm is crucial for sanity checking and efficiency comparisons. It's also easy to tinker with, by messing with the update function. For example, an even more baseline approach is pure random walk, which is just a null weighting function (no weighting updates) - whatever algorithm you produce should perform significantly better than this if its existence is to be justified.
This idea of baselining is very important if you want to evaluate the quality of your algorithm's output empirically. In climate modelling, for example, a simple test is "does my fancy simulation do any better at predicting the weather than one where I simply predict today's weather will be the same as yesterday's?" Since weather is often correlated on a timescale of several days, this baseline can give surprisingly good predictions!
One disadvantage of the approach is that it is slow to converge. A more agressive choice of update function will push promising results faster (for example, weighting new results according to a power law, rather than the simple linear normalisation), at the cost of giving alternatives less credence.
This is equivalent to fiddling with the mutation rate and gene pool size in a genetic algorithm, or the cooling rate of a simulated annealing approach. The tradeoff between 'climbing hills or exploring the landscape' is an inescapable "twiddly knob" (free parameter) which all search algorithms must deal with, either directly or indirectly. You are trying to find the highest point in some fitness search space. Your algorithm is trying to do that in less tries than random inspection, by looking at the shape of the space and trying to infer something about it. If you think you're going up a hill, you can take a guess and jump further. But if it turns out to be a small hill in a bumpy landscape, then you've just missed the peak entirely.
Also note that since your fitness function is based on human responses, you are limited to a relatively small number of iterations regardless of your choice of algorithmic approach. For example, you would see the same issue with a genetic algorithm approach (fitness function limits the number of individuals and generations) or a neural network (limited training set).
A final potential limitation is that if your "gene-lengths" are long, there are many nodes, and many transitions are allowed, then the size of the graph will become prohibitive, and the algorithm impractical.
